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Discuss: Smooth Operator

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doctor tyche
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Discuss: Smooth Operator

I know it's not really an announcement, just having a bit of fun, but feel free to discuss it here.
For reference:

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

Fireheart's picture
Last seen: 9 months 6 days ago
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Hah! Dancing all the way to

Hah! Dancing all the way to the Zig. Or, wherever they go when the fall down.

I'd definitely take that as a variation on a Mind Control powerset.

Be Well!

Redem's picture
Last seen: 6 years 7 months ago
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I hope we can teach them the

I hope we can teach them the thriller choreography:D

Last seen: 1 month 3 weeks ago
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DO NOT tempt me!!

DO NOT tempt me!!

[color=Red]Senior Gameplay Engineer.[/color]

Fireheart's picture
Last seen: 9 months 6 days ago
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Disco Fever? Perhaps we can

Disco Fever? Perhaps we can teach them to Tango? Or Swan Lake?

Be Well!

Redem's picture
Last seen: 6 years 7 months ago
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amievil wrote:
amievil wrote:

DO NOT tempt me!!

I'm not saying it has to be there...though it will be the one thing on my mind if I use this power on some sort of zombie ennemy

Fireheart wrote:

Disco Fever? Perhaps we can teach them to Tango? Or Swan Lake?
Be Well!

I can finally accomplish my dream of playing an expy of the hypno-hustler

Empyrean's picture
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Ok, I know I must be being a

Ok, I know I must be being a dork here, but I can't find any link or anything to see what y'all are talking about. What obvious thing am I missing?

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

doctor tyche
doctor tyche's picture
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Empyrean wrote:
Empyrean wrote:

Ok, I know I must be being a dork here, but I can't find any link or anything to see what y'all are talking about. What obvious thing am I missing?

look on the front page

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

Redlynne's picture
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"Hey, look what I just

"Hey! Look what I just liberated from Dr. Aeon's lab!"

"Wow! What does it do?

"I dunno. He was screaming something about a ... Dance Gun ..."


[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Empyrean's picture
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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

Empyrean wrote:
Ok, I know I must be being a dork here, but I can't find any link or anything to see what y'all are talking about. What obvious thing am I missing?
look on the front page

Ah HAH! I never go to the front page--just about forgot it existed :P. Thankee!

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

DesViper's picture
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Grooviest hold mez ever ;)

Grooviest hold mez ever ;)

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Harlequin565's picture
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You guys...

You guys...

*shakes head*

...make me smile...

Huckleberry's picture
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I love the +HipHop status

I love the +HipHop status flag!

This was a [b]great[/b] video.

The clothing looks phenomenal.

The art style is exactly what I was hoping for.

The effects are flashy without obstructing gameplay.

The transition from forward to side movement was seamless.

You'll need to work on tracking the feet with the floor and clipping the gun in the holster, however.

The reflections on the walls, ceilings and floors are advanced. We even see power effects reflected as well! Heck, even the benches reflect.

All in all, a most impressive video!

I am stoked to give it a try.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Cyclops's picture
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OK so Smooth Operator is a

OK so Smooth Operator is a Dance Gun Animation FX package/prop for the Ranger class.
.............................COOL .......................................

I'm guessing the Devs chose flaming for the base power because I see damage over time. The group holds being turned into dances are really fun.

and its nice to see there are enough chairs in there in case the ninjas get tired of standing all the time.
I want to see the break room for the minions, and have a localized emote to drink the coffee or a pop from a machine.

the internals look great guys! the hero outfit was very interesting...ala ghost busters. just add a proton pack

for the sound guys, the battle soundtrack was great. But this FX animation needs sound effects: hip hop for the dances. I would be willing to pay in the cash shop for that.


Planet10's picture
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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

Empyrean wrote:
Ok, I know I must be being a dork here, but I can't find any link or anything to see what y'all are talking about. What obvious thing am I missing?
look on the front page

How about editing the OP with a link so we don't have to search aimlessly?
I didn't know what was going on either (there has been a trend to not link anything in the OP lately)

"Just, well, update your kickstarter email addresses, okay? Make sure they're current?" - warcabbit

warcabbit's picture
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Sounds like a plan, Planet10.

Sounds like a plan, Planet10.

[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]

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"Just, well, update your kickstarter email addresses, okay? Make sure they're current?" - warcabbit

Wolfgang8565's picture
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I think this looks great so

I think this looks great so far but the animation in the legs is kinda weird. The way he sways a bit and how close together the legs are and how high the feet go up makes the animation look a bit off. I saw this on the untextured models but I figured it was still early and you guys would tidy it up a bit but seeing it in this new clip, I wanted to make sure you guys noticed it and hopefully tweak it a bit


[color=#FF0000]Graphic Designer[/color]

Last seen: 1 month 3 weeks ago
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That's not our final movement

That's not our final movement system I am creating that now. That's not even our character model this was just me messing around in response to something said in another thread. Posted as a fake update for fun. Don't worry we see it all.

[color=Red]Senior Gameplay Engineer.[/color]

Wolfgang8565's picture
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amievil wrote:
amievil wrote:

That's not our final movement system I am creating that now. That's not even our character model this was just me messing around in response to something said in another thread. Posted as a fake update for fun. Don't worry we see it all.

Ok good to know! Thanks!


[color=#FF0000]Graphic Designer[/color]

Fireheart's picture
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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

OK so Smooth Operator is a Dance Gun Animation FX package/prop for the Ranger class.

I think you may be mistaken. 'Operator' = Controller and most Controller damage was DoT.

I presume that means that Operator holds will also do DoT.

Be Well!

Nyktos's picture
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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

Cyclops wrote:
OK so Smooth Operator is a Dance Gun Animation FX package/prop for the Ranger class.
I think you may be mistaken. 'Operator' = Controller and most Controller damage was DoT.
I presume that means that Operator holds will also do DoT.
Be Well!

I thought Operators were Masterminds?

Formerly known as Bleddyn

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doctor tyche
doctor tyche's picture
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Nyktos wrote:
Nyktos wrote:

Fireheart wrote:
Cyclops wrote:
OK so Smooth Operator is a Dance Gun Animation FX package/prop for the Ranger class.
I think you may be mistaken. 'Operator' = Controller and most Controller damage was DoT.
I presume that means that Operator holds will also do DoT.
Be Well!
I thought Operators were Masterminds?

Player feedback on the names convinced us to switch the names of Operators and Commanders

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

warcabbit's picture
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If we hadn't switched, you'd

If we hadn't switched, you'd be looking at the Dance Commander.

[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]

Nyktos's picture
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Ah okay I didn't know that

Ah okay I didn't know that. Makes sense

Formerly known as Bleddyn

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notears's picture
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not my video just one I lke ===>


Redlynne's picture
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warcabbit wrote:
warcabbit wrote:

If we hadn't switched, you'd be looking at the Dance Commander.

Erfworld [url=]Book 1, page 127[/url]


[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

meta brawler
meta brawler's picture
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That was dope. That is the

That was dope. That is the sort of stuff I want to see! Nice work on putting that stuff together for us. I really hope that power set becomes playable at launch or shortly after. All that is missing is a buff power where the player puts down a boombox to increase the potency of the dancing. Love what I'm seeing here. Keep up the great work guys!

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Citadel Forged With Fire

Cinnder's picture
Last seen: 3 years 1 week ago
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Love the way the game is

Love the way the game is shaping up! Everything's looking really good. (Though those ceilings look massively high, or else everyone is really tiny.)

amievil wrote:

Posted as a fake update for fun.

Just to confirm: aside from being a general demo, this was meant as a joke, right? CoT isn't going to try to be even sillier than CO by having an actual power set that does dance controls, is it?

Spurn all ye kindle.

doctor tyche
doctor tyche's picture
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Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

Love the way the game is shaping up! Everything's looking really good. (Though those ceilings look massively high, or else everyone is really tiny.)
amievil wrote:
Posted as a fake update for fun.
Just to confirm: aside from being a general demo, this was meant as a joke, right? CoT isn't going to try to be even sillier than CO by having an actual power set that does dance controls, is it?

Aesthetic Decoupling.

At best, what you are seeing is an unlockable option for holds, not a set at all but an animation option. We plan on a multitude of these unlockable options for the sets. While yes, it is silly on the surface, there are some rather disturbing precedents in comic and media lore, from the Dancing demon in Buffy the Vampire slayer to the antics of Maeve of the Winter Court in the Dresden Files, neither of which we could consider silly.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

TitansCity's picture
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i will be able to do my

i will be able to do my Dazzler with that !! YATA ! \o/

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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

Aesthetic Decoupling.

At best, what you are seeing is an unlockable option for holds, not a set at all but an animation option. We plan on a multitude of these unlockable options for the sets. While yes, it is silly on the surface, there are some rather disturbing precedents in comic and media lore, from the Dancing demon in Buffy the Vampire slayer to the antics of Maeve of the Winter Court in the Dresden Files, neither of which we could consider silly.

As the video unfolded I was thinking, "ooo, Dance Controller! Project DJ, "he sold his soul to the Winter Queen for the power to hold the ultimate rave!"" and building a costume in my mind based on a combination of hiphop street thug and prohibition gang leader.

"Aesthetic Decoupling FTW!"

Dance animations as an alternative animation set for a control power? Yeah, baby. I can dig it. Best idea ever!

Seriously. Include dance animations in conjunction with control powers and I will do this!

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Cinnder's picture
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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

At best, what you are seeing is an unlockable option for holds, not a set at all but an animation option. We plan on a multitude of these unlockable options for the sets. While yes, it is silly on the surface, there are some rather disturbing precedents in comic and media lore, from the Dancing demon in Buffy the Vampire slayer to the antics of Maeve of the Winter Court in the Dresden Files, neither of which we could consider silly.

Ah well, I was prepared not to like absolutely everything about CoT. At least this is something I'll be able to almost completely avoid. And who knows, with aesthetic decoupling maybe there will be a client-side mod that allows me to change it to look like something else so I don't have to avoid teaming with anyone who uses this.

I am going to choose to look on the bright side: it's actually a very, very good sign that in almost 4 years this is the first decision by MWM I seriously disagree with. That's actually hugely promising for the likelihood I'll enjoy the majority of the game.

Spurn all ye kindle.

doctor tyche
doctor tyche's picture
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Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

Doctor Tyche wrote:
At best, what you are seeing is an unlockable option for holds, not a set at all but an animation option. We plan on a multitude of these unlockable options for the sets. While yes, it is silly on the surface, there are some rather disturbing precedents in comic and media lore, from the Dancing demon in Buffy the Vampire slayer to the antics of Maeve of the Winter Court in the Dresden Files, neither of which we could consider silly.
Ah well, I was prepared not to like absolutely everything about CoT. At least this is something I'll be able to almost completely avoid. And who knows, with aesthetic decoupling maybe there will be a client-side mod that allows me to change it to look like something else so I don't have to avoid teaming with anyone who uses this.
I am going to choose to look on the bright side: it's actually a very, very good sign that in almost 4 years this is the first decision by MWM I seriously disagree with. That's actually hugely promising for the likelihood I'll enjoy the majority of the game.

No mod needed. You will be able to suppress the targeted effect options from other players as it is, for performance demands if nothing else.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

BiotopeZ's picture
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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

Aesthetic Decoupling.
At best, what you are seeing is an unlockable option for holds, not a set at all but an animation option. We plan on a multitude of these unlockable options for the sets. While yes, it is silly on the surface, there are some rather disturbing precedents in comic and media lore, from the Dancing demon in Buffy the Vampire slayer to the antics of Maeve of the Winter Court in the Dresden Files, neither of which we could consider silly.

Oh, I immediately thought this would be a great power for an extremely dark supervillain. The Dancing Plague of France in 1518 killed around 400 people who danced to death from dehydration, heat stroke, heart attack, exhaustion, etc. And yes, that is real, it's what the Buffy episode was inspired by. Due to the poor state of medical science at the time, no one knows what caused it. Losing control of your own body and slowly killing yourself using movements that are supposed to be happy is absolutely terrifying.

Terwyn's picture
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BiotopeZ wrote:
BiotopeZ wrote:

Doctor Tyche wrote:
Aesthetic Decoupling.
At best, what you are seeing is an unlockable option for holds, not a set at all but an animation option. We plan on a multitude of these unlockable options for the sets. While yes, it is silly on the surface, there are some rather disturbing precedents in comic and media lore, from the Dancing demon in Buffy the Vampire slayer to the antics of Maeve of the Winter Court in the Dresden Files, neither of which we could consider silly.
Oh, I immediately thought this would be a great power for an extremely dark supervillain. The Dancing Plague of France in 1518 killed around 400 people who danced to death from dehydration, heat stroke, heart attack, exhaustion, etc. And yes, that is real, it's what the Buffy episode was inspired by. Due to the poor state of medical science at the time, no one knows what caused it. Losing control of your own body and slowly killing yourself using movements that are supposed to be happy is absolutely terrifying.

Even at the time, astrological or other supernatural causes were dismissed by the physicians - the most probable cause was an ergot infection in the local grain supplies, but I wouldn't dismiss the activity of a blood-borne pathogen spread by rats and insects. What is known from the scant records of the plague is that the most horrifying aspect of the story is that the treatment proscribed was *more dancing.*

I strongly suspect that it was much more disturbing than what was recorded.

It is only when we stand up, with all our failings and sufferings, and try to support others rather than withdraw into ourselves, that we can fully live the life of community.

[color=#ff0000]Business Director[/color]

Lothic's picture
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Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

Doctor Tyche wrote:
At best, what you are seeing is an unlockable option for holds, not a set at all but an animation option. We plan on a multitude of these unlockable options for the sets. While yes, it is silly on the surface, there are some rather disturbing precedents in comic and media lore, from the Dancing demon in Buffy the Vampire slayer to the antics of Maeve of the Winter Court in the Dresden Files, neither of which we could consider silly.
Ah well, I was prepared not to like absolutely everything about CoT. At least this is something I'll be able to almost completely avoid. And who knows, with aesthetic decoupling maybe there will be a client-side mod that allows me to change it to look like something else so I don't have to avoid teaming with anyone who uses this.
I am going to choose to look on the bright side: it's actually a very, very good sign that in almost 4 years this is the first decision by MWM I seriously disagree with. That's actually hugely promising for the likelihood I'll enjoy the majority of the game.

Having a character with a control power that makes my targets dance might not necessarily be the very first one I create the day CoT launches but I have absolutely no problem with it being an optional effect. I suspect in the long run there will be plenty of "options" I don't like in this game and that'll be perfectly fine because they are options, not requirements. That's the whole point.

As far as the dancing effect itself goes it seems like the exact type of semi-silly thing a semi-crazy villain (i.e. The Joker) might do to his/her victims. At the very least I think almost anything should be optional eventually, even the undeniably "silly" stuff.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Kartanian's picture
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Movement, powers, effects,

Movement, powers, effects, aesthetic decoupling, dance mez option: Yep, all good, and thank you!

Furniture. Big. My request is that furniture is eventually scaled to human body size eventually, and not the oversized stuff we lived with in CoH. Those racks of chairs, plants, and shiny waste baskets are just large enough to distract from the character models. Thanks!

A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (

Redlynne's picture
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Kartanian wrote:
Kartanian wrote:

My request is that furniture is eventually scaled to human body size eventually, and not the oversized stuff we lived with in CoH.

When you've got a body height range between 4 foot and 10 foot tall, you aren't going to find a One Size Fits All solution. You just aren't. Best you can do is find a One Size Accommodates All solution, which basically means sizing everything for the largest possible, and then letting all the smaller people look silly in that. Kinda like this ...


That's just what happens when you put a 5 foot tall woman into throne built for a 10 foot tall man. And yes, that's Redlynne sitting on Tyrant's throne after rescuing Mary Sue Statesman.

Only way to get around it is dynamic resizing of objects, and that makes things even wackier in a big hurry.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Cinnder's picture
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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

No mod needed. You will be able to suppress the targeted effect options from other players as it is, for performance demands if nothing else.

Thanks for the reminder. Am I correct in thinking that's an all-or-nothing option, though? I don't want to turn off the serious effects, just this one.

Spurn all ye kindle.

doctor tyche
doctor tyche's picture
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Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

Doctor Tyche wrote:
No mod needed. You will be able to suppress the targeted effect options from other players as it is, for performance demands if nothing else.
Thanks for the reminder. Am I correct in thinking that's an all-or-nothing option, though? I don't want to turn off the serious effects, just this one.

That is TBD. I can see the argument either way.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

Lothic's picture
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Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

Doctor Tyche wrote:
No mod needed. You will be able to suppress the targeted effect options from other players as it is, for performance demands if nothing else.
Thanks for the reminder. Am I correct in thinking that's an all-or-nothing option, though? I don't want to turn off the serious effects, just this one.

Maybe the Devs will provide a slider to allow us to adjust the game from super-silly to super-serious. With that you could choose to play it as seriously as you'd like. ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Airhead's picture
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My goodness. That mind

My goodness. That mind control is perfect! Hopefully it's also an emote so the smoothie can join in.

[size=14]"The illusion which exalts us is dearer to us than ten thousand truths." - Pushkin[/size]
[size=14] "One piece of flair is all I need." - Sister Silicon[/size]

Phararri's picture
Last seen: 4 years 1 week ago
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Those animations are coming

Those animations are coming along, smooth operating indeed.

As a child, I thought my name was handsome, cause that is what everyone called me.

ooglymoogly's picture
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love that the MOBs are

love that the MOBs are wearing Punisher t-shirts. nice touch, that

Last seen: 1 year 4 months ago
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Joined: 09/13/2013 - 01:24
I love this, I would never

I love this, I would never use this animation on my toon (I'm more on the "serious" side of heroes) but I'd surely laugh if I see another hero with that, no problems at all and I would even suggest you to put this in game like you said, as a possible choice of animation for a control AOE.

Guys remember that in City of Heroes there were joke-heroes too, and that is not against the lore (like it could be in other fantasy games), since even in Comics there are several heroes/villains with joke-powers, it shouldn't break your immersion at all. It's perfectly in-lore to find a Joker here and there within the mass of players and I'm not worried about their quantity because City of Heroes community was perfectly balanced on this side, the players that preferred to use serious character were a good percentage (usually the pink-dancer were limited to maximum 1 player in a team of 8).

Phararri's picture
Last seen: 4 years 1 week ago
Joined: 09/13/2015 - 20:08
A costume change emote where

A costume change emote where you spin like MJ would be neat. Can't mention dancing without the king of dance.

As a child, I thought my name was handsome, cause that is what everyone called me.

Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 2 hours 22 min ago
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ThunderCAP wrote:
ThunderCAP wrote:

I love this, I would never use this animation on my toon (I'm more on the "serious" side of heroes) but I'd surely laugh if I see another hero with that, no problems at all and I would even suggest you to put this in game like you said, as a possible choice of animation for a control AOE.
Guys remember that in City of Heroes there were joke-heroes too, and that is not against the lore (like it could be in other fantasy games), since even in Comics there are several heroes/villains with joke-powers, it shouldn't break your immersion at all. It's perfectly in-lore to find a Joker here and there within the mass of players and I'm not worried about their quantity because City of Heroes community was perfectly balanced on this side, the players that preferred to use serious character were a good percentage (usually the pink-dancer were limited to maximum 1 player in a team of 8).

I think @ThunderCAP has the right of it.

Making your opponents dance when they don't want to seems to be a pretty legitimate control power to me.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Cinnder wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:
No mod needed. You will be able to suppress the targeted effect options from other players as it is, for performance demands if nothing else.
Thanks for the reminder. Am I correct in thinking that's an all-or-nothing option, though? I don't want to turn off the serious effects, just this one.
Maybe the Devs will provide a slider to allow us to adjust the game from super-silly to super-serious. With that you could choose to play it as seriously as you'd like. ;)

Actually kind of disagree with turning off animations selectively... just because this might make things confusing if different players are seeing different things. How do you react to something when everyone's seeing something different? You see dancing, and at the same time, someone else sees cowering or sleeping. Someone says "wow, they really looked scared" and you're wondering wtf they're talking about because you saw dancing.

Sure, there are other games with silliness settings, like the Fallout franchise. You could choose "wild wasteland" and get attacked by a gang of elderly women in pink dresses, or not choose it, and get attacked by a regular gang. However, that's a single-player game. In multi-player games, it's important for everyone to be witnessing the event the same way for coherence.

Let's take this to a ridiculous extreme just to make a point. In one of the story posts, it mentions a police officer who's part canine. Well, what if one player doesn't like that, so turns that off, and sees it as a regular cop. That player is playing as a robot, but another player is burned out on sci-fi so turns that off, and sees the "robot" player as a wizard instead. So the robot (wizard) remarks about the boring cop (dog person) and the other player asks the wizard (robot) if he spend too much time staring in crystal balls to see the dog (boring cop). This could get extremely confusing extremely fast, so I vote against any sort of setting that lets you change what you see other people do, aside from performance-related. Let people pick what they want for their character. The only filter on other people should be the usual optional profanity filter in chat.

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Phararri wrote:
Phararri wrote:

A costume change emote where you spin like MJ would be neat. Can't mention dancing without the king of dance.

I'm fairly sure that in the Erfworld scene referenced [url=]above[/url], Wanda Firebaugh's signamancy was deliberately chosen to bring Michael Jackson to mind.

But for me a spinning costume change emote will always call to mind Ms Carter's portrayal of Ms Prince. ^_^

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Lin Chiao Feng
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Every time you see the mobs

Every time you see the mobs just sliding around, that's just moonwalking...

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Wolfgang8565 wrote:
Wolfgang8565 wrote:

I think this looks great so far but the animation in the legs is kinda weird. The way he sways a bit and how close together the legs are and how high the feet go up makes the animation look a bit off. I saw this on the untextured models but I figured it was still early and you guys would tidy it up a bit but seeing it in this new clip, I wanted to make sure you guys noticed it and hopefully tweak it a bit

An actual foot study no one walks, jogs, or runs with their legs far apart.
Again I am working on the movement system now just wanted to point this out.

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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

Cinnder wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:
No mod needed. You will be able to suppress the targeted effect options from other players as it is, for performance demands if nothing else.
Thanks for the reminder. Am I correct in thinking that's an all-or-nothing option, though? I don't want to turn off the serious effects, just this one.
That is TBD. I can see the argument either way.

I wouldn't mind it being selectable for different power sets. I do like having options. All in all, good stuff. Keep'em coming.

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amievil wrote:
amievil wrote:

Wolfgang8565 wrote:
I think this looks great so far but the animation in the legs is kinda weird. The way he sways a bit and how close together the legs are and how high the feet go up makes the animation look a bit off. I saw this on the untextured models but I figured it was still early and you guys would tidy it up a bit but seeing it in this new clip, I wanted to make sure you guys noticed it and hopefully tweak it a bit
An actual foot study no one walks, jogs, or runs with their legs far apart.
Again I am working on the movement system now just wanted to point this out.

I would like it as an option.... I mean supers isn't really the most realistic.... someone who defies GAIT should atleast be possible once...

not my video just one I lke ===>


Lin Chiao Feng
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IIRC native Americans would

IIRC native Americans would often walk with one foot in front of the other. Balance wasn't too much different from riding a bicycle.

Years ago, when I remembered my Dynamics class, I could have written up something that shows exactly how much left-to-right sway you'll have given mass, center of gravity, foot spacing, pace, and so forth. Just eyeballing it, you'll have noticeable sway if your feet aren't passing under your ribs.

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Maybe as another option for

Maybe as another option for the parkour travel power? For people who want to superhumanly acrobatic rather than naturally trained acrobatic.... also super speed should avoid GAIT too, to make it look faster and because superspeed by itself is a superhuman ability. We need to strike a balance between realism and fantastical here... too much realism makes stuff a lot like a Zack Snyder film especially since this isn't supposed to be a capepunk MMO. It becomes a mess where none of the elements really click together, since we're supposed to believe that an alien species looks exactly like humans and yet the work keeps reminding you that it's trying to be realistic making it so the line of belief versus disbelief is scattered and flawed. Too much fantasy and it fails to be relatable to our world at all.

not my video just one I lke ===>


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Lin Chiao Feng wrote:
Lin Chiao Feng wrote:

Every time you see the mobs just sliding around, that's just moonwalking...

Anyone else remember Michael Jackson's Moonwalker for Sega? : D

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Tannim222 wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:

Lin Chiao Feng wrote:
Every time you see the mobs just sliding around, that's just moonwalking...
Anyone else remember Michael Jackson's Moonwalker for Sega? : D

Someone posted the playthrough for the arcade game recently.

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

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(No subject)


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Otto's Irresistible Dance.

Otto's Irresistible Dance.

A faerie dragon rogue or vigilante would be loads of fun.

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also relevant link is relevant

not my video just one I lke ===>


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amievil wrote:



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Hmmm, Using Aesthetic

Love the mini-update!

Hmmm, Using Aesthetic Decoupling with hold powers, I never even thought about that being an option. That opens my mind to brainstorming what else it could be used for.... Cotton Candy Storm Summoning anyone?? :)

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Volron wrote: :P
Volron wrote:


I see your Bee Gees & raise you a Daft Punk

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amievil wrote:
amievil wrote:

An actual foot study no one walks, jogs, or runs with their legs far apart.
Again I am working on the movement system now just wanted to point this out.

The dynamics change at speed too. (via the video) The stance part of walking is usually comprised of the three phases: Heel - Mid - Propulsion. When you are sprinting the contact surface gets compressed to toes only (speeds up the transition to Propulsion). The stance phases still occur, but they are compensated by tendon & muscle strength.

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Tannim222 wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:

Anyone else remember Michael Jackson's Moonwalker for Sega? : D

I will not let you alone on this ^^ Of course i remember !

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I was thinking about such a

I was thinking about such a power, that could be probably psionic in nature (forcing peoples around you to dance). Therefore how would you justify that such a psionic hero/villain can only make them dance?

I guess the players must have the freedom to invent something out-of-mind like "I control the very basis of the universe which is vibrations and sounds, we're all sounds" or something like that (there is a theory where several universes are all at the same place but vibrating at different paces, therefore creating different "reality planes" overlapping each other, and since all planes are just different vibration levels the "ghosts" and "dreams" are just moments where we see other universes temporarily slowing down or accelerating to our vibration level).
Or another possibility more religious would be that you emit some angelic/demonic song and you touch their souls, making them dance of happiness or in despair or things like that. Or again, something else I didn't think about.

But the most obvious choice (the one most players will think about imho) would still be the psionic master forcing a mental command. In that case, I suggest you to put two kind of effects, one that always makes peoples dance (for previous examples, specifically related to sound-based-heroes) and one for mind controllers, where the "hip hop" status effect is just one of several possibilities.
If I'd create a "Jean Grey" or a "Xavier" I'd be very happy to select a power that creates RANDOM status effects on my targets, for example after a mental AOE attack I'd see my opponents read the journal, sit down, take a drink, dance, sleep etc. all around me and each one doing a different thing, it would make me feel powerful and a real puppeteer.
It would be another funny and useful use of the emotes, you could even say that your emotes are really part of the gameplay that way^^.

Summary: imho you need to add this "hip-hop" status effect in a random list of outcomes for psy-control powers/animations, not just dance-powers.

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ThunderCAP wrote:
ThunderCAP wrote:

I was thinking about such a power, that could be probably psionic in nature (forcing peoples around you to dance). Therefore how would you justify that such a psionic hero/villain can only make them dance?
I guess the players must have the freedom to invent something out-of-mind like "I control the very basis of the universe which is vibrations and sounds, we're all sounds" or something like that (there is a theory where several universes are all at the same place but vibrating at different paces, therefore creating different "reality planes" overlapping each other, and since all planes are just different vibration levels the "ghosts" and "dreams" are just moments where we see other universes temporarily slowing down or accelerating to our vibration level).
Or another possibility more religious would be that you emit some angelic/demonic song and you touch their souls, making them dance of happiness or in despair or things like that. Or again, something else I didn't think about.
But the most obvious choice (the one most players will think about imho) would still be the psionic master forcing a mental command. In that case, I suggest you to put two kind of effects, one that always makes peoples dance (for previous examples, specifically related to sound-based-heroes) and one for mind controllers, where the "hip hop" status effect is just one of several possibilities.
If I'd create a "Jean Grey" or a "Xavier" I'd be very happy to select a power that creates RANDOM status effects on my targets, for example after a mental AOE attack I'd see my opponents read the journal, sit down, take a drink, dance, sleep etc. all around me and each one doing a different thing, it would make me feel powerful and a real puppeteer.
It would be another funny and useful use of the emotes, you could even say that your emotes are really part of the gameplay that way^^.
Summary: imho you need to add this "hip-hop" status effect in a random list of outcomes for psy-control powers/animations, not just dance-powers.

mejic *snort snort*

not my video just one I lke ===>


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If you're going to invoke the

If you're going to invoke the spirit of word up, at least dress the villains in the appropriate costume

Enjoyed the vid though

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I guess the players must have the freedom to invent something out-of-mind like "I control the very basis of the universe which is vibrations and sounds, we're all sounds" or something like that (there is a theory where several universes are all at the same place but vibrating at different paces, therefore creating different "reality planes" overlapping each other, and since all planes are just different vibration levels the "ghosts" and "dreams" are just moments where we see other universes temporarily slowing down or accelerating to our vibration level).

This is a just a perception question. Each person or character in this case experiences the world from their perspective. This allows super scientists to skirt those strict rules of physics in the same way that a magi can completely subvert them but neither operates in the same way. The rules for their universe exist only for them. So I'm completely comfortable with any animation set even ridiculous ones like "make-em-dance" or "dance-fever."

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From DnD, Otto's Irresistible

From DnD, Otto's Irresistible Dance and Mass Suggestion come to mind. From Sci-Fi, didn't the badguy in Kingsman have a cell phone dongle that made everyone kill each other? Same thing.

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Radiac wrote:
Radiac wrote:

From DnD, Otto's Irresistible Dance and Mass Suggestion come to mind. From Sci-Fi, didn't the badguy in Kingsman have a cell phone dongle that made everyone kill each other? Same thing.

It could always be worse... like Krieger's Brown Note Gun (starts at 0:16):


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OMG I love it! The HipHop mez

OMG I love it! The HipHop mez power is def a good one.
You guys are doing a GREAT job, I can't wait for alpha and beta, woo hoo !