Happy New Years 2020 to all of our supporters at City of Titans!
We hope all of you have had a fantastic holiday break, enjoyed making lots of characters with the Avatar Builder, and are enjoying the New Year!
2019 has been an exciting year for all of us at Missing Worlds Media. We have made some huge steps forward with the successful opening of our webstore and the launch of our Second Chance funding campaign. We’ve been able to fulfill the first of our promises by delivering our Avatar Builder to our supporters, and with your help, we’ve also been able to make improvements. While we have had our challenges along the way, we hope you agree that 2019 was a year of important progress, and 2020 will be an even bigger year for all of us who are working together to build this new game.
We have an exciting thing we want to share with you as we wrap up 2019 and walk into 2020. We have prepared a video tour of Alexandria as it looks live in the Unreal Engine!
Alexandria is our first launch zone and while it is not quite ready for entry by players yet. the neighborhood is on its way to becoming a very exciting place to explore that has taken shape and is a fully functional live map of our launch zone. We are still adding some features to the neighborhood and still need to do some work to make it accessible to players, but as you can see from the video, we are tantalizingly close to the finish line.
We are very excited about the progress happening in building our world. Looking back at the work that brought us here, we are so grateful to the community of volunteers who brought us to this point. Building this neighborhood involved concept artists, city map planners, volunteers who blocked out the neighborhood, streets, grounds and building 3D models for all of the architecture and making it all come to life within Unreal.
And finally, we want to thank you for being with us from the start. It’s been a long road, but with your participation in 2019 we began to see the game come to life, and in 2020 we are going to lift off to new and exciting heights!
Thank you for being with us – we have a world emerging into a playable reality that we are so excited to share with you!
From: The City of Titans Staff
Special thanks to Videographer Jason ‘PenitentRebel’ Comerford and Environmental Designer Nathan ‘Red Warlock’ Purkiss for all their work on this update
CoT Environment & City Design Staff on Alexandria:
Nate ‘Dr. Tyche’ Downes (terrain, districts design)
Ashenfall (2D maps, street layout, district design)
Carol ‘Lloralei’ Kirk (districts design, Moguls)
Coffee (Moguls)
Nathan ‘Red Warlock’ Purkiss (lead 3D modeler buildings, landscapes/terrain)
Rick ‘Dark Ether’ Lamb (buildings placement)
Zack ‘Shadow Elusive’ Singer (procedural buildings)
Thomas Djaloul (3D modeler buildings)
Visit our webstore at: https://store.missingworldsmedia.com/
Support City of Titans at our Patreon and Read our Comic: https://www.patreon.com/HiJinx
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Why not buy us a Ko-Fi? https://ko-fi.com/Z8Z06NFG
We have a Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CityOfTitansmmo
And a Twitter: https://twitter.com/CityOfTitansMMO/
Feel free to discuss this update here: https://cityoftitans.com/forum/discuss-happy-new-year-2020
OR on our new public Discord! : https://discord.gg/7kVfsju