I already asked that in the past but i never had a really clear answer ^^ As Issue #0 is on the road and will de released before 2019, and as Issue #1 is approaching like never, i really would like to know what will be implemented regarding the localization.
I know that's a big job part which claim some ressources and time and localize the game it's not really the priority regarding the number of players in US vs different other countries (i mean, maybe you'll have 1K players in france vs 20K players in US ^^) . But i can't prevent myself thinking there will be at least a minimum translation since the localization forums are still there.
- So, do you plan to localize the game ?
- If yes, in how many and in which languages ?
- Does, at least, the UI will be translated in many language ?
- I remember that a language channel was an idea concerning in game discussion, is that still and idea ?
I know it's not the prioprity, but people (and I of course and concerning the french people by the way) wonder if they could play the game in their own language since they are not at ease with english.
Suivez l'avancement du jeu City of Titans en Français sur https://titanscity.com
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[color=red]PR - Europe[/color]
CoT should be available in Surguerese! Everyone's favorite elective subject!
[size=14]"The illusion which exalts us is dearer to us than ten thousand truths." - Pushkin[/size]
[size=14] "One piece of flair is all I need." - Sister Silicon[/size]
Localization is an important question for all the non english followers who are still there since the begining...
I hope a dev will respond to the initial question.
Not only and we are not numerous afterall :) But I can't tell you the number of people i know which don't play a game because it's not in French and because " (they) don't want to waist time to look for the translation, (they) prefere play the game".
Of course, a certain part is not afraid of playing a game in english, even if it's less immersive.
But, i really think it's important if MWM wants to enter the game market in France. Maybe, it's not so profitable to translate the game. But, at least, it could be nice to know, otherwise, it could suggest that MWM don't care about other countries (in opposite to CoH).
At least, i could have an other way to localized the game ? Maybe some files could be modified so as the community could bring a translation ? Like some bring mods on other games.
Suivez l'avancement du jeu City of Titans en Français sur https://titanscity.com
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[color=red]PR - Europe[/color]
It may not be something planned yet, as a team of volunteers it may come down to finding people willing to put in the time, but the majority of the game's writing needs to be mostly finalized before that begins.
I agree. But, you know, i send a PM to be a volunteer but i never had any answer (despite the fact i translate the news in france in titanscity.com) that's why i wonder if the game will be translated or not, at least the UI or a system which will allow the community to translate the game.
Suivez l'avancement du jeu City of Titans en Français sur https://titanscity.com
http://forum.titanscity.com | www.facebook.com/titanscity | http://twitter.com/TitansCity
[color=red]PR - Europe[/color]