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Who remembers the atlas blimp?!

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Mind-Freeze's picture
Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
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Who remembers the atlas blimp?!

Just throwing ideas out there I think it would be cool to have a similar blimp circling titan city but have a nightclub on board like a mini pocket d type bar for heroes to hang out while looking down on the city at the views

Cobalt Azurean
Cobalt Azurean's picture
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Sounds like a tempting target

Sounds like a tempting target for Air Pirates, which are a faction in Titan City.

Lothic's picture
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Mind-Freeze wrote:
Mind-Freeze wrote:

Just throwing ideas out there I think it would be cool to have a similar blimp circling titan city but have a nightclub on board like a mini pocket d type bar for heroes to hang out while looking down on the city at the views

Having a place to visit inside a blimp like that would be cool but I'd almost settle for having one in CoT that was a solid enough "environmental object" that we could at least stand on top of it and ride it around. As I recall the one in CoH was basically like a hologram in that it wasn't something you could "do" anything with or on.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Mind-Freeze's picture
Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
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Joined: 11/01/2013 - 04:28
Yeah I remember you can land

Yeah I remember you can land on the blimp but then it would just slide you off couldn’t really stay on it just thought it would be cool to have a sky bar to hang out and fly around the city

Lothic's picture
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Mind-Freeze wrote:
Mind-Freeze wrote:

Yeah I remember you can land on the blimp but then it would just slide you off couldn’t really stay on it just thought it would be cool to have a sky bar to hang out and fly around the city

I'd agree that being able to spend time IN the blimp would be better than just being able to stand ON it. I was just implying getting the "standing on it" part might be far easier to implement if we can't get anything else from this.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

SisterSilicon's picture
Last seen: 1 month 3 weeks ago
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Joined: 07/17/2014 - 20:14
CoH had a blimp that flew,

CoH had a blimp that flew, but you couldn't ride it or get inside.

CO has a blimp that you can enter or sit on, but it's permanently docked in RenCen.

[b][i]MWM, your mission is clear.[/i][/b]

Twitter: @SisterSilicon

Lin Chiao Feng
Lin Chiao Feng's picture
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SisterSilicon wrote:
SisterSilicon wrote:

CoH had a blimp that flew, but you couldn't ride it or get inside.
CO has a blimp that you can enter or sit on, but it's permanently docked in RenCen.
MWM, your mission is clear.

[i]* thinks about the progression.[/i]

... You want blimp SG bases that don't appear in the open world at all?

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

Lothic's picture
Last seen: 8 months 2 weeks ago
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Joined: 10/02/2013 - 00:27
Lin Chiao Feng wrote:
Lin Chiao Feng wrote:

SisterSilicon wrote:
CoH had a blimp that flew, but you couldn't ride it or get inside.
CO has a blimp that you can enter or sit on, but it's permanently docked in RenCen.
MWM, your mission is clear.
* thinks about the progression.
... You want blimp SG bases that don't appear in the open world at all?

*feature creep slippery slope engaged* So we're going to get mobile SG bases that we can fly wherever we want! Awesome! :)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Gorgon's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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Joined: 05/15/2014 - 11:46
If you design bases right, it

If you design bases right, it isn't a problem. By that, I mean you might have an apartment in a high rise, with a balcony that looks out on the actual game world below, and is not a separate instance (internally it may be, but with an interaction point of the balcony.)

I am so sick of absolutely sterile "bases" that look cool but have no functionality remotely real. In Star Wars the Old Republic you have these high rise bases, but the world out there isn't the real one. You can't even jump off or call a taxi. It is a sterile instance of nothingness.

So, too, D&D Online, where you get a guild ship, a flying spelljammer, hey, the aforementioned travelling base! It fakes movement via blowing wind animation in its own instance. And like SW, has a handful of fixed mount points for a few doodads (another sore point.) And you aren't even going anywhere. You teleport to and from the ship to registered portal points.

And we won't even get into the post-CoH bases of Champions, bringing in the rear, no stuff to place, no where to look.

CoH didn't have windows or doors to the real world either, but at least it felt like a real place because it was unique.

Anyway, you build a balcony, you get a ship along with the design for little additional work.



The very existence of the taunting tank irritates, for it requires idiotic AI that obeys the taunt.

SisterSilicon's picture
Last seen: 1 month 3 weeks ago
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Joined: 07/17/2014 - 20:14
Most CO bases are reclusive,

Most CO bases are reclusive, "protect my secret identity" types, but it does have one open base: The Penthouse is on the edge of downtown Millennium City, with a balcony (with optional hot tub!) overlooking City Center. (And if I recall, you can catch a glimpse of RenCen from the right spots.) If you leave by said balcony, you respawn in a public Millennium City instance, even if you entered the base from another zone like Canada or Vibora Bay, so it's a bonus teleport.

I guess you could count the Moonbase, too, but with the dome shield open, you [i]might[/i] need a 4K monitor to see your house from there. ????

CO hideouts were [i]originally[/i] designed to be functional. Every base has two unfinished rooms that were going to be finished and unlocked for services in a later update; one mini-Powerhouse for leveling up on the fly, and the other with themed tables for your crafting profession. Then Cryptic changed course on both training and crafting after hideouts were released. When the On Alert update launched, they allowed players to level up from anywhere, and crafting went away entirely in favor of the gem-and-socket Mod system. Thus hideouts became social/RP instances only, and another in a long line of CO features that were launched and immediately abandoned.

Twitter: @SisterSilicon