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getting defeated in PvE

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Radiac's picture
Last seen: 10 months 4 days ago
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getting defeated in PvE

As I've mentioned in previous recent threads, I'm currently playing GW2. That game has some stuff that happens upon player defeat that CoX never had, and I like some of it enough to suggest some kind of analogous thing for CoT, if possible.

First, when you get defeated you are not immediately unconscious and out of the fight. You are knocked down and the screen goes from full color to greyscale and you cannot use your normal powers. You have a limited set of "upon defeat" skills you can use, and some of those are the same for everyone and others are different for different classes. You also have a small amount of "downed" hit points, which either heal up or bleed away while you're down depending on what you choose to do and what the badguys do to you.

When my Elementalist gets defeated, which happens a lot, because he's pretty squishy, he hits the ground and has a small number of temporary hit points. This is represented by a small red health bar that appears in the center of the screen, along with a set of four available "you're down" skills I can use by hitting the 1-4 keys (my normal powers are not available). 1 is "keep attacking the target" which causes you to lose some of your reserve "downed" hit points with every attack, but can keep attacking the target. If you manage to reduce them to 0 HP before your own go to zero, you get an immediate wakie type revive effect that get's you back on your feet with recharged powers and a fraction of your max health. Another option I have is to move, using magic to a different location, which causes my body to turn to mist and then move a short distance, probably to a safer area. Then the 3 key is "immobilize target" which doesn't last very long and I can't really see a use for so far, and then the 4 key is "lick wounds" which causes you to lie there groping for help as your temporary hit points go up, and if they reach the maximum for the red bar, you get up again, with a fraction of your max HP.

I should point out that if you get defeated and DON'T manage to get back up, you go unconscious and have to respawn at a nearby Waypoint, and which Waypoint it is depends entirely on which ones you've managed to unlock in the open world by walking to them and getting that part of the map revealed. When you do use the Waypoint to respawn, your armor takes a damage hit and you will then eventually need to get it repaired or lose the stat buffs it gives you. Also, the armor item goes invisible on your body and you look partially undresssed, which looks funny.

I'm fine with the whole idea of divorcing the graphics from the powers and I'm fine with having no armor damage upon defeat, and no "gear damage" in general, but I do like the idea of being able to keep fighting, albeit in a limited way, upon defeat. Then have some limited options for what to do when "down". I should also point out that GW2 allows all players to revive each other. You have to walk over to the other person and press "f" to help them up, and that is interruptible, roots you, and causes you to not be able to do anything else while you're doing it, but you can also break away and go back to attacking or running if you want to as well.

I'm not sure how Reserves would fit into this, or if this kind of thing is even possible when there are reserves in the game, to use to self-rez, but it's a neat thing in GW2 and I think it fits thematically, if not mechanically, with the superhero genre.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Fireheart's picture
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I'm Not Dead Yet! I want to

I'm Not Dead Yet! I want to go for a Walk! And if 3 people stop to help you, you can get back up really Fast! Unless you've fallen in the Lava.

Radiac's picture
Last seen: 10 months 4 days ago
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I should point out that the game still has powers that cause you to revive people. You can, using different skills, revive people instantly, and/or from from farther away (ranged AoE revive) and/or revive them with better "back on your feet" hit points and so forth, so friend-rez powers aren't obsoleted by this. I just love the "Falling....unconscious...must...reach...utility....belt..." factor it provides.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Grimfox's picture
Last seen: 2 years 9 months ago
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Another note. each Class in

Another note. each Class in GW2 has a different set of basic "downed" powers they can use. Most feature a heal self and weak attack target ability. The last two are much more diverse. Guardians have a powerful AOE KB. Ele have a mist-and-run ability. Rangers can call their pets to help them heal. Usually one of these abilities will start with a 5 second cooldown when a player is downed initially. I think its a pretty good mechanic in general. It's something that could work in COT.

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Redlynne's picture
Last seen: 2 months 3 days ago
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Sounds an awful lot like

Sounds an awful lot like Defiance for Blasters ...

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Grimfox's picture
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Defiance for blasters, as I

Defiance for blasters, as I recall, gave them access to their first two primary powers for use when mezed. I don't think they were allowed to use these powers when dead. That wasn't terribly useful so they switched it up in defiance 2.0 which I think gave them something like a Corrupter's agony bar or whatever it was called. Basically a damage boost.

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Radiac's picture
Last seen: 10 months 4 days ago
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One thing this would do, if

One thing this would do, if you're a soloer and you've run out of Reserves and cannot this rez yourself, you might be able to keep attacking while on the ground (until you pass out) and if you had the target near zero, and you can take them down before you black out, you get a free wakie effect that gets you back up with some HP and some Endo, and maybe some Momentum, Reserves etc too.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 1 day 3 hours ago
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Radiac wrote:
Radiac wrote:

One thing this would do, if you're a soloer and you've run out of Reserves and cannot this rez yourself, you might be able to keep attacking while on the ground (until you pass out) and if you had the target near zero, and you can take them down before you black out, you get a free wakie effect that gets you back up with some HP and some Endo, and maybe some Momentum, Reserves etc too.

Hmmm... have you ever been involved in a sporting event in which there is a momentum shift. It is an interesting occurence. The team on the field just can't get that third out and fall apart as the batting team scores run after run to come from behind and win. Football (American or European) basketball, badmitton, you name it, it happens.

So, to piggy-back on Radiac's suggestion, perhaps if someone recovers from a knockout in that way, they actually take a portion of the opponent's momentum like a vampire. So you recover with all this momentum now and the opponent has less that they did. Remember, however, that this happens for your opponents as well as hit happens to players.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Radiac's picture
Last seen: 10 months 4 days ago
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To be honest, basing this on

To be honest, basing this on GW2, in that game you have to defeat the monster in order to get a free revive and get back up, with a triumphant "I'm BACK!", and in that case the enemy is defeated, so their momentum is basically undefined, isn't it? Or were you talking about like some kind of AoE Momentum leech effect of some kind? If so, I could see that as a power you take as part of your build, or even an ancillary benefit of a mastery that does something else and that, like "Momentum Vampire Mastery: Steal Momentum from mobs when you hit them in combat, and steal some more as an AoE when you get back up from the 'downed' state", but not as a basic "you just get this, everyone does" type of deal.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 1 day 3 hours ago
Joined: 01/03/2016 - 08:39
Radiac wrote:
Radiac wrote:

To be honest, basing this on GW2, in that game you have to defeat the monster in order to get a free revive and get back up, with a triumphant "I'm BACK!", and in that case the enemy is defeated, so their momentum is basically undefined, isn't it? Or were you talking about like some kind of AoE Momentum leech effect of some kind? If so, I could see that as a power you take as part of your build, or even an ancillary benefit of a mastery that does something else and that, like "Momentum Vampire Mastery: Steal Momentum from mobs when you hit them in combat, and steal some more as an AoE when you get back up from the 'downed' state", but not as a basic "you just get this, everyone does" type of deal.

Good point. I must have been talking about an AoE leech. Yeah, that's the ticket.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

dawnofcrow's picture
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if your class have pets can

if your class have pets can self-rez you and you can on attack?

whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster and when you look into the abyss, the abyss also look into you, -Friedrich

dreamcatcher's picture
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Grimfox wrote:
Grimfox wrote:

Another note. each Class in GW2 has a different set of basic "downed" powers they can use. Most feature a heal self and weak attack target ability. The last two are much more diverse. Guardians have a powerful AOE KB. Ele have a mist-and-run ability. Rangers can call their pets to help them heal. Usually one of these abilities will start with a 5 second cooldown when a player is downed initially. I think its a pretty good mechanic in general. It's something that could work in COT.

In theory, it's a great mechanic. In practice, it seldom worked as intended and on some classes it was just better than on others.

To be honest the only part of the downed mechanic I really liked, was the opportunity for 'ressing' the player before they actually died. A player could pull off some really clutch saves and epic comebacks if they were smart and/or daring enough. I've had the good fortune to experience some amazing moments in multiple games allowing this sort of help-a-buddy-out type mechanic, that were just FUN.

Tom Clancy's The Division does something very much in the same line, but imo, subtly better.

A similar mechanic could work quite nicely in CoT, although I'd want to see it flavoured for super-heroism/ -villainy, and without the spam-one-button-and-hope-for-a-kill-so-you-can-stand-back-up aspect of it.

of Phoenix Rising
Am I

blacke4dawn's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
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Yeah, if CoT gets a downed

Yeah, if CoT gets a downed mechanic then I think DCUO's or Tom Clancy's system is better suited.