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I would like specific booty for taking down an aether pirate ship.

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Cyclops's picture
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I would like specific booty for taking down an aether pirate ship.

maybe cool stuff for your base, unique enhancements, temporary powers like jet packs, a badge would be nice.
what would aether pirates have that no one else has?

come on, you know the Rooks will have nuthin. They're Rooks. The main reward is to hear them cry when you hit them.

All the Black Rose has is lapel flowers and $5 coupons for some local Deli.

Aether Pirates sound like they are special, and I really want something special for bring the burning ruin of their ships down upon the city.

maybe we can give the Devs a few ideas on loot we can take.

I suggest aviator goggle and helmets, along with aviator jackets, scarves and special sunglasses. make them only available by beating the crap out of a pirate. Seriously, if they say "Arrrr!" then they need a beat down anyways. these guys have been asking for it since the lore was written down.


Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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Robot parrot shoulder pet.

Robot parrot shoulder pet.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Huckleberry's picture
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

Robot parrot shoulder pet.


[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: 10/09/2014 - 11:21
Awk! Polly want a battery!

Awk! Polly want a battery! Awk!

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Lothic's picture
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If the Aether pirate ships

If the Aether pirate ships are [b]MEANT[/b] to be taken down by say 10 or 15 players (basically like the big boss of a typical trial/task force) then sure why not load them up with all sorts of reward goodies. But if the Devs don't actually intend for these ships to be killed or they can only be killed by having like 50+ players there all doing something that's a borderline exploit (like figuring out how to Slow them down enough to catch them when they were supposed to be uncatchable) then no, they shouldn't have ANY unique badges or reward drops.

Remember back in CoH the Devs specifically told us the [url=]Rikti Drop Ships[/url] were actually meant to be [b]unkillable[/b] and as the story goes the Devs were genuinely surprised when people figured out a way to kill them. After everyone got super-jazzed about killing dozens of them during the open beta where they were being tested the Drop Ships themselves were actually buffed up by a huge amount before they were even released to the live servers. Even on the live servers you could still occasionally pop one or two but it took dozens of people all working closely together to manage it. This is precisely why the CoH Devs wisely decided [b]against[/b] letting them award any special/unique drops since it was almost next to impossible to kill the buffed Drop Ships meaning almost no one would ever be lucky enough to get any of those drops.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: 10/09/2014 - 11:21
Would be nice then to have a

Would be nice then to have a raid or some such where at the end you fight a killable ship. After beating a big bad of the Aether Pirates they run into their ship then turn it on the players.

Then you can get a robo parrot.

But that's if the ships aren't supposed to be killable I guess... Still I don't think it's a bad idea for a raid boss style of thing.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Lothic's picture
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

Would be nice then to have a raid or some such where at the end you fight a killable ship. After beating a big bad of the Aether Pirates they run into their ship then turn it on the players.
Then you can get a robo parrot.
But that's if the ships aren't supposed to be killable I guess... Still I don't think it's a bad idea for a raid boss style of thing.

I'm certainly not against this being some kind of raid or whatever. My point is as long as the Devs design the thing with the [b]intention[/b] of it being defeatable via reasonable player effort then everything's good.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Fireheart's picture
Last seen: 9 months 6 days ago
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So, you victoriously crash

So, you victoriously crash the Aether Pirate (Jet Airplane) into the streets below, and you want a Reward?? Maybe you get a broom and a dustpan... and ten years of community service.

Be Well!

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: 10/09/2014 - 11:21
Have +1 Robot Parrot.

Have +1 Robot Parrot.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

So, you victoriously crash the Aether Pirate (Jet Airplane) into the streets below, and you want a Reward?? Maybe you get a broom and a dustpan... and ten years of community service.
Be Well!

If it was a raid boss it could be in a hanger... But yeah you really shouldn't get rewarded for endangering lives and causing collateral damage... Unless you're a bad guy. But as there's no real distinction between heroes and villains in the game either rewards for all or rewards for none.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Lin Chiao Feng
Lin Chiao Feng's picture
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Maybe an aether guitar?

Maybe an aether guitar?

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

Cyclops's picture
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Lin Chiao Feng wrote:
Lin Chiao Feng wrote:

Maybe an aether guitar?

You made me LOL. thanks!


Lothic's picture
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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

Lin Chiao Feng wrote:
Maybe an aether guitar?
You made me LOL. thanks!

Yeah I now basically want to see something like this on the front of every Aether Priate ship or I'm going to officially declare "They suck". ;)


CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Empyrean's picture
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I have to admit, when I saw

I have to admit, when I saw Cyc had started a post with the word "booty" in the title, I was a little scared to click on it.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: 10/09/2014 - 11:21
Yarrr, we be butt pirates, we

Yarrr, we be butt pirates, we likes tha booty.

Edit: Why couldn't the kid go see the pirate movie? It was rated "Arrrrr!" Why was it rated "Arrrr!?" It showed a lot of booty!

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Redlynne's picture
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One of my character concepts

One of my character concepts that I never got around to playing in City of Heroes was an Illusion/Storm Controller named [b]Captain Booty[/b] who was a big strapping 6 ft tall woman with the hips slider sent all the way to maximum. This was back in the pre-City of Villains days before Masterminds arrived, and the whole idea was to dress her up in a pirate costume and have her summon her "illusionary crew" to fight stuff (like a Mastermind, before Masterminds). Never even played her through Outbreak and deleted her eventually, but it always seemed like a nifty idea to circle back to at some point. If Masterminds had included Pirates instead of Ninjas and Thugs, I would have totally rerolled her as a Mastermind.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Lothic's picture
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

If Masterminds had included Pirates instead of Ninjas and Thugs, I would have totally rerolled her as a Mastermind.

Assuming we'll get the kind of "henchmen customization" options that have been talked about for CoT you might finally get to create Captain Booty as described. ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

TitansCity's picture
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

I'm certainly not against this being some kind of raid or whatever.

We'll we have raids ? maybe not at launch but will we have some ?

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blacke4dawn's picture
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TitansCity wrote:
TitansCity wrote:

Lothic wrote:
I'm certainly not against this being some kind of raid or whatever.
We'll we have raids ? maybe not at launch but will we have some ?

I'm assuming that we'll get some eventually. Certainly not at launch since we won't have any max-level content then, heck not even when we get max-level content but some time after that.

Grimfox's picture
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

My point is as long as the Devs design the thing with the intention of it being defeatable via reasonable player effort then everything's good.

Based on Docs comments the AP Cloud Cruiser is going to be a challenge but something that is planned to be possible.

Doctor Tyche wrote:

I, for one, will be looking forward to seeing how soon before an Aether Pirate Cloud Cruiser is brought down.

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Lothic's picture
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Grimfox wrote:
Grimfox wrote:

Lothic wrote:
My point is as long as the Devs design the thing with the intention of it being defeatable via reasonable player effort then everything's good.
Based on Docs comments the AP Cloud Cruiser is going to be a challenge but something that is planned to be possible.
Doctor Tyche wrote:
I, for one, will be looking forward to seeing how soon before an Aether Pirate Cloud Cruiser is brought down.

Yeah but there's a big difference between something that is "possible" because you got lucky enough to have like 100+ players all in the same spot with the right builds and experience to basically overwhelm something that otherwise would be theoretically impossible to kill or if it's "possible" with just perhaps 10-15 people with average builds/experience levels. Remember the CoH Devs were "apparently surprised" anyone managed to kill the Rikti Drop ships [b]at all[/b].

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Radiac's picture
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

Robot parrot shoulder pet.

If we get robotic parrots, ya gotta have a crafting material named Voolium.


R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 5 hours 19 min ago
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Radiac wrote:
Radiac wrote:

If we get robotic parrots, ya gotta have a crafting material named Voolium.

Okay... here's an interesting chain of related items.

The picture above is from the Doctor Who episode "The Pirate Planet." It was written by Douglas Adams. Douglas Adams also wrote [i]The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy[/i]. In that five book trilogy there is a quest to find the Answer to Life, the Universe and Everything. In fact that is the title of the third book. Douglas Adams also did a TED talk called, get this, [url=]"Parrots, the universe and everything"[/url].

Funny world we live in.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Fire Away
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Grimfox wrote:
Lothic wrote:
My point is as long as the Devs design the thing with the intention of it being defeatable via reasonable player effort then everything's good.
Based on Docs comments the AP Cloud Cruiser is going to be a challenge but something that is planned to be possible.
Doctor Tyche wrote:
I, for one, will be looking forward to seeing how soon before an Aether Pirate Cloud Cruiser is brought down.
Yeah but there's a big difference between something that is "possible" because you got lucky enough to have like 100+ players all in the same spot with the right builds and experience to basically overwhelm something that otherwise would be theoretically impossible to kill or if it's "possible" with just perhaps 10-15 people with average builds/experience levels. Remember the CoH Devs were "apparently surprised" anyone managed to kill the Rikti Drop ships at all.

I'm not disputing anything you have said Lothic. But I always loved the word "nigh" as in "nigh indestructible" or "nigh impossible". Say what you will about what the CoH devs were feeling at the time. But Rikti Drop ships did have a finite HP and regen rate and they did have a destroyed animation (perhaps a left over from beta I don't know). So while they may have been surprised, they did allow for the eventuality; something they did not have to necessarily do. I get your opinion on the rewards aspect but it's probably just as easy to argue the other way (doing hard things deserve special recognition). It all depends on where you want to draw the line on nigh impossible. I'm inclined to agree with you that such tasks should probably be left as their own reward should enough people decide to pursue them.

Lothic's picture
Last seen: 8 months 3 weeks ago
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Fire Away wrote:
Fire Away wrote:

I'm not disputing anything you have said Lothic. But I always loved the word "nigh" as in "nigh indestructible" or "nigh impossible". Say what you will about what the CoH devs were feeling at the time. But Rikti Drop ships did have a finite HP and regen rate and they did have a destroyed animation (perhaps a left over from beta I don't know). So while they may have been surprised, they did allow for the eventuality; something they did not have to necessarily do. I get your opinion on the rewards aspect but it's probably just as easy to argue the other way (doing hard things deserve special recognition). It all depends on where you want to draw the line on nigh impossible. I'm inclined to agree with you that such tasks should probably be left as their own reward should enough people decide to pursue them.

I think the CoH Devs were mainly "surprised" by how easily people figured out the Rikti Drop Ships' Achilles' Heel which was to Mez them via Slows. At one point during the beta testing a bunch of testers killed a couple of dozen of them in like 30-40 minutes. That "turkey shoot" caused the Devs to heavily "beef them up" before they were released to the live servers.

As far special awards for these kinds of things go I just simply agree with the CoH Devs: They did not provide any "special rewards" for killing the Rikti Drop ships [b]precisely[/b] because they knew the only way to kill them required hyper-extraordinary circumstances (as in dozens of players all hitting them with Slow Mez effects). Positron specifically said he did not feel it was fair to assign special rewards for things they literally expected would only happen "once in a blue moon" and as it turned out those ships were in fact very rarely killed on the live servers.

If the Devs of CoT want to provide the Aether Pirate Ships with unique/special rewards all I'm saying is that they better not be anywhere near as hard to kill as Rikti Drop Ships were. Sure they can still be "hard" (like take 10-15 people minimum to beat) but nothing as grandiose as the Drop Ships required.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012