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Take a page from the CoD book... Custom Logos

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DesViper's picture
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Take a page from the CoD book... Custom Logos

In CoH, it always bothered me that SGs were stuck with the same logos the rest of the game had, which were pretty lame tbh. Below are some CoD:AW screenshots (my favorite CoD since WoW btw)


So, these emblems are for playercards and are made of many basic shapes scaled and overlayn to make interesting logos, e.g. a Fallout 4-esque American flag I didn't have the patience to make right.

So, I'd love to see a system like this where you can craft logos for SGs or for personal use and save them in a similar way to saving costumes.

I know they're working on scaling and moving decals all about a body, so I don't think this is much a stretch. And I assume there's a "SG mode" in CoT like CoH and/or a way to easily share logos.

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Never mind Call of Duty, you

Never mind Call of Duty, you should see what you can do in APB: Reloaded:
They can make not merely complex symbols but real art out of altering (resizing, stretching and compressing) and then overlaying shape after shape after shape in layers. It would great if we got something approaching that.


Huckleberry's picture
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Why stop there? Why not do

Why stop there? Why not do what they did in Archeage or TERA and just upload an image? Make sure people can report offensive images and you're done. This makes more sense that having to write code for our own design tool.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Lothic's picture
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At this point it's not a

At this point it's not a question of whether the game technology would allow players to make customized logos/symbols as much as how the Devs would police/prevent people from making the obviously offensive ones (i.e. Nazi swastikas, etc.).

Huckleberry wrote:

Make sure people can report offensive images and you're done.

If it were completely this simple I'd agree. I'm just not sure it's entirely that "simple" especially for a group like MWM who aren't going to be able to afford a huge staff of GMs to monitor the game in the first place.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

At this point it's not a question of whether the game technology would allow players to make customized logos/symbols as much as how the Devs would police/prevent people from making the obviously offensive ones (i.e. Nazi swastikas, etc.)... I'm just not sure it's entirely that "simple" especially for a group like MWM who aren't going to be able to afford a huge staff of GMs to monitor the game in the first place.

That's a potentially mammoth ongoing task... I think their money would be best spent elsewhere.


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Gluke wrote:
Gluke wrote:

That's a potentially mammoth ongoing task... I think their money would be best spent elsewhere.

To be clear I'd LOVE a game that allowed us to have all sorts of customized logos for things. I just realize the Devs are going to have to consider how "controllable" that feature would be and I wouldn't be surprised if thery erred on the side of caution with something like this. It's always the few idiots out there who'd ruin it for the rest of us. :(

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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I meant uploading images

I meant uploading images alone - weeding out inevitable nude images and copyrighted logos would be the mammoth task. Having a function to edit together images of great complexity like APB would be okay, as most people would probably not waste their time and great effort on the ditor just to draw swastikas and penises, and APB's success with it bears that out.
At the same time, the statement you thought I meant is also valid: having a complex editor at all would be money and time I'd probably rather went elsewhere all things considered. Maybe let us layer 4 or 5 symbols as one and have some simple stretch and distort function, similar to Star Trek Online and their tattoos and scars facial features.


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It will be no more effort to

It will be no more effort to moderate guild logos than the moderation of people's character names. Wait for the report, spend 30 seconds looking at it, make a decision that it is or is not offensive, delete it or not, and go on.

If MWM does not have the staff to assume this level of moderation after the game has gone public, then we have bigger problems to solve.

Besides, even using in-game tools can result in offensive images with enough creativity. Let's not create dragons just so we can slay them. This is not an issue.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

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Huckleberry wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:

It will be no more effort to moderate guild logos than the moderation of people's character names. Wait for the report, spend 30 seconds looking at it, make a decision that it is or is not offensive, delete it or not, and go on.
If MWM does not have the staff to assume this level of moderation after the game has gone public, then we have bigger problems to solve.
Besides, even using in-game tools can result in offensive images with enough creativity. Let's not create dragons just so we can slay them. This is not an issue.

Names can have automatic censors in place for expletives. Images, for the most part, cannot. This is why APB has the editor but not a means to upload directly. people can and do use the editor to make nude images occasionally, but then APB has a mature age rating. CoT doesn't.


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Huckleberry wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:

It will be no more effort to moderate guild logos than the moderation of people's character names. Wait for the report, spend 30 seconds looking at it, make a decision that it is or is not offensive, delete it or not, and go on.
If MWM does not have the staff to assume this level of moderation after the game has gone public, then we have bigger problems to solve.

To be fair setting up name filters to automatically prevent most of the "naughty word" combos out there already exist (as Gluke said) and represent relatively little time and effort on the Devs' part. For the few that get through there's always the "after the fact" GM policing that can be done like you said.

Huckleberry wrote:

Besides, even using in-game tools can result in offensive images with enough creativity. Let's not create dragons just so we can slay them. This is not an issue.

On the other hand being able to adquately police graphical/visual customizations would require far more effort than the names issue. Sure we can hope the Devs will take a "we'll allow it until you prove you can't handle it" approach. But given how much more trouble could be generated via offensive imagery than offensive names I'm not going to automatically assume our Devs are going to be incredibly liberal about this kind of thing until I see it. *shrugs*

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Gluke wrote:
Gluke wrote:

I meant uploading images alone - weeding out inevitable nude images and copyrighted logos would be the mammoth task. Having a function to edit together images of great complexity like APB would be okay, as most people would probably not waste their time and great effort on the ditor just to draw swastikas and penises, and APB's success with it bears that out.

At the same time, the statement you thought I meant is also valid: having a complex editor at all would be money and time I'd probably rather went elsewhere all things considered. Maybe let us layer 4 or 5 symbols as one and have some simple stretch and distort function, similar to Star Trek Online and their tattoos and scars facial features.

Actually you perfectly (ironically?) reversed these ideas as far as what you thought I thought you meant. But it all comes out in the same wash.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

DesViper's picture
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Aight, maybe the libertarian

Aight, maybe the libertarian in me is coming out again, but is it really worth policing every tween who wants to have a swastika or something anatomical for their logo for a T rated game?

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Gluke wrote:
Gluke wrote:

Names can have automatic censors in place for expletives.

Lothic wrote:

To be fair setting up name filters to automatically prevent most of the "naughty word" combos out there already exist (as Gluke said) and represent relatively little time and effort on the Devs' part. For the few that get through there's always the "after the fact" GM policing that can be done like you said.
On the other hand being able to adquately police graphical/visual customizations would require far more effort than the names issue. Sure we can hope the Devs will take a "we'll allow it until you prove you can't handle it" approach. But given how much more trouble could be generated via offensive imagery than offensive names I'm not going to automatically assume our Devs are going to be incredibly liberal about this kind of thing until I see it. *shrugs*

I'm glad you mentioned the ones that get through, because word filters will prevent the naughty words as Gluke mentioned. Remember when Trayvon Martin got shot and killed and the whole nation was divided over the issues of the case? In a short time there were Trayvon Martins all over the place in games, and they kept coming up as the Zimmerman trial went on. I had to report one myself. No amount of filtering will prevent name-griefers from finding something controversial and divisive to use. Add to that the use of chat for people to harass each other, spew racial and other bigotry-fueled pablum and otherwise disrupt other people's enjoyment, and you end up with a full-time moderation staff. And since "online interactions" are unrated in this game, the staff at MWM can very literally take a wait and see approach and get away with it. To be on the safe side, they might implement a guild emblem approval process where someone has to look at each one and 'swipe left' or 'swipe right'. But whether they have a pre-approval process or take a wait until they complain approach, it will be their call.

In my opinion it would be far less effort overall than coming up with their own library of acceptable shapes, creating a tool and a tool UI to use and then test it and publish it. And oh by the way, they would still have to maintain a moderation staff for all the other things you need moderators for in an MMO.

Add to that the flexibility of people being able to make whatever logo they want, and you have the best solution in my opinion. Take a look at some of the crests in TERA and Archage and even Aura Kingdom, which is definitely geared towards a younger audience. (a web search will do).

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

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desviper wrote:
desviper wrote:

Aight, maybe the libertarian in me is coming out again, but is it really worth policing every tween who wants to have a swastika or something anatomical for their logo for a T rated game?

Worth it for MWM and the City of Titans community? I'd say no, personally, as my Inner Libertarian waves at yours. But with regards to the swastika the German government disagrees with us.

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Foradain wrote:
Foradain wrote:

desviper wrote:
Aight, maybe the libertarian in me is coming out again, but is it really worth policing every tween who wants to have a swastika or something anatomical for their logo for a T rated game?
Worth it for MWM and the City of Titans community? I'd say no, personally, as my Inner Libertarian waves at yours. But with regards to the swastika the German government disagrees with us.

Are they really so -- ironically ;) -- Nazi about Nazi symbolism to disallow or otherwise punish a game that allows people to generate a swastika for their RPG character?

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Nazi symbolism is Illegal in

Nazi symbolism is [u]Illegal[/u] in Germany. It's considered bad taste in other European countries, as well, I believe. I'm as liberal as the next person, but let's try to avoid insulting entire cultures... at least the ones we Like.

Be Well!

DesViper's picture
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But isn't it the person

But isn't it the person making a char with a swastika (even if a bad guy?) the one offending? Not the game with a series of tools that make such a thing possible.

If there was a Nazi with such symbols in the official game canon it'd be different, but is working so hard to make an infrastructure to prohibit such a thing really worth it?

I do love the new authoritarianism cracking down so hard on the old authoritarianism :p

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And then there is the

And then there is the question of a Hindu, Buddhist, or Jainist hero who wishes to incorporate a symbol of their belief into their costume... [url=]Odd, I seem to be going to the same wiki page.[/url]

But alternative motives for displaying the symbol aside, if the game permits it to be displayed, then we likely will not be able to sell the game in Germany or Austria. If I lived in either country (or any others with similar limits on freedom of expression) I'd be disappointed if I couldn't buy it legally.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Huh, I wonder if there's

Huh, I wonder if there's court precedent for Indian versions of the same symbol before it was bastardized.

Were I in either of those countries I'd fight for the removal of the ban, but that's easy to say as an american.

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According to the Wikipedia

According to the Wikipedia article linked above, they can display the swastika on their temples as religious symbols cannot be banned in Germany. And they managed to block an EU-wide ban.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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APB and APB: R unfortunately

APB and APB: R unfortunately is a big example of how that could go wrong. The companies behind that game and it's revival went through absolute hell trying to police the game and it's still happening with the new company that possesses the game.

It's honestly really sad really as I remember seeing plenty of good art coming out of the symbol creator in that game. But for every good piece of art there was damn near hundreds of bad pieces, some deliberately made to be offensive and/or crudely sexual. That system unfortunately is a blatant example of Sturgeon's Law in practice.

APB isn't the only game that has happened in either. Even a small time offender such as Mario Cart 7 had a system like that in practice and it was abused horribly (You wouldn't expect that out of a game like that but unfortunately it happened). It was very common in the original Black Ops for Call of Duty as well.

If you give people in-dept customization tools like this then it's guaranteed a bunch of idiots will abuse it and ruin it for everyone. Even the City of Heroes community way back in the day still had it's bad apples. Infact I recall a very popular thread on the old City of Heroes forums that had people talking about their experiences with bad apples.

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desviper wrote:
desviper wrote:

Aight, maybe the libertarian in me is coming out again, but is it really worth policing every tween who wants to have a swastika or something anatomical for their logo for a T rated game?

Sadly we live in a world where it IS worth it for the simple reason that things like this can lead to game-killing lawsuits not to mention the existing laws against various offensive symbolism that Foradain mentioned.

Do I think that CoT would be instantly shut down if a single idiot ran around with a swastika on his/her chest? No of course not. But all it would take is for MWM to openly allow too many people to get away with that or a GM staff that's so overwhelmed that they couldn't "police" enough offenders for public opinion to turn against us and have somebody actively decide to do something against the game via lawsuit. The key is if the game gets the "reputation" of being a cesspool of offensiveness. If that happens then chances of it hurting the game as a whole skyrockets.

This is why (again sadly) it'd probably be better for the Devs of this game to at least make the "public effort" to prevent these things through vetting of any player-submitted image/name or by creating a system that would effectively restrict customization to such a degree that being able to generate overtly naughty stuff is minimized as much as possible. Sure a few offensive things will always slip through so there'll always be the need for a GM presence in the game to be able to handle situations on a case-by-case basis. But much of the "prevention" of this needs to come from a game design that makes it relatively hard to generate naughty things to begin with.

desviper wrote:

Huh, I wonder if there's court precedent for Indian versions of the same symbol before it was bastardized.

Even though some people in the West are aware that the swastika had a relatively benign history that pre-dated the Nazis most people today only associate the symbol with the ugliness of WWII. It may not be "fair" to the non-Nazis of the world but the symbol has likely been permanently linked to things that are arguably still worth being banned even in otherwise open societies.

desviper wrote:

Were I in either of those countries I'd fight for the removal of the ban, but that's easy to say as an american.

Actually based on the history involved I would assume that the legal "ban" on Nazi symbolism in Germany/Austria is probably still supported by the majority of their citizens. I realize that as a fellow libertarian-leaning American I tend to favor letting "anyone do anything" but I also realize that even in liberal democratic nations (much like the environment of many MMO games) you can't really do absolutely anything you want and still have an orderly well-functioning society.

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desviper wrote:
desviper wrote:

Foradain wrote:
desviper wrote:
Aight, maybe the libertarian in me is coming out again, but is it really worth policing every tween who wants to have a swastika or something anatomical for their logo for a T rated game?
Worth it for MWM and the City of Titans community? I'd say no, personally, as my Inner Libertarian waves at yours. But with regards to the swastika the German government disagrees with us.
Are they really so -- ironically ;) -- Nazi about Nazi symbolism to disallow or otherwise punish a game that allows people to generate a swastika for their RPG character?

You seriously comparing a ban on the propagation of Nazi symbols with the policies of the Nazis themselves? I'll try to keep this civilized... that is one of the most ridiculous statements I've heard outside of Breitbart in quite a while.
Okay, the inner liberal in me reminds me to be fair about this, and look at the big picture - I have no problem whatsoever with the use of controversial and even offensive imagery FOR ARTISTIC PURPOSES, and one can define anything creative as art, just as, sadly, some people can be offended by anything. I also have no problem at all with the portrayal of racism and bigotry in fiction, and to be unflinching about it. Indeed, I am a huge purist about historical fiction, that it should not reflect political correctness for the sake of it, but be realistic whereever possible, taking into account only the age-group of the target audience.
I would also welcome characters in an MMO like this one that were clear fascistic analogues, clearly intended to represent elements of racist, nationalist and fascist ideology as they occur in real-life, but adapted to the setting of a superhero-game and thus with all the exact elements that would shock and offend in real-life removed and replaced with something else. It's true that modern neo-Nazis make up a significant element of the criminal world in many countries, so to see some alternate-history version of them (or what they are in psychological and sociological terms) in a suoerhero setting, using fantastical bigotry and ficitonal fascist rhetoric in place of the real kind ( would be interesting. In fact, while in CoH I somewhat based a few of my villain toons on fictional criminals, I even toyed with the idea of an expy of a fictional neo-Nazi (refocused somewhat on mutants and psychics, maybe), osentsibly as a tribute to that character.

However, I am simply not so deluded as to think there would be nothign wrong with just turning a blind eye to anyone using an MMO to start spreading racial hate on principle, and the easiest way to do that would be to let people put swastikas on their toons. I can't believe I'm actually hearing that made as a serious suggestion, even from a self-professed libertarian...


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Being able to design and/or

Being able to design and/or upload your own superhero or supergroup logo would be awesome. But we ALL know the T.U.D. (Time Until Dick) variable is going to be a really low number. Unless Missing Worlds Media figures out a way of vetting this stuff before it becomes available I can't see it working well.

Maybe if they offer it as a feature through the store? $10 to submit a ready-to go vector or PNG, and if it's okayed by a mod you get it applied to your account/supergroup - however it would work. That would keep a lot of the kiddies and trolls away, and even if some trolls continue to send in stylized wangs only to see them rejected, at least MWM gets some cash from it.

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Interdictor wrote:
Interdictor wrote:

Maybe if they offer it as a feature through the store? $10 to submit a ready-to go vector or PNG, and if it's okayed by a mod you get it applied to your account/supergroup - however it would work. That would keep a lot of the kiddies and trolls away, and even if some trolls continue to send in stylized wangs only to see them rejected, at least MWM gets some cash from it.

I have actually suggested/supported some kind of "GM vetting" submission scheme for this kind of thing in the past on both the CoH and these forums. I even suggested it cost a nominal fee to keep most of the "idiots" from bothering to try. There are natuarlly some hurdles to this idea that would have to be overcome but its key advantage is that it would nearly eliminate the chance for any "silliness" getting into the game.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Interdictor wrote:
Interdictor wrote:

Being able to design and/or upload your own superhero or supergroup logo would be awesome. But we ALL know the T.U.D. (Time Until Dick) variable is going to be a really low number. Unless Missing Worlds Media figures out a way of vetting this stuff before it becomes available I can't see it working well.
Maybe if they offer it as a feature through the store? $10 to submit a ready-to go vector or PNG, and if it's okayed by a mod you get it applied to your account/supergroup - however it would work. That would keep a lot of the kiddies and trolls away, and even if some trolls continue to send in stylized wangs only to see them rejected, at least MWM gets some cash from it.

I'm not suggesting people upload their own PNGs. I'd think compatibility issues would make that super impractical.

I'm suggesting a system of layering many simple shapes and decals and combining them into a logo, like CoD:AW does with emblems (and many more, better examples I'm unfamiliar with).

Good idea to paywall it though, that'd keep the trolls at bay. Although there's still the occasional person who honestly wants a Nazi super[villain]group (which is super basic btw).

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Interdictor wrote:
Maybe if they offer it as a feature through the store? $10 to submit a ready-to go vector or PNG, and if it's okayed by a mod you get it applied to your account/supergroup - however it would work. That would keep a lot of the kiddies and trolls away, and even if some trolls continue to send in stylized wangs only to see them rejected, at least MWM gets some cash from it.
I have actually suggested/supported some kind of "GM vetting" submission scheme for this kind of thing in the past on both the CoH and these forums. I even suggested it cost a nominal fee to keep most of the "idiots" from bothering to try. There are natuarlly some hurdles to this idea that would have to be overcome but its key advantage is that it would nearly eliminate the chance for any "silliness" getting into the game.

I think it would be quite unfair to charge everyone merely for the privilege of submitting a symbol for approval. If the symbol isn't approved then they've lost $10 with nothing gained? A solution to that might be for the devs to request changes to be made, and then a resubmit, but then if the resubmit fails they've still lost the $10. And if the person never chooses to resubmit after the first rejection (assuming it'll be rejected again and losing the $10) then the devs have spent time and effort evaluating the symbol for nothing. And if this happens a lot, which I think is inevitable, I'd call the whole process a waste of time, that would be better spent on something else.
Maybe if they held occasional contests for logo design, with the various grades of winners getting their unique custom symbol (able to be shared with their league but not traded or given in any other way) along with some other rewards. The brief window of opportunity would encourage those who enter to make real effort, and would reduce the otherwise considerable time that the approval process would take up if it ran all the time, all year round.


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desviper wrote:
desviper wrote:

I'm not suggesting people upload their own PNGs. I'd think compatibility issues would make that super impractical.

As long as MWM specified an exact size/format for the submissions I'm not really sure how it would be "impractical". If you didn't follow the rules for submissions they'd simply toss whatever you did wrong into the circular file. Remember the whole point is to get the GMs to "want" to accept your submissions so it would behoove you to jump through whatever hoops they would require to make this work.

desviper wrote:

I'm suggesting a system of layering many simple shapes and decals and combining them into a logo, like CoD:AW does with emblems (and many more, better examples I'm unfamiliar with).

I know what you're suggesting but you're not providing "reasonable" guarantees people couldn't make unacceptable things that way. Any system like this that would ever get adopted in CoT would have to be built with reasonable assurances that automatic filtering could keep most people from trying to use inappropriate imagery. I understand that "other games" have various ways for players to sumbit customized imagery but I sincerely highly doubt this game would ever allow anything like that without some kind of system of control.

desviper wrote:

Although there's still the occasional person who honestly wants a Nazi super[villain]group (which is super basic btw).

What exactly does "honestly" mean in this context? There would be pratically nothing stopping a group of players from forming a generically "facist" supergroup that mimics (as closely as they could tastefully get away with) the Nazi party of the Third Reich. The obvious point you seem to be glossing over is that as soon as that group tried to use a symbol that was even remotely swastika-shaped they'd likely get reported/banned from the game as soon as the GM were able to manage it.

What is it that you find hard to understand about the whole swastika stigma thing? It's a symbol that's pretty much universally associated with a period of history that directly involved the brutal deaths of millions of innocent people. Why do you think any game would even want to allow it even if there were no actual real world laws to prohibit it?

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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desviper wrote:
desviper wrote:

Good idea to paywall it though, that'd keep the trolls at bay. Although there's still the occasional person who honestly wants a Nazi super[villain]group (which is super basic btw).

If that was aimed at me, I said there was potential in analogues of neo-Nazis as villains. Neo-Nazis are not Nazis, despite what they may like to think, they are criminals and thugs first and foremost, and an entirely modern social problem and criminal element. I was making that important distinction, while there is also more to fascism than Nazism. I too think WWII-era, original Nazis have been used as comicbook villains enough, I'm tired of seeing them, although no concept used to its full potential is "super basic", IMO.


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Gluke wrote:
Gluke wrote:

I think it would be quite unfair to charge everyone merely for the privilege of submitting a symbol for approval. If the symbol isn't approved then they've lost $10 with nothing gained? A solution to that might be for the devs to request changes to be made, and then a resubmit, but then if the resubmit fails they've still lost the $10.

The whole point of charging anything for something like this is to "encourage" players to make absolutely sure they not only want the symbol in question but to make sure they are submitting something that has a reasonable expectation of being accepted. I would consider it reasonable to allow one "appeal" for any rejected submission, but if it gets rejected twice then that's the lesson the player will learn. If you seriously think there's any chance you're going to "lose" the $10 (for whatever reason) then you’re likely not going to waste the GMs' time in the first place.

Gluke wrote:

And if the person never chooses to resubmit after the first rejection (assuming it'll be rejected again and losing the $10) then the devs have spent time and effort evaluating the symbol for nothing.

The Devs will have made $10 for perhaps 5 seconds worth of effort regardless if they accept the submission or not. Seems like a pretty good deal for the Devs/GMs doesn't it?

Gluke wrote:

And if this happens a lot, which I think is inevitable, I'd call the whole process a waste of time, that would be better spent on something else.

Again by charging money for this there won't be THAT many submissions because unless the players involved are clinically insane there will be few if any "frivolous" submissions. And even by some miracle the GMs do get millions of submissions regardless then guess what... they just made a ton of money off this which is only a good thing for everyone.

Gluke wrote:

Maybe if they held occasional contests for logo design, with the various grades of winners getting their unique custom symbol (able to be shared with their league but not traded or given in any other way) along with some other rewards. The brief window of opportunity would encourage those who enter to make real effort, and would reduce the otherwise considerable time that the approval process would take up if it ran all the time, all year round.

I wouldn't be against the idea of the Devs offering customized symbols as contest prizes. But the "brief window" you mentioned wouldn't ensure the winners would submit acceptable symbols or change how the GMs would review submissions any more or less than the "pay for" scenario. Basically you haven't shown that the "contest winner" method is any better or worse than the paid for submissions as far as how the GMs would have to approach it.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

I wouldn't be against the idea of the Devs offering customized symbols as contest prizes. But the "brief window" you mentioned wouldn't ensure the winners would submit acceptable symbols or change how the GMs would review submissions any more or less than the "pay for" scenario. Basically you haven't shown that the "contest winner" method is any better or worse than the paid for submissions as far as how the GMs would have to approach it.

I'd argue that the contest option would be worse since people can create these images in advance, therefor the time-window for the contest itself is irrelevant. Heck it would be way easier for a group to make a "coordinated effort".

Having to pay for it ensures that you are either somewhat serious about your submission or you're willing to waste money.

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Basically you haven't shown that the "contest winner" method is any better or worse than the paid for submissions as far as how the GMs would have to approach it.

Because it wouldn't take up as much of their time, by a potentially vast margin.


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blacke4dawn wrote:
blacke4dawn wrote:

Lothic wrote:
I wouldn't be against the idea of the Devs offering customized symbols as contest prizes. But the "brief window" you mentioned wouldn't ensure the winners would submit acceptable symbols or change how the GMs would review submissions any more or less than the "pay for" scenario. Basically you haven't shown that the "contest winner" method is any better or worse than the paid for submissions as far as how the GMs would have to approach it.
I'd argue that the contest option would be worse since people can create these images in advance, therefor the time-window for the contest itself is irrelevant. Heck it would be way easier for a group to make a "coordinated effort".
Having to pay for it ensures that you are either somewhat serious about your submission or you're willing to waste money.

The dangers of trolls pranking the context entry process is the same in all such contests, but having time for planning won't make much difference if every troll has to go through the same entry procedure within a narrow time span, and for most of them that will put them off. It won't be a big deal to weed out prank entries in comparison with entries that just don't make the grade, and the chances of so many players making a coordinated effort in time for the entry period purely to troll is also small, in comparison with them having the option to do so all year round, together or on their own. If players want to troll, I don't see that the contest process would make it any easier than giving them the opportunity all the time.


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Gluke wrote:
Gluke wrote:

If players want to troll, I don't see that the contest process would make it any easier than giving them the opportunity all the time.

But Lothic's plan wasn't to give them opportunities, but to sell them. ^_^

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Gluke wrote:
Gluke wrote:

Lothic wrote:
Basically you haven't shown that the "contest winner" method is any better or worse than the paid for submissions as far as how the GMs would have to approach it.
Because it wouldn't take up as much of their time, by a potentially vast margin.

I still have no real clue what you're trying to say here. Are you trying to suggest that the "pay for" version of this would somehow "waste more time" by forcing the Devs to have to consider submissions on a regular basis instead of maybe like once every few months via your "contest only" idea? That's absolutely counter-intuitive and borderline nonsensical.

Remember the Devs would be completely free to PROCESS the submissions in any manner they wanted. The Devs might decide to save up a bunch of submissions and only review them like once a month. Just because people would be technically paying for submissions wouldn't require the Devs to drop everything else they're doing and ONLY work on submissions the millisecond they are received.

If you're that desperately against the idea of a "pay for submission" scheme at least come up with an argument against it even remotely makes any sense. The idea that this would "take too much Dev time" could easily be leveled more directly at your "contest only" method because that would "force" the Devs to run contests specifically for something that could be handled via an automatic submission dropbox scheme.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Gluke wrote:
Gluke wrote:

The dangers of trolls pranking the context entry process is the same in all such contests, but having time for planning won't make much difference if every troll has to go through the same entry procedure within a narrow time span, and for most of them that will put them off. It won't be a big deal to weed out prank entries in comparison with entries that just don't make the grade, and the chances of so many players making a coordinated effort in time for the entry period purely to troll is also small, in comparison with them having the option to do so all year round, together or on their own. If players want to troll, I don't see that the contest process would make it any easier than giving them the opportunity all the time.

All the "contest only" scheme would do is vastly reduce the number of people who'd get ANY customized player symbols down to maybe a few every few months. It would seriously not worth the Devs' effort to even offer the ability for ANYONE to get customized logos if that's all they would ever allow.

On the other hand the "pay for" scheme can be processed at ANY rate the Devs chose. Let's say as a reasonable estimate they would only have time to accept and process 20 submissions per week - that's perfectly fine. At least they might get that many done per week instead of making everyone wait potentially a few months at a time (between contests) only to allow a tiny handful of "winners" the opportunity. In the meantime the game will have earned an extra $200 (or more) a week just on submission fees alone which would be a "win" for all players.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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So, an in-game tool to craft

So, an in-game tool to craft logos from simple shapes and offensive logos being reportable is out of the question? :p

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desviper wrote:
desviper wrote:

So, an in-game tool to craft logos from simple shapes and offensive logos being reportable is out of the question? :p

The ability to report people to GMs for any legitimate reason will always be a cornerstone of the game. But just because we will be able to report people if they do offensive things doesn't let the Devs off the hook from their responsibility of doing everything in their power to PREVENT the ability of players from creating offensive content in the first place. Reporting people to GMs should be the last line of defense against stupid idiots, not the ONLY line of defense.

What part of making sure this game doesn't get the reputation of being a place where we're constantly near the point of giving any yahoo out there the legitimate grounds to sue don't you understand? Rest assured if the Devs of this game ever did give us an "in-game tool to craft logos from simple shapes" it will be very generic and heavily tested to make sure nothing even remotely offensive could be created and it'll get nerfed the second anyone manages to figure out a way to trick it into doing anything even vaguely questionable.

To be clear I'm not against having all sorts of customizable player content in the game. I'm just telling you when it comes to logos/symbols it will never be allowed in the game without some form of GM vetting, automatic filtering or control via a restrictive in-game tool of some kind. Nothing "raw" is ever likely going to get into this game directly from the players.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

desviper wrote:
So, an in-game tool to craft logos from simple shapes and offensive logos being reportable is out of the question? :p
The ability to report people to GMs for any legitimate reason will always be a cornerstone of the game. But just because we will be able to report people if they do offensive things doesn't let the Devs off the hook from their responsibility of doing everything in their power to PREVENT the ability of players from creating offensive content in the first place. Reporting people to GMs should be the last line of defense against stupid idiots, not the ONLY line of defense.
What part of making sure this game doesn't get the reputation of being a place where we're constantly near the point of giving any yahoo out there the legitimate grounds to sue don't you understand? Rest assured if the Devs of this game ever did give us an "in-game tool to craft logos from simple shapes" it will be very generic and heavily tested to make sure nothing even remotely offensive could be created and it'll get nerfed the second anyone manages to figure out a way to trick it into doing anything even vaguely questionable.
To be clear I'm not against having all sorts of customizable player content in the game. I'm just telling you when it comes to logos/symbols it will never be allowed in the game without some form of GM vetting, automatic filtering or control via a restrictive in-game tool of some kind. Nothing "raw" is ever likely going to get into this game directly from the players.

Sadly this. You give people tools and they will find some way to abuse it eventually. I am not even sure if you could proof something like this as someone out there will always find a way to make bad icons.

It's sad really as ideally a system like this would be really good if people didn't abuse it. Classic case of why we can't have nice things

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I disagree with you all

I disagree with you all completely. The three games I mentioned earlier: Aura Kingdon, TERA Online and Archeage have all done fine with user generated and uploaded images for guild crests. None of them has a reputation for reprehensible behavior. You do not give yourselves enough credit. Yes, yourselves. Because it is people just like you who make up this game community. The reason we all call people asshats for doing immature and offensive things is because they are the outlyers.

I do not subscribe to your pessimistic view of the world.

However, if we open this game up to the console market, I will respectfully withdraw what I said. The level of maturity and social responsibility therein continues to disappoint.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

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Gluke wrote:
Gluke wrote:

The dangers of trolls pranking the context entry process is the same in all such contests, but having time for planning won't make much difference if every troll has to go through the same entry procedure within a narrow time span, and for most of them that will put them off. It won't be a big deal to weed out prank entries in comparison with entries that just don't make the grade, and the chances of so many players making a coordinated effort in time for the entry period purely to troll is also small, in comparison with them having the option to do so all year round, together or on their own. If players want to troll, I don't see that the contest process would make it any easier than giving them the opportunity all the time.

Having to pay for submitting it will almost completely remove people who submits items "just for the heck of it", thus it's a pretty good first tier "weeding process".

As Lothic said, competitions will have a limited number of "winners" regardless of the amount of submissions so a lot of people with perfectly good and valid submissions will be left out and would have to wait and hope for the next contest. I would also bet on that competitions would on average, including the time between competitions, get more submissions than a pay-for scheme. Considering that MWM would most likely have to pause a significant portion of their other activities to concentrate on the contest instead of taking it little by little doesn't make it look like such a good option, comparatively speaking.

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Huckleberry wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:

I disagree with you all completely. The three games I mentioned earlier: Aura Kingdon, TERA Online and Archeage have all done fine with user generated and uploaded images for guild crests. None of them has a reputation for reprehensible behavior. You do not give yourselves enough credit. Yes, yourselves. Because it is people just like you who make up this game community. The reason we all call people asshats for doing immature and offensive things is because they are the outlyers.
I do not subscribe to your pessimistic view of the world.
However, if we open this game up to the console market, I will respectfully withdraw what I said. The level of maturity and social responsibility therein continues to disappoint.

scapegoat much? :p

I guess I'm either naive to the effects abusive players have on a game, or fervently against authoritarian measures to put up a fight :p

[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

I still have no real clue what you're trying to say here. Are you trying to suggest that the "pay for" version of this would somehow "waste more time" by forcing the Devs to have to consider submissions on a regular basis instead of maybe like once every few months via your "contest only" idea? That's absolutely counter-intuitive and borderline nonsensical... If you're that desperately against the idea of a "pay for submission" scheme at least come up with an argument against it even remotely makes any sense.

Okay, first, somebody needs to calm down, that melodrama isn't constructive. Next, you should think through the consequences of this idea, for example:

Lothic wrote:

The whole point of charging anything for something like this is to "encourage" players to make absolutely sure they not only want the symbol in question but to make sure they are submitting something that has a reasonable expectation of being accepted. I would consider it reasonable to allow one "appeal" for any rejected submission, but if it gets rejected twice then that's the lesson the player will learn. If you seriously think there's any chance you're going to "lose" the $10 (for whatever reason) then you’re likely not going to waste the GMs' time in the first place... Again by charging money for this there won't be THAT many submissions because unless the players involved are clinically insane there will be few if any "frivolous" submissions.

Except for little kids, maybe, given this game is aimed at a teen audience and updwards. If a pre-teen player submits the crudely drawn vulture they spent ages on and it is rejected, they paid the $10 and got nothing in return, they'll be straight on YouTube, Gamefaqs or some other gamer forum to vent about how unfair it is. How do you think The Internet is going react to this? Pay-for-play is an extremely unpopular principle amongst gamers regarding MMOs, so for an MMO to charge money simply for a CHANCE to get a customized logo for your toon... That's not a fair exchange, IMO, by a longshot. CoT will be depending on online reviews and word of mouth for its publicity, and needs all the positive exposure and popularity it can get. I think if they go with this plan of yours, many of those reviewers will have kittens over it.

Lothic wrote:

Gluke wrote:
And if the person never chooses to resubmit after the first rejection (assuming it'll be rejected again and losing the $10) then the devs have spent time and effort evaluating the symbol for nothing.
The Devs will have made $10 for perhaps 5 seconds worth of effort regardless if they accept the submission or not. Seems like a pretty good deal for the Devs/GMs doesn't it?

FIVE SECONDS to decide if you deserve to get what you paid for, on the basis of your drawing/MS Paint skills? Yeah, a pretty good deal, I can't wait to see what those reviewers have to say about it.

Lothic wrote:

Remember the Devs would be completely free to PROCESS the submissions in any manner they wanted. The Devs might decide to save up a bunch of submissions and only review them like once a month... And even by some miracle the GMs do get millions of submissions regardless then guess what... they just made a ton of money off this which is only a good thing for everyone.

Uh, I don't think so. How many submissions do you think they'd get a month? Even with the inevitable reduction in popularity of the idea, by those who don't want to pay in order to possibly get a logo, which I admit would indeed reduce the number of entries? If the devs did save up "a bunch", then how many is that bunch? You mentioned "millions", so I guess it's a lot. If they then devoted five seconds to judging each one, how much time would that eat up each month? What if they can't spare enough staff time, some submissions have to spill over to the next month, or even longer? The add the time for all the rejection appeals, as people try to get their money's worth, which I presume would be a different, maybe lengthier process (like TEN seconds)?
So, people are paying $10 each time to possibly get a logo no-one else has, with a waiting time of at least a month, maybe longer, and a judgment process of a staff member scrolling entry after entry on a screen for five seconds and clicking yes or no? Doesn't sound like real value for money, to me, and I think a lot of people would agree with me...


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desviper wrote:
desviper wrote:

Huckleberry wrote:
I disagree with you all completely. The three games I mentioned earlier: Aura Kingdon, TERA Online and Archeage have all done fine with user generated and uploaded images for guild crests. None of them has a reputation for reprehensible behavior. You do not give yourselves enough credit. Yes, yourselves. Because it is people just like you who make up this game community. The reason we all call people asshats for doing immature and offensive things is because they are the outlyers.
I do not subscribe to your pessimistic view of the world.
However, if we open this game up to the console market, I will respectfully withdraw what I said. The level of maturity and social responsibility therein continues to disappoint.
scapegoat much? :p
I guess I'm either naive to the effects abusive players have on a game, or fervently against authoritarian measures to put up a fight :p

Not letting you put a swastika on your avatar in an MMO aimed at teens is "authoritarian"?


Gluke's picture
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Huckleberry wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:

I disagree with you all completely. The three games I mentioned earlier: Aura Kingdon, TERA Online and Archeage have all done fine with user generated and uploaded images for guild crests. None of them has a reputation for reprehensible behavior. You do not give yourselves enough credit. Yes, yourselves. Because it is people just like you who make up this game community. The reason we all call people asshats for doing immature and offensive things is because they are the outlyers.
I do not subscribe to your pessimistic view of the world.
However, if we open this game up to the console market, I will respectfully withdraw what I said. The level of maturity and social responsibility therein continues to disappoint.

The "we" in that are, what? Gamers invested enough in this game to come here and make suggestions and offer feedback to development, YEARS before beta. Most of the people who eventually end up playing the game are not here and are not represented by this forum. There's going to be a lot of immature gamers, that's inevitable, and they would abuse the hell out of a feature like the one you suggest. If you took away the name censoring function during character creation, what do you think would happen? This is simply the visual equivalent.
But I still have hope for the human species, Huck, honest. ;)


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Gluke wrote:
Gluke wrote:

desviper wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:
I disagree with you all completely. The three games I mentioned earlier: Aura Kingdon, TERA Online and Archeage have all done fine with user generated and uploaded images for guild crests. None of them has a reputation for reprehensible behavior. You do not give yourselves enough credit. Yes, yourselves. Because it is people just like you who make up this game community. The reason we all call people asshats for doing immature and offensive things is because they are the outlyers.
I do not subscribe to your pessimistic view of the world.
However, if we open this game up to the console market, I will respectfully withdraw what I said. The level of maturity and social responsibility therein continues to disappoint.
scapegoat much? :p
I guess I'm either naive to the effects abusive players have on a game, or fervently against authoritarian measures to put up a fight :p
Not letting you put a swastika on your avatar in an MMO aimed at teens is "authoritarian"?

Well, technically, in spirit, yes, but I refer to the policies of Germany and Austria in banning and charging Nazi sympathizers with hate speech. I understand the politics and history of it, but banning a game with the far-fetched ability to craft a swastika if a player worked for it is ludicrous

[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
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But, since regulation beyond

But, since regulation beyond reporting is apparently needed, how about this:

Remember the SG registry in CoH? It was basically a rubber stamp. Instead, maybe a logo (and every change thereafter) could actually be reviewed by a GM before an SG could be registered. This way no unacceptable logos could get past a GM.

However, this leaves out personal logos, but Devs have already said they'd aim for layer-able and translatable decals on a costume. So, the problems with unacceptable logos or costumes overall are already present. Maybe start a thread about that?

This suggestion only suggests a single user to be able to save favourite logos as decals.

[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
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Gluke wrote:
Gluke wrote:

Okay, first, somebody needs to calm down, that melodrama isn't constructive. Next, you should think through the consequences of this idea

Despite the sober facts I've provided I understand you're fundamentally against the idea of having to "pay" for the privilege of being able to get customized logos/symbols into a game like this. Regardless of any other point you've made this is definitely not a "pay for play" scheme because there is absolutely no need or in-game advantage to be gained by having a customized logo. You can't "pay for play" purely optional cosmetic items/features - this is why cash shops are full of things like costume items and other non-game affecting items.

I don't really see any reason why anything player customized in a game like this should be a "free" thing to begin with. If this game's own Kickstarter is any clue to you all of the offers for things like "customized" weapons, logos, costumes. mogul buildings, etc. all cost players extra money, and in most cases those things cost a LOT of extra money. Basically suggesting that any future customized items should require a relatively nominal fee (like $10 would be) is in perfect keeping with what we've already seen our Devs are willing to provide.

I'm sorry you seem to think $10 for something like this would be ridiculously out of the question. Again compared to the Kickstarter prices that would actually be a bargain. *shrugs*

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Gluke's picture
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desviper wrote:
desviper wrote:

Gluke wrote:
desviper wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:
I disagree with you all completely. The three games I mentioned earlier: Aura Kingdon, TERA Online and Archeage have all done fine with user generated and uploaded images for guild crests. None of them has a reputation for reprehensible behavior. You do not give yourselves enough credit. Yes, yourselves. Because it is people just like you who make up this game community. The reason we all call people asshats for doing immature and offensive things is because they are the outlyers.
I do not subscribe to your pessimistic view of the world.
However, if we open this game up to the console market, I will respectfully withdraw what I said. The level of maturity and social responsibility therein continues to disappoint.
scapegoat much? :p
I guess I'm either naive to the effects abusive players have on a game, or fervently against authoritarian measures to put up a fight :p
Not letting you put a swastika on your avatar in an MMO aimed at teens is "authoritarian"?
Well, technically, in spirit, yes, but I refer to the policies of Germany and Austria in banning and charging Nazi sympathizers with hate speech. I understand the politics and history of it, but banning a game with the far-fetched ability to craft a swastika if a player worked for it is ludicrous

Like I said before, the idea of a character using a Nazi or neo-Nazi styled toon shouldn't be out of the question, IMO, but if you allow anyone to use a swastika as if it were no different in meaning to any other symbol, you are asking for spam of game-breaking proportions.
Regarding German policy, anyone sympathizing with the Nazis generally IS invoking their hatred for their target demographics. You can't suggest you agree with them without on some levels condoning their actions, which were undeniably genocidal and hateful towards various demographics and imagined demographics. It is therefor reasonable to conclude that someone flying a Nazi flag is echoing their hate-filled views, just as someone flying an American Confederate flag is echoing racism and sympathies for slave-owners, since the whole meaning of that flag is loyalty to slave-owning states in the South, there is no ambiguity there.


Lothic's picture
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Gluke wrote:
Gluke wrote:

Not letting you put a swastika on your avatar in an MMO aimed at teens is "authoritarian"?

desviper wrote:

Well, technically, in spirit, yes, but I refer to the policies of Germany and Austria in banning and charging Nazi sympathizers with hate speech. I understand the politics and history of it, but banning a game with the far-fetched ability to craft a swastika if a player worked for it is ludicrous

Think of it this way: We have 1st Amendment protected freedom of speech in the U.S. but it's still illegal to yell "FIRE!" in a crowded movie theater when there is no fire. To live in a well-ordered and free society you MUST accept at least a few reasonable regulations/restrictions else all you'll have is pure anarchy.

Yes in a pure libertarian utopia it would be "nice" to be able to have any kind of logo/symbol you wanted in a game like this. But it's not "ludicrous" in the least to accept certain limitations that are based on real world laws favored and enacted by well-meaning majorities. I completely understand that as an American the ban on swastikas (or any symbol really) may seem mostly arbitrary and abstract at best. But you'll come to understand that in the long run certain things like this are simply far more trouble than they're worth (as Gluke described) and that some things have so little "socially redeeming value" that they aren't worth fighting for. *shrugs*

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Gluke wrote:
Okay, first, somebody needs to calm down, that melodrama isn't constructive. Next, you should think through the consequences of this idea
Despite the sober facts I've provided I understand you're fundamentally against the idea of having to "pay" for the privilege of being able to get customized logos/symbols into a game like this. Regardless of any other point you've made this is definitely not a "pay for play" scheme because there is absolutely no need or in-game advantage to be gained by having a customized logo. You can't "pay for play" purely optional cosmetic items/features - this is why cash shops are full of things like costume items and other non-game affecting items.
I don't really see any reason why anything player customized in a game like this should be a "free" thing to begin with. If this game's own Kickstarter is any clue to you all of the offers for things like "customized" weapons, logos, costumes. mogul buildings, etc. all cost players extra money, and in most cases those things cost a LOT of extra money. Basically suggesting that any future customized items should require a relatively nominal fee (like $10 would be) is in perfect keeping with what we've already seen our Devs are willing to provide.
I'm sorry you seem to think $10 for something like this would be ridiculously out of the question. Again compared to the Kickstarter prices that would actually be a bargain. *shrugs*

You're not listening. You haven't presented "sober facts", you've suggested possible benefits, which I've suggested were not worth the possible drawbacks.
I also never said I was against buying cosmetic benefits with real cash via a store, nor even that I was against the notion of pay-to-play. I said it was very unpopular in principle amongst MMO players and reviewers, which in my experience in it is. I'd be happy to pay for costume and other items, for DLC and any of the those dream features we'd all personally like to see, but your idea falls well outside of that, for the reasons I gave. My previous reply covers everything.


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Gluke wrote:
Gluke wrote:

Lothic wrote:
Gluke wrote:
Okay, first, somebody needs to calm down, that melodrama isn't constructive. Next, you should think through the consequences of this idea
Despite the sober facts I've provided I understand you're fundamentally against the idea of having to "pay" for the privilege of being able to get customized logos/symbols into a game like this. Regardless of any other point you've made this is definitely not a "pay for play" scheme because there is absolutely no need or in-game advantage to be gained by having a customized logo. You can't "pay for play" purely optional cosmetic items/features - this is why cash shops are full of things like costume items and other non-game affecting items.
I don't really see any reason why anything player customized in a game like this should be a "free" thing to begin with. If this game's own Kickstarter is any clue to you all of the offers for things like "customized" weapons, logos, costumes. mogul buildings, etc. all cost players extra money, and in most cases those things cost a LOT of extra money. Basically suggesting that any future customized items should require a relatively nominal fee (like $10 would be) is in perfect keeping with what we've already seen our Devs are willing to provide.
I'm sorry you seem to think $10 for something like this would be ridiculously out of the question. Again compared to the Kickstarter prices that would actually be a bargain. *shrugs*
You're not listening. You haven't presented "sober facts", you've suggested possible benefits, which I've suggested were not worth the possible drawbacks.
I also never said I was against buying cosmetic benefits with real cash via a store, nor even that I was against the notion of pay-to-play. I said it was very unpopular in principle amongst MMO players, which in my experience in it is. I'd be happy to pay for costume and other items, for DLC and any of the those dream features we'd all personally like to see, but your idea falls well outside of that, for the reasons I gave. My previous reply covers everything.

Perhaps I'm simply disregarding your supposed "drawbacks" as immaterial given the facts we do have. The Devs of CoT have already charged players for "customized" content: I see no reason why that would not continue to be the case for any future opportunities to get customized content incorporated into this game.

I know you absolutely "hate" that concept but we already have it as a stark reality. I'm sorry but THAT reply covers everything of importance concerning this issue.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Gluke's picture
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Gluke wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Gluke wrote:
Okay, first, somebody needs to calm down, that melodrama isn't constructive. Next, you should think through the consequences of this idea
Despite the sober facts I've provided I understand you're fundamentally against the idea of having to "pay" for the privilege of being able to get customized logos/symbols into a game like this. Regardless of any other point you've made this is definitely not a "pay for play" scheme because there is absolutely no need or in-game advantage to be gained by having a customized logo. You can't "pay for play" purely optional cosmetic items/features - this is why cash shops are full of things like costume items and other non-game affecting items.
I don't really see any reason why anything player customized in a game like this should be a "free" thing to begin with. If this game's own Kickstarter is any clue to you all of the offers for things like "customized" weapons, logos, costumes. mogul buildings, etc. all cost players extra money, and in most cases those things cost a LOT of extra money. Basically suggesting that any future customized items should require a relatively nominal fee (like $10 would be) is in perfect keeping with what we've already seen our Devs are willing to provide.
I'm sorry you seem to think $10 for something like this would be ridiculously out of the question. Again compared to the Kickstarter prices that would actually be a bargain. *shrugs*
You're not listening. You haven't presented "sober facts", you've suggested possible benefits, which I've suggested were not worth the possible drawbacks.
I also never said I was against buying cosmetic benefits with real cash via a store, nor even that I was against the notion of pay-to-play. I said it was very unpopular in principle amongst MMO players, which in my experience in it is. I'd be happy to pay for costume and other items, for DLC and any of the those dream features we'd all personally like to see, but your idea falls well outside of that, for the reasons I gave. My previous reply covers everything.
Perhaps I'm simply disregarding your supposed "drawbacks" as immaterial given the facts we do have. The Devs of CoT have already charged players for "customized" content: I see no reason why that would not continue to be the case for any future opportunities to get customized content incorporated into this game.
I know you absolutely "hate" that concept but we already have it as a stark reality. I'm sorry but THAT reply covers everything of importance concerning this issue.

...Okay, I'll say it once more (and if you miss it this time, I'm starting to think it's deliberate): I'm not against paying for customized content, or for costume pieces. I've said this more than once already (and never said I "hate" anything). What I think is unfair is charging people for something they may not get, depending on their drawing ability, or at least charging $10 for it. I paid exactly that amount for a playable Superman in Legends PVP on DCUO. With that, I can play again and again and again as the big boy scout, I now have that toon for life. If they instead offered a 50/50 CHANCE to play as him, and if I got lucky I had to wait at least a month to receive it, I wouldn't have paid the $10. Doesn't seem a fair exchange.
I think many people would feel the same about a custom logo, however good their drawing skill (and thus chances). And I think online reviewers and gamers in general would also not like the idea, and would say so in their reviews. Which would be bad.
Even if you skim this post, as I think you may have skimmed my previous ones, I'm sure you can follow me. You may feel your opinion covers "everything of important concerning this issue", but that's my two cents, and I think it's correct.


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My pennies on a paid

My pennies on a paid submission: it's terribly unfair and selfish to take 10$ for a denied logo.

It should be a usage fee, not an application fee. Also, aren't there copyright issues with taking a picture online and rendering it for submission?

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@desviper, you have a point

@desviper, you bring up a good point with Copyright I had not thought of until you mentioned it. As soon as we make mandatory review of logos a paid service, the company performing the review has taken liability for the logo, not just with its social acceptability, but its legal acceptability as well.

In contrast, a moderated system retains responsibility and liability with the submittors until a complaint is filed by an aggrieved party. Then, once the complaint is received, the moderating authority will need to take appropriate action. I would expect the action would err on the safe side and the offending logo would be removed and the offending player be informed and even penalized depending on the infraction.

For copyright issues, I would expect no penalty. You see this with Youtube videos when somene has used an audio file without permission or proper citation, the audio is just disabled but otherwise the video remains.

For offensive crests, I would expect the player may be suspended. In order to make it objective and fair, a standard suspesion sentence should be implemented so players won't think they are being treated unfairly if they think they were suspended for a longer period than someone else etc. etc. as things like that go. A hard, consistent stance will always aid the perception of fairness and once publicized, may deter offenders.

But I think copyright is not going to be an issue. You see the Fairy Tail (re: anime by the same name) logo in just about every MMO that has guild logos, for instance. The use of a logo in this game would be so incidental as to not warrant the lawyers required to submit a copyright infringement complaint. However, if a player had a logo for their own supergroup called, maybe, the Interminables, ( and someone else made their guild crest the interminables logo. The player may want to make a copyright complaint to ensure that only her group could use that logo and name.

In any case, so long as it is moderated and not a paid service, the use of 'appropriate' logos will remain a player responsibility. Where would MWM want this to be?

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

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Gluke wrote:
Gluke wrote:

What I think is unfair is charging people for something they may not get, depending on their drawing ability, or at least charging $10 for it.

So if someone didn't want to have a logo/symbol get rejected it would behoove the player in question to follow the rules and not waste the Devs' time with submissions that are even remotely questionable. The $10 fee is a straightforward "behavioral motivator" for this, especially if as suggested the player would also likely get the chance for a single appeal to correct whatever might have made a submission unacceptable in the first place. Frankly if the player can't produce something that would be socially acceptable for the game after two tries they really deserve to lose the nominal submission fee as a "teachable moment".

I suppose we'll just have to accept that our respective definitions of what's "fair" may be drastically different. Asking the Devs to do special customized work for you should COST you something and potentially wasting their time with frivolous submissions should be PUNISHED with the loss of the submission fee as a reasonable deterrent. *shrugs*

P.S. If someone's "drawing ability" is bad enough that they think they are creating a stylized rainbow and it turns out to look like a deranged swastika then they may need more help than losing $10 would provide.

desviper wrote:

Also, aren't there copyright issues with taking a picture online and rendering it for submission?

Part of the submission process would ensure that no "online pictures" would be acceptable as submissions in the first place. Submission rules could easily stipulate that only submissions without copyright issues would be accepted thus rendering MWM totally unresponsible for any legal problems of that kind. This would be the case because just like in CoH anything the players "created" in the game would be legally owned by MWM anyway - this was the case with any costumes/characters you designed and likely would be the case with any customized content you have loaded into the game as well. You guys keep missing the plain fact that MWM has already made "mandatory review of logos a paid service" via its Kickstarter offers from years ago. Cat's already out of the bag with this.

Huckleberry wrote:

In any case, so long as it is moderated and not a paid service, the use of 'appropriate' logos will remain a player responsibility.

People seem to keep implying that I'd want submission vetting as the ONLY line of defense to protect the game from offensive logo content. I'm advocating for submission vetting AND moderation via GM as a multi-level approach. I will never underestimate a player's ability to "slip things" into a game that shouldn't be there so GM oversight will always be necessary regardless of anything else.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Gluke wrote:
Gluke wrote:

...Okay, I'll say it once more (and if you miss it this time, I'm starting to think it's deliberate): I'm not against paying for customized content, or for costume pieces. I've said this more than once already (and never said I "hate" anything). What I think is unfair is charging people for something they may not get, [u]depending on their drawing ability[/u], or at least charging $10 for it. I paid exactly that amount for a playable Superman in Legends PVP on DCUO. With that, I can play again and again and again as the big boy scout, I now have that toon for life. If they instead offered a 50/50 CHANCE to play as him, and if I got lucky I had to wait at least a month to receive it, I wouldn't have paid the $10. Doesn't seem a fair exchange.
I think many people would feel the same about a custom logo, however good their drawing skill (and thus chances). And I think online reviewers and gamers in general would also not like the idea, and would say so in their reviews. Which would be bad.
Even if you skim this post, as I think you may have skimmed my previous ones, I'm sure you can follow me. You may feel your opinion covers "everything of important concerning this issue", but that's my two cents, and I think it's correct.

Really, really??

I have no idea how you got that impression that MWM would be screening the payed for submissions based upon how "pretty" or well composed or other "artsy" stuff instead of only "offensive matter" and/or those they can see breaking copyright, thus ones ability to draw wouldn't be an issue. Honestly, it seem like you think that the payed for submission would be judged the same way as if it was a competition.

As for your parallel to DCUO, as long as it's explicitly mentioned in a prominent enough place/way before purchase then people can make an informed choice if they actually want to take that chance or not.

Lothic's picture
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blacke4dawn wrote:
blacke4dawn wrote:

Really, really??

I have no idea how you got that impression that MWM would be screening the payed for submissions based upon how "pretty" or well composed or other "artsy" stuff instead of only "offensive matter" and/or those they can see breaking copyright, thus ones ability to draw wouldn't be an issue. Honestly, it seem like you think that the payed for submission would be judged the same way as if it was a competition.

Exactly. It's not like MWM would be "judging" any submissions for artistic merit or staying within the lines. At most they'd spend 5 or 10 seconds per submission asking themselves, "Does this look like a swastika, a confederate battle flag or a dick-pic? Yes or No." It wouldn't be much more complicated than that but it would serve the essential purpose of weeding out 99.999% of anything that would be deemed inappropriate.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Gluke wrote:
What I think is unfair is charging people for something they may not get, depending on their drawing ability, or at least charging $10 for it.
So if someone didn't want to have a logo/symbol get rejected it would behoove the player in question to follow the rules and not waste the Devs' time with submissions that are even remotely questionable. The $10 fee is a straightforward "behavioral motivator" for this, especially if as suggested the player would also likely get the chance for a single appeal to correct whatever might have made a submission unacceptable in the first place. Frankly if the player can't produce something that would be socially acceptable for the game after two tries they really deserve to lose the nominal submission fee as a "teachable moment".
I suppose we'll just have to accept that our respective definitions of what's "fair" may be drastically different. Asking the Devs to do special customized work for you should COST you something and potentially wasting their time with frivolous submissions should be PUNISHED with the loss of the submission fee as a reasonable deterrent. *shrugs*
P.S. If someone's "drawing ability" is bad enough that they think they are creating a stylized rainbow and it turns out to look like a deranged swastika then they may need more help than losing $10 would provide.

I think I see where we were at cross-purposes - you didn't fully explain what you meant and I assumed incorrectly, so sorry. I thought you meant that judging the logo as worthy of graphic rendition was one of the purposes of the judging process, not merely to censor out obscene images.
(I still don't know where you got the idea I was against paying for costume pieces, though...)
However, your approach here is still extremely unreasonably harsh and presumptious (on the hypothetical behalf of the developers), IMO.
It is not the place of any dev to "punish" or "teach" a player submitting their logo for wasting their time, especially when you propose that time should be approx FIVE SECONDS. If someone cannot follow the rules, or some younger player overlooks or forgets them, as is expected some of the time, then they should not get their logo, fine. They should not be cheated out of their payment on top of that...! You have to accept that not all gamers are the same age-group as you, and online transactions with an MMO are not the place for such an absurdly Victorian approach to some of them failing to pay attention. I'm reminded of this scene:
Young teens and adolescents can make extraordinarily gross errors of judgement. It happens. If they drew four jagged lightning bolts joined at their base, they'd lose their $10? If they based their toon on the Red Skull, the well-established Marvel villain, or on a KKK Grand Cyclops (or whatever it is now) or any of the other racially and politically-motivated archetypes throughout superhero publishing history, they could lose their money?
My point, once again, is that the reaction to this on the part of online gamers and reviewers (the people CoT will be partly relying on for publicity and positive reviews) would be nuclear.


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blacke4dawn wrote:
blacke4dawn wrote:

Really, really??
I have no idea how you got that impression that MWM would be screening the payed for submissions based upon how "pretty" or well composed or other "artsy" stuff instead of only "offensive matter" and/or those they can see breaking copyright, thus ones ability to draw wouldn't be an issue. Honestly, it seem like you think that the payed for submission would be judged the same way as if it was a competition.

I got that impression from the way Lothic described it, and failed to clarify when I responded to that. It was a mistake.

blacke4dawn wrote:

As for your parallel to DCUO, as long as it's explicitly mentioned in a prominent enough place/way before purchase then people can make an informed choice if they actually want to take that chance or not.

My point, again, is not that it would be unclear, but that the rules would be absurd. It would be a ridiculous "deal", and online reaction to it would be terrible. And online reaction is important, especially for this game, given that MWM are not DC.


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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

blacke4dawn wrote:
Really, really??
I have no idea how you got that impression that MWM would be screening the payed for submissions based upon how "pretty" or well composed or other "artsy" stuff instead of only "offensive matter" and/or those they can see breaking copyright, thus ones ability to draw wouldn't be an issue. Honestly, it seem like you think that the payed for submission would be judged the same way as if it was a competition.
Exactly. It's not like MWM would be "judging" any submissions for artistic merit or staying within the lines.

It would have helped if you had said that earlier, since I think it was clear what I was reacting to.


Lothic's picture
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Gluke wrote:
Gluke wrote:

Lothic wrote:
blacke4dawn wrote:
Really, really??
I have no idea how you got that impression that MWM would be screening the payed for submissions based upon how "pretty" or well composed or other "artsy" stuff instead of only "offensive matter" and/or those they can see breaking copyright, thus ones ability to draw wouldn't be an issue. Honestly, it seem like you think that the payed for submission would be judged the same way as if it was a competition.
Exactly. It's not like MWM would be "judging" any submissions for artistic merit or staying within the lines.
It would have helped if you had said that earlier, since I think it was clear what I was reacting to.

Actully that wasn't clear to me at all - I figured you were mostly against a "fee" for this based on classic hatred against the "pay-to-play" boogey-man.

For my part I just assumed that "GM vetting" clearly implied that submissions would only be reviewed for "appropriateness" for the game (i.e. no dick-pics) regardless of artisitic merit. When the Devs offered their opportunites to get customized content during the Kickstarter there was no mention of "we'll only allow your submissions into the game if we think they are pretty enough". It honestly didn't even occur to me that's what you were concerned about here in relation to the proposed submission fee.

Let's just chalk this one up to both of us misunderstanding each other to some degree. *shrugs*

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Gluke wrote:
Gluke wrote:

I'm reminded of this scene:

Wonka was harsh with Charlie as a "final test" to see if he was truly worthy of everything he was offering the boy. Charlie showed true humility, maturity and sacrifice in his reaction to what Wonka did, thus proving he was in fact worthy.

While I've always loved that story/movie it's obvious that this proposed submission fee situation is quite a bit different. Still if having $10 on the line would help "motivate" a player to be mindful of all the rules and help eliminate people wasting the Devs' time with obviously "bad" submissions I'm going to continue to be for that unless you can come up with a better tool that would accomplish the same thing.

Gluke wrote:

Young teens and adolescents can make extraordinarily gross errors of judgement. It happens. If they drew four jagged lightning bolts joined at their base, they'd lose their $10? If they based their toon on the Red Skull, the well-established Marvel villain, or on a KKK Grand Cyclops (or whatever it is now) or any of the other racially and politically-motivated archetypes throughout superhero publishing history, they could lose their money?
My point, once again, is that the reaction to this on the part of online gamers and reviewers (the people CoT will be partly relying on for publicity and positive reviews) would be nuclear.

Presumably if a submission is rejected the GM involved would briefly explain WHY it was rejected. Sure innocent mistakes could be made by naive/young players. But with a FAIR chance to correct and resubmit any rejected items (using the "built-in appeal" I agreed was necessary) most of the cases of "innocent mistakes" should be accounted for in an equitable fashion.

I simply remain unconvinced that a submission policy of this nature would be considered "too harsh" all things being equal.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Gluke wrote:
Gluke wrote:

My point, again, is not that it would be unclear, but that the rules would be absurd. It would be a ridiculous "deal", and online reaction to it would be terrible. And online reaction is important, especially for this game, given that MWM are not DC.

A lot of that depends on how you actually "sell" it so it may not look that ridiculous as you may think.

Besides, it's not a "random chance" to have ones logo submission be rejected so the submitter actually has a lot of "control" over it by knowing (or at least having access to) the no-go criteria. Add in the appeal/resubmit process and the potential to loose that money becomes really low.

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desviper wrote:
desviper wrote:

Also, aren't there copyright issues with taking a picture online and rendering it for submission?

Good point - fee or no fee - there are almost certainly legal ramifications on submitting artwork. Hey - if MWM finds a way to make it work someday, cool. That said I would completely understand if they don't want to/don't have the manpower to wade through the stuff that is sent in and/or have to deal with the legalities of it.

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I think the CoH vs Marvel

I think the CoH vs Marvel suit may solve the copyright issues of created or submitted art.

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Interdictor wrote:
Interdictor wrote:

desviper wrote:
Also, aren't there copyright issues with taking a picture online and rendering it for submission?
Good point - fee or no fee - there are almost certainly legal ramifications on submitting artwork. Hey - if MWM finds a way to make it work someday, cool. That said I would completely understand if they don't want to/don't have the manpower to wade through the stuff that is sent in and/or have to deal with the legalities of it.

Fairly sure that 90%+ of looking for existing pictures published on the web can be automated, either by building their own system or utilizing some service provider.

Airhead's picture
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An easily accessible symbol

An easily accessible symbol upload process with shared symbols potentially means a huge and unwieldy pool of symbols that includes many duplicates. Like the old Mission Architect database. A significant cost of entry could help here.

The Kickstarter does allow for some user-designed symbols. Perhaps just see how that goes and scale further additions according to the workload and interface requirements that result from the Kickstarter logos.

Even a moderated and accepted symbol might be later retracted as more eyes bring more interpretations to bear. It could also be quite subjective. Perhaps simply advise no submission is guaranteed to last forever, or else reimburse with in-game credits.

Composite logos seems like an issue that can only be handled through manual reporting. With even simple geometric shapes it is easy to make something more offensive than batsuit nipples. I agree with Huckleberry that it's good to start with the premise that people are good or at least learn quickly. If I'm utterly wrong I will gladly serve my time on any logo jury.

I like the idea of having logo contests from time to time.

[size=14]"The illusion which exalts us is dearer to us than ten thousand truths." - Pushkin[/size]
[size=14] "One piece of flair is all I need." - Sister Silicon[/size]

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Because, an externally

Because, an externally submitted logo, no matter how well-drawn, still has to be re-created in the game, and that takes staff-time, which is not cheap. The whole question of externally submitted art does not really save time and effort, as is sometimes advertised. Besides, there are vast libraries of logos and symbols, already drawn by eager five-year-olds and older, which are fully vetted for copyright and not-a-dickness.

Be Well!

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The uploading pictures seem

The uploading pictures seem aside. I'm suggesting using a similar system to put decals anywhere on a costume to make savable logos for characters or a supergroup.

So any offense or copyright is already present in the general costume system. Are they going to manually review every costume?

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desviper wrote:
desviper wrote:

The uploading pictures seem aside. I'm suggesting using a similar system to put decals anywhere on a costume to make savable logos for characters or a supergroup.
So any offense or copyright is already present in the general costume system. Are they going to manually review every costume?

Of course not, vetting (or manual review) would only be applied to submitted content. Anything that is done purely inside the game would have to rely effectively exclusively on the reporting system.

That doesn't mean that both systems can't exist, in that if you want a "simpler" logo you can create one by combining a few pre-made shapes and/or overlays (or a whole pre-made decal) but if you want something more "complex" you would have the option to submit an image of yours for future inclusion into the game.

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

You guys keep missing the plain fact that MWM has already made "mandatory review of logos a paid service" via its Kickstarter offers from years ago. Cat's already out of the bag with this.

I can't find this. Please help me find it.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

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It's under the Kickstarter

It's under the [url=]Kickstarter[/url] Campaign tab, "Fashionista" pledge. Described as a custom chest logo. There's perhaps less than 20 pledges at that level or higher.

Not sure that's exactly what is being referenced, but it has the gist of it.

Edit: woops, and if you scroll waaay down that page there was an add-on called "Iconic" which added just the icon for a whole lot less :)

[size=14]"The illusion which exalts us is dearer to us than ten thousand truths." - Pushkin[/size]
[size=14] "One piece of flair is all I need." - Sister Silicon[/size]

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Airhead wrote:
Airhead wrote:

It's under the Kickstarter Campaign tab, "Fashionista" pledge. Described as a custom chest logo. There's perhaps less than 20 pledges at that level or higher.
Not sure that's exactly what is being referenced, but it has the gist of it.
Edit: woops, and if you scroll waaay down that page there was an add-on called "Iconic" which added just the icon for a whole lot less :)

Yeah, I saw that, but that surely does not seem to be what Lothic was talking about. That's a complete costume, with a logo as just one of the elements that will be put into the game. Lothic alluded to a mandatory logo submission for approval of all logos.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

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Huckleberry wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:

Yeah, I saw that, but that surely does not seem to be what Lothic was talking about. That's a complete costume, with a logo as just one of the elements that will be put into the game. Lothic alluded to a mandatory logo submission for approval of all logos.

Apparently you did not read all of what Airhead wrote, even though you quoted the bit he edited on as well as the Fashionista bit:

Airhead wrote:

Edit: woops, and if you scroll waaay down that page there was an add-on called "Iconic" which added just the icon for a whole lot less :)

That "whole lot less" was $150. I have no doubt that the "Work with one of our artists" will be including vetting for legality or rating or other issues (if it hasn't already) but for $150 I would assume that if there are legality etc. issues the response would be "Sorry, we can't do that because (x). But your second choice should be OK. Here's what we were thinking about it." I do know that for the Mogul add-on, they asked us for three ideas, first choice through third, to cut the response loop time in case some ideas were not doable.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Huckleberry's picture
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Foradain wrote:
Foradain wrote:

Huckleberry wrote:
Yeah, I saw that, but that surely does not seem to be what Lothic was talking about. That's a complete costume, with a logo as just one of the elements that will be put into the game. Lothic alluded to a mandatory logo submission for approval of all logos.
Apparently you did not read all of what Airhead wrote, even though you quoted the bit he edited on as well as the Fashionista bit:
Airhead wrote:
Edit: woops, and if you scroll waaay down that page there was an add-on called "Iconic" which added just the icon for a whole lot less :)
That "whole lot less" was $150. I have no doubt that the "Work with one of our artists" will be including vetting for legality or rating or other issues (if it hasn't already) but for $150 I would assume that if there are legality etc. issues the response would be "Sorry, we can't do that because (x). But your second choice should be OK. Here's what we were thinking about it." I do know that for the Mogul add-on, they asked us for three ideas, first choice through third, to cut the response loop time in case some ideas were not doable.

Good catch Foradain, I responded before the edit, I think; certainly before I saw the edit.

If it is going to cost us $150 to get a custom logo into the game I would be very surprised, considering other games make it free. Rather, I think this $150 is more for 1) the privilege of exclusive use, just like the exclusive use of costumes, except that logo exclusivity is permanent and not just for a year like costumes are; and 2) you are paying for the privilege of working with actual MWM artists to create it, so they can charge a premium for the honor.

I would be very disappointed if the game did not allow the ability to upload custom crests for free (real money). Surely there could be a service using in-game currency as an IGC sink. Every game that has ever had guilds has charged a fee in IGC for establishing a guild, and I see no reason why we wouldn't also charge for the additional privilege of working with an in-game vendor to upload your own. Black Desert Online does this, too.

Black Desert Online:
note that Archeage also makes you acknowledge a copyright warning before you upload your crest. So Does Aion.
and finally, Ragnarok Online and Aura Kingdon both use the same Guild Emblem logo format, so here is an example from RO:

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

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So we're all game for an in

So we're all game for an in-game system to assemble and save logos from simpler decals without being Nazis about Nazis? :p

[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
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Lothic's picture
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Huckleberry wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:

If it is going to cost us $150 to get a custom logo into the game I would be very surprised, considering other games make it free. Rather, I think this $150 is more for 1) the privilege of exclusive use, just like the exclusive use of costumes, except that logo exclusivity is permanent and not just for a year like costumes are; and 2) you are paying for the privilege of working with actual MWM artists to create it, so they can charge a premium for the honor.

I would be very disappointed if the game did not allow the ability to upload custom crests for free (real money). Surely there could be a service using in-game currency as an IGC sink. Every game that has ever had guilds has charged a fee in IGC for establishing a guild, and I see no reason why we wouldn't also charge for the additional privilege of working with an in-game vendor to upload your own.

Yes the others (Airhead and Foradain) clarified what I meant when I said that this game's Kickstarter promotions have already given us a glimpse of what our Devs are willing to do in the area of allowing customized logo content into the game.

Now obviously if MWM allows for submitting customized logos to the game AFTER launch it's quite likely that the overall "terms and conditions" surrounding how that would work would be significantly different. Would it still cost $150 per logo? Would it include any promise of permanent or temporary exclusiveness? Would it involve MWM artists actually "creating" the logos or would it be just a matter of vetting player-created work? These are all questions that would have to be answered by MWM.

I firmly believe that regardless if MWM charges actual real world money or "in-game currency as an IGC sink" for these things that they would in fact charge us SOMETHING for this service - nothing like this would ever be completely FREE of charge. Again the main purpose of charging us a fee is not primarily for MWM to make money from this; that fee would be a "control mechanism" to help ensure that players would only be motivated to submit appropriate, non-frivolous submissions. My original suggestion of $10 was just that, a suggestion. For all we know the Devs might decide the "control threshold" for this needs to be more like $25 or $50. Remember the Devs have already set $150 as a price-point for this in the past so it might turn out to be that costly after launch as well.

If the Devs do offer a service to upload player-created content into CoT they are going to have to balance the estimated number of submissions they get versus their overall ability to actually spend the time/effort it'll take to support this. That's yet another reason for charging a significant "fee" of some kind for this service. For instance if they only charged a nickel for submissions then they'd probably get swamped with hundreds or thousands of submissions. On the other hand if they charged $1000 for this they might only get one or two a year. The point here is that they would establish a reasonable price-point that would make it possible for someone who "really" wanted get a customized logo to have one in a workable timeframe. Thus again the rationale for my original $10 suggestion.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Lothic's picture
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desviper wrote:
desviper wrote:

So we're all game for an in-game system to assemble and save logos from simpler decals without being Nazis about Nazis? :p

There's a fundamental difference between having a service for players to submit customized logos and having an in-game tool to "create" in-game logos. The submission service would require the Devs to (among other things) vet all submissions for appropriateness. On the other hand an in-game tool can be "pre-designed" to limit/prevent any player from being able to create anything naughty in the first place. See the difference?

Even if CoT had both of these things (a submission service AND an in-game logo tool) the game would still always need the presence of GM monitoring because despite the Devs' best efforts to mitigate a player's ability to get bad stuff into the game (via filters and any other automated protection schemes) there's still always the chance someone would manage to sneak something through that would have to be reported.

Regardless of anything else the game will always be "a Nazi" about things like swastikas because there's really no way they can NOT have some degree of control over what happens in the game when it comes to things like that. As I implied before the games that find themselves in legal trouble are the ones that (for whatever reasons) are too lax in their oversight and let too many people do too many stupid things. The squeaky wheel gets the grease - as long as this game doesn't give anyone a legitimate reason to sue us then we won't get sued. It's really just that simple.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 1 day 5 hours ago
Joined: 01/03/2016 - 08:39
Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

If the Devs do offer a service to upload player-created content into CoT they are going to have to balance the estimated number of submissions they get versus their overall ability to actually spend the time/effort it'll take to support this. That's yet another reason for charging a significant "fee" of some kind for this service. For instance if they only charged a nickel for submissions then they'd probably get swamped with hundreds or thousands of submissions. On the other hand if they charged $1000 for this they might only get one or two a year. The point here is that they would establish a reasonable price-point that would make it possible for someone who "really" wanted get a customized logo to have one in a workable timeframe. Thus again the rationale for my original $10 suggestion.

I think you are continuing to assume that there will be a vetting process upon submission. I will continue to assume that there will not be and that crests will be moderated content. I guess only time will tell which of us will be correct.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.