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Site Maintenance Caused Forum Error?

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Site Maintenance Caused Forum Error?

Ever since the recent [url=]site maintenance[/url], there seems to be an error in Forum Post Formatting, where extra HTML line-breaks and paragraphs are being introduced to all posts, including old postings.

I think I saw a suggestion that this may have been introduced by a hiccup between the storage database and the HTML-composer? That makes a certain sense to me, since I've seen such things in my own dayjob, where pages come out all wrong, in unexpected fashion.

Could we have feedback and discussion about fixing this? Sometimes I want my posts to come out looking a particular way.

Be Well!

Darth Fez
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The quoting appears to be

The quoting appears to be having some issues, as well. Using the [ quote ] code works normally for nested quotes but in several cases the quoted text has become one large block of text. [url=]This post[/url] is a weird example since the original post includes both single and double line breaks and the quote maintains the single line break but has removed the double line breaks. Admittedly, I am assuming that the posters have made no changes to the quoted text.

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This thread from Lin Chiao

[Url=]This thread[/url] from Lin Chiao Feng was the first I heard about this issue.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Lin Chiao Feng
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The quotes getting bolloxed

The quotes getting bolloxed up is because, for some reason I don't know, the quoting mechanism has always replaced nested BBCode quote tags with HTML blockquote tags (and a lot more formatting), and now that HTML tags are ignored, it all turns into one run-on blob of text.

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

Fireheart's picture
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Foradain wrote: This thread
Foradain wrote:

This thread from Lin Chiao Feng was the first I heard about this issue.

^^ Brutally pruned the excess code.

Yes, I moved the focus to here in the Bugs section, because that 'Site Maintenance' thread kept disappearing under the other Announcement Discussions.

Be Well!

Shadow Elusive
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It may be working as intended

It may be working as intended. The site went down because someone allowed malicious software in through HTML embedding. Now only admins can use HTML. In the process our BBCode was updated and refreshed, as it was going to be needed more :D.

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

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I don't think the quote system is quite working as intended, especially for nested quotes.
Over on another thread, Radiac made [url=]a post[/url], from which I made this cut and paste copy, and then I used the Preview button below to make sure it's as close to the original as possible, though it doesn't have Radiac's .sig. The lines I put in to show where the quote begins and ends:
As I understand the terms, "action MMO" means "twichiest player wins", CoX wasn't like that and it is my belief that they're not going to make CoT like that either, for that reason (spiritual successor).

I believe there will be tab to target and when powers are used, you'll hit or miss based primarily on a pseudorandomized "roll to hit" with modifications possible form a number of sources. I hesitate to say "gear" because people tend to assume that means "gear" in the WoW sense and not in the CoX sense, butto me it's still gear in some sense. Also, other factors, I know not which.
Now here's what you get using the Quote button:

Radiac wrote:

As I understand the terms, "action MMO" means "twichiest player wins", CoX wasn't like that and it is my belief that they're not going to make CoT like that either, for that reason (spiritual successor).I believe there will be tab to target and when powers are used, you'll hit or miss based primarily on a pseudorandomized "roll to hit" with modifications possible form a number of sources. I hesitate to say "gear" because people tend to assume that means "gear" in the WoW sense and not in the CoX sense, butto me it's still gear in some sense. Also, other factors, I know not which.

And finally, this is what you get when you quote blacke4dawn's [url=]post[/url] which quoted Radiac's [url=]post[/url]:

blacke4dawn wrote:

Radiac wrote: As I understand the terms, "action MMO" means "twichiest player wins", CoX wasn't like that and it is my belief that they're not going to make CoT like that either, for that reason (spiritual successor).I believe there will be tab to target and when powers are used, you'll hit or miss based primarily on a pseudorandomized "roll to hit" with modifications possible form a number of sources. I hesitate to say "gear" because people tend to assume that means "gear" in the WoW sense and not in the CoX sense, butto me it's still gear in some sense. Also, other factors, I know not which.Tab targeting games almost exclusively use a so called hit table, that is that they have a "table" going from 0 (or 1) to 100 (representing percent chance) with every possible outcome an attack has taking up a portion of that table, adjusted on a per attack basis. Some things can have a minimum enforced level (5% minimum hit chance in CoX) while others can be "pushed off of" the table (crit immunity for PvE tanks in WoW). There are 3 primary "groups" of modifications to this over baseline (naked toon) which are:
Items. Traditionally equiptable gear but also, as you said, the enhancements from CoX.
Permanent buffs. Passives in any form, most often from a passive skill tree.
Temporary buffs. Castable time limited buffs in any form. Environmental buffs also go here since they can be "removed" by exiting the area.
And remember, debuffs are just buffs with a negative value.Though, this is all from a simplistic design perspective. From a mechanical perspective it is much more complex and depending on the game they might have several checks/rolls before they reach the final outcome.

When I look at the text as I edit this post, I can clearly see < > codes, that, for example, delineate the end of Radiac's post in blacke4dawn's post, although don't seem to make it through to the preview...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Lin Chiao Feng
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Shadow Elusive wrote: It may
Shadow Elusive wrote:

It may be working as intended. The site went down because someone allowed malicious software in through HTML embedding. Now only admins can use HTML. In the process our BBCode was updated and refreshed, as it was going to be needed more :D.

I understand that the use of HTML tags allowed an exploit or a thousand. Frankly, I was surprised it was alllowed at all.

[b]But don't you dare for a second try to anoint the current mess as "working as intended."[/b] If I tried to pull that shit at work, I'd be fired.

Right now you guys are simply stripping all HTML tags, and inserting some hodgepodge as with the BBCode code tag. That's a stopgap. Your code is still converting quotes to HTML, among other things, and that is generating incorrect code.

So you've got a couple of options:
[list][*]Fix the parser so it handles the HTML in a way that is both correct and removes the exploit.
[list][*]If this fix breaks a few posts, send PMs to the post authors with links to those posts so they can fix them.
[*]If a lot of posts are still broken, e.g. all quote blocks are unformatted, you're not done; improve the parser.[/list]
[*]Permanently ban HTML and go BBCode-only.
[list][*]Update the parser to allow nested quotes, and go through the entire database (this could take a long time, like a day) and fix all the existing posts' quotes. Again, if there are a few that can't parse, have the post authors fix them.[/list][/list]

In any case, I consider the current site's state to be a "work in progress," believe that this issue will be resolved one way or another, and staunchly believe that it won't be left like this for the rest of the year.

And if you're really that short-handed and can't get the parser to behave, pitch me an NDA and I'll see what I can help with. I'm no fan of PHP (the intranet site I develop at work is Python-based on the back end, and I've had to do these kinds of database retcons before), but I'll try my best.

P.S. phpBB supports the BBCode-only route, all the extensions I see here except iframes, and it's already written in PHP. If all else fails, you can probably steal code from it. Then you just have to deal with the database retcon, and rip out the code that transmogrifies nested quotes because phpBB's parser is fine with nested quote tags.

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]