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Son of a Witch... Apparently.

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Son of a Witch... Apparently.

Page 263

At 14:36:22, SpellSword69 wrote:
So, my name is Gabriel. I haven't exactly been a member of these forums for long, but... I don't really know where else to post about this so here it goes. It's kind of weird to talk about, but I've known that I'm not exactly normal for a few years now. Weird things just happen, you know? I've woken up floating a few feet over the bed, changed a drink from cold to hot in just a few seconds, even managed to do the whole water into... well not wine, but- stronger tasting water, at least. I've never really thought much of it, to be honest. I mean, we see weird **** everyday. There are literally people flying through the sky, beating down criminals with lightning bolts and super armor. What the ****, right? My weirdness level isn't even close to THEIRS, so I just carried on with life. Got up, got dressed, went to work, payed my freaking taxes.

Then last week I get this package in the mail with no return address. Just a yellow envelope with my name on it, and inside there's some kind of voodoo necklace. Creepy little talisman things and everything. Who sent it? No ****ing clue, but included is a letter that says it belonged to my mother. Then it just loses me. Starts going on about something called Project 4 with all these freaking pentagrams and stars drawn out at the bottom. Weird thing is, I understand most of them. I can start to figure out how the spells work. ****, I can use some of them. I never knew my mom. She put me up for adoption the moment she had me, but- what this letter is telling me is that I'm supposedly the spawn of some kind of bad*** Arch-Witch. That I have a "higher calling" or some dumb **** like that.

Cliche as all freaking get out, right? Who knows. Maybe I'm secretly a Jedi and I'll get off Tatooine soon... What I'm really trying to ask is if anyone has any experience with this sort of thing? If anyone's dabbled in magic and stuff. This probably is just some sort of ****ing scam, but- if anyone knows anything, I'd appreciate it. I could use some help figuring out the rest of these symbols.

At 17:52:04, SuperCapeFollower wrote:
Point of order: Issues related to magic totems and the like ought to go in the Mystical Items forum.

At 18:01:56, SpellSword69 wrote:
Dude, seriously?

Foradain's picture
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At 18:08, Librarian23 wrote:

At 18:08, Librarian23 wrote:
You'd have a point, SCF, if it weren't that SS69's powers predate the arrival of the necklace. The necklace and the letter are only part of the situation.

SS69, you've been lucky. Magic powers without training can be as devastating as any other powers without control. Also, some entities like to feed on magic power, usually leaving behind a corpse or a drained husk that might eventually be able to feed itself.

I recommend finding a teacher you can trust. Some of the Neo-Pagans in town are knowledgeable. Or try to contact some of the more heroic mages. Be cautious, though. Especially of anyone who says "do what you will is the whole of the law" (Crowley generally attracts those who want power at someone else's expense) or who try to tell you that "the universe is a friendly place" (they aren't as knowledgeable as they think they are, and may not be able to teach you defense.) Do research when you can before meeting anyone.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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At 18:15:50, SuperCapeFollower wrote:
Well we've been having a serious issue with mis-posted topics on this forum. Have you seen the Anthropomorphic Transformation sub-forum lately? The admins have had to ban at least a dozen people for doing nothing but spamming cat memes! It's anarchy, and we don't want that spreading over here!

At 19:27:01, SpellSword69 wrote:
Thanks, Librarian. Don't exactly like the sound of the whole- getting fed on thing, so yeah. I'm gonna be REAL careful stepping into this. Neo-Pagans though, huh? Sounds like that might be an option for me, if they're willing to look at this stuff. Don't suppose I can just google them? I've never really done anything like this, so... not really sure what the protocol here is. I mean ****, do I have to like sacrifice a kitten and swear a blood oath or something just to talk to them, or...?

At 19:30:41, TheFlyingTroll3384 wrote:

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At 21:08, Librarian23 wrote:
Thank you, FlyingTroll, for making SCF's point. ^_^

SpellSword, Google and other search engines are actually a good place to start. Some of the more tech-savvy groups have websites, and how they present themselves can tell you a lot about them. Of course it's what they want you to know about them, but it's a start. Some of the less tech-savvy individuals aren't very careful about what they post, and that can give you more information. And, of course, there are more traditional sources, like newspapers, occult book and supply stores, and my personal favorite, the Titan City Library System.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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At 21:22, BoneDaddy wrote

Yarr harr harr harr!!! I've figured out how to get onto these interwebs of yours!!! Now where be all these bitcoins I've been hearin' aboot....

not my video just one I lke ===>


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At 8:35:15, SpellSword69 wrote:
Uh, not sure this is the right place to find bitcoin, BoneDaddy... Might want to try literally ANYWHERE else. Anyway, thanks again for the advice, Librarian! Ended up looking up a small group that meets at one of these weird*** bookstores, and they seem willing to look at the necklace so- we'll see how this goes. I have an appointment for later today.

Kinda funny. I was expecting some creepy old dude to pick up the phone when I called, but they actually sound pretty **** professional. Even said they deal with this stuff all the time, which... I guess shouldn't surprise me in this city. I'll keep you updated on what happens, if you're interested. Like I said though, this is probably just a scam or something. Expecting a letter to show up asking for my credit card and social security number so that they can "reconnect me with my mom." Mark my ****ing words.

At 8:42:09, CapeAdmin12 wrote:
If this thread keeps getting derailed, we're gonna have to close it down, people. Try to keep on topic, and please keep any discussion of Bitcoin to the Off-Topic subforum.

At 8:45:31, FunkyCreepySkeleton wrote:

At 8:46:06, FunkyCreepySkeleton was banned from the forum.

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Last seen: 2 years 6 months ago
Joined: 03/27/2017 - 10:43

Page 321

At 10:02:57, SpellSword69 wrote:
Ok... So totally not a scam, apparently. And I'm more surprised than anyone about that. I contacted this group of Neo-Pagans, and they told me... alot. Looks like my biological mother was kind of a big deal with certain groups interested in mystical stuff and ****. Nobody's really sure where she came from. ****, they've got like five different names for her, not to mention multiple theories about how the heck she managed to gain as much power as she did. The necklace I was sent? They matched it with an old photograph they had of her. It's blurry, but... yeah, definitely the same thing. Anyway, they've offered to train me and I've already started learning a few things... Nothing too advanced yet, but I'm not exactly an expert here or anything. All I've done all my life is parlor tricks. Smoke and mirrors ****. But with some training? They say I could learn to "transform the world around me and bend nature to my will," whatever the **** that's supposed to mean. So here I am... in freaking school again, I guess. As if 12 years of that insanity wasn't enough.

I'm still looking for any more information that might help me figure out what kind of spells, or magic, or whatever this necklace thing is supposed to be all about though. The Pagans didnt really seem to be able to answer that, though they DID say that there's some kind of ward around it? Like a barrier to keep it hidden or some ****? I'm attaching a picture just so that if anyone has any ideas, or might recognize the thing... maybe I can figure out something about its origin. Maybe who sent it to me.


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At 18:10:43, DigitalDeva42 wrote:

Oh sounds like an elemental power base. Darling, I can so get you in touch with people who help you do great things! Send me a PM and we can set up a meeting.

At 18:16:09, Norseman58 wrote:

From the looks, it has an almost tribal aspect. Forgive me for asking but what is your heritage perhaps you can figure something out following that. For example, if you have Native American Blood that necklace could be from a Native American tribe. Knowing what I know of Norse and Celtic Culture I can rule out that source. The Teeth are either Bear or Cat, I can't tell with just one image. Second given someone or something put on a ward on this necklace it might be best to remove the image from the internet. You don't hide something unless you expect someone looking for it. As Librarian23 said, go to a respectable group you might need some combat training. P.S. don't trust DigitalDiva I have heard bad things about that user.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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At 11:45:22, SpellSword69 wrote:
Dude, I'm an orphan from Cali who's about as pale as some pasty guy from Scotland. If I do have Native American in my blood, it's waaaaaay the **** back there. No clue. The Neo-Pagans I talked to thought the bones were Bear teeth, but they wouldn't even touch the thing, let alone comment on it much more than that. They've offered to teach me, and I've accepted but... I have no idea what the heck I'm gonna be learning here. They seem to think I got this "power" from my mom who I never knew, naturally... Sounds like a bad comic book, which is ****ing ironic given the forum we're talking on here. Thanks for the advice though Norseman. Any other groups that you might know of that it might be a good idea to talk to? Also, taking the picture down like you suggested. Probably a good idea... Also, what've you heard about DigitalDiva? New to the forum still so... not really heard much about anybody here.

At 11:52:58, SuperCapeFollower wrote,
Point of order: This conversation is seriously just talking about a magical item now... AGAIN, discussion related to magical totems belong in the Mythical Items forum. And talking about other users can go in the General Discussion forum. LET'S KEEP THIS THREAD ON-TOPIC, PEOPLE.

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At 18:44:34, Norstman58 Wrote

I try not to guess anything about people posting on the internet. With self-aware computer AIs and Aliens, we can't even assume anyone online a human nowadays. Now that you said you are pale we can rule out most of the planet. Add in teeth from a bear and you can narrow it down even more. Just by those clues, I would say your powers are a tribal shaman in nature. Might be even Druid. What I find interesting is I didn't see signs of runes on that necklace so either it's extremely old going even farther back then the Celtic culture. Or that your heritage isn't from the Europian origins. Might be Scandinavian or Russian in that case. There still a possible Native American heritage just more northern those who lived in Alaska or Canada. See if you can figure out what type of bear those teeth came from that would give you a more fine point of the region of its origins.

I myself have magical abilities and use Runes to channel and focus the magic. Your Necklace might serve a similar function, think of it as a wand you wear. Another possible use of it is it's an amplifier increasing your power output. Try to make something happen with and without it. You said you chill hot drinks try that. I, however, don't know of any group you could go to either then the big names in the Hero business. Though I do have powers I am not involved preferring to just sell items out of my shop.

As for DigitalDiva42 There are no obvious signs but I have heard that she some kind of scout for a corporation.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Page 347

At 15:58:02, SpellSword69 wrote,
I appreciate the advice, Norseman. Already doing some digging and coming up with a few things. I'll keep you updated, if you're interested. This **** is... well it's weird to deal with alone, ya know? That's why I joined the forum. Thought that if ANYONE might know what the **** I'm going through here, it'd be people who've actually gone through their own garbage like this before. Guess we weird super freaks should stick together, huh?
By the way, I've got an apartment out in Clarkestown. If you're ever in the area, shoot me a PM. We can go grab a coffee or something. Never exactly been able to just sit down and talk to another... mage? Magician? Magic... user? I guess I should start calling myself that now. Freaky thought.

At 16:05:39, SuperCapeFollower wrote,
Oh hey, you're in Clarkestown, Spellsword? I live out there!

At 16:12:41, SpellSword69 wrote,
Sweet, man. Where at?

At 16:14:08, SuperCapeFollower wrote,
Down on 3rd Ave? The old factory they turned into an apartment building last year. It's still going through some renovation but it's not bad.

At 16:15:50, SpellSword69 wrote,
Cool. That's New Vistas, right? Heard some good things about that place. Apartment I'm staying at now is a real ****hole, and they just hiked up the rent again. How're the rates over there?

At 16:17:23, SuperCapeFollower wrote,
They're pretty good for 3rd Avenue. Everything else around here is crazy high. But hey, if you're looking at moving, I think the apartment down the hall from me is open.

At 16:38:59, CapeAdmin12 wrote,
Point of order: Discussions related to locations and/or moving belong in the Super Socializing & Networking subforum. How many times do we need to say it, people??

At 17:01:36, TheFlyingTroll3384 wrote,

RottenLuck's picture
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At 02:17:34 Norseman58 Wrote,

At 02:17:34 Norseman58 Wrote,

Might want to meet somewhere populated with capes. Like I said before you don't hide something unless you fear someone looking. So might want to keep your location more secret. Welcome to the wonderful world of superpowers where Secret Identity is a thing.

Now about Clarkstown, I do have a shop there. Visit the Druid's Den herb and supplies store. That is my place of business and it's rune protected so relatively safe.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

SpellSword's picture
Last seen: 2 years 6 months ago
Joined: 03/27/2017 - 10:43
At 04:26:31, SpellSword69

At 04:26:31, SpellSword69 wrote,
Sweet. Might pass by on my way home from work tomorrow. Think I've seen your shop a few times... Is that the place back behind the old Leland Warehouse?