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A Beer Truck's Lament (open RP)

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notears's picture
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A Beer Truck's Lament (open RP)

A scared man was in the passenger seat of a beer truck, his first job after moving to Titan city, next to him was the driver, a rugged man. The younger man turned to the driver and says "...Are you sure nothing's gonna happen? I mean I've heard a lot about Titan City..." the driver turned to him with a calm smile "Don't worry about it... usually it doesn't effect the people here... nothing's going to happen" the younger man smiled slighty "Well I hope your righ...." he then trailed off with a look of true horror on his face as he glimpsed something in the rear view mirror. In confusion the driver turns his head and sees what appeared to be half of a wrecked pirate ship jury rigged with pieces of a big rig driving down the road, the ship crowded with skeleton pirates dressed like the aftermath of a cast party for the road warrior and pirates of the carribean smashing into each other, brandishing cutlasses and modern day firearms alike. The supposed captain steering the wheel glared at them before screaming "THAR SHE BLOWS!!" pointing at the two men in a state of what could only be either fury or madness. The driver then turned his eyes back to the road before flooring it.

not my video just one I lke ===>


Foradain's picture
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The truckers were unlikely to

The truckers were unlikely to notice anything unusual about the girl on the motorcycle that pulled out behind the undead road pirates. But the rear most raiders, unless they were completely intent on their prize, would feel something ominous in her approach. Looking back, the more perceptive might get the impression of a blonde warrior woman on a winged horse. Which is ridiculous, of course, since her helmet completely conceals her hair.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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notears's picture
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None of the pirates really

None of the pirates really notice the biker behind them, they seem really into chasing down that beer truck. The Captain turns to yell at his crew "MAN THE HARPOONS!! THE BEAST BE IN OUR SIGHTS!!", they scream back a battle cry and most turn their sights to their weapon systems.

not my video just one I lke ===>


Foradain's picture
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Are these pirates, or whalers

[I]Are these pirates, or whalers?[/I] thought Gunni. Then she addressed her phone's VI. "Carmen Panzer mode." Triggering the bike to jump, the smartphone sent the programmed commands that unfolded the bike and wrapped it around her, displaying the stars of the Southern Cross on her left breastplate. The wheels folded up in back, using electrostatic forces to push jets of air to lift her up towards the back of the truck ship. Crux drew both of her blades, and the blessings of Freya on them made them glow in the presence of the Undead.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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They all turn their attention

They all turn their attention to what appears to be a mech suit wearing southern Valkyrie boarding their ship, the captain yells once more, with fire in his eyes "STOW AWAY!!" before grabbing a minigun beside him and shooting in your general direction with it, the rest of the pirates trying to surround you

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Foradain's picture
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Crux cut the lift and dropped

Crux cut the lift and dropped hard onto the deck below the first burst of the minigun. "Belay that resistance! Yer boarded, fair and square! Now, I can send ye ta Hel the easy way, or ye can try ta get inta Valhalla or Fólkvangr!" Beneath her mirrored visor she smiled, pirate-talk was fun.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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notears's picture
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"You heard her boys!!

"You heard her boys!! VALHALLA IT IS!!!" The band of pirates swarmed all over Crux, everyone seems to have turned their attention towards you and away from the Beer truck in general, the captain stops firing his minigun for a second to turn the wheel in a bid to throw Crux off balance

not my video just one I lke ===>


Foradain's picture
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The first two to move got

The first two to move got hilts to the jaw, at nearly the strength level of a full-blooded Æsir. Several landed blows in return, and two got shots in, but Crux's armor dispersed most of those impacts. She staggered briefly as the ship swerved, and one skeleton got his blade into a joint over her stomach; it came out with blood on the tip. Recovering her balance, she leaped forward in a jet-assisted bid to close with the Captain.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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The two that got smacked in

The two that got smacked in the jaw have their jaws visibly snapped clean in half, they also don't really seem to notice or care. As Crux attempts to lunge at the captain the others attempt to shoot and stab at her, and in turn the captain picks up the minigun again, though once he does Crux is too close for him to try a ranged attack on, he instead tries to use the gun as a blunt object to smack her

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Foradain's picture
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Crux braced herself and her

Crux braced herself and her armor to take the blow on her shoulder, letting the impact get transmitted to the deck timbers. She swung her longsword, which looked like something out of WETA with special effects added post-production, at the captain's skull, wondering what exactly the blessing of a Goddess of Death would do to the cursed being before her...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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The blade smashes through the

The blade smashes through the captain skull, turning his skull to do dust but surprisingly enough you can still hear his voice "HYAR!! HAR HARR!! Her again? Hate to break it to ye lassie but there are no souls here for her to take...." the captain tries to smash into you again with his minigun and the rest of the crew lunge toward you, though you do see something behind the captain, he seems to be unaware that the ship is headed for a building.

not my video just one I lke ===>


Foradain's picture
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"No souls? No reason to save

"No souls? No reason to save you, then." She rammed the diamond gladius into a [url=]thwart[/url], letting the captain hammer it in a bit more with the minigun on top of her left arm. A thin wire snapped into the hilt, and the other end went into the hilt of the longsword. Three more skeletons drew blood through the gaps in her plate, and she'd have bruises from the cumulative blows despite the plate and the motorcycle "leathers" beneath it. She hurled the longsword; the cable drew taut just in time to make it wrap around a light post across the street. Crux bulled through several skeletons to get to the wheel and spun it hard towards the makeshift anchor...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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notears's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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When the Captain notices this

When the Captain notices this breakfast machine of destruction come into being he tries to stop you from turning the wheel, failing in the process and falling to the ground and as he felt the thrum of this mechanism come into play above him all he could let was a "Bloody He-!!!" before the ship itself was torn to pieces, pirates sprayed everywhere along with bits and pieces of wood and metal as the whole thing flipped and buckled in and over itself leaving nothing but confused and hurting skeletons and a whole crapton of debris as they try to rise and get a hold of their bearings.

not my video just one I lke ===>


Foradain's picture
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Crux had the advantage of

Crux had the advantage of expecting a wreck, and she grabbed the hilt of the gladius before the tension snapped both of them back towards the lamp post. She rolled with the impact of the street, and came to her feet in time to shake off the wood wedged onto the blade before testing the blessing on the gladius on the skull of one of the skeletons that was still getting to its feet.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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notears's picture
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Crux manages to decapitate

Crux manages to decapitate him, unsurprisingly he's still moving. The Captain bellows out "RETREAT!!" before each skeleton tries to pick up a piece of their ship or a severed limb of theirs and try to make a break for it

not my video just one I lke ===>


Foradain's picture
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Crux pursued the largest

Crux pursued the largest cluster of skeletons, hacking at hips and thighs in an attempt to cripple as many as possible to reduce their strength next time they came calling.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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notears's picture
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The biggest group is group of

The biggest group is group of three, and you manage to cut off one of their legs and one clean in half, the one cut in half just keeps running, with his top half trailing behind, the one without a leg just keeps hopping. They seem to be used to missing body parts.

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Foradain's picture
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The usual techniques not

The usual techniques not working, Crux sliced off the top of the skull of the hopping skeleton and scooped it up in her free hand. She backed away a bit, watching to see if the skeleton - or any of its companions farther away - would take notice.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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None of the really seem to

None of the really seem to notice

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Foradain's picture
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"Carmen bike mode." The

"Carmen bike mode." The armored suit unfolded and refolded back into the motorcycle, with Gunni in the saddle. She tucked the skullcap into the cargo pannier before heading towards Alexandria. The remaining charge in the battery pack would be enough to get her out of the area, but not back to Whitehold. "Carmen, find Charging station en route to Whitehold." There was one close enough. "Carmen, post ad. Help wanted, contagion trace..."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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notears's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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You trace the skull back to a

You trace the skull back to a small island just off the coast of Titan city

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Foradain's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
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The Zodiactm skimmed across

The Zodiac[sup]tm[/sup] skimmed across the waters of the Atlantic, circling wide to come at the island from the seaward side at dawn, out of the rising sun. Crux was already armored up, and she disconnected a power cable that had kept her power cells charged before bagging both the cord and the engine and opening the valve to release the air in the buoyancy tube. The little boat sank into the waist-deep water as Crux waded ashore, assessing the terrain before her.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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The island itself is littered

The island itself is littered with ship parts, both old and new, stolen valuables, skeletons (the non moving kind this time) and jury rigged shelters and machines made from all of the above. From the looks of things? They've been here for a very long time.

not my video just one I lke ===>


Foradain's picture
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Crux looked around, but didn

Crux looked around, but didn't see any clues pointing to the lair of the pirates. So she pulled out the skull section from the cargo slot and held it suspended from a string. As she activated the tracing spell, it spun around several time, the black ink arrow she'd drawn on it finally pointing one direction. The rest of the skull would be there, so that was the way she started walking, wary of the possibility of an ambush.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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notears's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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The skull points you forward,

The skull points you forward, though you can also hear the sound of moving bones behind you as well

not my video just one I lke ===>


RottenLuck's picture
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The shadows started moving

The shadows started moving Crux might recognize the forming shadow portal of the avatar of Hel, Rotten Luck. Thought this portal wasn't vertical but horizontal about 8 feet up in the air and soon Rotten fell through the portal to the ground below. "CURSE YOU HEL!" Rotten was dripping wet and the only thing covering him was a towel. "Couldn't give me five minutes..."

The shadow portal came apart and formed around Rotten soon it faded completely revealing Rotten in his sleeveless Trench coat, white muscle shirt, blue jeans, and combat boots. Looking about he noticed Crux "Crux correct? you might want to look behind you. By the way, could you give me a bit of an update on what's going on. My Boss didn't give me details."

He then started running to the source of the moving bones sounds behind her.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

notears's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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You come around just in time

You come around just in time to see a group of skeletons rising out from the bone piles clearly trying to get a jump on Crux. They seem to be startled when a zombie teleports in and runs at them

not my video just one I lke ===>


Foradain's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
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"Good to see you again! Well,

"Good to see you again! Well, there was this pirate ship-truck with a crew of skeletons attacking a delivery truck back in town. I stopped them, but the crew scattered. And they aren't normal undead, that or they have a serious 'protection from holy' going on. My blades are only as good as regular swords against them." She turned and demonstrated; the swords cut through bones like butter, but the rest of the skeleton stayed active. She continued slicing as she talked. "Maybe they're like the Koschei, with their souls hidden somewhere? So I cut off the brainpan on one of them, let the rest of the skeleton run off, and I'm using it like a compass to track where the rest of that skeleton went. And this sure looks like the right place."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"Alright." He stopped

"Alright." He stopped running and backed off. "If Holy magic didn't do anything maybe we should try Necromantic Magic. You take the point I go long range for this. Just remember when I'm actively using my magic I'm much weaker physically. But I get more tricks up my sleeve." Hoping he remembered right that Crux was a tanker or bruiser type. She looks like one with that power armor.

With that, he cracked his knuckles and his eyes start glowing red as he drew on the powers from Hel. His hands spread and six portals formed from them came three basic looking zombies, two armored death knights, and a floating skeleton the lower half gone dressed in rags a classic Lich. The Lich spoke, "Why have you summoned us?" "Same reason as always Moe we got trouble of the walking dead kind."

"My name is Nagurs..."

"Don't care don't remember if you say. Your Moe because I say so."

Rotten then faced the coming skeletons and fired a blast of dark necromantic magic hoping the dark magic granted by the Norse Goddess of the dead would cancel what magic activating the skeleton. Charging after the blast was his horde of Undead. The Lich adding its own dark magic in the attack.

"Mosh PIT!" Rotten said with a slight laugh his eyes glowing red.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP