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Tnecniw's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
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This might be something someone already has picked up, or discussed. But what specific and not so usual powers would you like to have included into the game? don't be shy, I am just curious for any special ideas. No bars held.

Personally would I like to have some sort of plauge/Biological power. Something that infects the enemy leading to various diffrent effects. (everything from slow health loss to confusion to temporary charm)

Plauge and death... Let that come

Redlynne's picture
Last seen: 7 months 3 weeks ago
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Star Trek Online has one of

Star Trek Online has one of the more unusual ones, which is not available to Players. Enemy Borg have the power to Assimilate you.

What they do is infect you with nanites (add visual FX indicating infection) in melee combat and there is then a countdown during which time you can use a consumable antidote on yourself (which the Borg can drop when defeated). If you don't counter the infection in time, your character will get Assimilated into the Collective! Your character will sprout "Borg Bits" of cybernetics (including the ever popular laser range finder on your skull) and will have your camera view go into a very obvious and weird fish eye lens effect that demolishes situational awareness of anything in your peripheral vision. Also, the colors wash out so you get a very weird and surreal visual palette. And, of course, while you're Assimilated, you have NO CONTROL over your character (you have become BORG) and will, of course, attack your former allies (if they're around). Getting killed will, naturally, end your Assimilated state. If you drop out of combat while Assimilated, you just "die" and fall on the ground, and when you rez you're fine again.

I've always thought that was a very clever way of handling the whole Borg Assimilation in a video game, where you basically lose control of your character and get to watch (helplessly) after changing sides.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Tnecniw's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
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That does sound realyl

That does sound realyl interesting and cool, that I can easily say. xD I wonder if it would be possible in CoT but that is not for me to judge.

Plauge and death... Let that come

Last seen: 10 years 2 months ago
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Like the witch doctor from

Like the witch doctor from Diablo 3

Halae's picture
Last seen: 4 years 7 months ago
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Organics Constructs would be

Organics Constructs would be a big thing for me. Organic armor, the abilites to generate claws or spikes or whatnot. That sort of thing.

The other big thing I'd like to see? Transformation powers. Obviously you wouldn't be able to customize the transformed state as heavily as the base one, but what CoH player can forget the Lobster/Squid transformations that the light based symbiotes I can't remember the name of got? I'd personally hope for the ability to transform into a dragon at some point, but I know that's likely not in the cards.

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

jrepra's picture
Last seen: 8 years 8 months ago
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There are quite a few things

There are quite a few things i would like to see, powers wise. So, let's go one at a time, shall we?

the first is as follows:

Indomitable mountain powers:

Overview: The titan is an unmovable force of nature, like the dauntless mountain that passes for no one.

In this power set, the ground itself rises with your every step. This power set focuses on terrain control, from summoning a wall to block for the user and conceal line of sight, to enhanced use of terrain to utilize and throw. summoning constructs made of rock to attack while fortifying yourself to take the hardest of hits, this power set makes use of the earth itself as an extension of their very bodies. Pillars of rock shoot from under targets that don't react quick enough to move out of the way, the earth quakes from a mighty stomp, and even molten rock can erupt from the ground to sere enemies. The mighty dome of solid rock protects the user and teams while he uses the dome itself as a veritable weapon. stalagmites rise, stalactites fall, and all to the will of the user.

Questions/comments? :)


TTheDDoctor's picture
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

Star Trek Online has one of the more unusual ones, which is not available to Players. Enemy Borg have the power to Assimilate you.
What they do is infect you with nanites (add visual FX indicating infection) in melee combat and there is then a countdown during which time you can use a consumable antidote on yourself (which the Borg can drop when defeated). If you don't counter the infection in time, your character will get Assimilated into the Collective! Your character will sprout "Borg Bits" of cybernetics (including the ever popular laser range finder on your skull) and will have your camera view go into a very obvious and weird fish eye lens effect that demolishes situational awareness of anything in your peripheral vision. Also, the colors wash out so you get a very weird and surreal visual palette. And, of course, while you're Assimilated, you have NO CONTROL over your character (you have become BORG) and will, of course, attack your former allies (if they're around). Getting killed will, naturally, end your Assimilated state. If you drop out of combat while Assimilated, you just "die" and fall on the ground, and when you rez you're fine again.
I've always thought that was a very clever way of handling the whole Borg Assimilation in a video game, where you basically lose control of your character and get to watch (helplessly) after changing sides.

I swear, if we had something like that, (or anything like the Confuse powers in CoX, sans the lack of XP gained from controlled enemies killing other enemies) then my OCs would be complete. I wholeheartedly approve of bringing this to the table, Redlynne.

[url=]My original character profiles![/url]

TheMightyPaladin's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 4 days ago
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Attacks that temporarily take

Attacks that temporarily take away certain types of abilities:

Disarm would remove hand held weapons
Disenchant would remove magic abilities
Neutralize would remove mutant abilities
Electromagnetic Pulse would remove most hi tech abilities.
Quench could remove fire abilities
Feaver could remove ice abilities

You could also make an absorption ability that mimics the abilities of targets.

The ability to trade powers with a target or make 2 target's temporarily trade all abilities with each other.
These 2 probably aren't suitable for use by players but I'd love to see them in the game.

I think it would be cool for a lot of villains to have custom abilities not available to players.

Tannim222's picture
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TheMightyPaladin wrote:
TheMightyPaladin wrote:

Attacks that temporarily take away certain types of abilities:
Disarm would remove hand held weapons
Disenchant would remove magic abilities
Neutralize would remove mutant abilities
Electromagnetic Pulse would remove most hi tech abilities.
Quench could remove fire abilities
Feaver could remove ice abilities
You could also make an absorption ability that mimics the abilities of targets.
The ability to trade powers with a target or make 2 target's temporarily trade all abilities with each other.
These 2 probably aren't suitable for use by players but I'd love to see them in the game.
I think it would be cool for a lot of villains to have custom abilities not available to players.

Since there are no origin based powers counters based on origin of the power won't exist. Making "nullifying" powers based on the animation theme is a quick trip to madness. This includes "disarming weapons" since weapons is more or less a theme of animation skin for a power and not exactly a prop that can be aken away. The act of shutting down an opponent from acing is a hold, not exactly robbing the opponent of their power but the prevention of acting (using powers) is the same.

Power absorbing / mimicry is quite complex, particularly when considering consistent performance metrics are concerned. For example a typical minion has but a few powers, a couple of attacks perhaps one ranged and 2 melee (if its a melee based minion) and very little if any protection powers. Its powers may not be equitable (on an even level basis) to that of a PC's powers. This includes all aspects of the powers in use to determine a range of expected performance from time (animation and recharge) to output and energy costs and uses over time.

Which means instead of duplicating the same power the system would need to call up the PC's version of that same power and utilize the skin of the power. This would require an on-the-fly access to a library of powers. Then there is power frameworks to consider and their tiered nature. An attack set copying a protection effect could affect performance metrics. A tier 1 copy power absorbing a tier 9 power of an opponent would require a tier 1 version of that tier 9 power to be listed in the library, which means every power needs multiple copies to adequately account for the tiered system.

A slightly saner way would require a tier for tier version of copying - a tier 1 power can only copy other tier 1 powers for example. This might work for PCs, but not necessarily versus NPCs unless every NPC had a "tier 1" power that had a PC version in the power.

So while there is a possibility, it is seriously resource intensive.

The most same way I could think of applying this type of effect is a like power for like power animation swap. That is say a PC A has a melee attack set that is flagged with "copy target's animations" flag. The power itself hasn't changed, only the animation theme is copied, and only if an appropriate animation theme exists for the copying set - in this example a melee attack set to copy, if not the attack defaults to the player's chosen animation theme. It's not the same by any means of duplicating the opponent's powers in all of its effects, but it can do things like a melee set copies a fire blasts theme - now the melee set uses fire melee attack animations but doesn't do fire damage per se.

There are some other hurdles even with this copy animation theme that I can't get into though so even this may not be feasible.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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One power set I LOVED from

One power set I LOVED from COH was the grav controller power set so something along those lines would be GREAT for me :)

jrepra's picture
Last seen: 8 years 8 months ago
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Next idea :D

Next idea :D

drunken fist martial arts

The basics to this set of melee powers is simple. The melee powers are combos unto each other, Outside of groundbreaking single blows such as the dragon corkscrew charge, each attack switches to one of the styles and completing combos of 3 would apply a drunken stat that stacks 8 times and increases damage while lowering actual moving speed.
Each stance attack applies a specific kind of buff, such as God lu stance, which gives your next melee attack extra reach by making it a gap closer, then switch into the next stance.
Aside from just being stacks of damage, the drunken stacks can also be utilized for the groundbreaking blows. belly of the beast would be a flamethrower type of attack that increases range and damage for how many stacks the user had when using the attack, of course costing the stacks themselves. Dragon corkscrew would amass damage as well in this way, and if used with 8 stacks it would cause a stun.
There are 8 general stances for the drunken stack combos, as with the martial arts ( as depicted by the movie drunken master).


TheMightyPaladin's picture
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Last seen: 6 years 2 weeks ago
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A parasite like power. CoH

A parasite like power. CoH kinda split the parasite powers between dark, will and kinetic. Just would be nice to have a set where you drain power from foes and increase your own strength....

In truth tho, the actual powers interest me less than the animation of said powers. Water powers that look like they have weight to them...super strength punches that don't look like they are from an old John Wayne movie or episode of Star Trek TOS...Martial arts that flow into one another...Explosive blasts that would make Michael Bay weep with joy... A Street Fighting set that had actual dirty underhanded moves in it....dart gun animations for heals...Pets that are customizable...melee attacks that would suit a super fast character....spines like power (from CoH) where you could choose the location where the spine burst from your character....

Basically I want some attacks to have a bit less cartoon look to them and more a modern action movie look. I mean keep the cartoon ones just add the movie ones as another option.

jrepra's picture
Last seen: 8 years 8 months ago
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I agree with the parasite

I agree with the parasite theme. Like, an insect splicing powerset that goes as a type of transformation, and each hit gives parasitic abilities that drain or something. Picture an attack to turn your arms into the claws of a mantis to slash and catch enemies and infect them or something. Or the horn of a kabuto beetle. Or even giant insect summoning.


TheMightyPaladin's picture
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islandtrevor72 wrote:
islandtrevor72 wrote:

In truth tho, the actual powers interest me less than the animation of said powers.

I think most of us will agree with this. We want to be able to choose from a variety of both character animations and special effects like in the game Freedom Force. (A pretty good game that I think died prematurely because COH kicked it's ass).

Comicsluvr's picture
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Of course all of the stuff we

Of course all of the stuff we really want will be resource-intensive:




Granted, CoH had most of the 'staple' abilities covered by the end like all four elements, several movement powers etc. One thing I'm hoping the Devs will remember is to keep it all FUN. Re,e,ber Granite? Most cost-effective toggle in the game...and the least fun. One click and your appearance changes from the skillfully-crafted whatever into a pile of slate. Teleport was your only viable form of movement and there was the unenviable mandatory Respec when you got the power. Not fun.

Now some of the new powersets at the end? THOSE were fun like Time Manipulation and Water Blast. Another thing to look out for is bad FX. Anyone remember the travesty that was Jump Kick? Yeah...those are to be avoided.

I'm confident that the Devs will be serving up some cool stuff. They've been working hard and listening to feedback. Alpha test will tell us more

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

Interdictor's picture
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Halae wrote:
Halae wrote:

Organics Constructs would be a big thing for me. Organic armor, the abilites to generate claws or spikes or whatnot. That sort of thing.
The other big thing I'd like to see? Transformation powers. Obviously you wouldn't be able to customize the transformed state as heavily as the base one, but what CoH player can forget the Lobster/Squid transformations that the light based symbiotes I can't remember the name of got? I'd personally hope for the ability to transform into a dragon at some point, but I know that's likely not in the cards.

I assume you mean a transformation that is more elaborate than a simple costume change yes? As in an alternate set of powers?

Well - they could provide alternate character models, like animal or alien forms at some point, but as for transforming into other humanoid shapes, that could be handled by a power that is linked to a costume change. It sould be possible to have a Kheld-like transformation (with alternate powers), just calling to an alternate costume you have saved. So with a robust character creator, hulking out or werewolf-like transformations could be simple to pull off.

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islandtrevor72 wrote:
islandtrevor72 wrote:

..melee attacks that would suit a super fast character....

I think it would be sweet to have a power (maybe tier one?) that does low damage but has no recharge time and fast animation such that a character could use it constantly while other powers are on cooldown, or that could be enhanced with a debuff so that the character could run around combat debuffing enemies. There are lots of ways this kind of thing could be used. Perhaps it has high damage, no recharge time but costs high endurance. If you want to expend all of your endurance really fast, you can end the fight quickly etc.

MrAspirin's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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Oh gosh, customizable minions

Oh gosh, customizable minions would be fantastic. In CoH my favorite thing was watching my minions run into a group and end them all while I laughed manically. Just imagine if I could have made them actually look like something other than zombies and... more... zombies.

Izzy's picture
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MrAspirin wrote:
MrAspirin wrote:

..customizable minions would be fantastic.


Redlynne's picture
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You mean ... like this?

You mean ... like this?

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Comicsluvr's picture
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I'd settle for being able to

I'd settle for being able to choose my minions from a preset list. True customization would be very cool but any improvement in this area would be appreciated

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

sev171's picture
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Teleportation based powers

Teleportation based powers would be cool. Like teleporting from enemy to enemy and using the force to knock them down. Or teleporting allies out of danger. Or teleporting enemies away from allies.

TheMightyPaladin's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 4 days ago
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The Most Important ability

The Most Important ability for a superhero is always his special senses. That's what lets him know that the people he's attacking are bad guys. Without super senses superheroes would need to follow standard police procedures, to protect ordinary members of the public from being smashed through walls by super strong punches, By Mistake.

Now in COH we always knew the bad guys were bad because they had a red reticle and names in various colors indicating their power level.
This also made Paragon City into Cheers because everybody knows your name.
so, Cool we had super senses, but every hero had the same super senses. Suppose we mixed it up a bit by letting players detect different things.
We would pick the kind of things our special senses detected, like guns, drugs, magic, radiation, danger, traps, secret doors etc, then we would see a special reticle pop up around the thing we detect.
This would mean different characters special senses might lead them on different adventure paths. One hero might constantly be noticing drugs or guns while another hero is drawn to fight the magical forces of some evil cult and another hero keeps being tipped off when NPCs tell lies, etc...
The possibilities are endless but they all depend on the developers putting in lots of stuff for us to detect.
You could even help keep us out of trouble and avoid wasting our time by not letting us detect things that are too high or too low level for us

Roachnaut's picture
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One thing that i think would

One thing that i think would be neat-o is something along the lines of the Bio-Armor set that (I don't think was released?) was designed at the end of CoX. While I know there's a distinction between animation and power effect, for starters anything named "hardened carapace" is a must for a roachy hero.

But the theme of "adaptation" was i think pretty cool, since you could switch around between offense, defense, and efficiency. So along those lines, maybe a Stalwart primary set that had a couple auras or "stackable" effects; like using attacks can beef up your dmg/to-hit, while consistently taking attacks built up res/def. There may be those toggleable modes coh had, maybe not. i just think the idea was cool.
I'm imagining the buildup/bleed off of those effects to be kind of like brute fury- takes a little while to get up to full power. Not sure what efficiency would be, except maybe modifying rech, end red, etc, based on what I'm not sure. I do think having 3 extra toggles to manage is kind of a cop out to simple & effective design.

On an unrelated note, a stalwart set that has something like granite armor- basically, trading off some offensive power for essentially max res's and a lot of defense. Something that says "the ultimate tank set, for those willing to sacrifice."
I just hope the defense sets are all pretty balanced- lookin' at you, dark armor. On that tangent, i don't know how people felt about this at large, but it did seem like fire and dark armor having the self rez tier 9 power was a little more scrapper than tank- you don't WANT to die as a tank, plus you did't get the "godmode" power to handle those big fights. So maybe a slight nuancing where enforcers get the self rez and stalwarts get something else.

Back in my day, taunt only affected [b]one[/b] target. We had to take [i]provoke[/i], and we [u]liked[/u] it

TheMightyPaladin's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 4 days ago
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I'd like to see a teleport

I'd like to see a teleport power that teleports you to a target and then teleports you right back to where you came from after a few seconds. This would give you a chance to attack and then escape without having to worry too much about coordinating your movements

I'd also like the ability to teleport right to any member of my team by clicking on them, on the team roster, or whatever you call it. A lot more characters from the comic could do this than summon team mates.

BlazingDuke's picture
Last seen: 9 years 5 months ago
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I'd like to see some Force

I'd like to see some Force Powers...but not the common force blast stuff they had in CoH. I'm thinking stuff along the lines of DnD's grasping hand, crushing hand, giant fist, stasis fields, wall of force, bands of force etc. Would be great looking effects (sorry devs) and the effects are really pretty common: damage, held, knockback etc.

Really excited to see what's going to be released!!

Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
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Crystal Blast, contorl

Crystal Blast, contorl

TheMightyPaladin's picture
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Grab (D.O.T. that immobilizes both attacker and victim)
Trip (Knockdown & Small Damage)
Shove (Knockback, possible knockdown, and more damage if the target is knocked down or pushed against a wall)
Slam (lift him up and throw him down, high damage and knockdown)
Swing (grab target and spin knocking back other opponents, then let him go to throw him)
Tackle (jump onto opponent (good Range, can be done from high places) knocking him down and causing medium damage)

Each of these attacks could have a number of different animations for players to choose from
for ideas play any of numerous wrestling video games.

Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
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Psionic Control: having pure

Psionic Control: having pure psionic engery controling the foe somewhat like Sister Psyche dues as well as Penelope yin
Psionic Crush Ranged, DoT (Psionic), -Endurance(Foe), Hold(Foe)

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Disease comtrol and blast

Disease comtrol and blast

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(Magma manipulation )

(Magma manipulation )

elegantmess's picture
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Ghost pets! Necromagia (not

Ghost pets! Necromagia (not necromancy, that's divination) where you can use death energy to snare or knockout or vampire drain your foes! Trapping enemies in blocks of ice!

Khione, Boreal Princess of Phantoms/The Riveter, Hammer of Liberty/Rosa Amarillo, Sweet Belle with a Six-Shooter

Magical Girl in a Marvel Comics World

Hyperbolt's picture
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I like super speed based

I like super speed based powers like speed punches, running around an enemy to make them dizzy, speed tripping etc. I would like vehicle combat pets, Example: A flying hoverboard that can fire at the enemy even when your not on it.

I accidently ate a bowl of radioactive soup....ok I guess that makes me a Soup-er Hero

Izzy's picture
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CaptainSabalan wrote:
CaptainSabalan wrote:

I like super speed based powers like speed punches, running around an enemy to make them dizzy, speed tripping etc. I would like vehicle combat pets, Example: A flying hoverboard that can fire at the enemy even when your not on it.

Hmm.. I'm seeing allot of request for a Travel Power that has as many attacks as Kheldian's alternate form(s)! :<
Ummm... what if the hoverboard had a single Attack Point, like Shoulder Kittens have?
Ohhh, shoulder kittens should also have their eyes as Attack Points too, not just their mouth. ;)

blacke4dawn's picture
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Izzy wrote:
Izzy wrote:

CaptainSabalan wrote:
I like super speed based powers like speed punches, running around an enemy to make them dizzy, speed tripping etc. I would like vehicle combat pets, Example: A flying hoverboard that can fire at the enemy even when your not on it.
Hmm.. I'm seeing allot of request for a Travel Power that has as many attacks as Kheldian's alternate form(s)! :<
Ummm... what if the hoverboard had a single Attack Point, like Shoulder Kittens have?
Ohhh, shoulder kittens should also have their eyes as Attack Points too, not just their mouth. ;)

I don't think it's so much about having a Travel Power with lots of attacks but rather having an attack point that adjust position depending on if you have activated a specific Travel Power or not, and essentially syncing it with the aesthetics of the Travel Power.

Grimfox's picture
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What if instead of multiple

What if instead of multiple attack points on a given attack point. Why not have the option to modify the power graphic to have multiple streams. So you'd still select shoulder pet at the point of emanation but you'd pick the dual beam graphic. This would also work for things like the head emanation point. If you have a Brainiac style icon on your chest or head you could use a triple beam graphic so that it appears to come from the three circles in the symbol. Maybe easier than including "should pet left eye" and "shoulder pet right eye" and "shoulder pet mouth"

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.Foresight's picture
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Telekinesis is one I'd

Telekinesis is one I'd definitely like.

I loved how unique the Telekinesis ability was in City of Heroes. I don't know if it will be included in the Mind power set in this game but it would be nice to have, even if it's functionally different. I suppose gravity will be close, thematically.

"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!"

Player2's picture
Last seen: 6 years 7 months ago
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I really hope there's some

I really hope there's some kind of weather control set like COH's Storm Summoning. Being able to shoot lightning like a blaster is okay, but I want winds that knock foes back, and thunder clouds that blast independently, and a rain of sleet that slips up the enemies while slows their actions, a tornado pet that roams around me hurling people away, and a cloud of steam to both conceal and protect me. My Storm Summoning/Electric defender was my favorite COH character.

Lothic's picture
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Player2 wrote:
Player2 wrote:

I really hope there's some kind of weather control set like COH's Storm Summoning. Being able to shoot lightning like a blaster is okay, but I want winds that knock foes back, and thunder clouds that blast independently, and a rain of sleet that slips up the enemies while slows their actions, a tornado pet that roams around me hurling people away, and a cloud of steam to both conceal and protect me. My Storm Summoning/Electric defender was my favorite COH character.

With the way powers are going to work in CoT I don't think you'll be able to play something with powersets that the game specifically calls "storm" or "electric" but you should be able to customize the system that we'll have to work with to produce those same effects. Everything is going to be "generic" enough to allow players to design both how they want their powers to work and how they'll look color/animation wise.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Player2 wrote:
Player2 wrote:

I really hope there's some kind of weather control set like COH's Storm Summoning. Being able to shoot lightning like a blaster is okay, but I want winds that knock foes back, and thunder clouds that blast independently, and a rain of sleet that slips up the enemies while slows their actions, a tornado pet that roams around me hurling people away, and a cloud of steam to both conceal and protect me. My Storm Summoning/Electric defender was my favorite COH character.

You might want to look at the [url=]descriptions of the power sets[/url] to see which one causes the effects you want. Then you can make it look like a storm with lightning etc. or however you want it to look.

For example, [url=]Force Control[/url] or [url=]Force Blast[/url] might have the effects you desire for this character concept.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Atama's picture
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Huckleberry wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:
Player2 wrote:

I really hope there's some kind of weather control set like COH's Storm Summoning. Being able to shoot lightning like a blaster is okay, but I want winds that knock foes back, and thunder clouds that blast independently, and a rain of sleet that slips up the enemies while slows their actions, a tornado pet that roams around me hurling people away, and a cloud of steam to both conceal and protect me. My Storm Summoning/Electric defender was my favorite COH character.

You might want to look at the [url=]descriptions of the power sets[/url] to see which one causes the effects you want. Then you can make it look like a storm with lightning etc. or however you want it to look.

For example, [url=]Force Control[/url] or [url=]Force Blast[/url] might have the effects you desire for this character concept.

You took the words right out of my mouth (fingers?). With aesthetic decoupling there’s no need for things like “weather control”, you can make it up.

I’m guessing you could have a cloud as a prop and make it the emanation point for ranged attacks. The attacks themselves could look like lightning, hail, gusts of wind, etc. It might be one of those “premium” options you need to buy or earn.

Last seen: 6 years 4 weeks ago
Joined: 02/13/2019 - 11:28
A couple of powers that haven

A couple of powers that haven't been done, or done well, in other games:

I see it as a very versatile set, but it only lets you be good at one thing at a time.

I see this being about defense and control. Creating shields out of your body, punching at range and wrapping your limbs around enemies to hold them.

I see this as offering a variety of utility options through debuffs and control effects. It ain't called a "utility belt" for nothing.

Other games let you get from point A to point B really fast, but when you get there you don't throw your punches any faster than everyone else. I'd like to see attacks that would be appropriate for someone who's able to move at high speeds. Fast punches, maybe maintained holds that have the character running in circles around the target, stuff like that.

Last seen: 7 months 6 days ago
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Joined: 09/25/2013 - 13:48
At this time we will not be

At this time we will not be getting either stretching or shapeshifting. A few years down the road, who knows?
As for the Superspeed, I think we'll be okay. Most of the devs are superhero nerds, so . . .

Captain Titan
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Last seen: 4 years 11 months ago
Joined: 11/04/2013 - 11:32
Just get a free dcuo account

Just get a free dcuo account see their power set an just do the opposite of what they do lol.have been in DCUO off an on since beta, they even have the water set, it's cool. would like to see a weather set,

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Last seen: 1 month 5 days ago
Joined: 03/28/2015 - 03:02
Lightwave wrote:
Lightwave wrote:

A couple of powers that haven't been done, or done well, in other games:

Not really against the sets but I'll give my thoughts on them, and/or what MWM has said about it.


I see it as a very versatile set, but it only lets you be good at one thing at a time.

While they sound nice to have the major problem with these is to balance the different "shifts", both against each other and against other "classes".


I see this being about defense and control. Creating shields out of your body, punching at range and wrapping your limbs around enemies to hold them.

MWM has said that the biggest problem is to properly stretch the costume to make it still look good and not just a stretched model and/or texture. The more customization you have for character appearance the harder it is to do this "right".
Also, effectively all forms of wrap-around style attacks would need to either only be channeled ones (a.k.a only active while channeling) or they would need alternative animations for all other abilities based upon if you are wrap-around mode or not.


I see this as offering a variety of utility options through debuffs and control effects. It ain't called a "utility belt" for nothing.

Not sure what you actually mean here since even utility belts are limited in what they can carry. I think the main problem is that the traditional depiction of super hero type utility belts is that they always have exactly what is needed in any situation, while in reality that is fairly hard to do.
If you are talking about power mechanics then I'm sure there will be enough options among the tertiary pools, considering that every secondary pool will be represented among the tertiary ones (and then more that fall outside both primary and secondary).


Other games let you get from point A to point B really fast, but when you get there you don't throw your punches any faster than everyone else. I'd like to see attacks that would be appropriate for someone who's able to move at high speeds. Fast punches, maybe maintained holds that have the character running in circles around the target, stuff like that.

To give an idea of the flexibility in the aesthetic options MWM has used one speedster example for a ranged attack consisting of you running up to enemy, throwing some rapid punches, and then running back. This gives me a feeling that we will get enough options, maybe not at launch, to make a "real" speedster.