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Darkfur Dog would be more more appropriate?
"Mutt" would almost certainly be the derogatory slang name for the vigilante used by the opposition. It would be the functional equivalent of calling someone a "cape" or a "mask" or a "goody goody two shoes" instead of calling them a superhero. It would be a way of showing DISrespect.
Kind of like calling Back Alley Brawler the "dead end pugilist" or something similar. Classic examples in cinema would would low level street thugs calling Batman "the bat" while making faces and asserting that they're not afraid of the rumors (right before getting beaten up and threatened).
[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]
You say potato...
i love that idea ^^
but it doesn't fit with his past :/
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[color=red]PR - Europe[/color]
Shadow Claw (Looked it up, it is a pokemon move, so dunno if that counts as something you can't use)
Night Rend (couldn't find this one on google, maybe it's usable?)
Other thoughts I had are covered above. :\ Hope these help.
This character I believe doesn't need a "particularly impressive" sounding name. If I remember the little information we've been given about his background he is a rookie street hero that levels up with the player. If that is correct then he doesn't need an incredibly cool and unique name, at least not in his early career. If his hero work starts being felt by the entire city and his area of influence increases, then a cooler name could be used.
I accidently ate a bowl of radioactive soup....ok I guess that makes me a Soup-er Hero
All heroes need to start with a cool name :p
Can heroes rebrand themselves? Now, coming at you faster than ever, Flash 2.0
The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One
Avatar by lilshironeko
Been meaning to tell you, Kiyori, but your avatar is adorable. XD
Thanks! Back atcha' :D
Mine is Hat Girl from the game A Hat in Time: What's yours?
If you haven't heard of it you should definitely check it out, it was also a Kickstarted Game!
I'm hoping to get some commissioned art to replace it eventually, but she's definitely my favorite character at the moment. I'm hoping there will be some characters in CoT that can provide extreme sass without ever saying a word. Perhaps it could be our very own street sweeping vigilante >-<
The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One
Avatar by lilshironeko
I say salad
(and you can have it and eat it too :)
If the Cain Corso name is used, he could then just go by Corso, ala Shaft or someone like that (I can dig it!). Just plain Boxer makes one think of someone who boxes/spars and not the dog, and Brown Boxer makes me think someone got surprised and couldn't help themselves. Of the Boxer ones, I think tying it to an area of the city (Bradford) sounds best so far.
I have been partial to something more like Mastiff because it seems much more macho a name and the dog connection is evident.
I think the Shadow Claw suggestion is a good name, but seems more cat-like a name than dog-like.
(insert pithy comment here)
No love for Mauler, i.e. The Bradford Mauler? It connotes cannine and boxing while sounding tough and being a pretty strong hero name. And while it could be said to sound more villanous, hardcore street vigi's tend to have darker names to "scare" the criminals.
FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)
Like [i]Batman, Superman, Aquaman, Spider-Man, Captain Marvel, Mr. Fantastic[/i], etc., etc.
A great character can make any name cool. Let's hope that whatever they end up calling this Rottweiler character, he is someone we remember all our heroing days
Edit: Brand X, I understood your post to be a good-natured stump, so please don't take this post to be an attack; I just used yours as a jumping off point
[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.
I guess Mr Elongation isn't a great character. I still can't stand that name :p
And to be fair, I always had a problem with my own name of Brand X for my OC, so it's not like I don't judge myself :p
Can his alias be something like Rhett Wyler then?
Let's see if I can add to this(sorry if already mentioned):
-Mister Mastiff
-Master Mastiff
Just on a side note, in respect to copyright, would the owners still come after if you did something like Rott Wyler, Rhott Wiler, etc?
[b][color=red]Reward tactics as well as damage dealing.[/color][/b]
To my understanding, what allows DC to use the name Captain Marvel, is they are allowed to use that name IN the book, just can't title the book Captain Marvel.
This is the same reason we can call the characters superheroes within the game. We just can't call the game City of Superheroes.
So, I have to wonder, how is using the name Rottweiller a problem? The game isn't called Rottweiller. The character's are the same. I don't think they looked the same either. So, where's the copyright issue?
Avoiding the invitation to do battle, rather than daring someone to sue you for it.
[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]
This is why we're avoiding 'Rottweiler' as a name.
Be Well!
Mmm. Roughage.
Ruffage. RUFFage.
Yup. That just happened. I know now what I'm naming my canine-theme superhero.
Well it's like this... even if we would win a case like that? We would still have to pay money to represent our case which could bankrupt us, and we don't really know if we could get a volunteer to be our lawyer or if we would have to pay for one ourselves.
not my video just one I lke ===>
Maybe in this case, Rotweiller or Rotteweiler or Rotweiller or Rottvayler could work. If it's just for how the name sounds, just change some letters ? :)
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[color=red]PR - Europe[/color]
We have a lawyer and they do not work for free. Even if they were, civil court is not. So let’s try to stay out of court.
[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]
Please, do not feed or harass the lawyers!
Be Well!
Especially not since the studios and publishers employ some lawyers that are more like mean junkyard attack dogs, not wholesome and cuddly doggies like MWM would like to have flipping around in the game.
Remember that Cryptic had to settle a nasty court case over the mere possibility that a player could create a character that was similar to one of the copyrighted ones. The possibility, not the actuality. NC Soft and Cryptic technically 'won', but they still had to agree to some strenuous restrictions and had the case actually gone to court it would have cost them huge amounts of money even if Marvel knew ahead of time they would have lost on the key demands.
Wouldn't Stray work as a name? Wandering stray animals tend to be rough survivor types. I imagine the name probably taken though....
Nightwolf my preferred
Scrappy Doo? ;)
(insert pithy comment here)
Now I want the option to call him Scrappy. :p
Good god they need to work on Stray's costume
[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
[url=]My Non-Canon Backstories[/url]
Avatar by MikeNovember
I love how the action figure comes with a bone haha And the action figure must have a cup on or something lol
Also, I wonder if the ears flop when he runs, I really hope they do :D
The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One
Avatar by lilshironeko
Rottwiller (rot will) ^^
Strike terror into the hearts of evil men with a "Dog" name?...Honestly, I don't think so!
Instead, must go for something clever, such as: Sirius (the dog "star", star names not infringement!)
OR something humorous, such as:
Publicity Hound
Jabba the Mutt
Hound of Flesh
Terror Terrier
Bone Shaker
....and his crime-fighting sister, Doggirl (dôɡərəl, look it up)...that last from my sister.
Uh yeah...did you notice the large picture of the Stray action figure?
Rotty needs a new name....The Hunt...Hunter, just Hunter would work.
Junk Yard Dog his secret ID could be Leroy Brown.
He could have a shoulder kitty and be Cat-Dog. ....................OK, I like Hunter, or the Huntsman.
I love the costume, but a dog name is tough. Curse the fates! Rotty's original name was so perfect!
XD Nice! Thanks for the link! I'll check it out.
To answer your question, my avatar is a drawing I did of my character Timothius. You can check out my gallery here:
Attack Dog
I'm just throwing names out here now.
Dog Fight
Hound Hero?
Rabid Dog (though sounds like rabbit dog)
Bark Knight (The bark knight rises)
Bull Mastiff
Pitt Fighter
I think that's all I got for now.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Feral is taken :/ Damn, that's a good one too
[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
[url=]My Non-Canon Backstories[/url]
Avatar by MikeNovember
The Cur
Black Cur (optional "The")
Dark Cur (optional "The")
...and so many other words that end in "KER" that could be adapted for "CUR"
(some appropriate, some inappropriate, some VERY inappropriate)
The Black Cur sounds like a pirate ship.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Black Spot, which is both a pirate reference and Spot being a common dog's name.
Pound Hound.
War Corgi.
K Nein.
Battle Beagle.
Shih Tzu He's Tough.
Terrier of the Night.
Whippet Good.
(insert pithy comment here)
The Dogfather and his Corgiliere.
Terrier of the Night, lol :p
[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
[url=]My Non-Canon Backstories[/url]
Avatar by MikeNovember
I was looking at the Stray figure and I just noticed...[u]his weapon is a Bone.[/u] in the picture, he keeps in a pocket. "is that a Bone in you pocket, or are you just happy to see me?"
Rottweiler, whatever name you end up with...PLEASE do not go down the cheesy road like that!
whats next? Collar cuffs? Rotty don't do it!
What about 'Baskerville'?
Be Well!
(I can't stop)
Ultra Mutt (say it fast like "Ultimate")
Underhound (why not? as long as it's legal)
Cairn Terror (a Cairn being a grave marker)
Some Nut who walks around in Pajamas
Droolin' Banjowls
Because I Can
(insert pithy comment here)
Just call him Updog and be done with it.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
What's Updog?
*queue The Office gif*
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
Not sure, but its better than Underdog.
[color=#FF0000]Graphic Designer[/color]
It's an obscure suggestion, but what about "Dominican"?
The Dominicans (the various orders of Catholic priests, brothers, and sisters) were known as "the Hounds of the Lord". Here's why
You can work it into his backstory that he heard it somewhere, for instance, a homily at a mass he attended, or at school (there are Dominican sisters who teach at schools here in Australia). It would certainly fit in with a vigilante (I'm thinking a bit of the Daredevil TV series here as well).
It should be available; a quick Google search turns up Latino superheroes, and I can't find anything in a quick search of lists. Hardly comprehensive, but certainly a start.
I'd still like to know the answer to Huckleberry's question, but it keeps getting buried in the avalanche of unsolicited name suggestions.
Spurn all ye kindle.
Unsolicited?!?! What kind of community do you think this is?! If you walk into a spiritual successor of CoX, you are asking to be littered with unending name suggestions :3
The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One
Avatar by lilshironeko
Not a Dev, but I assume that jump is probably part of the parkour travel power.
Wait... Can we customize our travel powers aesthetics? What sort of options would there be for things like parkour and wall crawling? Ah, crap, do I need to start a thread?
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
For simplicity: Why not Dogtag (tag is german word for "day". Every "dog" has his "day" hence "Dogtag")
How about Cynanthrope ( a Waredog, pronounced sigh-NAN-throp)
(A form of madness in which a person believes himself or herself to be a dog and behaves accordingly.)
If you must have a Rottweiler type name, that is not protected, there is always "Rotl", R-O-T-L: (a unit of weight in Islamic countries...and acceptable in Scrabble).
I'm still liking the "Hangdog" and "Dirty Dog" names myself.
* I freely donate these names for anyone's use*.
Remember to save some names for your own characters, guys!
[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]
We can just use all the names you don't use! :V
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Fine. Dibs on Rongdog.
[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]
I have no current plans on making a dog themed superhero, so all the names I suggested are fair game people!
The last dark vigilante I played was sort of a Batman Punisher mix called Magnum. Had a Robin-esque sidekick called Derringer. He was a nut with a gun who indoctrinated a young boy into his war on crime. I think his name was Magnum anyway.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
With all these dog themed name suggestions, I wouldn't be surprised to see a bunch of dog themed characters running around Titan City on opening day in a super group called "Pound Puppies" or "Who let the dogs out?"
The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One
Avatar by lilshironeko
With all the silly and serious names being tossed out...we might actually get a couple of good names for our stalwart, Rottweiler.
Looking at his costume, [u]it doesn't have to be a dog[/u]. That suit is pretty generic with pointy ears, any pointy eared animal might suffice,
so what carnivore has pointy ears? (and isn't a dog, bat or wolverine)
wolves, foxes, large cats, scary elves (OK, not Legoluslucious...but you get the idea).
frankly, I like Lone Wolf...or just, Wolf. It fits the vigilante character type.
Of course Rottweiler IS a dev...for those of us who made silly names here, Rotty just may make a dev controll toon of himself and hunt us down. The last thing we will see before we end up in the hospital is the word balloon, "Hey Cyclops! You suggested PowerPoodle...oh Really?!!"
KABOOM! Back in the hospital!
there might even be a badge (of shame) for getting beat up by Rotty.
Come to think of it...I probably have a number of Devs with nefarious plans for me. I'm just a lil' angel, I don't know why...
You have a bunch of players who many are altaholics. We have been in withdrawing way too long it shows! Besides with the name system you guys are setting up we don't need to compete with names! There can be many "The Hound of the Baskervilles" as long as you don't block the name!
Oh, supergroup name "The Hounds of the Baskervilles!"
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
It'd be neat to have some in game thing alluding to the naming of this character. Either a badge, or some NPC line of dialogue.
"I went through a lot of different names before deciding on ______"
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
If you shifted to a cat based theme, Bast would be a clear winner.
Heroes get remembered, but Legends never die.
Protect the pack kid, no matter how much it hurts. If everyone else in the pack is safe, you can carry on or die knowing you've done your duty. - Fanfiction
"Basket Case of Hounds" is where I feel I'll end up.
[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]
The Puppies of Bakersfield
[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]
I looked it up and I'm surprised "Top Dog" isn't taken.
You can go with "Rooftop Dog" for a parkour-using dog-themed brawler...
I just thought of two more names, going along with the "Boxer" theme. One serious and one less so.
The first name is "Beat Boxer". Because he beats people down with boxing skills, and if he grew up a poor kid on the streets it would make sense for him to be a hip hop fan.
[size=10](And if he dressed in red he could be "Beet Boxer". Maybe not.)[/size]
The less serious name is "Lute Boxer", if he dressed in Renaissance-style clothes.
Hold the phone, why not "Slumdog".
Didn't see it protected anywhere, and is
really apt....just don't make him a millionaire.
Wow all these Dog themed hero names has me Bone Tired. I still prefer the Bradford Boxer. That name fits with Titan City cause it shown he patrols in the Old Bradford area. Also, Boxer speaks about not only about his dog appearance but also his fighting skills. His name doesn't have to be over extravagant or fancy. Names like Shadow Claw or Battle Beagle are good names but a name also should fit the character of the hero. He is simply a urban vigilante that fights to keep the people of his city safe. I stand by Bradford Boxer cause it's a practical name.
However I will humor you with another suggestion: Great Dane-Ger
I accidently ate a bowl of radioactive soup....ok I guess that makes me a Soup-er Hero
What about a name like The Watchdog? Or Nightfang?
But who watches the Watchdog?
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]
I don't really think the dog-based persona works that well for a character like this, honestly. If the devs decide to stick with that then Watchdog makes the most sense. Hound wouldn't be bad although that's been used in Transformers forever. Lone Wolf could work as well but we're really pushing the edge-o'-meter with that one. TBH I actually see this character as someone who rounds up the "stray dogs" that form criminal packs. Dogcatcher..? Leash?
Ok, I love all of these lol
[b][color=red]Reward tactics as well as damage dealing.[/color][/b]
Leave the costume as is and just call him, Vigilante.
Pack Hunter, or just Hunter
whats the name of the three headed dog who guarded the entrance to the underworld? Cerberus?
Or use a last name
What was wrong with Caine Corso?
Be Well!
Curses! Rottweiler was such a perfect name! silly names come easy, but serious names are much more difficult. I wonder if Rottweiler even reads suggestions anymore - I hope you know its all in fun.
Savage, The Savage,
Seven (reason known only to him. Its the number of family members he lost to crime)
Okay. You want bradford, you want dog reference, you want action name.
The Bradford Rover
Less helpful would be The Bradford Sentry or Sentinal.
I liked Watchdog the best out of the suggestions.
Fits the street level hero (I believe) he's supposed to be. Works well for the Rottweiler motif of an outfit. Also, like Cyclops said, it's a serious name, harder to come by, that works.
Giving him a silly name, just because the good serious ones are taken, is a terrible idea :/
Little disappointed it's not still Rottweiler though. That and Anthem are some good hero names.
If only he used a gun then he could be The Ranged Rover.
*Leaves stage after all the booing*
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Barrio Boxer?
I really like "Nighthound"
BEAUCERON (Its a breed) If you look at a picture of them they kinda look like the silhouette of the hero.
Beaucerons are big but graceful herders immediately recognized by their dark black coats with squirrel-red markings, including their trademark red stockings. They’re also seen in a black-gray-tan coat. Standing as high as 27.5 inches at the shoulder, Beaucerons are in all ways balanced, moderate dogs, immensely strong and seemingly indestructible but never clunky or plodding. The long head is well chiseled, and the dark brown eyes project an expression the breed’s fans describe as frank and confident.
Winds of Change
I see what you were trying to Evoque with the Discovery of that pun, but I refuse to be a Defender of it.
Twitter: @SisterSilicon
This was delightful. I snorted...loudly.
Second Chance:
Dev Tracker:
Dev Comments:
Watchdog is a character from Marvel Comics. MWM made it clear that they don't want to risk treading on someone's IP.
This is why I agonize over names. Some names come easy...others take weeks or months to get right.
Using the same name as another established character should only be a problem if the rest of the character is extremely similar. That said - certain names lend themselves to certain concepts/looks. Just the name "Rottweiler" shouldn't be an issue, but using that name AND having a black/brown costume with canine features could be, if a quick google search is any indication.
We could have a NPC called "Gladiator" for instance, and as long as it isn't an alien mohawked Superman-alike, or a blue and gold guy with buzzsaws on his forearms, we will be fine. Or we could have an NPC named "Impulse", as long as he/she isn't a red and white speedster.