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Tidalwave - The Rising Tide

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Last seen: 6 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/11/2013 - 12:27
Tidalwave - The Rising Tide

((Fair warning, I have never played City of Heroes *ducks for cover* But my buddy has and has donated enough for the buddy pass and is bringing me along. He always talked about City of Heroes and how awesome it was so I can't pass this opportunity up! Much of what I will be posting will be vague until the lore is released for the game for me to add on to.))

Edit: Posting a picture of Tidalwave!

[b]Name: [/b]------
[b]Alias:[/b] Tidalwave
[b]Age:[/b]Being Reworked
[b]Birthplace: [/b]Rochester, NY
[b]Current Residence:[/b] Titan City, MA
[b]Powers:[/b] Water Manipulation {Able to turn body in to water, Control nearby water, pull moisture from air to form water. } Able to breathe underwater {Webbing on hands and feet, 3 gills each side of neck, 6 total.}

Alice was born to a normal family. No powers, no specialties, no nothing. Her father worked day in and day out at the Kodak in the chemical film department while her mother worked at the inner city schools as a first grade teacher. It was a simple life, nothing glorified or too dull. She had no brothers or sisters however, just a husky to finish off the mix of the family. She dealt with the normal wear and tear of growing up in a city such as Rochester. Parts of the city had their good sides while several times a day the bad side would rear its head.

She was one of the few that was able to avoid the street life though her family lived in a small home close to what many called the Ghetto. She saw what life was like there and in truth, she did not wish to be apart of it. Her own mother being an inner city school teacher told stories of what she dealt with on a daily basis by some of these children she was supposed to teach. Kids kicking her, screaming when they didn't get their way. Many would apparently come to school during winter without jackets, not even be able to eat breakfast. Her mother, a kind hearted soul would often use her own money to take snacks in for the children to eat to ensure they were properly fed. She would even cover lunches if she had enough or one truly needed it.

Her father was a basic grunt. A man who had been working for one of the many Kodak plants in Rochester for years. He had moved around in the departments several times and as the economy took a hit his job was always on the line. Knowing this is was always quick to take up any hours he could to show the company he wanted to work and was an asset to the company. Luckily, his plan worked and he was moved around as needed. This work ethic was passed along to Tidal by her father. With these ideals from both parents she was able to create a world in which she wanted to live in.

She would make sure she did well in school knowing that not only would her grades affect her ability to get scholarships and leave the city but with her mother a known first grade teacher; it was hard to get away from them literally wanting to tattle on her to her mother. When 14, she was quick to get a worker's permit from her school and keep herself busy with a local pizza place. She would clean pans, mop floors, run orders if a block away; simple things. The money she made went right in to a small piggy bank for her. She was looking towards the future!

Years passed and her work ethic only grew as well as her knowledge. However, she began to watch several shows on television such as 'Shark Week' and 'Mysteries of the Ocean'. She found them all so fascinating! A whole new world under the ocean. Explorer's determined to push the limits and discover new species, understand our world, and more! She wanted to be apart of this! She imagined everyday of her being one of those scientists that would go down in the mini subs to explore. She wanted that life! She needed it! That was when she decided on her future, she wanted to be a Marine Biologist!

She took school and her education to the max that day. Nothing mattered to her. Boys, hanging out, going to the mall? Nothing! It was that drive that helped her achieve not only her High School graduation but the ability to pick up not only a Scholarship to go to college with over 80% of tuition covered but an acceptance letter to Salem State University for Marine Biology! Her dream had come true! Now she only needed to ensure she did not put it all to waste!

It was her first semester at the college and though she was often invited to several parties, she believed she had too much work to do to slack. A roommate of hers was quick to drag her out one day refusing to take no for an answer. Tidal struck a deal with her - "I'll go for an hour and then it is back to my studies! Nothing more!"

Her roommate agreed and upon arriving at a frat house it was all downhill from there. There was obvious underage drinking, drugs, and more going on. She could hear people making love upstairs, in the hallways and more. It was all disgusting to her. She did her best to stay by the door, ready to exit at anytime as she watched the clock. Her friend soon came over with a drink and offered it. Tidal believed it was alcohol and pushed it away. Her roommate was quick to ensure that it was just cola, nothing serious. After sniffing the drink Tidal took it and sipped. Unknown to her the soda was drugged. The roommate slipped her a roofie in an attempt to have a very embarrassing night caught on film. She hated howTidal was so dedicated to her studies, how she had all this money given to her while she had to take out loans and more just go there. There was obviously jealous. She had no idea how hard Tidal had truly worked for what she had and nor did she care. She was just angry she did not have it.

Tidal began to feel odd, sluggish, and tired. It was then she felt someone begin to touch her. She knew he was there but she had trouble trying to see who it was or push them away. In a burst of energy and pushed free and stumbled for the door. She could only hear blurred voices telling her to stay and have fun. She knew better, something wasn't right and she wasn't sticking around for it. With what energy she had she pushed herself out the door and fell to the sidewalk. The party behind her just laughed and moved on with their business, most of them figuring she was just a drunk girl trying to get fresh air.

With not much in her system Tial was able to slowly get up after several minutes and use a stone wall to lean against as she began to stagger home. As she did she heard a noise behind her but she could not make out what it was. She turned to glance over her shoulder as she heard what sounded like a cat knocking over a trash can only to see a dark figure before instantly blacking out.

Her eyes opened, several voices surrounding her, pain rushing through her body. She felt dry, oddly dry. Much like if she had overused acne medication or something all over her body. She could feel it crack as she squirmed, unable to move. Something was holding her down. As she fully came to she was able to see she was in a lab. There were tanks everywhere filled with fish, jellyfish, marine mammals, and more! As she glanced around she noticed her reflection in a tank. She was...Blue! No, that couldn't be right! She quickly looked down at herself discovering her reflection wasn't telling a lie. She truly was blue! Her skin was cracked, much like a fish left out of the water and it ached. She let out a cry as the whole incident was catching up to her, much like a form of shock. She was panicking, she needed to get away!

The voices she had heard seemed to rush in to the room. They were scientists, or so they looked. Men in white lab coats, yellow rubber gloves and the usual creepy scientist look. One rushed over to her, grasping a large needle along the way. They didn't expect her to wake up so early.

"Put her out, now!" one yelled.
"But sir! We could send her in to shock if we drug her more!"
"Just do it!"

They seemed to bicker back and forth before the one with the needle went to work, trying to stab at her skin. It was too late. Whatever they did to her was fully in affect. The needle struck her skin and seemed to bend as if she suddenly had formed thick scales that a simple needle could not get past.

"Get the gas!" another yelled as he noticed what had happened.
"Damn it! I told you we shouldn't had spliced in that Hero's DNA with the fish!" spoke the other.

Hero? Splicing? Fish? Tidal's mind was racing. What did they do to her? This blue skin, this pain? It was all their fault?! She clenched her eyes shut as she let out a high pitched scream. She felt as if it was all she could do. The water in the tanks began to ripple before exploding out and on to the floor. This caused the scientists to jump, unsure of what was happening. This had nothing to do with the powers they had taken from the hero, this was something new! A breakthrough!

"Amazing! Just Amazing!" one spoke with a grin on his face. "Imagine the possibilities! She survived the splicing and she has already activated new powers! People will pay a fortune for this!"

Tidal continued to squirm and scream, the tanks only continuing their shaking as it soon went from the smaller ones until she reached the larger ones. Inside the large tank were sharks, plenty of sharks at that. The water began to ripple and even the sharks began to react. It was as if they could feel her pain; her fear. They began to ram at the tank, trying to help the water along until they busted through, flowing out with the thousands of gallons of water and on to the floor. They seemed to sweep away much of the scientists with them as well as Tidal who was still tied to the table. Tidal clenched her eyes shut, the water filling the room. She didn't want to die like this! No! It couldn't end like this for her!

A few seconds passed before she opened an eye. The room was still filled but she felt as if she didn't need air. She glanced around as she heard cracking of the windows as the water pressure grew, ready to cause the water to burst in to the next room of this odd establishment. She slowly opened her mouth, several bubbles escaping but it felt as if she could breathe normally. What was this? While she took some time to figure it out a lobster seemed to land on her body and crawl around. She quirked a brow wondering what was going on. Was this thing seriously crawling on her at a time like this?

Then she heard it, SNAP! The lobster was working at the straps. The hell? No, this was only in comic books. This wasn't real. It was all a dream! This lobster was trying to save her. She was breathing under water..she was blue! None of this could be real! She then felt her body rise off the table as the last strap came off to free her. She looked around trying to figure out what was going on. She watched as the marine life seemed to swim off, ramming at the breaking glass window. She tilted her head trying to understand what was going on. The fish, they acted as if they wanted to escape. She began to swim over before lightly touching at her neck. She felt odd slits. Oh god! She had gills! That wasn't attractive! She froze for a moment to gather her thoughts before she stopped to look at the window they were trying to break. Outside was the ocean! The beautiful ocean! Wait, this establishment was under water? She glanced down the halls trying to figure out why the water had not escaped in to other places. She soon saw why. It was air sealed and several doors seemed to appear behind other doors. It was obvious there was an extensive cleaning protocol in place to even enter where she was.

She blew a few huffs, huffing underwater as she swam back in to the room to try and find an item that could help her escape. With the ocean right outside she just needed to break that glass. It was surely thick and a simple chair wouldn't break it. She would need something explosive. Sadly, she wasn't able to find anything. With a huff she began to think about items that she could ram in to the glass. It was already cracking due to pressure, she just needed some---A large shark instantly swam past, ramming its head right in to the glass. She blinked wondering if it understood her. She began to think once more 'Ram it again!'. Sure enough, the shark obeyed and soon the glass gave way. There was a slight pull as the inside water met with the outside ocean but they were free! She watched as all the fish rushed out leaving her to glance back at the floating bodies of the drown scientists. What the hell was this place? A nightmare, that is what! Without a second thought she swam off, joining the marine life.

A year had passed and after a man hunt for the missing tidal, they presumed her to be dead. Tidal had taken the time to hide and understand what had happened to her and not only that, enjoy the new world she could freely explore due to the horrifying incident. It was a blessing to her as well as a curse. She knew she couldn't go back to her family but she knew she couldn't stay in the ocean either. She decided to head in towards civilization once more.

As her head peeked out of the water from the distance she noticed an odd pressure surrounding the area. She slowly glanced upward, her eyes narrowing as the sun hit them, trying to see what looked to be two figures fighting in the distance. Upon the beach, there were two men in tights fighting. One caught ablaze with his eyes glowing a vicious red and the other being someone that looked around the age of 18-19, average built, very little muscle toning as if he visited the gym once a week or something. The younger, smaller one seemed to do nothing towards the man but wave his hands around. This was confusing to her as the other man continued to throw balls of fire in his direction. However, everything the fire guy was throwing at the young man seemed to go right back at him, like something was drawing it to him. This often caused the man's attacks to end up right back in his face. In truth, Alice couldn't help but giggle. This man was looking like a silly nilly up there. Nothing could touch him and everything he did was flung right back at him. The fun was soon over as the young man lifted her arms upward. The man he was fighting seemed locked in to position as if he was nothing but a toy for the other to play with. He lowered himself to the ground, the fire user following along, still locked in an invisible field.

Luckily for the group there had been police waiting upon the beach for the fight to end. Tidal just shook her head. Perhaps this wasn't the best place to finally surface back in to civilization after all? As she turned to dive back under she heard a voice call out to her.

"Ma'am! I'm here to save you and get you back to shore!" the voice echoed seeming to come closer.
Tidal blinked and turned only to see that man she had been watching just a few moments earlier right there behind her, face to face.

"I'm here to sav---Ma'am? Uh..." he looked her over in full confusion. This lady..was blue and..naked?! Tidal obviously was naked, clothing weighted her down and in truth, a simple bra and panties were not going to last a full year in the ocean. She instantly eeked and dropped down under the water a bit trying to hide herself. The boy quickly flew back to shore and returned a few seconds later with a large towel in hand that he had plucked off the ground. "Ma'am, can you put this on so I can take you to shore?"

"I..I'm not going to shore!"
"I'm trying to save your life!"
"I don't need saving!"

The man huffed and threw the towel down at her. "Listen Ma'am, this is for your own good!" He raised his hands up in to the air and all was silent. Tidal glanced around unsure of what he was doing until she felt the water around her suddenly hold an odd pressure. It was as if it was being placed in a bowl. The man's arms lowered before he just grinned. "Better use that towel!"

Before Tidal had to a chance to respond she was ripped out of the water, somewhat floating like a fish in a fish bowl. She quickly grabbed the towel and wrapped it around her. She didn't want to be seen by all those police officers or any on lookers. She could only watch helplessly as he flew back to shore, pulling her along like a kid pulling their pet in a red wagon behind them. Upon reaching the shore he lowered the makeshift bubble and released it. All the water rushed out on to the sand and several paramedics rushed over. She had no clue what was going on. She only knew that she was now being rushed to the hospital to see if she was alright. It was after she was released from the hospital and given some clothes that she decided to walk the city. It was odd to her, no one looked at her funny. No one seemed to care that she was blue. Why was this?

She turned her head to see a single sign that would change her life 'Welcome to Titan City'.

"Making waves the fun way!"

Tidalwave's picture
Last seen: 6 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/11/2013 - 12:27
Quick doodle of concept of

Quick doodle of concept of Tidalwave and what she would look like (besides of doll maker avatar of course!)

"Making waves the fun way!"

Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 16:02
ill read through more

ill read through more carefully when im not sculpting,
just wanted to skim and saw you were a newwwwwbie

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

Tidalwave's picture
Last seen: 6 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/11/2013 - 12:27
Steamtank wrote:
Steamtank wrote:

ill read through more carefully when im not sculpting,
just wanted to skim and saw you were a newwwwwbie

Yeah, but not to Roleplay! Been doing it for years! (Oh god I feel old so I won't say how long). Either way, thanks! I just hope this game turns out to be everything I am hearing about from my buddy who is slowly getting me addicted to the waiting game.

"Making waves the fun way!"

Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 16:02
honestly the game could be

honestly the game could be coded to shit on release and i will be happy to play.
it was the community not the game that kept me coming back over the years.

but hopefully the game is good as well ^_^

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

Tidalwave's picture
Last seen: 6 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/11/2013 - 12:27
Steamtank wrote:
Steamtank wrote:

honestly the game could be coded to shit on release and i will be happy to play.
it was the community not the game that kept me coming back over the years.
but hopefully the game is good as well ^_^

An awesome community is all I need!

"Making waves the fun way!"

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
kickstarter11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 12/05/2012 - 20:32
I'm happy to meet you

I'm happy to meet you Tidalwave. Also Sad and Happy that you haven't played CoH. Sad you didn't get to experience what we came to love. Happy that you also didn't feel the pain of having it taken away.

Just to point out how awesome this community is. We always welcome newbies with open arms. If anyone does otherwise they are the ones pounded on. Welcome to the community Tidalwave I would throw you some in game cash and show you pointers however we don't have any yet!

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Tidalwave's picture
Last seen: 6 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/11/2013 - 12:27
RottenLuck wrote:
RottenLuck wrote:

I'm happy to meet you Tidalwave. Also Sad and Happy that you haven't played CoH. Sad you didn't get to experience what we came to love. Happy that you also didn't feel the pain of having it taken away.
Just to point out how awesome this community is. We always welcome newbies with open arms. If anyone does otherwise they are the ones pounded on. Welcome to the community Tidalwave I would throw you some in game cash and show you pointers however we don't have any yet!

Thanks! I had been bugging my buddy who played COH to help me decide on powers and whatnot. Hearing some of the names of the combinations were confusing as hell for me. Defenders when I heard it I thought was a, you know, DEFEND! TANK! RAWR! Then come to find out is is a healer. I was all "DERP"

"Making waves the fun way!"

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
kickstarter11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 12/05/2012 - 20:32
To say Defenders were Healers

To say Defenders were Healers is a bit off. They are masters of Damage manipulation. Stopping damage via Force fields, Limiting damage via debuffs on the foes, or healing damage like a traditional healer. Or boosts a teams Damage output by Buffing.

The first mistake people made about CoH is thinking one role does this or that. I seen all Defender teams destroy armies! A good example is here a all Defender team doing the Imperious Task force.

It's one of the Goals of City 0f Titans to regain that freedom of being anything and doing anything.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Tidalwave's picture
Last seen: 6 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/11/2013 - 12:27
Still sounds neat to me.

Still sounds neat to me. Shields and healing are fine with me! It is what I enjoy doing. I love being able to help others out which includes debuffing! I will accept any help you may have in regards to the game or my character's backstory! I know I will be going over it again when they release the lore for the game.

"Making waves the fun way!"

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
kickstarter11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 12/05/2012 - 20:32
I feel sad now I would have

I feel sad now I would have had a blast showing you the ropes of CoH. I often took part in the Player ran event "Adopt a Newbie" or just joined up with a new player randomly for fun.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Warpdrive's picture
Last seen: 4 months 2 weeks ago
kickstarter11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 10/02/2013 - 21:08
Odds are, Foof, you'd of been

Odds are, Foof, you'd of been a Thermal or an Empath Defender.. Powerful buffs, one with some amazing debuffs.. Both very useful for endgame stuff.. Buffs, Debuffs, Heals.. Whole shebang..

Wormholes are just silly. One moment you're here. The next you're stunned and over there. Ha. Gravity is silly.

Tidalwave's picture
Last seen: 6 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/11/2013 - 12:27
I am fine with either of

I am fine with either of those! Warpdrive here is the buddy getting me in to the game. He is an Old COH member that was kind enough to donate enough money to get the buddy pass.

"Making waves the fun way!"

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
kickstarter11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 12/05/2012 - 20:32
Well when the time comes I be

Well when the time comes I be happy to be the team Melee damage dealer!

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Tidalwave's picture
Last seen: 6 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/11/2013 - 12:27
Still here and alive! I swear

Still here and alive! I swear! Just been busy with other games while I wait! Tidal's story is still never set in stone so I am going to end up tweaking it a bit if anything! At least as more awesome stuff comes out!

"Making waves the fun way!"

Steel Accord
Steel Accord's picture
Last seen: 8 years 4 months ago
Joined: 12/19/2013 - 11:58
Wow, really cool origin story

Wow, really cool origin story and powers. I like it.