A very special message from our Continuity Cop, Aquashock!
[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]
Join the ongoing conversation on Discord: https://discord.gg/city-of-titans-official-633757967899951105
the 2024 End of the year development summary is live below. Watch the video and let us know on the comment page.
To purchase your copy of the City of Titans Launcher, visit our store at https://store.missingworldsmedia.com/ A purchase of $50 or more will give you a link to download the Launcher for Windows or Mac based machines.
Again, looking good. I hope one of those trendy Jazz places has seats for tired heroes. And I want to be able to buy a happy meal at a cheesy fast food joint with an Anthem toy. and a Nuka cola! we need our version!
Great. I really hope the community and devs come together to create a great Lore Wiki. I know there is an internal Wiki but so much of the "True" information of any fame lies in the player experience.
So many of those districts just sound awesome
Crowd Control Enthusiast
One vote for the "Nuka Cola" equivalent to be Amerikatt Cola.
[Url=http://cityoftitans.com/comment/29581#comment-29581]"The paws that refreshes"[/url]
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=https://cityoftitans.com/forum/foradains-character-conclave]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=https://www.instagram.com/irezoomie/]Irezoomie[/url]
+1 Nuka Cola
Paragon City had plenty of cars and trucks ... but no Gas Stations.
Paragon City had plenty of bus stops ... but there were [url=http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/No_Buses_in_Paragon]No Buses in Paragon[/url].
Conspicuous by its absence in this update ... is mention of either vehicular refueling stations or public transit. Coincidence??
[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]
… quite possibly?
I mean, without busses how can anyone pull the emergency stop cord and dash out of the back door while starting to change into their costume?
And without gas stations, everyone would die of thirst the next time a water main breaks. They're a critical urban survival resource, as two of my coworkers are currently finding out… (no, really, two restaurants in one, one closes at 3pm, and the only other source of food, or of bottled water at all, is the gas station).
[color=#ff0000]Developer Emeritus[/color]
and multipurpose sheep
It would be cool if more of the different stuff in the world map were interactive than in CoX. By that I mean, in CoX, I kinda always wanted to actually go inside an Up and Away Burger, or Maj. Flanders' Chicken. It would have been neat of you could go to those places and get something, like maybe Insps, in the form of "take out" items. Like "Get the Shazam-rock Shake, it gives you +Dam and +Resist" or something like that. Each franchise could have different types of stuff even.
So I hope, eventually, maybe not right at launch, that we can actually interact with more of the game map. It would be nice if we could equate different types of businesses in the game world map with different in-game functions. CoX had this to some extent, the hospitals were where you went when defeated, you could get insps there from a vendor, Icon to change costume stuff. City Hall did a number of things that might be associated with getting one's paperwork in order. It would be nice to expand on that and have all chain franchise restaurants do some function, all lawyer offices do something else, all doctor's offices and clinics do something else, etc.
Another thing this update made me think of was the old CoX war walls and the need to carve up the overall map into smaller pieces. Is it going to work in a way similar to CoX where the game loads different sub-maps as you enter them, just without the war walls, or is it going to be somewhat more continuous?
Lastly, I liked that in CoX each suburb had it's own feel and look, and especially background music, which went along way toward giving you the intended vibe for the place.
R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising
One time, while visiting DC with relatives, I got delayed while they headed to the metro stop. So I ran to catch up with them. By the time I got near the stop I was sufficiently exhausted that I stopped being perceptive, turned a corner too soon, and ran right into the inside of a glass bus station. And then had to sit down and laugh for doing what my CoH characters had so often done.
[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]
Role-player in the devteam? *leans back relaxed*
So cool! I love the variety of buildings this post included. Give us interactive objects like chairs, bottles, etc, loooooads of emotes (stances too! Cool stances are important!) and we will be fine!
My impression so far is that it will be one continuous land mass barring those pieces who are not directly connected, like how WoW has done it. They will use level of detail mechanics to not have to load in everything that is at the visual edge.
I agree, Radiac. Whenever I was in Independence Port, I always wanted to jump into the crane lift and start moving containers around. At the very least I wanted them to be moving rather than static. Anytime I went into various missions I always wanted to get a soda or candy bar from one of the vending machines. The iconic donut shop would have been nice to go get a coffee and donuts then 'shoot the breeze' with your fellow heroes. I thought the neatest idea would be getting a newspaper and it would randomly insert the players hero or villain names and picture into the headlines with a few lines about their recent accomplishments, kind of like the civilians did in CoH.
One thing I would like to have seen was destructible buildings, not all of them and not completely destructible for obvious reasons, but to have a fight that causes enough damage it results in the Paragon police or police drones(both are essentially unbeatable in this scenario) to show up and cart you off(or teleport in case of the drones) to either to jail to cool off or an underground bunker.
CoH sort of had this in the radio missions. And to add to it for some great non-combat gameplay, you could choose a skill to help rebuild the buildings/streets/etc. If no one was actively working on rebuilding, force wall technology was used to cordon off the area until it 'regenerated'. Unfortunately, it sounds like it would be too complicated a system to implement especially taking into account how much you think it may or may not return in usable content for the majority of the playerbase. i.e. Think of the arguments against tailoring missions to certain powersets where if you didn't have the right power, the mission was denied to your character.
+1 to a more interactive map.
Edit: Oh and I always wanted a small cutscene to randomly appear when I took the PTA in CoH that indicated either a mugging I would need to stop, someone was about to blow up the tracks, show a monster that was rampaging through the zone, etc., then you were instanced to a mission.
[b][color=red]Reward tactics as well as damage dealing.[/color][/b]
We recently discussed this topic internally. Interactive maps is something that would require a significant budget for. Even simple things like windows shuttering in a storm while sounding simple, actually takes up quite a bit of design time. We also have to budget for how many actors (the unreal term for how things that do things in the game world and how they related to one another) we can have active on a given map. Everything from light, wind, water, the different types of npcs, player characters - all actors. This has lower priority over anything on the map that is considered to be intrinsic to any gameplay activities that the map requries. Basically, it is something we'd like to do, but remains to be seen if and when we can, and if becomes when, it'll most likely be little things.
[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]
You guys are awesome!!! Unlike my hubby who is happy just to grind until he reaches the level cap, I like to explore and check out the surroundings. I'm looking forward to playing a game with tons of places to check out.
Oh, there are *lots* of role-players amongst the Devs.
/me checks stats on +3 Antlers of Mooselyness
[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]
Key thing then is to DESIGN IT RIGHT the first time, such that if you discover you've got plenty of "actor budget" remaining, you can drop in items to replace existing bits in a substitution swap. That way you can slowly build your way up towards AWESOME rather than having to do it all at once in one swell foop (the correct technical term for this sort of thing).
That basically means that you need to have enough Code Control to not fill your game with [b]HAX[/b] that can't be undone or refactored later because touching the code will crash everything. It requires discipline NOW for a tremendous payoff LATER ... something that Cryptic Studios apparently doesn't believe in (still).
[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]
Sounds awesome, can't wait to see it all come together in the end!
The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One
Avatar by lilshironeko
So when can we expect a playable version of the game? I was playing DCUO but it is just garbage since Daybreak bought SOE and getting worse by the day.
Life is like an ice cream cone, you have to enjoy it before it melts.
The poor Superhero genre has just been badly represented in MMO's except for CoH and maybe Marvel Heroes (which is not my kind of game, but reputedly much improved and good as an ARPG).
The time has come for the Titans to emerge!
And with all of the Netflix shows and DC movies coming out, I don't think the genre bubble will burst any time soon. Plus MWM isn't shooting for a game that has to be a mega-success to survive.
FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)
We are Legion, it's true!
[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]
We have... several.
D&D, Vampire the Masquerade, hell grab a bucket of dice and let's play Shadowrun!
Technical Director
Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider
Role play ? Not I !! ( while I hide my dice and take off a mask).
[i][color=CornflowerBlue][size=22][font=monotype corsiva]Lloralei[/i][/color][/size][/font]
I wish we saw some pictures but I'm excited for this game!
Every little piece of news I get from you guys I like. My hopes for this game are high. As soon as City Of Titans is released, I'm leaving DCU Online and Champions forever. The depth of detail you guys are doing for this game is amazing. Keep up the good work guys. Is their (eventually) going to be some kind of cinematic trailer for City of Titans? I figured if so it would be close to launch.
I accidently ate a bowl of radioactive soup....ok I guess that makes me a Soup-er Hero
lol It's been a long time since I have heard of any kind of dev team having any "remaining budget".
Amen, Cap! Can't wait for CoT to arrive. Thanks for the updates, folks. :)
Paragon City Refugee
I can't wait for CoT to be released! The time and the effort that's being put in CoT is very impressive! Four years is it that CoH has been closed? Anyway, I REALLY can't wait for CoT to released. Though I do want to ask...Will there be weather changes to the maps?