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continuation from the daily grind post

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"Sorry, I still have half of

"Sorry, I still have half of this one left, and I've heard being drunk on a boat is as dangerous as being drunk while driving." "Emily" looked at her watch (a Timex Expedition Digital, water resistant down to 100m) and added, "And our fishing excursion is starting in twenty minutes. If all I have is this one, I should be good." Meanwhile, she sent a confirmation to Jayde and a query to Adam and Simone: [I]We're going to check out a very well protected web nexus. Do you want to stay here and gather info, or come "fishing" with us?[/I] Inviting their new acquaintances did not seem like a good idea...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"I can't believe you talked

"I can't believe you talked me into fishing. We better catch a shark." She sipped her margarita [I]It's better to come along. Thought the guy in the blue shorts is cute there more Intel in a comic book.[/I]

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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We will meet you at the beach

[i]We will meet you at the beach entrance.[/i] Adam replied as it caught the ball thrown by the third guy. It lofted the ball towards Devon again and headed back to the sidewalk leading from the resort.. It's path took it past Devon.

"C'mon Cody, where ya goin'? You just got here." Devon groused good-naturedly.

"Sorry, man. I just remembered that our fishing trip got moved up, so we need to head towards the docks." Adam said, its tone apologetic.

"That's cool, brah. Deep-sea fishing is the shit. Hook one for me! We're in Rooms 1715 through 1722. If you wanna hook up and party later, give one of them a call." Cody said, exchanging another bro-hug with Adam.

Adam nodded and continued towards the sidewalk.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Last seen: 8 years 1 month ago
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"the kids will be here soon"

"the kids will be here soon" Jayde said aloud to steel who was messing with the controls of thier boat. They had rented an 85 Grady white 25 foot boot. It had new engines, and was totally refurbished with modern amenities. "why did we rent this thing?" she asked steel who was still checking everything out. "Well, to be honest, it was the last available that wasnt a huge charter or a smaller craft. It'll get us there, plus it came with free tackle gear" he pointed to the rods and equipment stowed on the aft.
"you know we're not really fishing right?" she quipped. "you mean your'e not really fishing " he answered smugly.......

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I'll thank you not to be

[I]I'll thank you not to be insulting graphic literature like that ;),[/I] replied [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font]. After finishing off the drink she said aloud, "Thanks for the drinks, and the invitation! Hopefully not all of this vacation will be scheduled, almost takes the fun out of it."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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"Yeah I have had enough of

"Yeah I have had enough of schedules in school." She smiled and blew the guys a kiss as she headed off the streets. [i] I wasn't insulting graphic literature. Just stating technical fact. Comics are entertainment so intelligent information watered down. Besides I meant there more intelligence in a comic then there is in a bunch of beach going collage jocks. Even if they are good to look at... P.S. Don't you dare tell my dad I said that![/i]

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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As Jayde and steel finished

As Jayde and steel finished the boat prep, Steel seemed to get lost in thought. Jayde saw the look on his face and said "you know they're ok right?"....she said with a wishful thought. "Aye im hoping it as well" he replied. "If any of us were to be missing together, those two probably have the best chances" he stated bluntly. Jayde wasn't sure what to make of that last comment. She knew Steel and Blue go back way before anyone else of 3A do, eve Roxi herself. In fact she knew Steel, Blue, and some other called Monch, formed 3A. She neever asked about Monch, who he/she was or even where they are now. Jaydes life with 3A has been profitable and more inportantly, she had made life longs friends. Some would even call them family. Losing Emerald last year was tough on all of them, but they know the risk, and do this voluntarily. So instead of prying more into what he meant or was thinking, she turned and stared down the dock. It was only a few moments untill she saw the kids heading thier way.

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After a quick load of final

After a quick load of final things, the boat pulled away from the dock and headed out to sea. Steel steered it as Jayde watched the little red dot Aiko had pinpointed where the signal was coming from. The waves splashed almost playfully as the boat rode them up and down in a dance of fluid motion. Jayde looked to the kids to make sure thier speed causing increased motion wasnt causing any issues. At this rate she figured theyd reach thier destination in a couple of hours or so. the wind whipping through her hair, the warm sun, and water spray, all contributed to the slight smile forming on her lips. She , nor Steel noticed the two smaller craft approaching from behind.....

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However, Shifter did, having

However, Shifter did, having switched it's vision back to 360 degrees. "We believe we are being followed. We will show you." it announced. It fed it's visual feed to the other Children and to the screen of the fish finder so that no one had to turn around and give away the fact that they knew.

As the boat passed over a swell and was briefly obscured from their pursuers, Shifter stuck its hand over the side and a glob of nanocells dropped off. As they fell, the nanocells shaped into a simple fish-like construct and splashed into the water. The 'fish' dove deep for a few seconds, then turned and swam back along their route until it was behind the other boats. It surfaced and began surveilling them, sending the signal back to Shifter.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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AIko shaped a parabolic, RF

[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] shaped a parabolic, RF-reflective force field on the far side of her head from the unknown boats, the better to pick up the transmission from the "fish". It would also enable her to pick up the faint repetitive pulses made by the spark plugs in the boats' motors if they weren't diesels, which would mean they could likely go a lot faster than the fishing boat, as well as any radio communication more powerful than Bluetooth connections from either boat.

It also blocked her RF "hearing" to the front, so she looked forward, scanning for any sign of their goal or other potential threats. If that made the followers more confident that they hadn't been spotted, so much the better...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Simone pouted "okay here we

Simone pouted "okay here we are in the water and dad didn't send my flight gear. Do we have room enough if we have to fight?"

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Last seen: 8 years 1 month ago
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Jayde and steel watchwed the

Jayde and steel watchwed the screen and didnt turn around. Steel asked Jayde to grab the wheel and start slowing down....They were only about a mile from the ping of the gps signal they were headed to. "I'm going fishing" he said with a thier boat slowed he was getting a rod ready to cast. "Playing the part" is all he said and laughed at a silent joke in an attempt to fool anyone watching with binoculars. Jayde tried to go along with him and stopped the boats engines.... The small craft were still heading thier way.

The "fish" in the water could see what looked like tourists dress in tropical patterened shirts, and shorts. they had no gear on board, but under the baggy shorts flapping in the wind there were glimpses of automatic weapons. Compact smgs if a guess was to be had....

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Shifter took direct control

Shifter took direct control of the the fish and used it to capture several dozen still pictures of the weaponry, which it began enhancing and examining. It concentrated on the images that revealed the most of the weapons, then shared those picture with the rest of the group once it was finished.

As it worked on the pictures, Shifter got up and began passing out drinks from the cooler. It calculated and then spoke at the perfect decibel level to be heard over the engine, but not loud enough for the sound to carry. "We believe they intend to attack or at least confront us. We can use our drone to cause a small disturbance and see how they react, if you wish?"

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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In Simon's room the power

In Simon's room the power armor activated. The inboard systems used micro thrusters to life the armor and the AI opened the sliding door to the balcony. It wasn't long before the unit was floating high above the boat. "My armor is ready to activate." She played the role herself and looked over the side of the boat.

Using a waterproof camera she leaned over and took some underwater shots. Bad guys be damned she wasn't playing a tourist she was a tourist.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Lexi accepted the beverage,

Lexi accepted the beverage, and considered the weaponry the scout fish had seen. Unless they used special ammunition, the bullets would be of little use against Simone's force field, or her own, or against Shifter's amorphous form. Jayde and Steele would have likely considered the threat to themselves. Still, every bit of protection could help. So she asked, "Lifevests?"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Steel looked at the screen...

Steel looked at the screen....."Ok they seem unfriendly" he smirked sarcastically. "we need answers"....he continued. Jayde popped the top of her Sprite she was handed and silently nodded in agreement, not turning around. "you three wanna try and get some?" steel said as he slowed the boat down to bring the others in closer and faster. He figured they could defeat the group with minimal effort knowing wht he knew about Lexi alone. the other two added even more confidence. "i might cast here" he said playing to fisherman role.

The other boats rapidly approached the barley moving craft the group was on. Jaydes hands went to her pistols slowly. "we need at least one alive" all she said as she sipped her soda.

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"Sure, we can get a few

"Sure, we can get a few prisoners. I don't think we want them talking to anyone else at the moment, though..." Just before the other boats' motors became audible, [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] slipped off the cover-up she'd been wearing over her bikini as she turned towards the back. She waved at the crew of the boat to starboard, then sent a pair of focused EMP bursts at each boat, taking care not to interfere with Shifter's fishy scout, as she dived into the water.

She only went a few meters deep before leveling off and coming up to intercept the boat she'd waved to, moving much faster than most human swimmers could manage. As she passed under the keel, she brought up her left hand force blade, preparing to cut off the propeller as she surfaced behind the boat...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"Time to party!... hmm... Oh

"Time to party!... hmm... Oh I got one!" She jumped up shouting "MOON PRISM POWER!" Yes she just called out Sailor moon's transformation phrase.

High above the armor unit was hovering and parts detached falling down her right hand up in the sailor moon pose as parts of the armor snapped in place. One her transformation/armoring up was finished she leaped in the air the thrusters were barely enough to keep her airborne. "Oh crud dad such a tease! I can't get enough power to the thrusters to even glide well. Guess I have to hover."

She extended the her protective force field around the boat and her friends as the thugs started shooting. The incoming bullets stop as they met the energy field.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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As Shifter stood, it's body

As Shifter stood, it's body rippled and the t-shirt and shoes vanished, leaving it clad in just a tight pair of swimshorts (à la Bond in Casino Royale). It leapt overboard, slicing into the water with barely a ripple and surged through the water, paralleling AIko until they split to each take a boat.

Shifter had just closed with the port vessel when Scattershot's forcefield surrounded it, leaving Shifter inside the bubble. While this was not a problem, it did send a burst transmission to let the other two Children of Science know this was the case. As it reached the aft, Shifter placed a hand on the hull, its nanocells boring into the fiberglass without fully penetrating it, allowing it to 'grab' the smooth surface . It reached for the engine, it's fingers elongating in preparation for infiltrating the motor housing.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Last seen: 8 years 1 month ago
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all this action caught the

all this action caught the two boats by surprise easily. They had no clue as to what was happening and thier bullets hitting some shield around thier target was perplexing enough to have no clue as to what was going on underneath thier boats. Jayde just stared back and smiled as Steel kept a cautious eye on the kids. As one of the men in the boat Aiko was under emptied clip after clip into nothing, it seemed, the other was trying to radio for help. Aiko's EMP fried all thier comm devices and he was basically talking into a broken walkie. Before he even realized the engines sputtered as well, thier chips fried...they looked at each other with desperate looks of "Now what" on thier faces.

The boat shifter was on played on a similar scene except for the fact one of the men was glancing overboard to try and see what the hell was going on. He was looking off the bow however, and not seeing shifter finish off the engine completley.

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AIko heard the last of the

[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] heard the last of the firing as the propeller in her right hand went [i][b]klunk![/b][/i] on the transom. She let it drop to the deck as she vaulted aboard. "Weapons down, and hands up, please," asked firmly if politely. Her force field she had restored to its default invisible-and-form-fitting state.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Shifter retracted it's

Shifter retracted it's fingers from the engine casing, then detached from the hull and descended. Once at an appropriate depth, it spun and surged towards the surface, blasting out of the water and landing, balanced, on the bow rail. It lashed out a kick that caught the man looking over the side in the temple, sending him off to La-La Land.

By that point, the one's shooting were in the midst of reloading and Shifter was swiftly amongst them. A metallic shield formed along one forearm and a lasso-type weapon formed in the other.

Shifter blocked a butt strike from the closest thug, then whipped the lasso around the thug's wrists and the stock of his weapon. It spun the thug, yanking his arm's up to his shoulder, then caught his foot with it's own and yanked it up, whipping the lasso around the ankle. The lasso detached as the thug fell and a new one formed. Shifter spun into the group again, having moved so fast the other thug's were still busy with their weapons.

Giving up on reloading, they all came at Shifter with stocks raised or with another melee weapon of choice. Shifter caught the wrist of a knife wielder with the edge of the shield, then slipped the lasso around his hand. Yanking down, it applied inexorable pressure on the wrist, forcing the thug's hand to spasm open. It then bashed the thug in the face with the shield, knocking him out and back into his compatriots, flinging them to the deck. Shifter gave a little slack to the lasso still around the unconscious thugs wrist, then flicked it so it wrapped around his neck. It then tossed the lasso around the rear rail, securing him.

"I can continue fighting and possibly do bodily harm to all of you, or you can surrender. The choice is yours." it offered, shield raised and lasso weapon at the ready.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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The two men aboard the craft

The two men aboard the craft Aiko was on looked at her and quickly assesed the situation.... They aimed thier weapons as if to distract Aiko and make her go defensive. Then they dove into the water........

The one of two aboard the boat with shifter that wasnt unconscious, attempted the same thing. He fired of a few rounds to buy a seoncd or two then dove off the back of the boat.

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Shifter blocked the bullets,

Shifter blocked the bullets, then flicked it's arm out, whipping the lasso around the thug's ankle just before his leg slipped under the water. It pulled the line back, hauling him into the air. The lasso retracted and melded back into it's arm, leaving the thug's ankle in Shifter's hand.

It raised it's arm up, so that they were roughly eye-to-eye. "I really wish you would cease and desist. My friends only wish to question you."

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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She moved hovering slowly in

She moved hovering slowly in tha air to the boat where Shifter located at. Then she focused her force field to trap the thug he was addressing. "One Cease and desist force bubble now active. Max strength he won't be running, shooting, or anything but talk till I drop it." She notes the power level and silently she sent a text message [I]"this forcefield drains a lot of power I can only hold him a few minutes."[/I]

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Hanging in air, the thug

Hanging in air, the thug stopped struggling. He just went motionless as if hed given up. He just hung there held over the boat staring at shifter with a blank stare.

The other two in the water took off hoping they could outswim whatever it was that stopped the boat from moving. When Aiko leaped aboard it startled them somewhat and all they seemed to want now was escape. One of them broke the surface for air and then swam around oddly looking for an escape route. The other never came up. Steel had turned thier boat around and headed over to where this was all taking place . He yelled at the man in the water. "You want on?".... As jayde aimed her pistols at him.......

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AIko noted one suspect

[Font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] noted one suspect contained, one swimming more-or-less away, one being invited aboard by Jayde.... The fourth hadn't come up yet and that meant trouble. Whether he was in trouble or about to cause trouble depended on whether or not he needed air, so she dove back in and started looking for him.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Shifter turned and deposited

Shifter turned and deposited the thug into a seat on the boat, righting him first. It kept a hand on it the whole time, transferring it's grip from his ankle to his shoulder.

It interfaced with the nanocells still in the engine housing and started the boat, moving the craft slowly to get used to the controls, then headed over to pull up alongside Jayde and Steel's boat. "I think this one's broken..." it said dubiously to the two senior agents.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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"heh" steel laughed at the

"heh" steel laughed at the blank eyed thug staring at shfter. Jayde, still aiming her pistols at tghe thug in the water smiled as well as the thug inched his way closer to the boat. He looked as if he was contimplating an escape. Her smiled waned and she spoke up..."i wouldn't if i were you" she trained her pistols on his head. "aye," steel chimed in," she can shoot the wings of a fly at 50 paces".......

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on the dock the thugs sat

on the dock the thugs sat back to back, all 4, (aiko had easily outswam the last escaping and caught the tired henchman) Jayde was putting her pistols away as these men clearly had given up the fight. Steel was muttering something about drinking too much and boating and making sure they were safe in a manner to try and throw any vacationers watching the scene unfold as to what was happening. The part of the dock they were using was not a popular one, it was dirty and unkempt, probably used mostly for maintenance and locals. Still the odd tourist would look on then walk away.
"lets get them somewhere quieter" Jayde said , feigning a smile to the kids like she was saying something else...

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"Hey, Aiko think you can

"Hey, Aiko think you can boost my summons signal? I want my high-speed flight pack this hover forcefield generator sucks... I wanna fly!" Yeah, Simone was pouting.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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AIko scanned some nearby

[Font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] scanned some nearby boathouses for electrical power use. "I can boost your signal, but it won't do any good if your dad locked it down. And either way, he'll know you tried. Want to try talking to him, first? Maybe convince him you need it, or will be safer in the air?" She'd stopped keeping track of how many sitcom or other genre kids tried to get around a parental decree and regretted it later only a few months after she was activated. The total had already been in triple digits...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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"Fine we go the logical route

"Fine we go the logical route. You know we got a strange group here. Shifter is the outside perspective, I'm the fuzzy logic think outside the box, and your the logical leader type. It's like we are in some comic book or something." She mumbled as she brought up the Deffender mod armor. "Oh no... dad installed six feild generators in this armor system. No wonder there's no place for more powerful thrusters. Oh that gives me an idea, going to have to draw up a few simulations to see if I can use a feild generator or two for added thrusts."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Last seen: 8 years 1 month ago
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Steel had 'borrowed' a van

Steel had 'borrowed' a van from the closest parking lot. He was just pulling up as Jayde said to their 'guests'."come on now, we don't want to be late " and she motioned for Aiko and the others to assist in walking the thugs to the van in a quckly but discreet as possible manner.

Steel sat in the van , engine running and panned around as he waited...."odd" he thought as another van pulled closer to them, followed by three more....

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As she "helped" the prisoner

As she "helped" the prisoner into the van, [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] glanced back at the approaching vans... and then scanned for unusual RF transmissions. She also got her force fields ready to activate...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Thought it seemed Simone was

Thought it seemed Simone was distracted the power nodes on her own Force field generators lit up. [i]'really how can I call myself Scattershot if I'm a freaking bubble buddy. I'm so going to have to have a talk with dad about his overprotectiveness... So any clues on who the party crashers are?'[/i]

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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The four vans boxed them in

The four vans boxed them in and the men inside hopped out. Two of them looked oddly familiar. They were dressed in all grey , head to toe and carried automatic weapons. Each of their vests has a golden badge emblazoned on it. G.I.S.F. in bold letters below the shield. "don't do anything stupid!!" one of them barked with an oddly familiar voice...Jayde smirked and quickly held her guns out to be taken away. She was giving in without a fight and hoped the others would catch on and do the same. Steel seemed to be angered by the motion and was ready to toss the closest soldier (probably back out to sea) as hard as he could. When he made a motion someone grabbed his arm and spun him to stare into his eyes. "He said nothing stupid!!" that's when the soldier brought the butt of his gun up and slammed it into Steels face . The gun butt cracked slightly, but steel went down. The soldier tried to play it up by saying " See that's what happens when you don't follow orders!!"...
Jayde seeing and hearing this rolled her eyes slightly and hoped.....

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G.I.S.F.? Who are they? AIko

[I]G.I.S.F.? Who are they?[/I] [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] noted the logo and began running internet searches. To Scattershot and MIMIC she sent, *Any buttstroke that would hurt Steel would have left the rifle in much worse condition, so this is likely a ruse of some sort.* She placed her hands, fingers interlaced, behind her head, and did not resist.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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MIMIC, having scanned Steel's

MIMIC, having scanned Steel's cellular durability, was forced to agree and mimicked AIko, raising it's arms and interlacing it's fingers. Still, a small portion of the nanocell gestalt began streaming out from it's left foot, the nanocells camouflaged to look like the asphalt. The stream split in half and headed underneath the two closest 'enemy' vans, then began building a stream upwards like a colony of fire ants. Once inside the engine compartments, the two streams rapidly spread thoughout the vehicles, rapidly hacking into and taking control of all of the electronics, then building relays that could receive signals from any of the Children.

In the stream fed to AIko and Scattershot, MIMIC overlaid the vans in red. Once it had control, the overlays shifted from red to green. [i]We control the green vans.[/i] it sent over the stream.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Just give me the word and

[i] Just give me the word and activate my area forcefields.[/I] "okay, why does that one guy sound familiar? Please tell me you guys are not with the goons that attacked us on our fishing trip? I really wanted to find Nemo." When in doubt act like a simple minded cutie girl. At the same time, the generators came up again having recharged fully.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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The men quickly hurried the

The men quickly hurried the group into the back of a van, since there was no resistance. The goons that were captured by Jayde and the group were grabbed and tossed into the same van as them. "styler said to free them , and get em paid" onr of the agents spoke up... "we will when we know they won't talk"....the familiar voice said firmly. "why are you cramming them all in one van ?" the first guy asked again...."What, we have to cram?"..the familiar voice said as he walked over and slammed the doors shutting the group and the 4 goons they captured all in one van. He then turned to another agent and said "You and I will go in this one".....then he turned back to original agent and said "there, they are my responsibility now. "....he walked over and hopped into the driver seat.
The 4 vans slowly started to pull away, the one with the prisoners went 3rd in line. It was to be followed closely and guarded by the others. The agent in the passenger side turned back and looked at the pile of captives and smirked . He caught Jaydes eye and gave her a wink. She saw that and then tapped steel on the thigh. He was laying under the mass, trying to act as if he was still stunned. He sprung up and quickly punched the 4 thugs knocking each one out. (he hoped that was all he did).
"keep them in the van" the driver said. "yeah we need to maintain cover " the passenger added. Pulling off the hat and the half mask breather he was wearing that matched some of the other agents garb, Glenshadow smiled at Aiko and said " Good to see you again"...Before she could reply Jayde spoke up " you know Roxi is going to kill you" her statement directed at the driver ..."yeah well, wheni came looking for glen, we had an opportunity that we couldn't pass up"...Blue replied. "Besides I knew shed send someone and we had to stay off their radar as well"......Glenshadow finished Blue's statement. "yeah, 3A is compromised".............

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AIko answered Glenshadow,

[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] answered Glenshadow, "Likewise. These are my friends Scattershot and MIMIC. And these are Glenshadow and Blue. How compromised is 3A?" While the one piece of data that 3A had that she was personally not wanting to be common knowledge - that [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] was Alexandria Irene Morrison-O'Brian - was easily available to anyone who could hack the registration database and/or the County Records database and put 10 and 10 together to get 100, she'd rather not have the twins' lives at risk unnecessarily.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"We don't know." glenshadow

"We don't know." glenshadow answered. " All we know is that this whole gun runner thing is much bigger thn we first thought. ".. he paused a second , "we know someone was trying to contact 3A about the gun shipments. We also know the guns are more than what they say, some new tech we're not aware of. " Blue spoke up "The contact we had inside the gun runners is gone, not before they reached Glen"........"but shortly after" he added with effect. "we also know through some intel gathering of our own that 3A is on some list they have as one of the orginizations they need to deal with"....Blue accelerated the van realizing they were starting to lag behind. "we need to maintain our cover and get as many of us inside as possible" saying this he hoped they understood the implications. They were to remain prisoners . " what do we do about them?" Steel asked referring to the now unconscious thugs laying in a heap in the center of the van. "they've seen our capabilities, and I'm surprised they didn't say anything when you captured us." ........ Blue asked the group..."any ideas?"

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"Maybe we should break out.

"Maybe we should break out. It put them in panic mode, nothing like a bit of fear to cause someone to make mistakes." She looked to Aiko "Do you think the Government in on this? The last thing we want is officials mudding the waters. Don't want us on wanted posters and on the news. Dad would kill me."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Looking back in the direction

Looking back in the direction of the other vans, [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] nodded. "If they haven't yet reported that you 'rescued' these four, and if they were to suffer an accident before they did so," she smiled at MIMIC, "like a loss of control of their vehicles resulting in them colliding with each other, then you could claim that these four were already dead and that you disposed of the bodies to avoid attracting more attention. Or that they were aboard the other vans. What we actually do with them, though... they are our prisoners, and this limits our options." [font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] did not want to give [I]anyone[/I] an excuse to treat future prisoners badly, or to kill them out of hand.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"I still haven't found

"I still haven't found anything on G.I.S.F yet, unless it's related to the Italian special forces unit Gruppo di Intervento Speciale. Badges didn't look right for that, though. Steel? Glenshadow? Are they government, or private?"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"Private" blue answered....

"Private" blue answered...."goran international security force".....he thought a moment. "i think" he chuckled....Glenshadow chimed in, "yeah hired thugs basically, they change the name over and over to protect the interests of its main founders. " he grinned "more meat for the grinder"......Glenshadow continued. "as for those 4, we need a way to get rid of them, so they don't make it back to the warehouse, where were heading".....he stopped. "if we could just get rid of the van behind us" Blue reiterated. "and have it seem casual".....he thought..."can anyone flatten a tire?"....."at 30 yards discreetly" glenshadow added......

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"I think Mimic has the van

"I think Mimic has the van covered. Maybe an overheated motor... oh I know the fan belt breaking. That would stop a motor and less suspicious than even a tire blowing. There less chance they have a spare belt on that thing than a spare tire." She looks to the four thugs "I don't know about these four. Logic dictates one thing morals another. Purely by logic killing them would be easier, just I hate that I even had that thought." She shivers "I refuse to be just a simple machine driven by logic. We have to have an alternative."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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AIko grinned. "Remind me to

[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] grinned. "Remind me to discuss the logic of ethics and morals sometime. Does anyone know anyone with a small aircraft; who could drop them off on a small, uninhabited island? My moms' Gooney Bird could be here in forty minutes, but I think we need something sooner. Or if we could find an unused warehouse, I'm sure we could rig a temporary cell for them."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Cinema watched as the vans

Cinema watched as the vans drove down to the road. Couple tourists getting mugged and held for ransom.....again. Holding his belt up to the sun he found the part he was looking for. "Transporter.. that should work." Grasping the thin film membrane between his fingers his eyes rolled into the back of his head for a moment. When he focused again his mind was swimming with his borrowed knowledge.

Quickly taking action he hopped onto his dirtbike and gave pursuit.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
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"I can disable the vehicles

"I can disable the vehicles at any time of your choosing." MIMIC answered.

It then tapped into AIko's WiFi and did a quick search on the internet, finding a condemned warehouse within a few miles. "There's a building that fills our needs within 2.5 miles. But we would have to deviate from our current heading."

The nanocell gestalt looked around for a moment, then over at AIko. [i]We can make restraints from the metal of their guns, but we would have to reveal our abilities. Should we?[/i]

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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AIko replied to MIMIC, It

[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] replied to MIMIC, [I]It shouldn't be necessary. I can mimic - if you'll pardon the pun - a knife with my force fields, the back of the seats will provide the strips of material.[/I] Aloud, she asked, "Does anyone have duct tape or zip ties?"

She was aware of the dirt bike following the other vans, but at this point it was only one vehicle among many.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"I blame my human mapped

"I blame my human mapped brain. All these self-doubts and worries tend to show at moments like this AIko." She leaned back and followed their moment via GPS. [i] I got a problem. If 3A is compromised should I tell my Dad? I think we might really need my offensive combat mod. This defensive is fine, but I predict more stealth and sneaking than combat in open areas.[/i]

Opening a phone link [i] "Hey dad I'm going to need that other combat module. I know you want to protect me and I'm being punished. Just I don't like being a support class."[/i]

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Cinema accelerated making the

Cinema accelerated making the bike red line. Weaving between cars he zipped past the vans and pulled in front of the lead nearly touching his back tire to front grill of the van.

Jumping up and "out of scene" he kicked the handle bars as he rolls away. The sudden twist of the handles causes the bike to kick flip backwards into the windshield of the lead van.

Standing up he straightens his imaginary tie as he looks to see if he caused the pileup his current borrowed abilities told him his actions would make.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
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As the man on the bike drew

As the man on the bike drew ahead, he also drew [font=lucida bright]AIko's[/font] attention, and when she saw him jump off, she projected a force field forward. As the motorcycle tumbled over the van, the shattered windshield flowed to either side, piling up between the front seats and the doors.

The bike dropped down behind the van, bounced off of the front wheel's shocks, and hit the next van in the radiator grill before disappearing under its wheels.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Deciding to take some

Deciding to take some initiative in the face of this newest attack, MIMIC assumed control of the van they were in as well as the two others it had taken over earlier. "I'd recommend everyone hangs on." it said just before its eyes rolled back into its head and its body slumped against the side wall.

All three vans accelerated hard and lined up with only inches to spare between their bumpers. They then tore off the main road and down an alley like a large white snake.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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"Activating force fields."

"Activating force fields." The generators start humming as the layers of protective shielding form into place. [B] [i] "Sorry Dad I got to go. Please think about that combat mod or at least when I get back add some more thrusts in this one. I hate floating there like a bubble. I want to fly... what? Oh no that wasn't something crashing. We are in the back of a van I sware we aren't doing anything. I just turned on the force fields just in case. Love you bye bye." [/i] [/B] "So any idea what's happening now?"

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Blue was trying to recover

Blue was trying to recover and control the van for a few seconds, then he realized what was happening. "we heading to the warehouse?"....Glen asked flatly. Blue was formulating a plan. He knew now they had to deal with all of them, and the fact that no guards were showing up may blow their cover. "Hey, don't destroy the vans" he shouted. Hoping everyone would get where he was going with it. "We will need them to infiltrate back in" He looked at shifter. " you can change your appearance?" he more hoped than asked. He was trying use the vans as cover and have them show up on time with the same amount of prisoners. "not sure what were going to do to about the windshield" he kinda chuckled outloud....

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Cinema groaned loudly. Super

Cinema groaned loudly. Super powered kidnappers, THE WORST.
How the second van survives he couldn't figure out. Chaulking it up to bad luck and the lack of knowledge about the supers he flipped through his belt codex. Casino Royale that's should work.
Grabbing the film his mind dumped the useless vehicle knowledge and was filled with near super human knowledge of parkour. As his nervous system calmed down he started spiriting. Dodging over and under things, running up wall sides and flipping over old ladies. It was almost like every weird stunt he hit caused him to move faster. He was managing to gain ground on the road bound vans.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

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"Okay, first time I ever

"Okay, first time I ever going to say this and never thought I say it. I think we have the bad luck of having attracted a Hero." She narrows her eyes as she looked around. "I'm getting some funny pickups on my ears. Mimic can your other parts see what's going on out there?" On her GPS she gets a ping "Oh Goodie Daddy sending me my good armor mod! ETA ... 20 minutes, that sucks."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"Over a kilometer a second,

"Over a kilometer a second, not too bad. OK, this guy has some moves. Maybe we can get him to help us out. If he delays our 'escort', will that buy us the time we need?" font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] pulled her - or rather, Emily's - cell phone out of her pocket. "And can somebody get this discretely to our hero without annoying him?" She unlocked it, then went to the notes app and entered one of her "secret" numbers, leaving the app open.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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As the vans pulled up to the

As the vans pulled up to the old warehouse they slowed and stopped. Blue nodded to those in the back and he immediately jumped out. The guards still in uniform jumped out of the other ones and a few of them were on the radio. "shit" is all Glenshadow said as he hopped out as well. The Guards in the other vans stood there weapons raised, not sure what to do. Blue and Glen, still in their disguises, followed suit. "Why are we here?!" Blue shouted as much asked. "Where is the one that attacked us?" He started pointing and motioning to the roofline, hoping to draw their attention elsewhere. As he did this Glen walked slowly to the back of the van. "We may be under attack" blue stated, "stay alert and watch the roofs!"....he was animate about keeping their gazes elsewhere.
"sergeant!!!" another voice yelled over blue..."Why are you barking orders!!?!?!"...."I'M the ranking officer here!!!"....he yelled as Glenshadow opened the door with the rest of the group in the back. Most of the guards were focusing on the roofs because Blue had sold the part well. He had them convinced to be looking elsewhere for the threat. "Hey , you there!! What do you think....." is all the ranking officer got out before Blue, who had slowly walked over to him as normal as possible , slugged him with a frozen fist. The crack of bone shattering and the visual of teeth flying mixed with bloodied spittle is all that was heard and saw for a split second. The guards facing the roofs were unsure of what happened , and for a split second they ignored the scene unfolding out around them.......their fault. Glenshadow having let the others of their group out, (not that couldn't have gotten out themselves, they were just trying to maintain the integrity of the vans)....turned to the furthest guard and before they could even spin, sent two waves of dark funneling energy at their backs...."Aiko!!! Jam frequencies !?!?!" Steel more asked than ordered.....He was sure she could do it, just wanted to make sure she understood the importance of those radios going silent. He then ran up to a guard who had now turned and fired , Steel didn't even bother to attempt to avoid the bulletts, he just let them hit him, and bounce off as he grabbed the gun and broke it in half then used the two halves to beat the guard quickly. The stunned expression on the guards face was a priceless scene. The other guards seeing this started firing. Jayde had followed steel out of the van and was a bit disappointed in the fact steel broke the gun. She went for his sidearm....

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AIko scanned, both visually

[font=lucida bright]AIko[/font] scanned, both visually and in the radio frequencies, for communications not belonging to the team, and sent to each one an EMP to fry any non-hardened electronics. Then she looked for what was still active...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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"Play time." She jumped out

"Play time." She jumped out of the van and sent a wave of force field energy at the standing guards. The generators in her armor reved to max creating a bubble of energy around the team.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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MIMIC shook it's head as it

MIMIC shook it's head as it sat back up, then headed out the side of the van. It grabbed the upper edge of the portal, fluidly swinging out and up to land on the roof. It sprinted across the tops of all three vehicles and dove off to tackle three of the guards, it's deceptively heavy body composition taking all three to the ground before they could even raise their weapons. MIMIC rolled, altering it's center of gravity so that it smoothly came back to its feet before the three guards could even figure out what hit them.

"I'd suggest you toss away your weapons and roll over onto your bellies, hands behind your heads. I do not wish to do further harm to you, but I will if I must." it said steadily while looking down at the three men.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Bullets came in at MIMIC from

Bullets came in at MIMIC from another angle. The three pinned remained down. only one had the idea to jump as the bullets came in. He was trying to get to his gun which has scattered away when he was hit from behind.

Jayde was continuing to use Steel as a shield , he remained close and just threw the odd item at the opponents, in a protective manner. He knew Jayde < now holding a side arm, could handle herself, but there were a lot of automatic weapons pouring fire in all directions. Jayde took every opportunity she had, having killed three with perfect eyeshots, but she was trying to get away and get the phone Aiko had handed her to the new guy coming down the ally. She finally got her break when steel tossed a body from one of the guards towards a group of them and stopped them from firing. She dove and rolled, and finally cleared the buildings and started running towards the new hero.....