Some may recall that I maintained a list of player-made videos on the CoH forums for quite a while before burning out on the game for a time. That list disappeared with the death of my old laptop, but I thought it worthwhile to locate a few of the more memorable ones and link to them here.
First up, one that likely expresses the feelings of many on these forums and elsewhere....
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Nice! I never made one myself, but I remember this one in particular:
[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.
Another goodie that was on the list, as I recall:
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Lol nice!
I was always a fan of Mr. and Ms. Abyss' videos like this one...
and Operative videos by the Trimmers like this one...
[url=] What every Costume Creator needs...[/url] [url=]V2[/url] [url=]V3[/url]
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[color=#c95f02][b][size=17][font=Palatino Linotype] This song has been done in CoH many times but this was my favorite
of the ones I've seen (and I believe the original). It's "Hero" by Nickelback.
[url=] What every Costume Creator needs...[/url] [url=]V2[/url] [url=]V3[/url]
Next is this chronicle of the entire game, including shut down and continuing efforts to resurrect the game.
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Technical Director
Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider
Oh, I had totally forgotten the Stan and Lou series! They were so good.
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One of the earlier ones I think...
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What about the Dance Gun?
Sorry, I can't seem to get the syntax for embedding to work.
Cool, thanks!
Be Well!
You use the square brackets with the word youtube at the start and /youtube at the end, and in between you put just the part of the video link after the v= , which would be just PGF0MYORADE for yours.
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A classic for its time:
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Xacktar on YouTube was @Ashcraft on Champion and was very involved in the player community and was an all-around good dude. One of my favorite characters of his was 'Not A Rikti Spy' that would show up to zones with the Rikti Invasion event going on and say things such as, "I, for one, welcome our new Rikti Overlords!" It was hilarious.
The first video I ever saw from CoH was [url=;_ylt=AwrBT9yM_MNY2ycAM5lXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTB0N2Noc21lBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNwaXZz?p=Bobbo+No.+5&fr2=piv-web&fr=yfp-t-m#id=1&vid=c8a17528698a4df5dce8dea212ff23af&action=view]Bobbo No.5[/url] and still remains near and dear to my heart.
I remember getting interviewed, along with quite a few others, by the famous CoH/CoV officially unofficial videographer @Samuraiko to see if my character could partake in the video that she did right before the launch of Issue 12:
She never told me what I specifically said that won her over, but she used my character's likeness in the video.
My friend @Trixi Hill on Champion also asked me if I wanted to partake in helping her and her SG make a video or six:
Her earlier work was put together using many MANY screenshots, but as she got better, she started using Fraps and even the Demoedit function in CoH itself. Quite a bit of my fondness in the early years of playing CoH are directly related to the fun had helping make these videos.
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I've been trying to make a note to add a comment on several of these videos and mention the City of Titans game to help ensure the name is out there in as many places as possible. If anyone else thinks this is a good idea, it might be good to have several of us do the same sort of thing, as long as we aren't jus spamming the comments a bunch of times.
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Seriously though, I laughed sohard at this.
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[youtube]tk1CKSOm5dg[/youtube] [youtube]Z8GTxxGEdVM[/youtube] [youtube]yWCq9KiY9Yo[/youtube]
[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]
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[color=#c95f02][b][size=17][font=Palatino Linotype] nnnnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Zoink! OOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwwww lol
[url=] What every Costume Creator needs...[/url] [url=]V2[/url] [url=]V3[/url]
One from the Lethal Ladies, with whom I shared the Pinnacle server:
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This was always my favorite. Tightest video with the best timing I've seen. I mean how can you not love dancing Freaks
Bobbo No.5 was the first video that I ever saw that someone made from CoH, so it remains to this day near and dear to my heart.
Had this in a favorite list for all these years.
Of course there is always the professionally done Captain Dynamic
and some 'just for fun' bloopers to boot
touch my awesome button....
not my video just one I lke ===>
He lost me when he said the cat was declawed (Episode 1)!
*rakes the Awesome button right off of Captain Dynamic!*
*wonders if his first name is Les*
[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]
after watching these vids, I would play coh right now if I could... very much missed.
Let's not forget that "The Greatest American Hero" starred William KATT!
*sinister purr*
[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]
I can't listen to "Believe it or Not" (is that what the song is called?) without dreaming of flying, both in CoX and RL. And of course his hilarious attempts at flying in the episodes (we'll leave the discussions of landings for another thread).
Statesman: "My hubris, like my vanity, knows no bounds!"
[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]
Every time I see 'Rogue', as in that video title, I fondly(?) recall the character named Rouge Angle, who had the feathery wings and a description that led you to believe the player had actually managed to fabulously misspell both words.
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