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Fashionista and the Twitch stream from 9/22/17

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Radiac's picture
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Fashionista and the Twitch stream from 9/22/17

I just watched the Twitch stream from 9/22/17, and Charles Logan, the artist doing the stream for the week mentioned that the subject he was drawing was for a Fashionista. As a backer who payed for Fashionista myself, I have questions about that. In years past, when I asked on these forums "When will I be contacted about my Fashionista costume?" the answer I got then, which was a very fair one, was "We need to get the Costume Creator working first, so it won't be until after that is done." So now, given that the Twitch last Friday was a demonstration of sketch artist work being done for a Fashionista, this raises the following questions in my mind:

1. Is the avatar builder actually finished?

2. Was this Twitch stream a demo of how the Fashionista's are being processed now and is mine in the queue for that? Am I going to be contacted any time in the next month or two about sketches for my Fashionista? Will Mr. Logan be volunteering to do all of them?

4. Was Mr. Logan doing commissioned work for a Fashionista at the Fashionista backer's request and MWM just decided to ask him to Stream it?

5. If I can convince an artist to do sketches for my Fashionista, would that be something you'd want to think about maybe streaming on Twitch?

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Radiac's picture
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Edit: DO NOT ask what

Edit: DO NOT ask what happeend to "3".... :)

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Kaemgen's picture
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The Shark Raiders were mine..

The Shark Raiders were mine...

I'm probably less in the know than most around here but my guess is that they were probably throwing me a bit of a bone 'cause there was some confusion (likely all my fault) about what perks I was getting back from the Kickstarter. Possibly they also just needed something to stream too? *shrug*

So I definitely wouldn't read anything into this stream concerning closeness of finishing character creator or such. Or about the queue for Fashionistas being formed up. I think perhaps due to my questioning I maybe got lucky and got pushed forward a bit out of turn...? Sorry, didn't mean to jump the line at all. :)

Not quite normal...

Cinnder's picture
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3. Profit!

3. Profit!

Spurn all ye kindle.

doctor tyche
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1 - it is being integrated

1 - it is being integrated into the pre alpha now. While not finished, it is as complete as it can be without this step.

2 - this was a first run to make sure the process worked. It seems to have worked fine, so likely over the next 3 months the fashionistas will be contacted.

3 - clam chowder

4 - Charles was handling the stream for the week and we had the bright idea to kill two birds with one stone.

5 - we're game

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

Radiac's picture
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Thank you for answering all 5

Thank you for answering all 5 questions. (You had to have dev-level access to be able to read the soup question , yeah that's the ticket :)

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Lin Chiao Feng
Lin Chiao Feng's picture
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BTW, Radiac, regarding "how

BTW, Radiac, regarding "how do I get another Fashionista?" the answer is going to be "get another web account and use that to buy it during the Second Chance, then later you can merge them into the same 'family' for sanity."

I gamed out several of alternative methods, and they add an unwelcome amount of complexity to what the customer has to do. Putting them on the same account meant that there has to be a brand-new mechanism for the customer to indicate if the tier they're buying is new or an upgrade, and if they have multiple tiers already, an upgrade to which one of them, and the framework we're using just wants to deal with products and prices (and I calculate price by subtracting the amount of the tier currently purchased, which has to be a singleton). I forsee no end of customer support requests to fix things and correct charges, and I really don't want to do much of that when the item prices are up to $5000.

Anyway, just FYI. I'd PM you this but you've got PMs turned off.

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

Radiac's picture
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Thank you Lin, still not sure

Thank you Lin, still not sure what I'm actually going to do when the second chance is actually on. I don't have a second costume in mind as of yet, but I may yet think one up in the meantime. Also, three more lethal weapon objects would be like double christmas presents. It's really as much about supporting the game as anything else, but I love the digital goodies. I may just talk a friend into donating then pay them even, if I can find one that has a costume idea and would play the game.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Radiac's picture
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Also, I just enable private

Also, I just enable private messages.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Lothic's picture
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Lin Chiao Feng wrote:
Lin Chiao Feng wrote:

BTW, Radiac, regarding "how do I get another Fashionista?" the answer is going to be "get another web account and use that to buy it during the Second Chance, then later you can merge them into the same 'family' for sanity."
I gamed out several of alternative methods, and they add an unwelcome amount of complexity to what the customer has to do. Putting them on the same account meant that there has to be a brand-new mechanism for the customer to indicate if the tier they're buying is new or an upgrade, and if they have multiple tiers already, an upgrade to which one of them, and the framework we're using just wants to deal with products and prices (and I calculate price by subtracting the amount of the tier currently purchased, which has to be a singleton). I forsee no end of customer support requests to fix things and correct charges, and I really don't want to do much of that when the item prices are up to $5000.
Anyway, just FYI. I'd PM you this but you've got PMs turned off.

For what it's worth this was useful information for the Forum at large even if you only intended it for Radiac

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Radiac's picture
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Okay, so, my brother does

Okay, so, my brother does illustrations. He has a masters in sequential art and he's run his own booth in the Artists' Alleys of many cons over the past years. I asked him nicely if he'd be willing, in principle, to do some sketches for me on some kind of a Twitch stream and he agreed, in principle, that it would probably be possible to do in some way or another, though he has not streamed anything live on Twitch before. Whether this ends up being a thing like the last one where he'd be doing it on Photoshop with live screen capture, or if he'd rather just do it by hand using real paper and pencil, like with a camera pointed at the paper or something I do not know. I also have to get him the information and references to work from as far as what I want it to look like. But I think we're "go" for the "Radiac's Fashionista on Twitch" idea, generally speaking.

Is there someone I should ask him to email at MWM? Or do you want to PM me with that? Should I email Dr. Tyche and give him my brother's email address? You tell me how we proceed from here.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Lin Chiao Feng
Lin Chiao Feng's picture
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That's an Art Department

That's an Art Department question, not Cash Shop/Web Site/etc., so I have no idea. Asking around, it sounds like they're not ready for you.

I guess you're just getting your brother to do some concept work, which when we're ready, you'd forward to us? Remember to get the necessary copyright releases from your brother so we can use it.

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

Foradain's picture
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Re: The tails

Re: The tails

Point of information: Shark caudal fins are vertical and often assymetrical (relative to the tail bones), not horizontal and symmetrical like dolphin tails.


/end Marine Biology Rant.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Darkfaith's picture
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Lin Chiao Feng wrote:
BTW, Radiac, regarding "how do I get another Fashionista?" the answer is going to be "get another web account and use that to buy it during the Second Chance, then later you can merge them into the same 'family' for sanity."
I gamed out several of alternative methods, and they add an unwelcome amount of complexity to what the customer has to do. Putting them on the same account meant that there has to be a brand-new mechanism for the customer to indicate if the tier they're buying is new or an upgrade, and if they have multiple tiers already, an upgrade to which one of them, and the framework we're using just wants to deal with products and prices (and I calculate price by subtracting the amount of the tier currently purchased, which has to be a singleton). I forsee no end of customer support requests to fix things and correct charges, and I really don't want to do much of that when the item prices are up to $5000.
Anyway, just FYI. I'd PM you this but you've got PMs turned off.
For what it's worth this was useful information for the Forum at large even if you only intended it for Radiac

This was exactly what I needed to know, so definitely useful here.

Grimfox's picture
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Radiac, if you are just

Radiac, if you are just asking your family to do some concept work for you, you don't "need" to stream that. Charles is the concept artist for MWM, it's not like Kaem sought Clogan (see my sig, he's in the dev list) out and they worked out a deal to borrow the MWM stream. Although, knowing Kaem, that might be exactly why/how he came to be the guinea pig. Kaem also had lots of references ready to go from other artists. He dropped some links in the chat during the stream.

Foradain, while that is true for full sharks, we're talking about a sharkhuman hybrid. a fish/mammal hybrid. All the rules are out the window. But it's a valid point.

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Kaemgen's picture
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Grimfox wrote:
Grimfox wrote:

Although, knowing Kaem, that might be exactly why/how he came to be the guinea pig. .

I sought out nothing except confirmation that my Fashionista/Kickstarter was properly linked to my email/forum account. The rest just happened.

Honestly my plan all along was to use it for Fenian but I hadn't otherwise put much thought into it. Then suddenly it was all "Hey, let's do this tonight." So since I had no definitive plans on which of her many costumes I'd want done (or some new CoT specific costume) I decided to look around my posse of OC's and reassess. That's when it occurred to me that for the majority of my OC's I would be (in all likelihood) able to come close to their intended looks with normal costume pieces, but that my Shark Raiders would definitely need some unique pieces so I decided to go with them.

If I'd had more planning time... I dunno. *shrug* Shark Raiders were probably my best choice as there'd likely have been no way to replicate the heads and fins otherwise... But I'd suggest to anyone who does have a Fashionista to start thinking about what exactly you are looking for and to have it ready. :)

Not quite normal...

Fireheart's picture
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Grimfox wrote:
Grimfox wrote:

Although, knowing Kaem, that might be exactly why/how he came to be the guinea pig. Kaem also had lots of references ready to go from other artists.

Yeah, Kaemgen is popular with the artists Because he's prepared to Art with many high-quality reference pieces and he generally has a good idea of what he wants, without restricting the artist's creativity. Plus, he has Interesting characters.

Be Well!

Radiac's picture
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Grimfox wrote:
Grimfox wrote:

Radiac, if you are just asking your family to do some concept work for you, you don't "need" to stream that. Charles is the concept artist for MWM, it's not like Kaem sought Clogan (see my sig, he's in the dev list) out and they worked out a deal to borrow the MWM stream. Although, knowing Kaem, that might be exactly why/how he came to be the guinea pig. Kaem also had lots of references ready to go from other artists. He dropped some links in the chat during the stream.
Foradain, while that is true for full sharks, we're talking about a sharkhuman hybrid. a fish/mammal hybrid. All the rules are out the window. But it's a valid point.

I never said I needed a Twitch stream. I ASKED (see "5." above in the OP) if THEY would be interested, and THEY RESPONDED in the positive (see Dr. Tyche's "5. We're game." response farther down). As it is now, he's just going to do up some sketches for me. When they ask me for my Fashionista info, I'll include that. Unless and until anyone from MWM reaches out to me about streaming anything, I'm leaving that idea right where it is now, which is "not happening any time we could actually point to on a calendar, and very likely not at all". I wouldn't be the person doing the streaming in any case, but I am the person who can get the priniciple actors in that talking to each other if anyone wants to actually do it.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising