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The Merc - Character Concept

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Deathwatch101's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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The Merc - Character Concept

Name/Alias : Michael "Lynx" Dawes
Gender: Male
Faction: None - Mercenary for Contractual hire.

Character Power Design - [b]Firearm, Sturdy, Support[/b]
Archetype - Operator

Character Motiviation -
You serve in combat for a decade. You hunt, you kill and when your wounded and put out of action. You become just a liability, something to be forgotten in the dirt, how many of my colleagues from other sections ended up on the streets after their tours. Unlike them however, I guess I was fortunate, with the rise of the powered came the rise of the specialist. Those who train and know how to put them down, deny them opportunities and eliminate a target as a fireteam.

In the end, However everything comes to a close, there is always one that wants your place, always a youngster wanting to test his mettle. That is the difference between those that are "blessed" and those that train to survive in this new age of conflict. However, I won't go into the dark this easily even with this shrapnel in my flank because there is only one thing in this world that is essential...

That is money. Money can make and do anything, some may say it can't buy you happiness but there is a reason that the wealth tend to be happier they have less worries, fortunately for me, I haven't got family worth worrying about and this is what has led me here, a place where I can bring my trade that of a soldier, one of experience. Those that call themselves heroes or villains these days are so rusty and untrained and sometimes you need someone of veterancy to show you the way, to think outside the box and deny the enemy and as long as they pay i'm happy.

.... And maybe... just maybe... Ill get a chance to clear up some loose end for me and the boys, I'll operate from the shadows under a false identity as a semi-crappy IT contractor at least that gives me an alibi.

Character Background -
-In Progress-

Character Personality/View -
Some may call me brash, Some may call me harsh. At the end of the day, Im here to get a job done and if it means I have to instruct with brashness then that will be so but I'd rather be quiet and operate on the rear lines of this new generation of warfare.

However, I believe one thing, the contract is the contract and it is to be followed to the letter and other objectives are secondary. Revenge and hate isn't something that needs to be carried, it dulls the senses and gets you killed. If you want me at your back, you'll get support not powers...

Deathwatch101's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 03/30/2016 - 15:26
Mercenary Reference Name

Mercenary Reference Name Ideas - Not sure if anyone will give their opinions or ideas but below ive listed some naming ideas ive got from what the character would be referenced to as.

Voda or Vodarara

TTheDDoctor's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
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Joined: 03/29/2014 - 15:26
Seeing how he's like a

Seeing how he's like a bleeding-edge soldier with movement gear, I think that Theron or Keyes may be good, but Lynx takes the cake for me. Here's my rationale...

[url=]Theron[/url] comes from the Greek infinitive [i]"to hunt,"[/i] which describes the nature of a mercenary very well. Enough said.

[url=]Keyes[/url] has its etymology rooted in old-world terms for things like [i]"key"[/i] and [i]"jackdaw."[/i] [i]"Key"[/i] could be good if he was a hacker, but [i]"jackdaw"[/i] is perfect for describing somebody who is very agile, which would describe the merc's ability to run and slide off any surface since it would almost look like a crow flying through the battlefield. (even though he doesn't actually fly)

[url=]Lynx[/url] describes the merc's ability to run and slide off any surface, given how both lynxes and people with movement gear tend to be pretty agile. And lethal to boot, so it basically combines the two names above for a [i]really[/i] befitting title. I nominate Lynx.

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Deathwatch101's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 03/30/2016 - 15:26
TTheDDoctor wrote:
TTheDDoctor wrote:

Seeing how he's like a bleeding-edge soldier with movement gear, I think that Theron or Keyes may be good, but Lynx takes the cake for me. Here's my rationale...
Theron comes from the Greek infinitive "to hunt," which describes the nature of a mercenary very well. Enough said.
Keyes has its etymology rooted in old-world terms for things like "key" and "jackdaw." "Key" could be good if he was a hacker, but "jackdaw." is perfect for describing somebody who is very agile, which would describe the merc's ability to run and slide off any surface since it would almost look like a crow flying through the battlefield. (even though he doesn't actually fly)
Lynx describes the merc's ability to run and slide off any surface, given how both lynxes and people with movement gear tend to be pretty agile. And lethal to boot, so it basically combines the two names above for a really befitting title. I nominate Lynx.

Thank you for your comments and suggestions, This will help me quite significantly as you've taken to lots of effort to explain your opinions on each. From your explanation, Keyes and Lynx seem like my top two for now.

Thanks Again.

Nyxz's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/09/2015 - 03:37
After reading TTheDDoctor's

After reading TTheDDoctor's explanations, a derivative popped into my mind - Jack Dawes: perhaps as his secret identity.

Deathwatch101's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 03/30/2016 - 15:26
Nyxz wrote:
Nyxz wrote:

After reading TTheDDoctor's explanations, a derivative popped into my mind - Jack Dawes: perhaps as his secret identity.

The idea i had was in-character in his full gear, so all the military fatigues, with his gas mask on (you always wear breather pieces don't want to get gassed or pheromone attacks) he would broadcast with a Irish Accent. However, his real accent/background would be something else.

Edit: I do need a real name ill keep yours in mind, we still have a good while before the game launches.

Deathwatch101's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 03/30/2016 - 15:26
Is anyone aware of anything

Is anyone aware of anything else in the world thats been listed regarding other nations and their militaries or other military organisations for a player wanting to look at using details of that in their character backstory ?

TTheDDoctor's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
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Joined: 03/29/2014 - 15:26
Deathwatch101 wrote:
Deathwatch101 wrote:

Is anyone aware of anything else in the world thats been listed regarding other nations and their militaries or other military organisations for a player wanting to look at using details of that in their character backstory ?

Well, since your character uses an Irish accent in his full gear and a different accent when off-duty, I'd reckon another European accent would be pretty believable. A Scottish/Glasgow accent would be pretty close, but if you want something more different from Irish then an English, German, or Italian accent might work. That being said, since your character is adept at using high-tech gear, I'll tell you a bit about the UK, Germany, and Italy's [i]special forces...[/i]

UK's special forces is divided into several branches, but the [url=]SAS[/url] is the most likely branch to focus on mobility due to their operations with the Royal Air Force and paratroopers. This resonates well with your mercenary's equipment, and may serve as inspiration for the acrobatics and parkour I'm sure he'll be partaking in.

Germany's special forces for infantry units is the [url=]KSK[/url], which receives help from Germany's air force in lieu of leading its own aerial operations. They are more entrenched in counter-terrorism operations than the SAS is, to the best of my knowledge, and as thus may be better suited for a heroic mercenary's origins.

Italy's special forces is also broadly diversified like the UK's, and is divided into two tiers- Special Forces (Tier 1) and Special Operations Forces. (Tier 2) Don't ask me what the difference is. Of all the special forces units, the combat infantry units include the army's two parachute units, ([url=]one for[/url] [url=]each tier[/url]) the Navy's [url=]COMSUBIN[/url] Raiders, and the Air Force's [url=]17e Stormo Incursori[/url]. You can consider the army's parachutist regiments and the air force's wing to basically be the Italian version of SAS, although the Alpinis and Incursori specialize in certain types of operations like mountain warfare and aeronautical compound raids. And of course, the COMSUBIN Raiders are the aquabatic equivalent of all those forces. The Alpinis may be favorable since it takes no small amount of agility and ruggedness to operate in mountainous terrain, in case if you want something a bit different from the typical operations carried out by the SAS and 9th Parachute Assault Regiment.

[url=]My original character profiles![/url]

Deathwatch101's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 03/30/2016 - 15:26
TTheDDoctor wrote:
TTheDDoctor wrote:

Deathwatch101 wrote:
Is anyone aware of anything else in the world thats been listed regarding other nations and their militaries or other military organisations for a player wanting to look at using details of that in their character backstory ?
Well, since your character uses an Irish accent in his full gear and a different accent when off-duty, I'd reckon another European accent would be pretty believable. A Scottish/Glasgow accent would be pretty close, but if you want something more different from Irish then an English, German, or Italian accent might work. That being said, since your character is adept at using high-tech gear, I'll tell you a bit about the UK, Germany, and Italy's special forces...
UK's special forces is divided into several branches, but the SAS is the most likely branch to focus on mobility due to their operations with the Royal Air Force and paratroopers. This resonates well with your mercenary's equipment, and may serve as inspiration for the acrobatics and parkour I'm sure he'll be partaking in.
Germany's special forces for infantry units is the KSK, which receives help from Germany's air force in lieu of leading its own aerial operations. They are more entrenched in counter-terrorism operations than the SAS is, to the best of my knowledge, and as thus may be better suited for a heroic mercenary's origins.
Italy's special forces is also broadly diversified like the UK's, and is divided into two tiers- Special Forces (Tier 1) and Special Operations Forces. (Tier 2) Don't ask me what the difference is. Of all the special forces units, the combat infantry units include the army's two parachute units, (one for each tier) the Navy's COMSUBIN Raiders, and the Air Force's 17e Stormo Incursori. You can consider the army's parachutist regiments and the air force's wing to basically be the Italian version of SAS, although the Alpinis and Incursori specialize in certain types of operations like mountain warfare and aeronautical compound raids. And of course, the COMSUBIN Raiders are the aquabatic equivalent of all those forces. The Alpinis may be favorable since it takes no small amount of agility and ruggedness to operate in mountainous terrain, in case if you want something a bit different from the typical operations carried out by the SAS and 9th Parachute Assault Regiment.

Thank you for the detailed feedback/information, most of all on christmas day. I guess the next subject is to wait for a chance to pursue the developers on the world as a whole and its military as well as the wargear and assets they deploy personnel wise. So that I can develop a character that fits to the game worlds canon as much as possible. Hopefully we will have a Natural Origin for example.

TTheDDoctor's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
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Joined: 03/29/2014 - 15:26
Deathwatch101 wrote:
Deathwatch101 wrote:

TTheDDoctor wrote:
Deathwatch101 wrote:
Is anyone aware of anything else in the world thats been listed regarding other nations and their militaries or other military organisations for a player wanting to look at using details of that in their character backstory ?
Well, since your character uses an Irish accent in his full gear and a different accent when off-duty, I'd reckon another European accent would be pretty believable. A Scottish/Glasgow accent would be pretty close, but if you want something more different from Irish then an English, German, or Italian accent might work. That being said, since your character is adept at using high-tech gear, I'll tell you a bit about the UK, Germany, and Italy's special forces...
UK's special forces is divided into several branches, but the SAS is the most likely branch to focus on mobility due to their operations with the Royal Air Force and paratroopers. This resonates well with your mercenary's equipment, and may serve as inspiration for the acrobatics and parkour I'm sure he'll be partaking in.
Germany's special forces for infantry units is the KSK, which receives help from Germany's air force in lieu of leading its own aerial operations. They are more entrenched in counter-terrorism operations than the SAS is, to the best of my knowledge, and as thus may be better suited for a heroic mercenary's origins.
Italy's special forces is also broadly diversified like the UK's, and is divided into two tiers- Special Forces (Tier 1) and Special Operations Forces. (Tier 2) Don't ask me what the difference is. Of all the special forces units, the combat infantry units include the army's two parachute units, (one for each tier) the Navy's COMSUBIN Raiders, and the Air Force's 17e Stormo Incursori. You can consider the army's parachutist regiments and the air force's wing to basically be the Italian version of SAS, although the Alpinis and Incursori specialize in certain types of operations like mountain warfare and aeronautical compound raids. And of course, the COMSUBIN Raiders are the aquabatic equivalent of all those forces. The Alpinis may be favorable since it takes no small amount of agility and ruggedness to operate in mountainous terrain, in case if you want something a bit different from the typical operations carried out by the SAS and 9th Parachute Assault Regiment.
Thank you for the detailed feedback/information, most of all on christmas day. I guess the next subject is to wait for a chance to pursue the developers on the world as a whole and its military as well as the wargear and assets they deploy personnel wise. So that I can develop a character that fits to the game worlds canon as much as possible. Hopefully we will have a Natural Origin for example.

Well then, best of luck to you! I hope your character winds up brimming with grit and badassery. ^_^

[url=]My original character profiles![/url]

Deathwatch101's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 03/30/2016 - 15:26
((Original Post for Recalling

((Original Post for Recalling details))

Name/Alias : (None Currently Available)
Gender: Male
Faction: None - Mercenary for Contractual hire.

Character Power Design - Firearm, Sturdy, Support

My intention for the character design is to be as human/realist as possible, this character won't be capable of anything like the movement powers of super jumping, super-speed or flight. If possible I intend the character to act as a mixture of a ranged support focusing my extra power-pools into the line of increasing his durability, buffing (for example a soldier marking targets and call outs to comrades) and healing (provision of stims and med supplies in the field), While if we have things like combat jumping etc ingame, he will make use of those in a similar dynamic to that of a Titanfall Pilot which uses a jump kit to improve their mobility on the battlefield through mixtures of propelled slides and propelled wallrunning.
His animation set/weapon set will be firearm focused with the primary use of Assault Weapons and he will wear a full set-up on the field if possible in character creation, wearing a full face helmet.

Character Background -
The characters background is as a ex-military marine, having served with his nations military for a number of years before being discharged and falling in line with a number of mercenaries before becoming a freelance operator, brought in for solo operations or to support a squad.

Character Personality -
The characters personality follows the tendency that when on the job and action, he is very quiet, speaking when necessary and blunt and too the point. As a soldier he takes pride in following contracts strictly to the letter, making all attempts to complete its objective, be that securing, rescue, elimination or capture, The primary objective comes before all secondary objectives and anything that could compromise that objective is subject to elimination.

Deathwatch101's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 03/30/2016 - 15:26
Further Ideas Notes -

Further Ideas Notes -

The character former military organization - Flidais - An special forces group designed to pull troops from a spread of United Nations Member Nations Military forces, their job to eliminate high priority targets or recover objectives while avoiding government bureaucracy by falling under a more independent section of the UN acting with little regard to standard rules of engagement. The role to primarily focus on the elimination or control of Titan's and removing the threats that they can pose. Originally consisting of three generation (three groups of soldiers brought in for training under the groups sub-wing Typhos) these three initial groups of called up soldiers had training far more specific than that of those called up after them.

Typhos specialised in eliminating the target even if the original strike failed. Operatives on mission that survived were expected to mainly through drilling and indoctrination to continue on target until they either they died or the target was neutralised before returning to duty. Trained to act as primarily Operatives that could be inserted together but could act independently or assist another unit. These initial forces would later be joined by recruits that would not receive the same level of training but were less expensive in training.

Deathwatch101's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 03/30/2016 - 15:26
Character Backstory Write-up:

Character Backstory Write-up: Michael "Dawes" Hammond - Any comments would be appreciated.

It was our first true loss, It was the first time we had walked into a true slaughter, a kill-box, a trap. Honestly, all I wanted to do at that time was get out that bloody sandbox, I didn't know and I still don't know if any of the others made it out with their hide intact and considering I made it out with a number of cracked ribs and bones, damaged equipment and a minor concussion. Green, Blue and Red all of us but bones in the dirt at least for the sake of the Corps, Yellow extracted early so I guess it wasn't so bad for the corps they didn't have to tolerate us old bloods anymore. Though we should start from the start.... better to leave the story of the complete clusterfuck to the end after-all, more entertaining that way.


I never intended to be a soldier and honestly i'm sure its just pure luck that Commander Thompson dragged me into his project as one of his "specials" not that I was special. Back just after turning 20, a number of my college and school mates went into the navy and well mates stay together.... well bar me, I should have really doubled checked my forms because I managed to enrol in the army instead. I screwed up and screwed myself, though at the very least I wasn't going to let that put me down, the others may have gone into armed forces routes that would allow them to slack off as much as possible and almost certainly was going to prove it could be done in the army. Hit every exact minimum required and get out after minimum service-time.

That was exactly what I did, honestly i'm surprised I never got myself buried in the ground on tours. It wasn't to a few years out of the service that I encountered Thompson again, back when I first encountered him, he was speaking with one of our trainers during "rookie" camp. Now I had this man on my doorstep. Honestly, I wouldn't have recognised the man bar his stupid "tash" that was the one grating thing I found. He wanted to drag of all people into the new units, he was going to be training up. Quite a secret project, not many details.... so I closed the door in his face and his leaving words was "I know exactly what you do" while dumping a package in my letter box.

Turns out that old bugger, really did because he had in big black ink the word "SLACKER" wrote on it. Honestly, its just the fact he wrote that which made me read its contents, detailing that having Slackers around to keep other troops from becoming slackers. I wouldn't have gone back into the military, lets be honest having grenades chunked at you and bullets shot at you is rather shite but honestly, when you saw what he was gonna pay you to do as close to fuck all that was possible to get away as a slacker. I couldn't really say no, it was my nature.

I really should have read that contract.... in full...


The first day, well it was an odd first day. Getting a bag put over your head a few days before and then travelling in a nice dark vehicle, maybe some plane transport before arriving on the training ground was interesting enough. At least it had a beach even though I hate the sun. I had a green jumpsuit given to me with "Dawes" on the back, though honestly the Commander should have just wrote TWAT on the back because that's exactly what everyone else was going to think of me for a long time and after that most of the time.

Strike-team Green was to become our surrogate family. About 60 of us started, in all honestly I sort of wish I had done more exercise and training before arriving on site because I damn well felt inadequate but 90% of these guys i swore were like the Rock or some-shit though I guess 90% is an exaggeration but it was easy to tell all these guys were careers soldiers. No wonder, Thompson had me do a little bit of practice to "blend" in.
