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Is this possible? Location rooted emotes

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Cyclops's picture
Last seen: 1 year 10 months ago
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Joined: 04/10/2015 - 17:24
Is this possible? Location rooted emotes

OK, this is not for launch. this is animation for AFTER the important stuff is completed.

I want to go to a hot dog vendor and be able to eat a hot dog.
I want to go to a convenience store and be able to stand around drinking a Big Gulp (32 oz soft drink)
I want to go to a taco place and sit eating tacos.

** if not location rooted than
unlocking emotes at various locations will be like finding hidden badges. there will be no official guide outside of what the players put together.

A music store lets me play the guitar (with brief sound effects)
A bar give me a mug of beer
A hospital lets me look like a wreck with a crutch, a head bandage, and an arm and a leg in casts.

The possibilities are endless! this could be a lot of fun


Tannim222's picture
Last seen: 2 months 3 days ago
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Joined: 01/16/2013 - 12:47
This has been discussed

This has been discussed (brought up) a couple of times. Yes, it is technically feasible to do to certain degrees. The stand out here would be attaching the crutch and applying mesh bandages to snap onto all the possible model sizes with existint costume pieces. It would be a lot of work for something that would amount to a short-timed emote.

The others though, like triggering the eat pizza emote at the pizza place, totally possible. I've gone so far as to suggest such location-themed emotes to come with a small IGC cost whenever it works with the theme. It would act as very minor sinks, but also add a lot of possible variety to the game world. As well as give role players plenty of places to go and play out scenarios while being able to use emotes that are appropriate for the setting. Its a significant (as in the size of the undertaking) quality of life thing, and therefore, it'll be prioritized with other quality of life features for us to review, but our project lead certainly liked it.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
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Joined: 04/28/2014 - 11:24
Are you saying these emotes

Are you saying these emotes could only be used at that location? Not a fan of that. I have no issue with purchasable or unlockable emotes by why limit them to specific locations?

Tannim222's picture
Last seen: 2 months 3 days ago
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Joined: 01/16/2013 - 12:47
I would imagine only very

I would imagine only very specific emotes would be linked to a specific thematic location. Typically, the only thing that would occur for this system is that the emotes could be used anywhere, except at specific locations, where those that are thematic to the location are triggered by certain activities. This means no doing push-ups on the pizza parlor table in front of RPers who are trying to sit and trigger the Eat Pizza emote.

But outside, you could stand and use the eat pizza emote, the push up emote, etc...

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
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Joined: 04/28/2014 - 11:24
That makes sense.

That makes sense.

Foradain's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 2 days ago
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Joined: 10/25/2013 - 21:06
If you use the /guitar emote

If you use the /guitar emote in the music store, will the owner point to a sign that says, "No Stairway"?

[I]...but she wants to be sure, 'cause you know sometimes words have two meanings...[/I]

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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blacke4dawn's picture
Last seen: 1 year 3 months ago
Joined: 03/28/2015 - 03:02
This system could also be

This system could also be used to have location specific versions of emotes, like pizza from a take-out box while outside and pizza on a plate while inside a restaurant/fast food place.

Redlynne's picture
Last seen: 1 day 16 hours ago
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In other words, "volunteering

In other words, "volunteering" the art and programming departments (which apparently have nothing better to do) to create, encode, test and validate a bunch of Quality of Life stuff that falls under the Nice To Have category rather than the Needed To Play.

When resources are finite, priorities must be set. [b]Is this a priority?[/b]

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
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Quote: When resources are

When resources are finite, priorities must be set. Is this a priority?.

First thing the OP said was this was not a suggestion for launch.

Then Tannim said time and effort vs gain made it worth as much as other QoL features.

Seems clear that no one is volunteering anyone and its priority is not above gameplay.

Radiac's picture
Last seen: 6 months 4 weeks ago
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How about this. You go to

How about this. You go to the Pizzaria, you click on the cashier and it brings up a menu of different types of slices you can get with listed IGC costs. You pick a slice type, the NPC is then see visibly putting a slice in the oven for you to warm it up. A few seconds later, the NPC emotes "$Target, your slice is ready!" you go back, click on the glowwing slice of pizza on the counter, and now you have a "Slice of Pizza" temp power that you can fire off. When you do, it does the "Eat Pizza" emote and gives so some kind of insp-like temporary buff.

For realism, I would say that the slice of pizza should get cold in like 2 hours and as such the temp power disappears from your power tray if you haven't used it by then. I personally think there should also be a limit of one "food item buff" at a time to avoid gluttonous [url=]stacking of slices[/url].

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Lin Chiao Feng
Lin Chiao Feng's picture
Last seen: 2 months 6 days ago
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Joined: 11/02/2013 - 09:27
There's a simple example of

There's a simple example of this in Star Trek Online's winter event, where your character, when wearing the Frozen Boots and moving on the frozen lake in the middle of the map, switches to a "skating" emote.

That said, the "pushups on the table in the pizzeria" thing reminded me of a common form of griefing, where griefers barge in and start running all the loudest, most obnoxious emotes they can, right in the middle of your group get-together. This happened the few times in Tabula Rasa when the devs got an event together and we could barely read what they said because there was no way to filter the spammers, and nothing they could do about the guys jumping on the stage or just bunny-hopping in general.

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

Cinnder's picture
Last seen: 2 years 3 months ago
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Joined: 08/26/2013 - 16:24
I would really enjoy this

I would really enjoy this sort of thing, as long as the griefing aspect can be reasonably managed.

Spurn all ye kindle.