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Discuss: Happy 4th of July

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Red Warlock
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Discuss: Happy 4th of July

read the original update here:

Feel free to comment on the update below.

[color=#ff0000]Environmental Artist, PR Editor[/color]

Darth Fez
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It'll be awesome to test out

It'll be awesome to test out flight on the island!

It was subtle, but I noticed the particular aura chosen looked a little like wings. (*cough*) Is this an indication that players can have wings as well as wing-like auras?

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Wow, really loving the look of flight. Someone's really hitting their stride on making the animations look top-notch.

[b][color=red]Reward tactics as well as damage dealing.[/color][/b]

Lothic's picture
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Darth Fez wrote:
Darth Fez wrote:

It was subtle, but I noticed the particular aura chosen looked a little like wings. (*cough*) Is this an indication that players can have wings as well as wing-like auras?

The Devs showed those aura wings on Discord maybe a couple of months ago now. The Devs have always said they plan to have 'real' wings in the game but it's simply been a matter of getting around to developing them. The 'aura' wings were sort of an "alternative" to actual wings but it'll certainly be nice to have them in the game as a permanent option as well.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Cinnder's picture
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I've enjoyed the look of

I've enjoyed the look of flight since the first time we were shown it, but for me the exciting thing about this update is the wee combat snippets. They confirm for me that the animations will be right in that sweet spot between familiar and new. That's really great to see.

Spurn all ye kindle.

.Foresight's picture
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I'm excited to try out the

I'm excited to try out the flight.

The combat looks great, but the cape looks like it should be a bit...heavier, or something. It looks like you're hitting the enemy with the cape as a weapon in the melee, and the cape seems to get a little too excited when you shoot the ice lol. Unless that's the goal!...Is this Doctor Strange's Cloak of Levitation??? XD

"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!"

Tannim222's picture
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.Foresight wrote:
.Foresight wrote:

I'm excited to try out the flight.

The combat looks great, but the cape looks like it should be a bit...heavier, or something. It looks like you're hitting the enemy with the cape as a weapon in the melee, and the cape seems to get a little too excited when you shoot the ice lol. Unless that's the goal!...Is this Doctor Strange's Cloak of Levitation??? XD

The cape behaves that way for performance reasons in order to accommodate use among multiple players on one map.

Giving it more true cloth-like physics would not allow us to have multiple capes being used on one map. We may be able to refine it a bit down the line but based on early tests, this is a known, workable compromise.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]

Lothic's picture
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Tannim222 wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:
.Foresight wrote:

I'm excited to try out the flight.

The combat looks great, but the cape looks like it should be a bit...heavier, or something. It looks like you're hitting the enemy with the cape as a weapon in the melee, and the cape seems to get a little too excited when you shoot the ice lol. Unless that's the goal!...Is this Doctor Strange's Cloak of Levitation??? XD

The cape behaves that way for performance reasons in order to accommodate use among multiple players on one map.

Giving it more true cloth-like physics would not allow us to have multiple capes being used on one map. We may be able to refine it a bit down the line but based on early tests, this is a known, workable compromise.

Is there a difference between "more true cloth-like physics" and simply weighing the cape material down so that the material doesn't whip around as much? Surely these qualities are mutually exclusive to some degree.

I totally get that the more "realistic physics" you apply to something like capes the more processing overhead you're going to incur. But maybe you could "unrealistically" tinker with capes just so they act heavier and don't react so chaotically to slight movements. One would intuitively expect that if the capes weren't whipping around so much that they would actually impose LESS of a burden as far as animation rendering would be concerned.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Tannim222's picture
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:
.Foresight wrote:

I'm excited to try out the flight.

The combat looks great, but the cape looks like it should be a bit...heavier, or something. It looks like you're hitting the enemy with the cape as a weapon in the melee, and the cape seems to get a little too excited when you shoot the ice lol. Unless that's the goal!...Is this Doctor Strange's Cloak of Levitation??? XD

The cape behaves that way for performance reasons in order to accommodate use among multiple players on one map.

Giving it more true cloth-like physics would not allow us to have multiple capes being used on one map. We may be able to refine it a bit down the line but based on early tests, this is a known, workable compromise.

Is there a difference between "more true cloth-like physics" and simply weighing the cape material down so that the material doesn't whip around as much? Surely these qualities are mutually exclusive to some degee.

I totally get that the more "realistic physics" you apply to something like capes the more processing overhead you're going to incur. But maybe you could "unrealistically" tinker with capes just so they act heavier and don't react so chaotically to slight movements. One would intuitively expect that if the capes weren't whipping around so much that they would actually impose LESS of a burden as far as animation rendering would be concerned.

As I says red above, the current cape physics are based on testing done for performance of a map full of player characters using caps.

We MIGHT be able to make some weighting adjustments but I woundn’t consider that definitive. I when the tests were done there was t too much improvement in the physics over performance loss that really made much difference.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]

Lothic's picture
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Tannim222 wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:
.Foresight wrote:

I'm excited to try out the flight.

The combat looks great, but the cape looks like it should be a bit...heavier, or something. It looks like you're hitting the enemy with the cape as a weapon in the melee, and the cape seems to get a little too excited when you shoot the ice lol. Unless that's the goal!...Is this Doctor Strange's Cloak of Levitation??? XD

The cape behaves that way for performance reasons in order to accommodate use among multiple players on one map.

Giving it more true cloth-like physics would not allow us to have multiple capes being used on one map. We may be able to refine it a bit down the line but based on early tests, this is a known, workable compromise.

Is there a difference between "more true cloth-like physics" and simply weighing the cape material down so that the material doesn't whip around as much? Surely these qualities are mutually exclusive to some degee.

I totally get that the more "realistic physics" you apply to something like capes the more processing overhead you're going to incur. But maybe you could "unrealistically" tinker with capes just so they act heavier and don't react so chaotically to slight movements. One would intuitively expect that if the capes weren't whipping around so much that they would actually impose LESS of a burden as far as animation rendering would be concerned.

As I says red above, the current cape physics are based on testing done for performance of a map full of player characters using caps.

We MIGHT be able to make some weighting adjustments but I woundn’t consider that definitive. I when the tests were done there was t too much improvement in the physics over performance loss that really made much difference.

Sure further testing is always a reasonable answer. I'm just pointing out that instead of making cape physics "more realistic" it might actually be advantageous to make it LESS realistic as least from the POV of how much "chaotic whipping around" motion you're willing to tolerate. If they move around less actively it would probably improve their rendering characteristics so it would be a "Win-Win" situation.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

warcabbit's picture
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The FX wings are a set of

The FX wings are a set of wings you can have _now_. The bird/bat/devil/angel wings require sculpting, rigging, and animation time to pull off. They're coming, but I/we thought that combat was a better place to put our limited time _right now._

I had the fx wings from an experiment and, well, it's not bad. Got a couple more sets to add too.
Like that they appear when you take off? Notice they're very slightly animated?

But yes, this isn't the ones you want, i know that, they're coming when i can fit 'em in the schedule.

For now, though, not bad, right? Do you like the trail? How about the gifs?

[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]

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The gifs are just right to

The gifs are just right to whet the appetite!

Now be prepared for the onslaught of "MOOOOOOOORRE! We want more!!!"

Everyone knows you can't just just have one bite of the canapés and be satisfied.

Redlynne's picture
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warcabbit wrote:
warcabbit wrote:

they're coming when i can fit 'em in the schedule.

The greatest tyrant in all of gaming is not the Mapserver ... it's the all powerful SCHEDULE.

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Lothic's picture
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warcabbit wrote:
warcabbit wrote:

But yes, this isn't the ones you want, i know that, they're coming when i can fit 'em in the schedule.

Sure the aura wings could be considered placeholders for the "real" wings. But like I said before they are cool in their own right and it'll be nice to have them as options even when the "real" wings are available. I'll probably have characters that'll use both types eventually.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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The Scheduler: A villain the

The Scheduler: A villain the primarily uses Time Manipulation to control you and your teammates.
Secondary powers are Mental Controls.
His travel powers are actually a specialized function of his Time Manipulation.

ALL Project managers are very wary of this villain and setup many protocols to try and keep him at bay. Sadly he is very good at subverting most if not all of them.