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Kickstarter Campaign review on City of titans.

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Jetstrange's picture
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Kickstarter Campaign review on City of titans.

[url=]The video [/url]

This is just the pre-show for the big show Friday.

Dark Ether
Dark Ether's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
Joined: 10/03/2013 - 16:26
Interesting to hear people

Interesting to hear people who don't know anything that's going on talk about what they think is going on. They also manage to make a *lot* of mistakes.

(insert pithy comment here)

Cobalt Azurean
Cobalt Azurean's picture
Last seen: 9 months 4 weeks ago
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This should be good.

This should be good.

Last seen: 7 years 3 months ago
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Dark Ether wrote:
Dark Ether wrote:

Interesting to hear people who don't know anything that's going on talk about what they think is going on. They also manage to make a *lot* of mistakes.

So call out the Mistakes we made then .

Last seen: 7 years 3 months ago
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Cobalt Azurean wrote:
Cobalt Azurean wrote:

This should be good.

I Hope you join the conversation this Friday.

Last seen: 7 years 3 months ago
Joined: 05/30/2017 - 16:58
FYI I have already talked to

FYI I have already talked to MWM about this topic on our show this coming Friday. MWM Know all about it. This is just a look at the Ks Project then and now.

Dark Ether
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Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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The_3d_Scammers_News_and_Reports_ wrote:

Dark Ether wrote:
Interesting to hear people who don't know anything that's going on talk about what they think is going on. They also manage to make a *lot* of mistakes.
So call out the Mistakes we made then .

I see this is your first day here, so that's probably why you haven't seen some of the things that have been shown. I recall seeing a demo of a tights costume and cape, which you said was lacking. There have been a number of updates showing use of powers and such, as well as a really nice one on making buildings in the game.

I recall statements from the dev team about a delay caused by a change to using Unreal Engine 4, which is totally understandable. I've also seen reports of what other game development companies spend on development of single player games, let alone multi-player games, and I think your statements about what the monies this KS raised should accomplish in your opinion are overly optimistic, to put it mildly. IMO, if you know how to develop a game for a few hundred thousand, you should get into the business and become a rich, rich person.

But I shall get some popcorn and await additional conspiracy theories.

(insert pithy comment here)

Empyrean's picture
Last seen: 3 years 2 days ago
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Haters gonna hate. Trolls

Haters gonna hate. Trolls gonna troll. It's a cheap, easy, safe way to get attention. But it also won't hurt MWM any.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 1 day 5 hours ago
Joined: 01/03/2016 - 08:39
I hope 3D Scammers dig up

I hope 3D Scammers dig up some good truths and hopefully see things from a perspective that those of us who are regulars can't see anymore because we're too close. Anything they do come up with, if it is accurate, can only help to focus the team on making a better product.

And maybe it can be used for posterity for the next folks who want to make an MMO starting with an all-volunteer force.

I would be interested in seeing how 3D Scammers view the different CoH successor efforts. For instance, did Valiance Online's early pre-alpha open testing help or hurt them? And compare that to SoH coming in late but with a glossy presentation. And do they think that five different CoH successors is too many?

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Fireheart's picture
Last seen: 3 months 2 weeks ago
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Are 3D Scammers a reputable

Are 3D Scammers a reputable source, or is this just a case of trolling for attention? Because I try to never touch a troll's junk.

Be Well!

Last seen: 7 years 3 months ago
Joined: 05/30/2017 - 16:58
Huckleberry wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:

I hope 3D Scammers dig up some good truths and hopefully see things from a perspective that those of us who are regulars can't see anymore because we're too close. Anything they do come up with, if it is accurate, can only help to focus the team on making a better product.
And maybe it can be used for posterity for the next folks who want to make an MMO starting with an all-volunteer force.
I would be interested in seeing how 3D Scammers view the different CoH successor efforts. For instance, did Valiance Online's early pre-alpha open testing help or hurt them? And compare that to SoH coming in late but with a glossy presentation. And do they think that five different CoH successors is too many?

We are gonna try to get to the honest truth we have found some interesting things so far. So just be sure to catch use this Friday.

Last seen: 7 years 3 months ago
Joined: 05/30/2017 - 16:58
Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

Are 3D Scammers a reputable source, or is this just a case of trolling for attention? Because I try to never touch a troll's junk.
Be Well!

We bust trolls, 3d con artist and Scammers that is what we do . I had gotten a tip about this MMO and decided to look into it. We try to expose and bring to light the people who try to get your money from you unfairly.

Last seen: 7 years 3 months ago
Joined: 05/30/2017 - 16:58
Dark Ether wrote:
Dark Ether wrote:

The_3d_Scammers_News_and_Reports_ wrote:
Dark Ether wrote:
Interesting to hear people who don't know anything that's going on talk about what they think is going on. They also manage to make a *lot* of mistakes.
So call out the Mistakes we made then .
I see this is your first day here, so that's probably why you haven't seen some of the things that have been shown. I recall seeing a demo of a tights costume and cape, which you said was lacking. There have been a number of updates showing use of powers and such, as well as a really nice one on making buildings in the game.
I recall statements from the dev team about a delay caused by a change to using Unreal Engine 4, which is totally understandable. I've also seen reports of what other game development companies spend on development of single player games, let alone multi-player games, and I think your statements about what the monies this KS raised should accomplish in your opinion are overly optimistic, to put it mildly. IMO, if you know how to develop a game for a few hundred thousand, you should get into the business and become a rich, rich person.
But I shall get some popcorn and await additional conspiracy theories.

Who said it was our first day? Yes i have been hear many times but not as a registered member. I just observed what goes on and report my findings.

Empyrean's picture
Last seen: 3 years 2 days ago
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Well, they have 16 whole

Well, they have 16 subscribers as of right now, so getting us to pay attention may be the biggest thing to happen to them so far.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Fireheart's picture
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The_3d_Scammers_News_and_Reports_ wrote:

We bust trolls, 3d con artist and Scammers that is what we do . I had gotten a tip about this MMO and decided to look into it. We try to expose and bring to light the people who try to get your money from you unfairly.

And you think that a company which has not asked for money in four years, needs an expose?

Be Well!

Last seen: 1 year 2 weeks ago
Joined: 10/25/2013 - 20:15
And if you weren't logged in

And if you weren't logged in with an actual kickstarter account here how would you know about the information the actual kickstarters who are supposedly being scammed have been given access to? Maybe we are satisfied? Not sure why you're making trouble on behalf of those who are content.

TitansCity's picture
Last seen: 1 year 5 months ago
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Joined: 10/28/2013 - 02:09
when i decided to launch

when i decided to launch, i promise myself to not betray my audience by giving verified and objective informations with, each time i can, give my official sources. I think some should do the same. When i read (on the subtitles) that we don't know who are the developper neither who manage them... that makes me laught. You didn't even take the time to look at the profil signature on the forum. Most of the mains members (Technical director, marketing director, animation developer, music compositor, writting compositor,etc) have their status in red.

I should have not waste my time to listen your empty video. (listen a video... that sound also awful). I'm sorry dude, but this is only a subjective opinion, even not a impartial series of facts. That don't bring anything to the purpose. At least, you should bring some fact wityh some arguments to make the game development better.

Cia dude :)

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Kiyori Anoyui
Kiyori Anoyui's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
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Not particularly sure who

Not particularly sure who this charade is for. If you are trying to reach the people here, we have faith. Try to reach people who don't know about this project, they don't have vested interest anyways. I don't think there's very many people people on the fence about this project. I'll tune in to hear what you have to say but it definitely won't change how I feel. MWM, love you peeps :)

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

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Cinnder's picture
Last seen: 2 years 6 months ago
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Kiyori Anoyui wrote:
Kiyori Anoyui wrote:

Not particularly sure who this charade is for. If you are trying to reach the people here, we have faith. Try to reach people who don't know about this project, they don't have vested interest anyways. I don't think there's very many people people on the fence about this project. I'll tune in to hear what you have to say but it definitely won't change how I feel. MWM, love you peeps :)

That's a good point. Whom are they trying to 'warn' anyway? Those of us who contributed already know exactly where we stand and we're ok. MWM isn't asking for any more money now, so the next opportunity for someone to plump down some cash on the game will likely be when the game is ready, at which point it will be a [i]fait accompli[/i], so I'm not sure what the purpose of this 'review' is. As a backer, I think MWM has been as open and honest as possible and I don't have any serious doubts.

Spurn all ye kindle.

Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
Joined: 04/25/2016 - 21:30
Those who look at other

Those who look at other successor efforts frequently know that fans of a particular project have a tendency to demonize the other projects. It seems, purely anecdotal, that CoT gets the brunt of that negativity. This is ,IMO, due to CoT having the only real successful kickstarter. Expectations were high and so MWM became the target when those expectation were not met.

I spent the last few hours looking over the op-ed videos the guys at 'The_3d_Scammers_News_and_Reports_ ' have done (not just the one on CoT) and it is pretty clear these are opinion/commentary pieces, not investigative. They have some pretty obvious errors (not knowing those involved in the project when its on the KS page, misquoting 3D modeling costs, misunderstandings of concept art, pure unsubstantiated/opinioned 'facts' and so forth). These errors could be avoided with just a little bit of research.
The worst of this video is that they admit that they have gotten new information from MWM and need time to think it over before making a new video. If they have new information which has the possibility to change their minds then posting this opinion piece first is pretty irresponsible.

I would give more benefit of the doubt to the guys over at 3D Scammers if their channel did not devote much of their time towards a feud with some guy who distributes BHV/FBX motion files (I assume, not sure if this is actually who they are feuding with).
A channel that attempts to build its success on conflict is going to be suspect in any video they make.

They seem to read this thread so my suggestion to them is scrap the editorial style reporting and do more investigative journalism. It will help them gain credibility in the long run and would allow them to have a proper impact in protecting the consumer as they claim to want.

Cinnder's picture
Last seen: 2 years 6 months ago
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Brainbot wrote:
Brainbot wrote:

A channel that attempts to build its success on conflict is going to be suspect in any video they make.

And we already know from Vision that conflict...breeds catastrophe.

Spurn all ye kindle.

Last seen: 7 years 3 months ago
Joined: 05/30/2017 - 16:58
Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

The_3d_Scammers_News_and_Reports_ wrote:
We bust trolls, 3d con artist and Scammers that is what we do . I had gotten a tip about this MMO and decided to look into it. We try to expose and bring to light the people who try to get your money from you unfairly.
And you think that a company which has not asked for money in four years, needs an expose?
Be Well!

If you are asking for my opinion yes.

Last seen: 7 years 3 months ago
Joined: 05/30/2017 - 16:58
Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

Kiyori Anoyui wrote:
Not particularly sure who this charade is for. If you are trying to reach the people here, we have faith. Try to reach people who don't know about this project, they don't have vested interest anyways. I don't think there's very many people people on the fence about this project. I'll tune in to hear what you have to say but it definitely won't change how I feel. MWM, love you peeps :)
That's a good point. Whom are they trying to 'warn' anyway? Those of us who contributed already know exactly where we stand and we're ok. MWM isn't asking for any more money now, so the next opportunity for someone to plump down some cash on the game will likely be when the game is ready, at which point it will be a fait accompli, so I'm not sure what the purpose of this 'review' is. As a backer, I think MWM has been as open and honest as possible and I don't have any serious doubts.

Well if they are not asking for anymore money why do they have a Patreon page to help fund the comic book? Questions like these need answers.

Last seen: 7 years 3 months ago
Joined: 05/30/2017 - 16:58
TitansCity wrote:
TitansCity wrote:

when i decided to launch, i promise myself to not betray my audience by giving verified and objective informations with, each time i can, give my official sources. I think some should do the same. When i read (on the subtitles) that we don't know who are the developper neither who manage them... that makes me laught. You didn't even take the time to look at the profil signature on the forum. Most of the mains members (Technical director, marketing director, animation developer, music compositor, writting compositor,etc) have their status in red.
I should have not waste my time to listen your empty video. (listen a video... that sound also awful). I'm sorry dude, but this is only a subjective opinion, even not a impartial series of facts. That don't bring anything to the purpose. At least, you should bring some fact wityh some arguments to make the game development better.
Cia dude :)

Ok i knew this would come up so here it is

The game has been in development since 2013 raised over half a million+ dollars and no game exist until now. No full playable Game level as of yet

Unreal engine will only charge 5% of quarterly gross revenue earned when the game makes 3,000 usd in sales. MWM described on their ks page an amount of $70K
-Since we are developing the game using the Unreal Engine, and the Kickstarter counts as revenue, we owe Epic Games, the company which makes the Unreal Engine royalties. That comes to about $70,000, as well.-
[Source-MwM Kickstarter campaign page: Title:The Phoenix Project - City of Titans-Sub Category:Budget: Web address: -Author -MWM? ]

In March of 2015 on the Unreal website this was posted-
When you ship a game or application, you pay a 5% royalty on gross revenue after the first $3,000 per product, per quarter. It’s a simple arrangement in which we succeed only when you succeed.-
[ Source :Unreal Engine website, 3.2.2015 -Title:If You Love Something, Set It Free: Author-Tim Sweeney: web address-]

The game has not made it to market in the last five years, so the revenue gained is 0$ right now. Unreal will only charge them when the game starts making revenue not while the game is in development. The money gained thru Kickstarter is consider the price to make and publish the game and not the actual revenue the game made. Check it out on the Unreal website and verify it.----->

The rest of the Information i have about this game will be talked about when the show goes live on Friday. We asked MwM to come on our show but they said they could not make it. I also told them to let use know a date they could but no answer as of yet.

Empyrean's picture
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The_3d_Scammers_News_and_Reports_ wrote:

Well if they are not asking for anymore money why do they have a Patreon page to help fund the comic book? Questions like these need answers.

That particular question was already answered very clearly and completely BEFORE they ever launched the Patreon page. A very small amount of thorough research on your part would have told you that. And what exactly are you insinuating by the facts you list above. That's all stuff we know. And we know exactly why. Again, a little reading and research would have told you that. Sure, we wish we had the game already, but things happen in development and all of these points have already been discussed and answered thoroughly.

Look, do your piece 3d. Fine. I'm not saying you shouldn't. But from here forward be a conscientious journalist and ask your questions and do your homework FIRST and then do your interviews and/or present your well-researched findings. What you've done so far is just casting insinuations, accusations and aspersions based on unproven assumptions in the guise of "asking questions". It makes it look like you're just trying to get attention without doing much actual journalistic work.

Thoroughly research and then report--no one here's afraid of that--but don't just witch hunt or conspiracy monger. The first is good, useful journalism, the latter is typical lazy internet bull crap.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

notears's picture
Last seen: 7 months 3 weeks ago
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Well first if you want to

Well first if you want to talk to the devs directly I suggest the suggestion board, that's where most of the devs actually look... you aren't really talking to the devs right now, your talking to the forum regulars.... we don't really know many of the answers to the questions you're asking here... second? The devs didn't really start at the same time as valiance online who do have a working demo... they are also working with less time than the other CoX succesors and time is a far more valuable resource than money here... and third, I know you've said you've been here awhile but in your video all you've really said was that they've only made a demo and "a lot of crappy artwork with some really good stuff in there" and well they've shown a lot more than that... they've released some well crafted short stories, maps and lore of the game, and they've shared their fair share of artwork and demos. Also? So far they've been really honest with us... they've given us a lot of information and well I'm more willing to trust them than you... maybe if you gave us some actual physical evidence of wrong doing rather than wild speculation that could change... but as it stands? They've been more honest with us and we've just met you. Look I understand that you are trying to do something good here... I applaud it... but the method of it isn't that convincing...

not my video just one I lke ===>


notears's picture
Last seen: 7 months 3 weeks ago
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I've subscribed to your

I've subscribed to your channel and I've clicked the bell... I'll see if I can make it on Friday but without so much as an actual legal document or hard evidence I'm not going to believe that much... also no promises that I can make it to the livestream... I'm a busy man...

not my video just one I lke ===>


Last seen: 7 years 3 months ago
Joined: 05/30/2017 - 16:58
notears wrote:
notears wrote:

Well first if you want to talk to the devs directly I suggest the suggestion board, that's where most of the devs actually look... you aren't really talking to the devs right now, your talking to the forum regulars.... we don't really know many of the answers to the questions you're asking here... second? The devs didn't really start at the same time as valiance online who do have a working demo... they are also working with less time than the other CoX succesors and time is a far more valuable resource than money here... and third, I know you've said you've been here awhile but in your video all you've really said was that they've only made a demo and "a lot of crappy artwork with some really good stuff in there" and well they've shown a lot more than that... they've released some well crafted short stories, maps and lore of the game, and they've shared their fair share of artwork and demos. Also? So far they've been really honest with us... they've given us a lot of information and well I'm more willing to trust them than you... maybe if you gave us some actual physical evidence of wrong doing rather than wild speculation that could change... but as it stands? They've been more honest with us and we've just met you. Look I understand that you are trying to do something good here... I applaud it... but the method of it isn't that convincing...

Understandable but i did talk to someone from MWM and they sent me here i was under the impression that this was their website. If this is not their website and forum board why did they send me here?

I agree when i had my conversation with them they sounded totally honest also. This is not about sounding honest it is about being honest and forth ward about something. I just want to put the nail in the coffin about the rumors going on about the project that is all.

Someone came to me about this project looking for answers they where not getting. I am only helping to get rid of those questions. You don't have to trust me but you cant ignore the the facts.

Lin Chiao Feng
Lin Chiao Feng's picture
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The_3d_Scammers_News_and_Reports_ wrote:

Well if they are not asking for anymore money why do they have a Patreon page to help fund the comic book?


[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

Last seen: 7 years 3 months ago
Joined: 05/30/2017 - 16:58
notears wrote:
notears wrote:

I've subscribed to your channel and I've clicked the bell... I'll see if I can make it on Friday but without so much as an actual legal document or hard evidence I'm not going to believe that much... also no promises that I can make it to the livestream... I'm a busy man...

Hey no problem do what ya can do that is all we ask for.

Lin Chiao Feng
Lin Chiao Feng's picture
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The_3d_Scammers_News_and_Reports_ wrote:

i was under the impression that this was their website.

This is the City of Titans web site; you're not lost. Notears was referring to the [url=/forums/suggestions-and-ideas-you-speak-devs]"Suggestions and Ideas: You speak to the Devs!" forum[/url] on this site. Feel free to look around and post questions and suggestions.

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
Joined: 04/25/2016 - 21:30
The_3d_Scammers_News_and_Reports_ wrote:

The game has not made it to market in the last five years, so the revenue gained is 0$ right now. Unreal will only charge them when the game starts making revenue not while the game is in development. The money gained thru Kickstarter is consider the price to make and publish the game and not the actual revenue the game made.

This right here is exactly what I am talking about. Just a little research and you would learn something.
This is from UDK

UDK wrote:

Using crowdfunding to help get your UDK game is perfectly acceptable. We do require developers to execute the $99 commercial UDK license as soon as the game becomes a commercial product, whether through direct sale, pre-orders, or a promised "backer reward." [b][i]All money received for game copies sold whether through direct sale, pre-orders, or "backer reward" are considered to be part of revenue, and are thus subject to the standard UDK royalty at the market value of the standalone game.[/i][/b]

Funding earned through donations, non-game backer rewards (e.g., thank you cards, hats, t-shirts), and "fund my life" campaigns, are not subject to UDK royalties. For "backer rewards" that combine merchandise plus a game, only the market value of the game is attributed to total revenue. For example, if you offer a $100 pledge that includes swag and one copy of your $10 game, you only count $10 toward UDK revenue. Any pre-sales of the game are subject to the standard UDK royalty.

Kickstarter's DO in fact count as revenue when the rewards promise copies of the game to donators.

And in regards to your 'concerns' about the patreon site, merchandising is NOT donation.

Seriously, you are losing credibility by the bucket loads with every mistake you guys make.

Last seen: 7 years 3 months ago
Joined: 05/30/2017 - 16:58
Kassandros wrote:
Kassandros wrote:

And if you weren't logged in with an actual kickstarter account here how would you know about the information the actual kickstarters who are supposedly being scammed have been given access to? Maybe we are satisfied? Not sure why you're making trouble on behalf of those who are content.

Who said it was just me? I am the only one from Scammers who has made himself known so far. I work with 5 other people on scammers. I am not making trouble just trying to get answers.

Empyrean's picture
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notears wrote:
notears wrote:

I've subscribed to your channel and I've clicked the bell...

I told you this would be the biggest thing that has happened to them so far :P. Just teasing you, notears :P.

Last post, but I do want to say that I, and I think in general all of us here, well know that MWM isn't perfect, and they have never pretended to be. They have made some good decisions and some bad decisions, and they have always been very forthcoming about that. But, while there have been some mistakes--as well as many heroically difficult decisions and struggles and accomplishments--they have never dissembled, and all of the questions that you are asking have already been discussed by MWM--in most cases ad nauseam.

Now, if after exhaustively researching you don't believe the answers that they have given, then that is fine, but then the burden of proof is on you--it's not enough, or even right, to insinuate without proof. Though it is a good, easy way to get attention.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Halae's picture
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The_3d_Scammers_News_and_Reports_ wrote:

Who said it was just me? I am the only one from Scammers who has made himself known so far. I work with 5 other people on scammers. I am not making trouble just trying to get answers.

The point of fact is that you're the one that's here, making uninformed statements and baseless assumptions. Which have been pointed out.

You certainly don't seem like you're trying to get answers, you just seem like you're trying to chum the waters for some juicy conflict so that the sharks can move in.

Empyrean wrote:

I told you this would be the biggest thing that has happened to them so far :P. Just teasing you, notears :P.>Last post, but I do want to say that I, and I think in general all of us here, well know that MWM isn't perfect, and they have never pretended to be. They have made some good decisions and some bad decisions, and they have always been very forthcoming about that. But, while there have been some mistakes--as well as many heroically difficult decisions and struggles and accomplishments--they have never dissembled, and all of the questions that you are asking have already been discussed by MWM--in most cases ad nauseam.

This is important, because the City of Titans development team at Missing Worlds Media is the single most transparent company I've ever encountered. Not game company, just company in general - I have met groups of three people that are more opaque about their intentions and position than MWM.

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

notears's picture
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The_3d_Scammers_News_and_Reports_ wrote:

notears wrote:
Well first if you want to talk to the devs directly I suggest the suggestion board, that's where most of the devs actually look... you aren't really talking to the devs right now, your talking to the forum regulars.... we don't really know many of the answers to the questions you're asking here... second? The devs didn't really start at the same time as valiance online who do have a working demo... they are also working with less time than the other CoX succesors and time is a far more valuable resource than money here... and third, I know you've said you've been here awhile but in your video all you've really said was that they've only made a demo and "a lot of crappy artwork with some really good stuff in there" and well they've shown a lot more than that... they've released some well crafted short stories, maps and lore of the game, and they've shared their fair share of artwork and demos. Also? So far they've been really honest with us... they've given us a lot of information and well I'm more willing to trust them than you... maybe if you gave us some actual physical evidence of wrong doing rather than wild speculation that could change... but as it stands? They've been more honest with us and we've just met you. Look I understand that you are trying to do something good here... I applaud it... but the method of it isn't that convincing...
Understandable but i did talk to someone from MWM and they sent me here i was under the impression that this was their website. If this is not their website and forum board why did they send me here?
I agree when i had my conversation with them they sounded totally honest also. This is not about sounding honest it is about being honest and forth ward about something. I just want to put the nail in the coffin about the rumors going on about the project that is all.
Someone came to me about this project looking for answers they where not getting. I am only helping to get rid of those questions. You don't have to trust me but you cant ignore the the facts.

Well this is their site and their forum, it's just that you put this in the wrong place on their site and forum... then again you didn't actually start the thread...

not my video just one I lke ===>


Lothic's picture
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The_3d_Scammers_News_and_Reports_ wrote:

I just want to put the nail in the coffin about the rumors going on about the project that is all.
You don't have to trust me but you cant ignore the the facts.

MWM is a game company that has (after its initial KS) lasted roughly FOUR years without any serious fundraising beyond selling PHYSICAL t-shirts and that Patreon comic book thing that I'm reasonably sure only started LAST YEAR. If the company is just a scam out to get as much money as they can as quickly as they can they're probably one of the worst "scams" I've ever seen.

Even if MWM is in fact a "scam KS" you're not really doing anyone a service here with your so-called expose video. Think about it: If CoT is destined to be vaporware MWM will die with or without your presence in this situation. Either you'll be laughed at as a joke (if you're wrong about MWM) or you'll be forgotten as a useless factor in a pre-doomed game company that you had no direct hand in dismantling in any way. What's it feel like to either be a joke or useless?

Besides, prove to us you're not the actual "scam" in this situation.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

notears's picture
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

The_3d_Scammers_News_and_Reports_ wrote:
I just want to put the nail in the coffin about the rumors going on about the project that is all.
You don't have to trust me but you cant ignore the the facts.
MWM is a game company that has (after its initial KS) lasted roughly FOUR years without any serious fundraising beyond selling PHYSICAL t-shirts and that Patreon comic book thing that I'm reasonably sure only started LAST YEAR. If the company is just a scam out to get as much money as they can as quickly as they can they're probably one of the worst "scams" I've ever seen.
Even if MWM is in fact a "scam KS" you're not really doing anyone a service here with your so-called expose video. Think about it: If CoT is destined to be vaporware MWM will die with or without your presence in this situation. Either you'll be laughed at as a joke (if you're wrong about MWM) or you'll be forgotten as a useless factor in a pre-doomed game company that you had no direct hand in dismantling in any way. What's it feel like to either be a joke or useless?
Besides, prove to us you're not the actual "scam" in this situation.

He's not trying to attack anyone he's just trying to clear things up

not my video just one I lke ===>


Lothic's picture
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notears wrote:
notears wrote:

He's not trying to attack anyone he's just trying to clear things up

What's this guy's motivation to "clear something up" that needs no "clearing up"?

Again I'll point out that if MWM is a scam it's got to be one of the worst ones I've ever seen.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

notears's picture
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

notears wrote:
He's not trying to attack anyone he's just trying to clear things up
What's this guy's motivation to "clear something up" that needs no "clearing up"?
Again I'll point out that if MWM is a scam it's got to be one of the worst ones I've ever seen.

Eh... I like to see the good in people...

not my video just one I lke ===>


Lothic's picture
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notears wrote:
notears wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Again I'll point out that if MWM is a scam it's got to be one of the worst ones I've ever seen.

Eh... I like to see the good in people...

No silly... I mean if MWM is a scam it's got to be one of the worst ones AT BEING A SCAM I've ever seen. As in it's done a very sucky job at grabbing people's money and running. If MWM is TRYING to be a scam they have no idea what they're doing with that.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Halae's picture
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

If MWM is TRYING to be a scam they have no idea what they're doing with that.

And are in fact screwing it up massively.

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

notears's picture
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

notears wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Again I'll point out that if MWM is a scam it's got to be one of the worst ones I've ever seen.
Eh... I like to see the good in people...
No silly... I mean if MWM is a scam it's got to be one of the worst ones AT BEING A SCAM I've ever seen. As in it's done a very sucky job at grabbing people's money and running. If MWM is TRYING to be a scam they have no idea what they're doing with that.

Well I don't think this is a scam... I just think this is just a misunderstanding that we shouldn't be throwing words like "fool" and "useless" at... I know this isn't a scam... it doesn't add up as a scam...

not my video just one I lke ===>


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Brainbot wrote:
Brainbot wrote:

The_3d_Scammers_News_and_Reports_ wrote:
The game has not made it to market in the last five years, so the revenue gained is 0$ right now. Unreal will only charge them when the game starts making revenue not while the game is in development. The money gained thru Kickstarter is consider the price to make and publish the game and not the actual revenue the game made.
This right here is exactly what I am talking about. Just a little research and you would learn something.
This is from UDK
UDK wrote:
Using crowdfunding to help get your UDK game is perfectly acceptable. We do require developers to execute the $99 commercial UDK license as soon as the game becomes a commercial product, whether through direct sale, pre-orders, or a promised "backer reward." All money received for game copies sold whether through direct sale, pre-orders, or "backer reward" are considered to be part of revenue, and are thus subject to the standard UDK royalty at the market value of the standalone game.
Funding earned through donations, non-game backer rewards (e.g., thank you cards, hats, t-shirts), and "fund my life" campaigns, are not subject to UDK royalties. For "backer rewards" that combine merchandise plus a game, only the market value of the game is attributed to total revenue. For example, if you offer a $100 pledge that includes swag and one copy of your $10 game, you only count $10 toward UDK revenue. Any pre-sales of the game are subject to the standard UDK royalty.

Kickstarter's DO in fact count as revenue when the rewards promise copies of the game to donators.
And in regards to your 'concerns' about the patreon site, merchandising is NOT donation.
Seriously, you are losing credibility by the bucket loads with every mistake you guys make.

I just made this video i hope you watch it



notears's picture
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I mean this guy is trying to

I mean this guy is trying to do a good thing here and he can't possibly hurt anyone... and your still antagonizing him even though he doesn't want to do any harm and can't do any harm to us...

not my video just one I lke ===>


Last seen: 7 years 3 months ago
Joined: 05/30/2017 - 16:58
Lin Chiao Feng wrote:
Lin Chiao Feng wrote:

The_3d_Scammers_News_and_Reports_ wrote:
i was under the impression that this was their website.
This is the City of Titans web site; you're not lost. Notears was referring to the "Suggestions and Ideas: You speak to the Devs!" forum on this site. Feel free to look around and post questions and suggestions.


Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
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notears wrote:
notears wrote:

I mean this guy is trying to do a good thing here and he can't possibly hurt anyone... and your still antagonizing him even though he doesn't want to do any harm and can't do any harm to us...

Misinformed opinion can most definatly hurt. Accusations have a habit of nipping at the heels of the accused.

notears's picture
Last seen: 7 months 3 weeks ago
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Brainbot wrote:
Brainbot wrote:

notears wrote:
I mean this guy is trying to do a good thing here and he can't possibly hurt anyone... and your still antagonizing him even though he doesn't want to do any harm and can't do any harm to us...
Misinformed opinion can most definatly hurt. Accusations have a habit of nipping at the heels of the accused.

Yeah well not all pain is equal... the rumour was started way earlier than he started looking into things... not everything is black and white...

not my video just one I lke ===>


Dark Ether
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notears wrote:
notears wrote:

I mean this guy is trying to do a good thing here and he can't possibly hurt anyone... and your still antagonizing him even though he doesn't want to do any harm and can't do any harm to us...

If you assume there is no agenda underlying their attacks on the game and its development.

(insert pithy comment here)

Last seen: 7 years 3 months ago
Joined: 05/30/2017 - 16:58
The_3d_Scammers_News_and_Reports_ wrote:

Brainbot wrote:
The_3d_Scammers_News_and_Reports_ wrote:
The game has not made it to market in the last five years, so the revenue gained is 0$ right now. Unreal will only charge them when the game starts making revenue not while the game is in development. The money gained thru Kickstarter is consider the price to make and publish the game and not the actual revenue the game made.
This right here is exactly what I am talking about. Just a little research and you would learn something.
This is from UDK
UDK wrote:
Using crowdfunding to help get your UDK game is perfectly acceptable. We do require developers to execute the $99 commercial UDK license as soon as the game becomes a commercial product, whether through direct sale, pre-orders, or a promised "backer reward." All money received for game copies sold whether through direct sale, pre-orders, or "backer reward" are considered to be part of revenue, and are thus subject to the standard UDK royalty at the market value of the standalone game.
Funding earned through donations, non-game backer rewards (e.g., thank you cards, hats, t-shirts), and "fund my life" campaigns, are not subject to UDK royalties. For "backer rewards" that combine merchandise plus a game, only the market value of the game is attributed to total revenue. For example, if you offer a $100 pledge that includes swag and one copy of your $10 game, you only count $10 toward UDK revenue. Any pre-sales of the game are subject to the standard UDK royalty.
Kickstarter's DO in fact count as revenue when the rewards promise copies of the game to donators.
And in regards to your 'concerns' about the patreon site, merchandising is NOT donation.
Seriously, you are losing credibility by the bucket loads with every mistake you guys make.
I just made this video i hope you watch it

Last seen: 7 years 3 months ago
Joined: 05/30/2017 - 16:58
Dark Ether wrote:
Dark Ether wrote:

notears wrote:
I mean this guy is trying to do a good thing here and he can't possibly hurt anyone... and your still antagonizing him even though he doesn't want to do any harm and can't do any harm to us...
If you assume there is no agenda underlying their attacks on the game and its development.

There is no agenda I do not wear a tin-foil hat .

notears's picture
Last seen: 7 months 3 weeks ago
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Dark Ether wrote:
Dark Ether wrote:

notears wrote:
I mean this guy is trying to do a good thing here and he can't possibly hurt anyone... and your still antagonizing him even though he doesn't want to do any harm and can't do any harm to us...
If you assume there is no agenda underlying their attacks on the game and its development.

Well if there is he isn't doing a good job... and there's an equal if not a greater chance that this is all just a misunderstanding by someone who's just bad at his job... even if this was intentional all he could possibly muster is a mosquito bite... there's no grand conspiracy here... this isn't some group trying to ruin us.... he tried to do something good and he failed and all that came from that failure was annoyance at worst...

not my video just one I lke ===>


Lothic's picture
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notears wrote:
notears wrote:

I mean this guy is trying to do a good thing here and he can't possibly hurt anyone... and your still antagonizing him even though he doesn't want to do any harm and can't do any harm to us...

I've never even heard of this guy until today and the only words I've seen from him are hints of some kind of "conspiracy theory" suggesting that MWM has been doing nothing but wasting our time for the last four years. If MWM was always a "scam" from the beginning then why take our money ONCE in a KS and then do almost nothing to efficiently extract MORE MONEY from us since? The so called "facts" they claim to have already don't add up.

Look I could care less if MWM might have paid a bit of money to an artist that's working for VO or any trivial silliness like that. If these guys have some actual "dirt" on MWM I'm reasonably sure it would have leaked by now regardless.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Lothic's picture
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The_3d_Scammers_News_and_Reports_ wrote:

Dark Ether wrote:
notears wrote:
I mean this guy is trying to do a good thing here and he can't possibly hurt anyone... and your still antagonizing him even though he doesn't want to do any harm and can't do any harm to us...
If you assume there is no agenda underlying their attacks on the game and its development.
There is no agenda I do not wear a tin-foil hat .

Then tell us what your "big news" is right here and right now. Why make it into a "big production" with a video you claim you won't release until Friday? What's your "angle" in this?

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

notears's picture
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Joined: 10/04/2013 - 17:24
Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

notears wrote:
I mean this guy is trying to do a good thing here and he can't possibly hurt anyone... and your still antagonizing him even though he doesn't want to do any harm and can't do any harm to us...
I've never even heard of this guy until today and the only words I've seen from him are hints of some kind of "conspiracy theory" suggesting that MWM has been doing nothing but wasting our time for the last four years. If MWM was always a "scam" from the beginning then why take our money ONCE in a KS and then do almost nothing to efficiently extract MORE MONEY from us since? The so called "facts" they claim to have already don't add up.
Look I could care less if MWM might have paid a bit of money to an artist that's working for VO or any trivial silliness like that. If these guys have some actual "dirt" on MWM I'm reasonably sure it would have leaked by now regardless.

Look the only real problem I have are the insults, argue all you want but this isn't going to be solved if a flame war breaks out...

not my video just one I lke ===>


Lothic's picture
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notears wrote:
notears wrote:

Lothic wrote:
notears wrote:
I mean this guy is trying to do a good thing here and he can't possibly hurt anyone... and your still antagonizing him even though he doesn't want to do any harm and can't do any harm to us...
I've never even heard of this guy until today and the only words I've seen from him are hints of some kind of "conspiracy theory" suggesting that MWM has been doing nothing but wasting our time for the last four years. If MWM was always a "scam" from the beginning then why take our money ONCE in a KS and then do almost nothing to efficiently extract MORE MONEY from us since? The so called "facts" they claim to have already don't add up.
Look I could care less if MWM might have paid a bit of money to an artist that's working for VO or any trivial silliness like that. If these guys have some actual "dirt" on MWM I'm reasonably sure it would have leaked by now regardless.
Look the only real problem I have are the insults, argue all you want but this isn't going to be solved if a flame war breaks out...

I'm not "insulting" anyone. I'm just calling out this "johnny-come-lately" to put up or shut up.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

notears's picture
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Joined: 10/04/2013 - 17:24
Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

notears wrote:
Lothic wrote:
notears wrote:
I mean this guy is trying to do a good thing here and he can't possibly hurt anyone... and your still antagonizing him even though he doesn't want to do any harm and can't do any harm to us...
I've never even heard of this guy until today and the only words I've seen from him are hints of some kind of "conspiracy theory" suggesting that MWM has been doing nothing but wasting our time for the last four years. If MWM was always a "scam" from the beginning then why take our money ONCE in a KS and then do almost nothing to efficiently extract MORE MONEY from us since? The so called "facts" they claim to have already don't add up.
Look I could care less if MWM might have paid a bit of money to an artist that's working for VO or any trivial silliness like that. If these guys have some actual "dirt" on MWM I'm reasonably sure it would have leaked by now regardless.
Look the only real problem I have are the insults, argue all you want but this isn't going to be solved if a flame war breaks out...
I'm not "insulting" anyone. I'm just calling out this "johnny-come-lately" to put up or shut up.

You said "what's it feel to be a joke or useless" that's an insult

not my video just one I lke ===>


Lothic's picture
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notears wrote:
notears wrote:

Lothic wrote:
notears wrote:
Lothic wrote:
notears wrote:
I mean this guy is trying to do a good thing here and he can't possibly hurt anyone... and your still antagonizing him even though he doesn't want to do any harm and can't do any harm to us...
I've never even heard of this guy until today and the only words I've seen from him are hints of some kind of "conspiracy theory" suggesting that MWM has been doing nothing but wasting our time for the last four years. If MWM was always a "scam" from the beginning then why take our money ONCE in a KS and then do almost nothing to efficiently extract MORE MONEY from us since? The so called "facts" they claim to have already don't add up.
Look I could care less if MWM might have paid a bit of money to an artist that's working for VO or any trivial silliness like that. If these guys have some actual "dirt" on MWM I'm reasonably sure it would have leaked by now regardless.
Look the only real problem I have are the insults, argue all you want but this isn't going to be solved if a flame war breaks out...
I'm not "insulting" anyone. I'm just calling out this "johnny-come-lately" to put up or shut up.
You said "what's it feel to be a joke or useless" that's an insult

I'm asking a legitimate question. I see no other alternatives for his activities relative to MWM. This guy might be a perfectly lovely person IRL but in reference to this situation he's either right or wrong and either way his "involvement" is pointless in that regard.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

notears's picture
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Joined: 10/04/2013 - 17:24
Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

notears wrote:
Lothic wrote:
notears wrote:
Lothic wrote:
notears wrote:
I mean this guy is trying to do a good thing here and he can't possibly hurt anyone... and your still antagonizing him even though he doesn't want to do any harm and can't do any harm to us...
I've never even heard of this guy until today and the only words I've seen from him are hints of some kind of "conspiracy theory" suggesting that MWM has been doing nothing but wasting our time for the last four years. If MWM was always a "scam" from the beginning then why take our money ONCE in a KS and then do almost nothing to efficiently extract MORE MONEY from us since? The so called "facts" they claim to have already don't add up.
Look I could care less if MWM might have paid a bit of money to an artist that's working for VO or any trivial silliness like that. If these guys have some actual "dirt" on MWM I'm reasonably sure it would have leaked by now regardless.
Look the only real problem I have are the insults, argue all you want but this isn't going to be solved if a flame war breaks out...
I'm not "insulting" anyone. I'm just calling out this "johnny-come-lately" to put up or shut up.
You said "what's it feel to be a joke or useless" that's an insult
I'm asking a legitimate question. I see no other alternatives for his activities relative to MWM. This guy might be a perfectly lovely person IRL but in reference to this situation he's either right or wrong and either way his "involvement" is pointless in that regard.

then call his point useless not him

not my video just one I lke ===>


Lothic's picture
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Joined: 10/02/2013 - 00:27
notears wrote:
notears wrote:

Lothic wrote:
notears wrote:
Lothic wrote:
notears wrote:
Lothic wrote:
notears wrote:
I mean this guy is trying to do a good thing here and he can't possibly hurt anyone... and your still antagonizing him even though he doesn't want to do any harm and can't do any harm to us...
I've never even heard of this guy until today and the only words I've seen from him are hints of some kind of "conspiracy theory" suggesting that MWM has been doing nothing but wasting our time for the last four years. If MWM was always a "scam" from the beginning then why take our money ONCE in a KS and then do almost nothing to efficiently extract MORE MONEY from us since? The so called "facts" they claim to have already don't add up.
Look I could care less if MWM might have paid a bit of money to an artist that's working for VO or any trivial silliness like that. If these guys have some actual "dirt" on MWM I'm reasonably sure it would have leaked by now regardless.
Look the only real problem I have are the insults, argue all you want but this isn't going to be solved if a flame war breaks out...
I'm not "insulting" anyone. I'm just calling out this "johnny-come-lately" to put up or shut up.
You said "what's it feel to be a joke or useless" that's an insult
I'm asking a legitimate question. I see no other alternatives for his activities relative to MWM. This guy might be a perfectly lovely person IRL but in reference to this situation he's either right or wrong and either way his "involvement" is pointless in that regard.
then call his point useless not him

*sigh* if this guy took PERSONAL offense by what I said (which I highly doubt) that'll be his problem, not mine.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 1 day 5 hours ago
Joined: 01/03/2016 - 08:39
Yeah, some of us are a bit

Yeah, some of us are a bit more rabid than others.

I think 3D scammers are going about it well. They established a hypothesis with their first video and admitted that they needed to conduct more research before they would publish anything official. Let's not jump to conclusions and cast aspersions until we see it.

At this point, I don't think any publicity would be a bad thing.

  • If 3D scammers do poor research or come to illogical conclusions, I think the community response will be vocal enough to set any record straight and the publicity of the conflict will be good in the end. Because when all is said and done and the actual product is out, all people will remember is that the name City of Titans was being tossed around the internet for a few months back in 2017.
  • If they end up concluding that the project is coming along and people will actually end up getting what they paid for, then that's good too. These aren't the droids you're looking for.
  • If they end up concluding that the time between kickstarter and now is too long for what kickstarter supporters were expecting, then that is pretty much the truth from what I can tell. So what?

In the end, any publicity this brings will be a good thing.

I think 3D Scammers' reputation is more on the line than City of Titans. Because if they hose this up, they'll lose credibility.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

notears's picture
Last seen: 7 months 3 weeks ago
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Joined: 10/04/2013 - 17:24
Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

notears wrote:
Lothic wrote:
notears wrote:
Lothic wrote:
notears wrote:
Lothic wrote:
notears wrote:
I mean this guy is trying to do a good thing here and he can't possibly hurt anyone... and your still antagonizing him even though he doesn't want to do any harm and can't do any harm to us...
I've never even heard of this guy until today and the only words I've seen from him are hints of some kind of "conspiracy theory" suggesting that MWM has been doing nothing but wasting our time for the last four years. If MWM was always a "scam" from the beginning then why take our money ONCE in a KS and then do almost nothing to efficiently extract MORE MONEY from us since? The so called "facts" they claim to have already don't add up.
Look I could care less if MWM might have paid a bit of money to an artist that's working for VO or any trivial silliness like that. If these guys have some actual "dirt" on MWM I'm reasonably sure it would have leaked by now regardless.
Look the only real problem I have are the insults, argue all you want but this isn't going to be solved if a flame war breaks out...
I'm not "insulting" anyone. I'm just calling out this "johnny-come-lately" to put up or shut up.
You said "what's it feel to be a joke or useless" that's an insult
I'm asking a legitimate question. I see no other alternatives for his activities relative to MWM. This guy might be a perfectly lovely person IRL but in reference to this situation he's either right or wrong and either way his "involvement" is pointless in that regard.
then call his point useless not him
*sigh* if this guy took PERSONAL offense by what I said (which I highly doubt) that'll be his problem, not mine.

fine... by the looks of it he hasn't taken any personal offense to it all anyway... I'm tired...

not my video just one I lke ===>


Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
Joined: 04/25/2016 - 21:30
The_3d_Scammers_News_and_Reports_ wrote:

I just made this video i hope you watch it

Alright, the part I quoted to show your mistake is from the UDK website.
Here look for yourself:
The reason you needed to look here is because when MWM first licensed UE it was UE3 and this was the license that required.
Its under the heading 'Can Kickstarter, IndieGogo or other crowdfunding programs be used to fund games made with UDK? Is a license required?'
Scrolling down on that page you can read the actual licensing under the heading End User License Agreement (EULA)

It does not matter if they don't have to game to give, the fact that it was given as a backer reward counts as revenue as far as UDK is concerned. They DO NOT NEED A COMPLETED GAME TO CHARGE MWM.

Also, the price of the game is determined when the license is signed. A SKU number is not required to sell anything. SKU is just a way for companies to track their product. It is not directly tied to sales. So your entire unrelated SKU tangent is irrelevant. It is all about the licensing contract MWM signed when they adopted UE.

This is why you need to do your homework. The blog post you linked to (which is no longer there by the way) is not legally binding, the contract MWM signed is and the contract supports the facts MWM have stated, not your assumptive 'facts' that come from a promotional blog. It's about fine print and you didn't read it.

I have no problem with you questioning MWM, I question them all the time. I have a problem with the fact that you are completely mistaken with your assertion about the legalities involved. If you want to discuss things further do so here because I can't sit through 40 minutes of you saying the same thing over and over again. Seriously man, you could have gotten your point across in 5 minutes.

Lothic's picture
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Huckleberry wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:

Yeah, some of us are a bit more rabid than others.
I think 3D scammers are going about it well. They established a hypothesis with their first video and admitted that they needed to conduct more research before they would publish anything official. Let's not jump to conclusions and cast aspersions until we see it.
At this point, I don't think any publicity would be a bad thing.If 3D scammers do poor research or come to illogical conclusions, I think the community response will be vocal enough to set any record straight and the publicity of the conflict will be good in the end. Because when all is said and done and the actual product is out, all people will remember is that the name City of Titans was being tossed around the internet for a few months back in 2017.If they end up concluding that the project is coming along and people will actually end up getting what they paid for, then that's good too. These aren't the droids you're looking for.If they end up concluding that the time between kickstarter and now is too long for what kickstarter supporters were expecting, then that is pretty much the truth from what I can tell. So what?In the end, any publicity this brings will be a good thing.
I think 3D Scammers' reputation is more on the line than City of Titans. Because if they hose this up, they'll lose credibility.

There's only two possibilities here: Either 3D scammers will uncover something actually "bad" about MWM or they won't.
[*]If there is something "bad" about MWM then it would have likely come out eventually REGARDLESS of 3D scammers involvement. I mean how much longer could MWM drag out the promise of vaporware? A couple more years maybe? And since MWM is not actively grabbing for one-sided "donations" how much more damage could come of that?

[*]If there's nothing significantly "bad" about MWM then 3D scammers just went through an exercise in futility.
Once again by that simplistic logic 3D scammers -involvement- in this situation will either paint them as a joke or effectively useless.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

avelworldcreator's picture
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Insults are not necessary

Insults are not necessary here. If there are issues with this video we will address them courteously and professionally with full accountability as we have striven to do in the past. We appreciate the kind words and support we have received here so far.


[color=#FF0000]Senior Developer/Project Manager/Co-Founder... and then some.[/color]

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avelworldcreator wrote:
avelworldcreator wrote:

Insults are not necessary here. If there are issues with this video we will address them courteously and professionally with full accountability as we have striven to do in the past. We appreciate the kind words and support we have received here so far.

I don't know why my words are being taken as "personal insults" against these fine folks. I'm simply assessing the "net impact" of what these people are doing.

Either they'll be right in which case they will have "pre-announced" a downfall that's going to happen anyway so I would argue their value in announcing it is dubious at best or they will be wrong in which case we can all collectively laugh and perhaps finally actually insult them as the case deserves.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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No accusations have been made

No accusations have been made against any party in this conversation. I've personally been just trying to stay out of it other than to make sure things remain civil. In fact I'm concerned that my last statement might come across as more promissory than intended.I'm not in a position to make formal promises on the part of this organization without prior authorization.


[color=#FF0000]Senior Developer/Project Manager/Co-Founder... and then some.[/color]

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notears wrote:
notears wrote:

Yeah well not all pain is equal... the rumour was started way earlier than he started looking into things... not everything is black and white...

That is true, which is why I said it earlier.
But if they really are seeking answers and supporting the disillusioned then they should do so responsibly. He shouldn't be waking up and instantly devoting a 40 minute video to incorrectly rebuking something without doing some research.

He assumes that because MWM didn't set a price point during the kickstarter that they did not agree to one when signing a license contract with UDK. He thinks there needs to be a completed game for UDK to require money when they clearly state that money from backer rewards is counted as revenue. They may not require it upfront, but they will want it regardless if the game is released or not unless MWM managed to get an incredible deal from UDK. Worse yet he is treating an estimate made before the success of the kickstarter as the final word on the license contract MWM would make. I mean the guy thinks SKU is the only way something can be sold for crying out loud. For those who don't know, SKU stands for 'stock keeping unit' and it's purpose is tracking product not to enable sales. For additional clarity, you do not need a SKU to sell anything, look here to read a bit about it.

He also didn't look (and presumably didn't ask for) copies of the NDA, but still he acts skeptical that MWM's NDA might be a reason why his (mysterious) questions did not get answers. He confused you, notears, for a developer. He doesn't even know these forums are the official forums.The most shocking thing to me is he expected to get some kind of behind the scenes access to the development build of the game. He is a small youtube channel (17 subscribbers and a max viewcount on a video of 97 when this was written) with a history of feuding. It's not a surprise that MWM doesn't give him more access.

If all he is trying to do is get some answers he is doing a fairly poor job of it so far because the information is there to be found.

Lothic's picture
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Brainbot wrote:
Brainbot wrote:

notears wrote:
Yeah well not all pain is equal... the rumour was started way earlier than he started looking into things... not everything is black and white...
That is true, which is why I said it earlier.
But if they really are seeking answers and supporting the disillusioned then they should do so responsibly. He shouldn't be waking up and instantly devoting a 40 minute video to incorrectly rebuking something without doing some research.
He assumes that because MWM didn't set a price point during the kickstarter that they did not agree to one when signing a license contract with UDK. He thinks there needs to be a completed game for UDK to require money when they clearly state that money from backer rewards is counted as revenue. They may not require it upfront, but they will want it regardless if the game is released or not unless MWM managed to get an incredible deal from UDK. Worse yet he is treating an estimate made before the success of the kickstarter as the final word on the license contract MWM would make. I mean the guy thinks SKU is the only way something can be sold for crying out loud. For those who don't know, SKU stands for 'stock keeping unit' and it's purpose is tracking product not to enable sales. For additional clarity, you do not need a SKU to sell anything, look here to read a bit about it.
He also didn't look (and presumably didn't ask for) copies of the NDA, but still he acts skeptical that MWM's NDA might be a reason why his (mysterious) questions did not get answers. He confused you, notears, for a developer. He doesn't even know these forums are the official forums.The most shocking thing to me is he expected to get some kind of behind the scenes access to the development build of the game. He is a small youtube channel (17 subscribbers and a max viewcount on a video of 97 when this was written) with a history of feuding. It's not a surprise that MWM doesn't give him more access.
If all he is trying to do is get some answers he is doing a fairly poor job of it so far because the information is there to be found.

As I [url=]implied in the Odd Claims thread[/url] I think these guys have no real knowledge of MWM beyond the vague notion that they might be yet another game company that's tried to scam their potential players with KS and are hoping there's a "story" to be told. They don't have any real clue about what's going on here and are just fishing for more viewership for themselves. They are -acting- as opportunistic scavengers in this case.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

As I implied in the Odd Claims thread I think these guys have no real knowledge of MWM beyond the vague notion that they might be yet another game company that's tried to scam their potential players with KS and are hoping there's a "story" to be told. They don't have any real clue about what's going on here and are just fishing for more viewership for themselves. They are -acting- as opportunistic scavengers in this case.

It's always a possibility.
I am still willing to give them some benefit of the doubt (despite the uninformed attack video they made towards me) so lets see how their video on Friday goes. Hopefully they will take the time from now until then to read all they can (not just the kickstart campaign but the updates and dev posts on the forums) and to utilize the opportunity to ask some questions here on the forums to find out if some of their questions already have answers before making more mistakes.

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Brainbot wrote:
Brainbot wrote:

Lothic wrote:
As I implied in the Odd Claims thread I think these guys have no real knowledge of MWM beyond the vague notion that they might be yet another game company that's tried to scam their potential players with KS and are hoping there's a "story" to be told. They don't have any real clue about what's going on here and are just fishing for more viewership for themselves. They are -acting- as opportunistic scavengers in this case.
It's always a possibility.
I am still willing to give them some benefit of the doubt (despite the uninformed attack video they made towards me) so lets see how their video on Friday goes. Hopefully they will take the time from now until then to read all they can (not just the kickstart campaign but the updates and dev posts on the forums) and to utilize the opportunity to ask some questions here on the forums to find out if some of their questions already have answers before making more mistakes.

I strongly suspect you're giving them far more credit than they deserve but as you imply anything's possible. *shrugs*

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Joined: 04/25/2016 - 21:30

lol, I'm Canadian, I hear we are supposed to be polite and all that kinda stuff.

Phararri's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: 09/13/2015 - 20:08
Huck, I am not one of those

Huck, I am not one of those regulars you are talking about. I am constantly on the defense from hordes of posters because I am merely honest, and do not play the home-field. Developers are one of the reason I was so pro SoH, they appear to have established devs whom can throw out their credentials. I trust SoH more, but that is not saying SoH are flawless.

SoH will give players a hands on test of the character creator this summer. People found it strange that SoH where so "Far ahead" quote on quote. I look at it this way, why are the others lagging so far behind? This is what I was blasted for.

A way to get more subs? Sure, so what? I think VO are lagging more so than anyone, but I am not a debater, just a potential player hoping he is wrong.

Slitherhelm is more worthy of a scammer report, CoT are fairly transparent. There are some great point in that video I cant lie. I am still pro CoT and SoH.

As a child, I thought my name was handsome, cause that is what everyone called me.

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All GOOD Canadians are

All GOOD Canadians are supposed to be that, yeah. Heh.

I listened to both of their videos about CoT, and there was one person in the first video that admitted to being a KS backer (IIRC he made a $25 pledge?) and he is the one who seems to be pushing this. He is not happy with the lack of answers to HIS question and let his friend for 3DS know about it so that it could be looked into. Do I have this right 3DS?

Not one verifiable fact in your videos. NOT ONE. A lot of suppositions and guesses.

We have 4 years of communications with the Devs on this project. Did you bother to read any of it? Did your friend show any of this to you: by Winter. Where most if not all of your questions could have been answered. IF your friend really is a backer, HE HAS ACCESS.

Research, Research, Research. If you can't, or won't do that, you have no credibility.

Just my 5cents worth. (We don't have pennies in Canuckland anymore).

p.s. If you are a legit reporter, dude, seriously: Gammar and Spelling are SOOOOOO important.

Empyrean's picture
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StellarAgent wrote:
StellarAgent wrote:

All GOOD Canadians are supposed to be that, yeah. Heh.

Ok, that gave me ALL KINDS of ideas for a very polite Canadian villain.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

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You're Welcome.

You're Welcome.

Empyrean's picture
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Or a Canadian "villain" who

Or a Canadian "villain" who thinks going around being impolite is villainy...

Ah, fun with stereotypes.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

TitansCity's picture
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The_3d_Scammers_News_and_Reports_ wrote:

Who said it was just me? I am the only one from Scammers who has made himself known so far. I work with 5 other people on scammers. I am not making trouble just trying to get answers.

Most of the answers you are looking for have been given on the forum. From a question or another, we usually have an answer for our questions. I can only propose you to make some research on the forum, on all the forums. You'll be able to find answers.
I also contact MWM, they aswered me as far as they can. Don't forget they are people who take time from their own free time to develop the game, manage the project, answer the questions... A,d; most of all, they do their best (to my opinion) to be as transulent as possible.

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[color=red]PR - Europe[/color]

Airhead's picture
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I'm not thrilled with the

I'm not thrilled with the idea of an MWM developer's free time (time they could dedicate to CoT) being wasted on some nobody's attention-seeking exercise. Real investigative journalism starts with legwork not self-promotion. I certainly won't waste time on any unexplained links.

[size=14]"The illusion which exalts us is dearer to us than ten thousand truths." - Pushkin[/size]
[size=14] "One piece of flair is all I need." - Sister Silicon[/size]

Lothic's picture
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StellarAgent wrote:
StellarAgent wrote:

I listened to both of their videos about CoT, and there was one person in the first video that admitted to being a KS backer (IIRC he made a $25 pledge?) and he is the one who seems to be pushing this. He is not happy with the lack of answers to HIS question and let his friend for 3DS know about it so that it could be looked into. Do I have this right 3DS?

So all of this uproar might have come from somebody who pledged $25 roughly 4 years ago and is now perhaps slightly upset about doing that? I don't mean to sound disrespectful or pompous towards any of my fellow CoT KS contributors who are regulars on this forum but I donated a couple of orders of magnitude -more- than $25 during the KS and you don't see me calling on third party attack dogs to cast MWM in a negative light.

I'm sorry this $25 guy is "upset" about something but having these these 3d_Scammers guys come charging in making factually dubious videos about MWM doesn't really help anyone. I really can't see how their involvement is going to help us unless you ascribe to the cynical theory that "any publicity is good publicity".

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Last seen: 7 years 3 months ago
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

StellarAgent wrote:
I listened to both of their videos about CoT, and there was one person in the first video that admitted to being a KS backer (IIRC he made a $25 pledge?) and he is the one who seems to be pushing this. He is not happy with the lack of answers to HIS question and let his friend for 3DS know about it so that it could be looked into. Do I have this right 3DS?
So all of this uproar might have come from somebody who pledged $25 roughly 4 years ago and is now perhaps slightly upset about doing that? I don't mean to sound disrespectful or pompous towards any of my fellow CoT KS contributors who are regulars on this forum but I donated a couple of orders of magnitude -more- than $25 during the KS and you don't see me calling on third party attack dogs to cast MWM in a negative light.
I'm sorry this $25 guy is "upset" about something but having these these 3d_Scammers guys come charging in making factually dubious videos about MWM doesn't really help anyone. I really can't see how their involvement is going to help us unless you ascribe to the cynical theory that "any publicity is good publicity".

I am not an attack dog. Not once has anything i have said has been dispelled by anyone in here. Once again I am not making any money off this I am doing this to clear the rumors. I know most of you are happy thats fine. What about the ones who are not?

Those are the question i am answering if you don't like what i am saying go to the KS campaign comment section. Find a person who is angry and dissatisfied and tell their argument is invalid. Tell the ones who gave their money that they are crying for nothing and they should not be upset. Since you speak for them i reckon. I would guess you could answer their questions on where is the game and how was their money spent. That is what this comes down to I am sorry you see this as a coming war of some sorts. I came for answers that is all. So far i am getting negative feedback instead of input to give the -OTHER BACKERS- of this project a since of ease. I know you are angry i am sorry but I will get to the bottom of this eventually and Hopefully.

BTW- It is more than just one $25 dollar guy who is upset anyway.

Phararri's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: 09/13/2015 - 20:08
I am just going by the word

I am just going by the word of the bird; but the three successors were a team? Small team and resources are two of the most infamous pitfalls of an mmo. What happened here is essentially that. Scattered themselves into a small team with limited funds. The trio of Heroes and Villains, VO, and CoT fall into two categories or both, small team or limited funds to work with. I guess the teams assumed they could make their own vision into a reality, but all three have discovered how difficult this actually is. VO may have money, just novice devs.

I like the idea of having three comic themed mmo, but I have a strong sense it will be 3 limited mmo. SoH looks to be a different animal, I think they will be fine.

DCU had a $50,000,000 budget, they displayed how hard it is to make a superhero mmo. DCU did a lot of things wrong and this game was a product of an established bunch from SOE.

As a child, I thought my name was handsome, cause that is what everyone called me.

Lothic's picture
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The_3d_Scammers_News_and_Reports_ wrote:

Lothic wrote:
StellarAgent wrote:
I listened to both of their videos about CoT, and there was one person in the first video that admitted to being a KS backer (IIRC he made a $25 pledge?) and he is the one who seems to be pushing this. He is not happy with the lack of answers to HIS question and let his friend for 3DS know about it so that it could be looked into. Do I have this right 3DS?
So all of this uproar might have come from somebody who pledged $25 roughly 4 years ago and is now perhaps slightly upset about doing that? I don't mean to sound disrespectful or pompous towards any of my fellow CoT KS contributors who are regulars on this forum but I donated a couple of orders of magnitude -more- than $25 during the KS and you don't see me calling on third party attack dogs to cast MWM in a negative light.
I'm sorry this $25 guy is "upset" about something but having these these 3d_Scammers guys come charging in making factually dubious videos about MWM doesn't really help anyone. I really can't see how their involvement is going to help us unless you ascribe to the cynical theory that "any publicity is good publicity".
I am not an attack dog. Not once has anything i have said has been dispelled by anyone in here. Once again I am not making any money off this I am doing this to clear the rumors. I know most of you are happy thats fine. What about the ones who are not?
Those are the question i am answering if you don't like what i am saying go to the KS campaign comment section. Find a person who is angry and dissatisfied and tell their argument is invalid. Tell the ones who gave their money that they are crying for nothing and they should not be upset. Since you speak for them i reckon. I would guess you could answer their questions on where is the game and how was their money spent. That is what this comes down to I am sorry you see this as a coming war of some sorts. I came for answers that is all. So far i am getting negative feedback instead of input to give the -OTHER BACKERS- of this project a since of ease. I know you are angry i am sorry but I will get to the bottom of this eventually and Hopefully.
BTW- It is more than just one $25 dollar guy who is upset anyway.

Don't act like you're the righteous spokesman for all the downtrodden people of the gaming world. You act like it's somehow an injustice (or even an impossibility) that there could be a few people out there who'd be pissed about donating to game that hasn't materialized yet. Guess what my precious snowflake - there's always going to be a disgruntled segment among any group of people, even people waiting for a computer game to be completed. If these people you're supposedly representing didn't realize that donating to a KS is essentially like gambling and they weren't 100% willing to potentially lose their money with ZERO regrets that's their sad problem - not yours, mine, MWM's or anyone else's.

What do you think you're going to accomplish here? Do you envision yourself as a virtual revolutionary gathering the desperate few to rally behind you while you storm the virtual gates of MWM to force them to tell you what? That they haven't finished the game yet? We [b]ALL KNOW[/b] they haven't finished the game yet. So what? Again I'll ask what on the gods' green Earth you do actually hope to accomplish here? What do you possibly think you could tell anyone who's already a regular follower of the progress of the game that they don't already know? And for the person who's already "given up" or who might not regularly pay attention to the game's progress updates - what could you possibly tell them to make them feel any better? Why should anyone believe your idle banter about this game over anyone else? I simply don't recognize your significance as far as MWM is concerned.

Frankly yours is a fool's errand. I almost feel sorry for you, almost.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Last seen: 7 years 3 months ago
Joined: 05/30/2017 - 16:58
Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

The_3d_Scammers_News_and_Reports_ wrote:
Lothic wrote:
StellarAgent wrote:
I listened to both of their videos about CoT, and there was one person in the first video that admitted to being a KS backer (IIRC he made a $25 pledge?) and he is the one who seems to be pushing this. He is not happy with the lack of answers to HIS question and let his friend for 3DS know about it so that it could be looked into. Do I have this right 3DS?
So all of this uproar might have come from somebody who pledged $25 roughly 4 years ago and is now perhaps slightly upset about doing that? I don't mean to sound disrespectful or pompous towards any of my fellow CoT KS contributors who are regulars on this forum but I donated a couple of orders of magnitude -more- than $25 during the KS and you don't see me calling on third party attack dogs to cast MWM in a negative light.
I'm sorry this $25 guy is "upset" about something but having these these 3d_Scammers guys come charging in making factually dubious videos about MWM doesn't really help anyone. I really can't see how their involvement is going to help us unless you ascribe to the cynical theory that "any publicity is good publicity".
I am not an attack dog. Not once has anything i have said has been dispelled by anyone in here. Once again I am not making any money off this I am doing this to clear the rumors. I know most of you are happy thats fine. What about the ones who are not?
Those are the question i am answering if you don't like what i am saying go to the KS campaign comment section. Find a person who is angry and dissatisfied and tell their argument is invalid. Tell the ones who gave their money that they are crying for nothing and they should not be upset. Since you speak for them i reckon. I would guess you could answer their questions on where is the game and how was their money spent. That is what this comes down to I am sorry you see this as a coming war of some sorts. I came for answers that is all. So far i am getting negative feedback instead of input to give the -OTHER BACKERS- of this project a since of ease. I know you are angry i am sorry but I will get to the bottom of this eventually and Hopefully.
BTW- It is more than just one $25 dollar guy who is upset anyway.
Don't act like you're the righteous spokesman for all the downtrodden people of the gaming world. You act like it's somehow an injustice (or even an impossibility) that there could be a few people out there who'd be pissed about donating to game that hasn't materialized yet. Guess what my precious snowflake - there's always going to be a disgruntled segment among any group of people, even people waiting for a computer game to be completed. If these people you're supposedly representing didn't realize that donating to a KS is essentially like gambling and they weren't 100% willing to potentially lose their money with ZERO regrets that's their sad problem - not yours, mine, MWM's or anyone else's.
What do you think you're going to accomplish here? Do you envision yourself as a virtual revolutionary gathering the desperate few to rally behind you while you storm the virtual gates of MWM to force them to tell you what? That they haven't finished the game yet? We ALL KNOW they haven't finished the game yet. So what? Again I'll ask what on the gods' green Earth you do actually hope to accomplish here? What do you possibly think you could tell anyone who's already a regular follower of the progress of the game that they don't already know? And for the person who's already "given up" or who might not regularly pay attention to the game's progress updates - what could you possibly tell them to make them feel any better? Why should anyone believe your idle banter about this game over anyone else? I simply don't recognize your significance as far as MWM is concerned.
Frankly yours is a fool's errand. I almost feel sorry for you, almost.

Ok so why trying to make angry people understand they should not be angry then. It is good you know not everyone is happy with the progress of this game. It is voices like yours that think their feelings of being had is no big deal. I mean not to make you feel bed i am not doing this for you i am doing this for them. It is your feeling i really don't care for i am not trying tell you to stop loving the slow progress of the game . Like i said i am not doing this for you I so i dont know why you are taking offense . Sorry if you don't understand that.

Brand X
Brand X's picture
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lol Anyone who donated to

lol Anyone who donated to the KS and didn't think there was a chance the game could never be, were and still are fools. :p

That's a risk with every KS. We all took risks when donating. You either gamble on them succeeding (donate) or figure they'll fail (and don't).

Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago
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Joined: 09/25/2013 - 13:48
1 - I never, nor has anyone

1 - I never, nor has anyone here called you an "Attack Dog". That is on you, not us.
2 - I know for a fact that you are speaking on the behalf of one KS Backer. What gives you the right to speak for others? You say that there are many complaints on the KS site; you are correct, there are, most of those complaints have been addressed. I know as I am a regular reader of these forums and the KS one.
3 - Where are your questions? List them, if we can't answer them, and I bet we could answer most of them, the Dev's here will (assuming there are no constraints, some questions just cannot be answered at this time; Contracts, NDAs notwithstanding, some questions can't be answered because the answer may still be in development).
4 - You say you talked to "someone". Who? Name names or it didn't happen. And if you can't be bothered to remember the name of a person the you "interviewed", what does that say about Your Integrity as a Journalist?
5 - On both of your 'casts, I heard a lot of "I think . . . ", "I suppose . . . ", "I guess . . . ". Not once did I hear you mention a cold, hard verifiable FACT.

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Joined: 05/30/2017 - 16:58
Just one more thing i am

Just one more thing i am looking for any CoT completed models. I searched for them I know that the claimed they purchased Zbrush and i would like to see the sculpts of the models. I will keep searching the forum for completed models . IMaybe someone can give me a link to a thread of a work inprogress of them modeling in Zbrush, Max, Blender,or Maya. I could be looking in tthe wrong place. I am just looking original Models made for the game itself.

Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago
kickstarter11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 09/25/2013 - 13:48
Models not yet publicly

Models not yet publicly available.
Focus is still on Game Mechanics and Functionality.

edit: oops, I was reminded by others of this video. It is 3 years old, and does not reflect the LOOK of the game, but it does have game models in it:

and on their YouTube page are more current videos that have started to show us what the game will LOOK like. Again, these are works in progress, so . . . .

Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
Joined: 04/25/2016 - 21:30
The_3d_Scammers_News_and_Reports_ wrote:

Just one more thing i am looking for any CoT completed models.

Sadly MWM has not released final renders of their models yet. But they have customizable models that are in the prototyping stage:
This was also released showing some texture overlays on a simpler model than the one shown in the customization video.
This KS update has probably the most 'complete' model they have shown so far, but it still not a final rendering

I would like to see some final renders but I am not surprised that the small team at MWM hasn't released them yet. For the purposes of developing the game play a final model is not needed at this point.
I urge you to look at the development of other games to understand that MWM not showing a complete and final model is not evidence of anything.

notears's picture
Last seen: 7 months 3 weeks ago
kickstarter11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 10/04/2013 - 17:24
Brainbot wrote:
Brainbot wrote:

The_3d_Scammers_News_and_Reports_ wrote:
Just one more thing i am looking for any CoT completed models.
Sadly MWM has not released final renders of their models yet. But they have customizable models that are in the prototyping stage:
This was also released showing some texture overlays on a simpler model than the one shown in the customization video.
This KS update has probably the most 'complete' model they have shown so far, but it still not a final rendering
I would like to see some final renders but I am not surprised that the small team at MWM hasn't released them yet. For the purposes of developing the game play a final model is not needed at this point.
I urge you to look at the development of other games to understand that MWM not showing a complete and final model is not evidence of anything.

Actually I'm pretty sure this video showing detailed runes, particle effects and a more enhanced version of the character showing that they are indeed making improvement is their most complete model as of yet

not my video just one I lke ===>


Empyrean's picture
Last seen: 3 years 2 days ago
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Joined: 03/16/2014 - 07:51
@3d. Just so you know, MWM
The_3d_Scammers_News_and_Reports_ wrote:

Just one more thing i am looking for any CoT completed models. I searched for them I know that the claimed they purchased Zbrush and i would like to see the sculpts of the models. I will keep searching the forum for completed models . IMaybe someone can give me a link to a thread of a work inprogress of them modeling in Zbrush, Max, Blender,or Maya. I could be looking in tthe wrong place. I am just looking original Models made for the game itself.

@3d. Just so you know, MWM has been VERY up front about the fact that they were going to focus on mechanics first and foremost and then add graphics/models pretty much dead last. Which has made us all eager to see the final look, but then, we were told that it'd be one of the last things coming.

As you yourself have said in your criticism of City of Titans, graphics and models aren't really all that difficult or expensive--which is exactly why MWM has stated that they are saving it for last. And I assume that you know that there is much more to making a game than just graphics and models--though, of course, the eye candy is all most people want to see.

Brainbot wrote:

I urge you to look at the development of other games to understand that MWM not showing a complete and final model is not evidence of anything.

As Brainbot indicates, I'm sure that you understand that you can produce amazing graphics/models, and even amazing video footage, without having much of a game developed at all (you actually see this all the time these days). And you can have a game mostly done with little more than "gray box" level graphics.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)
