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School’s Out! (Generation T: Stolen Youth)

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Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 5 days ago
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School’s Out! (Generation T: Stolen Youth)

“Come on man, I have pizzas to deliver here!” Diego, or rather as he was now in costume, Nagual, whines as he dropped to the concrete quicker that lightning, as a second road work sign flew over his head.

Clad in a full body suit of onyx leather like material, a near gold shimmering pattern of dots like a jaguar over his shoulders and thighs, boots and gloves with golden fur accents, and last but not least a now thoroughly ruined Supreme Phoenix Pizza strapped in a thermal backpack off his shoulder, the young hero looked peeved.

It was supposed to be a simple delivery run after school, just a quick jaunt to a Ashcan brownstone in Highpoint, and after he could head home to Diamond Beach. But no, he had to run into a lone Rook with one very ripped checker vest showing far too much skin, a annoying amount of energy-oh and super strength.

Handspringing back, the feline themed hero took stock of the situation around him-police have cordoned off the area, traffic was halted, and bystanders were inside, filiming on their smartphones and Facebook living the conflict.

Diego could hear the title now: ‘Bradford Boxer Knockoff Curbstomped by Roided Out Rook Hulk Hogan-BYOB’

His admittedly amusing train of thought was cut off by a pounding of concrete, as the Rook decided to forgo throwing more construction equipment at him, and bum rush him with an extended shoulder.

Great, now he’s going to be flattened AND late for his abuela’s tamale dinner. Why couldn’t he have been blessed with a Jaguar amulet that manipulates time and delivers pizza?

Wait, he could use this-focus, Diego.

Chest is covered, it’s already proved that those scratches from his claws just irritated him...his legs don’t look as protected though, and while he isn’t near strong enough to go toe to toe, he could use the environment to his advantage.

Leaping over one of his charges and moving towards the side of street near a lamppost, he forced himself to wait, as he called out:

“What was that?! I thought you guys were all about finding your edge!”

The roar that echoed down the street and answered him nearly made him soil his suit. Yeah he’s dead.

Lining up another charge, Nagual glanced behind him and smirked-perfect. Poising himself like a cat ready to pounce, he steeled himself.


Thump Thump.



Quick as quicksilver he moved forward, not leaping over him like the brute expected but between his legs, one of his magical claws extended, slicing a line across his right ankle, tripping him into the electrical box behind him with enough force to rend it open, sending a series of shocks through the brute’s body and sending his smoking, still breathing body to the concrete with a thud.

Yeah, he could probably skip cheer practice with a workout like that. Hoisting up his precious pizza thermal and dusting it off, the jaguar themed hero offered a quick summary of events to TCPD officers, then leaped for a fire escape and raced towards the brownstone.

Moments later, he found himself panting in the doorway of an open art gallery, the Esphesus university students eyeing him with a mix of hangriness and relief, as he shook the concrete pebbles out of his claws to retrieve his change pouch, and tucked a stray black curl into his cat like cowl.

“Someone order a Phoenix Supreme?”

Yeah, just a typical day in Highpoint, Diego.


Javacado's picture
Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 06/04/2017 - 20:35
As the final bell for school

As the final bell for school rang and all the classes were quickly dismissed a sophomore student by the name of, Arthur Simek met up with his best friend, James Tynion as the two discussed their current plans for the weekend. While James told Arthur how he was going to be spending most of his weekend doing chores and a little bit of homework, Arthur said he was going to spend his 'free-roaming'.

Arthur was of course referring to his latest vigilante activity he took up no more than a year ago as the media dubbed, Scarlet Striker. While James did urge Arthur to hurry before they miss their bus home, Arthur decided to stay behind and take his own method of transportation back home. Exiting out of the school's backdoors, Arthur suited up in his red, white, and black spandex costume and strapped on his signature 'Grapnel Bracers'.

"Finally, my favorite part of the day. Putting on some more-than-snug tights and acting as superhero. Time to see what's in store for the good ol' "Urban Ninja" of Aurora."

Finally slipping on his mask, Arthur grappled to the top of the school's roof before making a full sprint across and then later off the roof, following the departing school buses.

"WHOOOO HOOOOOO! ALRIGHT!" - Arthur shouted as he felt the adrenaline coursing through his veins as he went into a full, high speed swing through the neighborhood. Never had once in his life did he feel so alive.

However, what's a good superhero without a good run-in with the common thug, right? Arthur stumbled across a pretty C-list baddie who decided to hold up a small convenience store in Old Bradford. While the mugger had his back towards the entrance and a gun aimed at the store clerk, Arthur, or as we would now refer to him as, Scarlet Striker quietly made his way into the building and decided to taunt the gunman.

"Ahem...Hey dude I know it's Friday and you're probably REALLY strapped for cash, but do you really think the best way to kick off someone's weekend is by holding a gun in their face?"

"Who the hell are you supposed to be? Some kinda hero?" - The thug retorted while turning his gun on Scarlet Striker

"What? Noooo...I just run around in skin-tight spandex and a colorful mask for my own amusement...Of course I'm a hero you jack-off!" - Scarlet responded, furiously.

"Well then kid, I hope you enjoyed your run while it lasted." - The thug aimed and fired the gun at Scarlet, only for him to dodge the gunfire and fire a cable from his grapnel bracer at the thug's gun to quickly disarm him.

"Actually, I prefer to swing...running is more of a speedster's shtick and it's a lot more...what's the word-Aerodynamic?"

"You son-of-a...!" - The thug would attempt to throw a bunch at Striker only to be met by a charged fist of glowing, red energy emanating from Striker's hand to punch the thug in the gut and send him flying back into a wall near the clerk's counter.

"Oh yeah! Who's the man? I am! I can get used to this hero thing! And to think, I'm still minty fresh at this whole thing!" - Striker said in confidence, of course.

After the rather quick defeat of the small goon, the cashier was still slightly shaken and intimidated by Scarlet Striker and told him that he can take all the money in the register, just as long as he promised not to hurt him. However, Striker refused and told the cashier to call the cops and with that Striker fled the scene and quickly arrived back to his home in Aurora. Surprisingly right before his school bus could make it to his neighborhood, despite the little "hold up".

Quickly ducking into a nearby alley and changing back into the school clothes he was storing in the backpack he was wearing, Arthur met James at the bus stop so they could walk home together.

"Sup, dude. How was the swing home? Meet any supergirls? Get the key to the city or anything? - James asked, jokingly to say the least.

"Nah, you know. Just another small-time crook. Nothing major yet, bro." - Arthur responded.

After this two arrived at their separate homes and dapped each other up, promising to see each other tomorrow if it was possible. Thus ended another usual day in the life Arthur Simek.

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

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Billions of cells reacted to

Billions of cells reacted to her touch. The Microbial crystalline life that made her body quickly adapted to the communication of the tree she was now touching. The hard bark was no protection as the microbes sunk into the tree's wood. Guided by her will the millions of alien cells flowed along the sap to the site of the fungus infection. Supercharged by the strange energy the crystal lifeforms went to work killing the fungus and stimulating the tree's natural growth to repair the damage. Then the microbes oozed out of the tree via the leaves showering the 15-year-old looking girls underneath in a rain of golden light.

"There you go. All better now that nasty fungus is all gone." The freshman smiled as she removed her hand from the bark of the Oaktree glad the old sentinel will continue to stand out front of the school. Shifting her backpack she ignored the looks and whispers of the weirdo and other names bullies call the strange. For she was strange the only one of her kind not even her mother was like her. The carbon lifeforms were following their instincts her mind told her. Some awareness ingrained in them knew she wasn't human. Some people call the reaction the Uncanny Valley thought they often use it for androids or computer-generated avatars.

She was almost human looking just enough to pass for one, not enough to fool the human subconscious. It was an interesting reaction she found in the general population. When asked none seem to be able to say why they knew she wasn't normal. The only real clue was her eyes two golden orbs, she still has trouble mimicking the eyeball. Her Mother had a human body to study for a few years before she had fully taken over her host. A shiver went down her spine at the thought of what her mother had to do to survive. It wasn't murder the body she found was technically already dead or at least Crystal was told. Crystal was determined to do things the right way and not resort to such immoral tactics. She just has to keep trying to practice mimic a human form till she has it right.

Leaving the school grounds she headed along the road till she could slip into an alley. Some would call what she has dressed in a bit on the revealing side a touch to much skin, clothing a tad to form-fitting. Still within the guidelines of the School dress code, just bearly in the guidelines. As she walked down the alley that form-fitting outfit seemed to become even more revealing as her skin took on a golden color and glow. Her hair molding to her body and then vanishing integrating once again into her appearance. Then the clothing seemed to be absorbed into her flesh as she lifted up in the air her form no longer human looking. Still, humanoid her form was more streamlined none of those annoying bits. Some would think she was in a skin-tight golden swimsuit, hiding just enough to be decent it was all her normal form. An asexual being composed of trillions of trillions of crystal life forms don't have any need for the naughty bits carbon-based life seems to need. The only thing she didn't absorb was the backpack.

With glee, she lifts up into the air and starts flying. The world was so beautiful up above even the dirtier areas of the city seem to be better from up above the rooftops. The flight was such a wonderful feeling a true gift from the strange energy she seems to generate. A gift from her father thought he never knew her nor was he technically a biological father at all. She was the result of her mother's energy absorbing nature and a hero's cosmic energy. Her body absorbed sunlight much like her mother but generated a variation of that cosmic energy from that Hero. A hero she wants to honor and follow in his footsteps, she will be a Hero!

Gliding over the rooftops at top speed she seemed to be a streak of golden light till she stopped hearing the sound of a car crash. Lowering down she saw a sports car had collided with a minivan. "BILLY!" the scream came from a woman in the minivan as she looked in the back seat. PAIN she was close enough to feel it. Every cut, bruise, and break, she felt as if it was her own body. The not so great gift of her odd power somehow she felt the pain of others.

"Madam let me help I know some first aid." her voice nearly broke as she fought the waves of pain. The worst thing was the near terror she picked up on from the woman's mind. Her Son, Billy was his name she now knew was in the back seat. Rushing to the woman who was holding the limp child. The mother was going into a panic-induced shock. Her glow increased as she reached out and touched the boy's head. Cellular communication was established she instantly knew what was wrong. From her touch, the microbes went to work once again easily passing through the child's skin.

On the cellular level, it was a battle. The microbes spread the healing energy to the damaged tissues, bones repaired, blood retreated back into the cuts, muscles shifted back into pre-accident state. It was longer then Crystal liked the boy's skull was fractured, but for the mother, it was just a few breaths of time. Billy's eyes open "mommy my head hurts." With one last command to the microbes, she removed her touch. "There all better now."

"Thank you..."

"It's my pleasure and duty as a hero of the city."

Billy looked at the glowing golden girl "Um... who are you?"

Three words and the slight emotional high of being a hero came down. "Well... call me Starlight." The sounds of sirens were heard racing for the scene of the accident. "Madam do you need healing? I know you were hurt but it's not life threating and I know some people are touchy about being healed without permission." Such a thing resulted in her life after all. If her father hadn't tried to heal her mother, Crystal would never be born.

"I'm okay... what about the other driver?"

She looked over "Bruised ribs, broken finger... he's more damaged by the high alcohol content in his veins then the car crash. If I heal him I would remove the alcohol I let the ambulance tend to him that way the DUI will be recorded properly." The mother nodded and Starlight touched her shoulder healing her.

Then she headed over the TCPD officer that was getting out of the car. A quick reporting of what she saw and the following healing she performed as well as her analyzes of the drunk driver condition. Then it was up in the air once again away from the empathic and telepathic input she was picking up from the crowd that was forming.

A few minutes later once again in her human form, she entered the basic apartment she lived in. "MOM I'm home!"

From the kitchen, a woman who most would never expect to be the blond girl's mother walked to meet her daughter. The woman was slightly overweight unlike the lean Crystal, she also had jet black hair and dark brown eyes. "I detect blood on your backpack."

Oops... "There was a car accident I had to help. A boy was going to die if I didn't heal him."

Selandra Rose tilted her head and in an emotionless tone "A waste of your energy to save a life of an underage offspring of a human."

"It was the right thing to do. I was there and I have the power, he wouldn't have survived waiting for the ambulance." She tossed the backpack to the ground by a chair she sat down in a huff. Shifting to get the best light coming in from the doorway. "It what Father would have done."

"Your father was a human. Powerful yes but still a native of this planet. We are not, our involvement a risk even if it's beneficial to the carbon-based life. A mistake just a few cells you don't destroy behind you could spawn a new being."


Selandra sighed and glad she had an apartment that was sound proof. "Watch your tone young lady. Do you want the TCPD banging on the door? If I had a window open..." Sighs "Crystal I hunt criminals mostly the drug dealers. I do so to protect our home the City. Not to save people I really don't care about a child the city our territory and those who prey on the weak are predators in our territory. It's my nature to defend my territory."

"Sorry mom, but I'm not like you. I don't see the City as my territory to defend from threats like the mob or drugs. I see people, I feel them, hear their thoughts. I can't ignore that. I know you aren't a hero some even call you a villain on Cape Chasers. Just like you can't ignore your nature, I can't ignore mine. I'm a Hero mom, I heal people."

Selandra sat down in the other seat. "I know, but I made a mistake once. I'm just lucky I got a Hero for a daughter instead of a monster. I don't want you to fight your own offspring because you lost control of a part of your colony."

"I know mom and sorry I yelled. I love you." Crystal wished she could cry her emotions were a bit raw but she knew her mother was right. Just like she knew the words she will say will hurt.

"I wish I could love you back, Crystal. It's one more thing you have that I don't." The two then sat in the chairs soaking up the sunlight. It was dinnertime after all.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Foradain's picture
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Joined: 10/25/2013 - 21:06
"I'm home, Dad!" Rio Antigua

"I'm home, Dad!" Rio Antigua Grant announced as she closed the door behind her. Ever since That Day, or more accurately since he got released from the hospital, he'd been telecommuting, using a fancy rig with its own connection to the internet and some hard-core ICE and encryption software. Mom worked at an office building Downtown, and she'd be back in a couple of hours; unless she stopped for a carry-out dinner somewhere.

The sounds of the Eighties became momentarily louder as Dad opened the door to his study. "Hey, Rio. Have a good day at school?"

"It was OK. We're looking at Polar Coordinates in math; I'm gonna work on that for a while this afternoon."

"Sounds interesting. And that report for History?"

"All done except for emailing it to Ms Schumaker. I'm going to double check it, first, then send it before working on the math."

Dad shook his head. When Richard Grant had been in high school, computers were a luxury. "All right. See you at dinner."

"Okay!" Rio went up to her room, and closed the door behind her.

After rereading her report, and running through the anti-plagiarism program, she attached the file and sent the email. It took less than ten minutes. Then she started on her other homework. First, she transferred the folder from her laptop to her desktop. The work there was actually done; since That Day it was as if that sort of calculation was done on a subconscious level, and all she had to do was stop and think about it enough to document the intermediate steps. What she was doing now was homework she'd assigned herself.

The first part was visualizing places she'd been, and using her new sense of location to figure out how far and in what direction they were from her in her bedroom in the Grant's Aurora home. The plan was that in a new database she would enter the place name and the polar coordinates in three dimensions. Then she would do the math to convert that to three-dimensional Cartesian coordinates, with longitude and latitude for the X and Y. Then she'd put her phone on a camera mount, hook it up to view the picture on her monitor, and open a small portal from in front of the camera lens to what should be a good ten feet above the ground. Last would be comparing that view with the WebMaps view from the coordinates.

The results were odd; the farther away her target was, the lower the portal opened compared to what WebMaps and her calculations said the altitude was. Farther still, and the WebMaps view was displaced in terms of longitude and latitude, as well, and Rio finally figured out why. She went through her calculations and changed the Cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates. The new WebMaps views now matched. Just to be sure, she calculated what should be the polar coordinates for the antipodes: 42.8619373,-70.820622 gave -42.8619373,109.179378, and adding in the altitude of her camera...

It took a few minutes to open up the portal that far away, even at the size of the camera lens on her phone. But it worked, and the just barely above sea level view came in on her monitor. So did a bit of the Indian Ocean, courtesy of a higher than average wave. The rim of the portal flared brightly as molecules of water were severed on that theoretical edge. "Acck!" Rio grabbed her phone as she closed the portal. A loud POP!, almost as loud as a firecracker, startled her again. Then she checked her time. It would be close, but she could finish before Mom got back. Adjusting the aim of her camera, consulting on online distance-to horizon calculator to double check her math, and adding another fifty miles to the distance of her portal...

The door and window pulled in as the pressure fell. Fortunately, the camera mount was sturdy enough to not tip into the portal as air flowed past it. "Acck!" But this time Rio didn't close the portal, she opened the window. The crisp breeze flowed in, replacing the air going through the portal. And on the monitor, the coast of Australia was silhouetted against the sunrise...

Rio saved the image, then closed the portal down. It only made the normal amount of noise now, and hopefully the transfer of air wouldn't start any storms. But Rio was much more confident about her ability to put a portal to anywhere she wanted it to go. As long as she kept those other dimensions at zero...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: 10/09/2014 - 11:21
They say if you say her name

They say if you say her name three times into a mirror, in a dark room illuminated by only a single candle, she'll appear. The Ghost Hero,




For a moment nothing seemed to happen, then suddenly the room temperature dropped sharply and the candle went out. The candle flared back into life on it's own a few seconds later and in the mirror stood a pale girl, with dark makeup, and a dark red hoodie. This was not the reflection of the girl looking into the mirror.

"It worked." She said quietly.

"Eh... Not really." Came a reply behind her.

She spun around and peered into the gloom of the room, but could see nothing out of the ordinary. She looked back to the mirror and only her own reflection stared back at her.

Then with a click of the switch the room's light came on by itself. The girl turned around and there was the one called Hauntress.

A slim girl. Mid-teens, older than herself. Dressed in a dark red hoodie with a skull logo on it, black jeans, and sneakers. A pale face with dark makeup, framed by purple hair, and an expression that seemed 210% done with whatever was going on.

"You're here! Are... Are you really a ghost?"

"Dunno, it's complicated."

"But you're a hero, right?"

"Did you do some silly thing to try and summon something that you don't even know would be friendly? That's stupid... But yes, I'm a hero, I guess. Most of the time, anyway."

"What does that mean?"

"Look did you just want me here so you could ask me 20 questions? I have... Other things I could be doing."

"Oh, no. I need your help, my brother's missing. He got himself involved with a gang, and now we don't know where he is."

Hauntress rolls her eyes and sighs "You got a picture?"

The girl hands over a picture, "He's been gone for a couple of days now, the police haven't found him yet."

"I'll see what I can do. No promises though."

Then the lights flicker, the candle goes out, and she's gone.

She said it didn't work, and yet... The girl sets her ritual back up and says once more into the darkness of the mirror,




This time nothing happened...

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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Katheryn "Kate" Webb walked

Katheryn "Kate" Webb walked down the wheelchair ramp at the front of the school, her head moving back and forth slowly. Her dark auburn hair was done up in a braid that just barely brushed between her shoulder blades and fashionable sunglasses adorned her pretty face. Normally, she'd be meeting her Dad at the curb, but she'd finally convinced him that she was able to make the twenty-minute trek to the school on her own instead of being driven by him. She smiled as she thought about him and his worrisome nature when she was out of his sight. He truly wanted what was best for her, but he could sometimes be a bit overbearing.

As she reached the sidewalk, Kate turned left and headed away from the center of Downtown, towards the Aurora border. A light breeze was at her back, but it didn't stop her from noticing the sound of footsteps approaching rapidly from behind. She turned her head and smiled at her best friend Bradley as he ran to catch up with her. "K! Wait up..." he called even as she slowed her pace a bit.

"Sup B?" she asked, returning the one letter appellation that was their thing.

"Not much. Mr. Havelock held me after to talk about my project. You?"

She inhaled deeply in reply, her smile growing wider as she turned her head forwards again. "Just happy to finally be getting out and about. I love Dad, but he can be tedious sometimes."

"That's one of the primary functions of parents, K. To get on our nerves. But then we do the same to them, right?" he answered, eliciting a nod from her.

Bradley got a quizzical look on his face at that moment. "Hang on... where's your cane?" he asked, looking down at her hands.

Kate's eyes went wide and she blushed. "...shit. Thanks B."

She reached down and dug into one of the side pockets of her messenger bag, pulling out a compact black stick. With the click of a button on one end, it telescoped out into a long white cane and Kate began gliding it along the sidewalk in front of her. "Thanks for covering for me. Dad's not quite ready to know I don't need this thing anymore."

Though the cane was still helpful at times, Kate felt like she hadn't needed it for nearly a year, ever since she'd finally gotten used to her... change.

Kate had been born completely blind. But her four working senses had always been strong and as she grew older, they only grew more sensitive and attuned to the world around her. But that had all changed the day her mutant abilities manifested, causing her senses and other physical abilities to suddenly go into overdrive.

If asked, Kate could unerringly identify everything going on around her and in which direction it was happening just by listening for a half-second or from catching a quick whiff. Her grip on the handle of her cane was light, but her fingers could trace every ridge and dip in the subtle patterning of the leather. Her sense of taste was precise enough to identify every ingredient in anything she ate or drank. Even more interesting was that her other physical abilities had also improved. Though she hadn't tested them as much, she was fairly sure that her strength, speed, stamina, and reflexes were now at least Olympian, if not superhuman.

But most fascinating of all was how Kate's manifestation had unlocked an ability that compensated for her sight. She could “see” everything around her through the use of some kind of energy pulse ability. When she'd told Bradley that it felt almost like she was reaching out and touching things, he'd postulated that her ability was telekinetic in nature. After some research and testing, he'd further theorized that it functioned akin to an advanced detection system known as LiDAR.

The two friends chatted about school all the way home to where their brownstones faced each other at the border of Aurora and Downtown. Though he knew she was perfectly capable of doing it herself, Bradley held to tradition by escorting her up the stairs like he'd done when they were younger. She thanked him with a kiss on the cheek and then they went their separate ways, with Kate heading inside as Bradley crossed the street.

As soon as the door closed, Kate started to put her cane away, but stopped when she realized something was off. It was too quiet. Her Dad normally enjoyed listening to music no matter what he was doing, but she couldn't pick up on any being played in the house. She breathed out slowly and 'expanded' her senses, her head slowly tracking back and forth.

The world seemed to slow and Kate acted reflexively as she picked up on a rush of barely audible footsteps on her left. Lightning fast, she brought her cane up and blocked the overhead blow that would have cleaved her in half. She smiled at her attacker. “Shifu.”

Grim-faced, her attacker disengaged and swiped at her several more times, but she intercepted each one of the attacks with ease. With a sudden move, she got inside their guard and threw them off balance, then used leverage combined with a nerve strike to disarm them. Holding both her cane and the sword, she stepped back and bowed deeply.

Shifu, or as she was more commonly known, Stephanie Webb a.ka. Mom, bowed in return. She then stepped forward and hugged her daughter. “I can't teach you anything further, Katey.”

“Thanks Mom. Where's Dad?”

“He's gone shopping. You hungry?” Stephanie asked.

Before Kate could answer, her stomach rumbled in reply. “Uh, yeah.”

Her mom laughed and they headed towards the kitchen.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

The Hybrid
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Sparrow had

Kyle Page, or Sparrow, had arrived in Titan City not long after his father Damon Page, known to the public as the Blackbird, fired him from the position of being his sidekick. The dynamic duo of Blackbird & Sparrow had a nice ring to it, but it wasn't worth it to deal with someone as overbearing as him. Damon always said that his dream was for his son to succeed him as the new Blackbird, but that was a title he didn't actually want. It was a little over a month since he arrived from New York. From what he had heard, the action in Titan City can be different. With so many metas running around, is there room for a hero without powers?

Sparrow would say "Yes" to that question. One of his father's quotes that resonated with him, one of the few he still looked at positively, was one from those moments where he used positive reinforcement. Not something that happened enough.

[i]Skill beats powers, any day.[/i]

That much he had proven. Sparrow was on a hunt for criminal activity. Armed his weapons and assortment of gadgets, he made it through the alleyways of the streets at night. He learned of a deal for some Pyrebrands to get more Chaser drugs. Sparrow was going to stop them. There they were, several Pyrebrands were making a deal to get more drugs for their gang. Sparrow hid behind a dumpster (don't ask him about the smell) and overheard their conversations. He wanted to be sure he was going to attack at the right time. His costume had special resistances to both bullets and the elements, but it was far from invulnerable, and beneath it he was only human.

But the people he was fighting were inhuman. Granted, he would admit he felt sorry for these people for getting hopped up on drugs, but the reality was is that they were not only harming themselves, but others. Innocents. Sparrow wasn't going to have that.

"The stuff is good... right?" One Pyrebrand asked.

"I wouldn't be selling it if it wasn't." The dealer said.

"It better be." Another said. "Skullcharred won't be happy if we get anything less than the best."

[i]Skullcharred. What a ridiculous name.[/i]

It was about time. Sparrow knew he had to swing into action, and take down both the dealer and the Pyrebrands in the process. He reached into his utility belt, and pulled a small black tablet. It would provide smokescreen to cover him as he made his move. Sparrow tossed the tablet over to where the criminals were at. It made an audible noise, which caught their attention.

"What the **** was that?!" One of the Pyrebrands yelled.

Then the smoke started to arise. They were blind, and clearly panic was setting in. Fire was being shot at in different directions. Time to strike. Sparrow unsheathed his bo staff and ran forward before doing a jump straight into one of the Pyrebrands. He hit him with three consecutive hits, the third of which below the jaw which knocked him unconscious.

"We're being had!" Another yelled.

The silhouette of one coming closer came into view. He was just out of reach for his bo, so thinking on his feet he grabbed a pair of shuriken from his belt, and threw them at the Pyrebrand. He fell over, cursing the whole time. The smoke began to clear, leaving Sparrow visible to a Pyrebrand who noticed him as well. The look on his face was anger.

"Just another kid hero who think they can bust in on my ****? I don't like hurting kids, but I'm certainly gonna hurt you!"

Blasts of fire were shot at Sparrow, who swiftly dodged each attack as he moved in closer. In the midst of one of his dodges, he grabbed another shuriken from his belt, and threw it at his leg. The throwing star connected, he yelled as he fell to the ground, but was about to fire again. That is, until Sparrow hit him with across the face with his bo staff. That took him out well enough. All that was left was the dealer. He attempt to escape to his van, but just as he went in the door, the dealer was shocked when a shuriken flew right in front of his face. He paused, long enough or Sparrow to approach him with a bo strike. Now down to the ground, the dealer began begging for his life.

"I'll give you the profits, the drugs, anything you want!" The dealer said.

"What I want is for you off the streets." Sparrow said.

He followed that up with another strike, knocking him unconscious. Being a licensed crimefighter, he notified the police that he just busted a deal and they arrived shortly. Sparrow waiting for them, to make sure the crooks wouldn't escape before the police arrived. When they were all apprehended, an officer who looked to be in his thirties and African-American, walked up to Sparrow with a confident look on his face.

"Job well done kid." The officer said.

"Thanks. Always feels great to get a job done like this." Sparrow said.

"What's your name anyways? I just want to know whenever a new hero is in town."


"Bird boy, huh? Do you have avian powers?"

"My 'powers' are training, dedication, and gadgets."

"No powers? Must make it kind of difficult to be a superhero then."

"Skill beats powers, any day." Sparrow said, confidently.

With that, Sparrow departed and returned to his base. Kyle was fortunate that his mother Maria was secretly financing everything without his father knowing of it. He just wondered how long it would last. What he came to Titan City to do was to find other teen heroes like him. The word "sidekick" is often applied to be people of that age, and he wanted to create an alliance where "sidekick" doesn't exist. The time to start searching would be very soon.

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There was another figure

There was another figure watching the drug dealing. One that was more aggressive in nature then Sparrow. A black mass that could be described as oil like slime stood up on top of one of the buildings just as the smoke was released.

'Seems someone got here first.' Unknown thought to himself as he melted into a puddle and oozed down the side of the wall watching.

By the time the police showed up Unknown was a man across the street dressed in a black jacket, blue jeans, and combat boots. His shaved head was covered in tattoos with an almost tribalistic style. "Kid got skill." He said to the blond girl beside him dressed in a bright My Little Pony Pinkie Pie Pink shirt, Cut off jeans that seem one size small and generic sneakers. "You just upset because he got to them first." Crystal Rose said to her mother, now in the guise of a man.

She starts walking away "Let's get out of here before the cops get nosy."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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As costumes went, it wasn't

As costumes went, it wasn't the most imaginative the desk sergeant had seen: A girl in a full body wetsuit with a fancy full-face mask, the business end of the breathing gear covering the lower half of her face. The faceplate showed a simple domino mask. She displayed her hero ID. "Broach. I've been testing my limits, so here's an update for my file."

The sergeant looked at the envelope, and compared the name and number on it with the ID. "Okay. Thumbprint here, please." He slipped the now thumbprinted envelope into an anonymous manila envelope with a preprinted address, then put the package into a locked drawer. "Thank you, and be careful out there."

"That's the plan. And have a nice evening yourself!" She pulled her glove back on as she walked out the door... into a circle of thin blue fire about two meters across. From the top of the bridge, she turned and waved as the circle collapsed with a faint *pop*.

Broach double checked her target for passing boats, then planned the double jump. Taking a deep breath, she acted. The first broach went to just short of directly above her target, and she tumbled through. The broach collapsed behind her as she created the next step, and she fell through the ring and was suddenly just above the river. She fell in feet first, and came up almost immediately. Looking south, she made another broach and fell a meter onto the Ironport dock in a classic three-point landing, along with almost a ton of water.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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The Hybrid
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Daytime. Kyle had been

Daytime. Kyle had been searching for activity of teen heroes within Titan City. There were plenty of youths dishing out justice just like him, and he wanted to be able to unify them on a single front. He searched through Cape Chasers to find these people. There was a jaguar-themed vigilante patrolling Highpoint, an energy themed 'urban ninja' in Aurora, and a blind girl who can fight like the Bradford Boxer in Downtown. Here he was in his base that was afforded to him by his mother. He decided a while back that he would try to meet the jaguar man first, if only because he was the closest to his location.

How long it would take to find Nagual, he wasn't sure. But the reports to suggest he operates mainly in that area and frequents the spot. Kyle got suited up in his Sparrow costume, and left the base. He grappled up the building with his grappling hook pistol and was soon on the rooftop. This was one of the most fun parts of traveling. Sparrow began hoping from building to building, parkouring his way through the area until he reached a point where the buildings were too far apart. He took out the grappling hook again, shot it, and swung across.

The adrenaline rush never gets old.

Soon enough he was in one of Highpoint's urban areas. Out in broad daylight, his costume didn't get a whole lot of attention. It was something he had to get used to. Sparrow was a well-known name in the New York City area, where he operated as the sidekick to Blackbird, but here? He had to build his rep first. Though busting those Pyrebrands may have been a start. Sparrow walked casually though Bauhaus, and appeared as yet another cape in the city. He moved through the sidewalk, wanting to find some kind of lead that would get him to this man.

[i]Nagual must be operate relatively close.[/i]

Sparrow continued to move through the streets. He wanted to know the answers. Eventually, he found himself in a relatively secluded area. As embarrassing as it was to admit, Sparrow didn't know Titan City all that well. He was so used to New York that it took some adjusting. Nonetheless, he was a quick learner.

"Hey man!" A voice yelled out from behind him.

Sparrow turned around to see it three men who looked awfully suspicious. They were vests over tank tops and bandannas. Also, they possessed a chess motif. These were the Rooks, he believed. They came in closer and Sparrow prepared himself.

"You capes should do better than wandering off where we can get you." A Rook said.

"I don't want any trouble." Sparrow said.

"Then hand us your valuables and piss off." Another said.

"Yeah... not gonna happen."

"That was us trying to be nice." The man in the center said. "Get him!"

They charged forward. Their moves were so predictable, it was the type his father would teach him in their sparring sessions. Sparrow dodged the first swing a Rook had taken at him, and swept the feet underneath to knock him down. A swift kick ensured he stayed down. The next Rook kept trying to hit him with a baseball bat, but Sparrow dodged with ease. Then he took out his bo staff and knocked it out of his hands before knocking him down to in a split second. The last one, the leader of the pack, summoned lightning from his hands and attempted to shoot Sparrow with it. A surprise, he must've been one of those rare powered Rooks, but ineffective nonetheless. It blasted right passed him as he swiftly strafed to the left. Then Sparrow took out his shuriken and hit the leader in the leg. He screamed out in pain from the attack and fell over.

Sparrow walked up to the leader, his bo ready in case something funny happened, and spoke again.

"Rooks? More like pawns to me."

"Dammit!" You're just like that Nagual guy."

"Wait, who did you just say?"

"I don't need to tell you anything!"

"Evidently you do, because I'm the one in the position to make the demands."

He groaned.

"Nagual. He's this jaguar man who's been giving us some trouble because he thinks we're too small time or something. Some kind of mystical power? I don't know, I'm not an expert or anything!... He took out one of our guys in Diamond Beach."

"Good to know."

With that bit of information, Sparrow headed to Diamond Beach where he would begin his search of Nagual.

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Nagual’s night thus far, has

Nagual’s night thus far, has been boring, uneventful, and most unsettling of all, far too quiet for his liking. He was nearer to Diamond Beach than he normally patrolled, having made sure the elderly shopowner of Olivia’s Place, a taqueria as old as he was, made it to the ATM and home safe, before making it back out to the crowded streets of Highpoint.

He had stopped what appeared to be a half hearted mugging and a man harassing a woman on her way back from a club, both encounters lasting less than a minute.

There was no sign however, of the boy he clutched in his hand, or rather, the flyer anyway. Immanuel Gomez was a star soccer player, a classmate of his, a all around good guy, and as of a week ago, officially declared missing. He assumed he was a run away at first, he knew Immanuel had a rough home life and lived with his aubuela, but when she came to his family’s home, not having seen him herself in days, he decided to suit up.

One of the perks of his empowerment with the Jaguar spirit, is enhanced senses. Everything he felt before was dialed up to 11, his balance, already great thanks to Cheer, was like that of a gymnast’s wildest dreams, his hearing so acute he could hear the exact song from one of Highpoint’s hip hop clubs nearly half a mile away.

He had NOTHING on Immanuel though. A scent trail only led him to where he was last seen at practice that day, where he was supposed to be picked up.

He did know however that Immanuel liked the nightlife to escape his parents and the way they treated him, he was surprised by the name of this one, but then it all made sense.

Arco Iris, ‘rainbow’ in Spanish.

He wondered if his family knew-if that’s why he was treated the way he was.

Asking some of the go-go dancers and bartenders there, they said they hadn’t seen him besides the night before he disappeared, however he was dancing with a stranger, but left in an Uber before closing. Always responsible they said, never went home with anybody he didn’t know.

Sitting against the ac unit on the building adjacent, Diego sat down and sighed. Immanuel was his abuela’s pride and joy, raised like her own son-he saw her in church every Sunday, and his mother made him bring her tamales when her arthritis got too bad for her to cook by herself. Mrs. Gomez was like family, and Diego doesn’t fail his family.

He HAD to find him.


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One of the tricks Rio had

One of the tricks Rio had thought of to make the broaches less visible at night was to keep them next to existing bright lights. A camera lens sized broach, with the camera aimed away from the multicolored neon sign, should be virtually unnoticeable. Well, unless someone with super-duper senses was sitting in just the wrong spot. But what were the odds of that?. Besides, she needed to practice. Her speed at making the broached was much better, but the farther away the far end was, the longer it took. Tonight, she would go from Aurora to Diamond Beach.

The camerabroach closed and three seconds later, an empty alley brightened with blueish light. Broach stepped through, her new black and sky blue costume hugging her skin. She adjusted her mask, and giggled briefly at the name on the sign that had concealed her reconnaissance. "Rainbow" indeed. She thought again about the news from a couple years back, a club like this in Florida, and willed herself to stay serious while she was here. Some people didn't like any flavor of different...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Immediately perking up, like

Immediately perking up, like a cat on its heckles, Nagual was on alert. He heard something, like an opening and then air...rushing to fill in a space. Not only did he hear something, he smelled something, like energy, not quite like ozone but a strange scent all it’s own-someone or something was nearby.

Slinking to the side of the rooftop nearest to where his senses could pinpoint the origin of the event, he peered over, making sure to stick to the shadows, using his suit’s natural color to blend into the wall, and his own stealthiness.

Maybe it’s connected to Immanuel, he wondered internally, as he quietly tucked away the flyer, and watched.


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Elsewhere, Arthur had gotten

Elsewhere, Arthur had gotten a phone call from his friend James, of course this was when Arthur was really doing nothing besides scrolling through Facebook feeds, however when he answered the phone James was in a panic. After getting James to breathe a minute, Arthur asked him to walk him through the entire situation again.

"Alright dude, now tell me what the hell happened...again." - Arthur said

" you know that girl I've been hanging out with, Sarah McNiven?" - James asked

"The weird girl who obsessed with crime dramas and scarily knows more about criminal forensics then the teacher? Yeah. I know her."

"Well, I think she might've been kidnapped this past weekend...We went out on a date...a friend date. It was nothing serious, we went out to Diamond Beach because you know, it's the hot spot as you know."

"Alright, hang on, your lab partner-turned-psuedo-girlfriend and you went out to Diamond Beach, got kidnapped and you're calling me? Dude, call the flipping police!" - Arthur exclaimed

"I did! And they're doing their best to find her but apparently they're up to their neck in missing persons cases lately...and it feels like it's mostly my fault...I was walking her home and then out of nowhere this van or something came up and snatched her. I was frozen...paralyzed even...and all I could do was watch as she reached out...hoping for me to help her...I tried to intervene but got socked in the nose. Next thing I know, I'm on the ground and they sped off."

Arthur sighed and rubbed the back of his head as James explained his story to him. As James would begin to trail off on how bad he feels and wish he could've done more, Arthur was steadily looking at his costume which he kept in a chest at the bottom of his closet. Arthur would stop James mid-sentence.

"James. Buddy. You don't need to continue on anymore. I know why you called me now, I'm gonna go find her. Diamond Beach you said right? That's not too far from here, I'll suit up and see what's up.

Not too long after saying this Arthur suited up in his Scarlet Striker costume, strapped on his Grapnel Bracers, and swung out to Diamond Beach in search for Sarah. Hopefully there's still some trace evidence left behind from the night her and James went out. This was certainly not one way Arthur thought he'd start his week off.

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

The Hybrid
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Sparrow made his way to

Sparrow made his way to Diamond Beach. It had been a couple of hours since he started his search for Nagual, and the one good thing the Rooks ever did was point him in his direction after a little "persuasion". Kyle grappled up to the top of a building, and began his normal routine of using parkour from one building to another. He must be getting close to Nagual at this point. The disappearance of Immanuel was something he had also heard about and figured he'd take a look now that he was here. It happened only a week ago, and the leads brought him to the Arco Iris. One of the premier LGBT nightclubs of the city, he felt nervous about the idea of going in there. While he never had any issue with people of a different orientation, Sparrow still didn't want people getting the idea about him that he swings that way.

[i]Well, you got to do what you got to do.[/i]

Sparrow took a walk inside the club. It was about what he expected. There were men dancing with other men to '80s pop and Hi-NRG, and he could tell that [i]this[/i] was a place where his costume was getting some looks. Sparrow shouldn't be here under normal circumstances, he was under the age of drinking after all. But being that he's doing hero work, his status enabled him inside so long as it was business and not pleasure. He moved up to the bartender, a brunette woman who appeared to be in her early twenties.

"I heard a man name Immanuel Gomez disappeared in this area." Sparrow said. "I'm trying to find him."

"Funny you ask that." The bartender said. "There was another cape around your age asking those questions just a little bit ago. Why so interested?"

"It's a long story, so I'll give you the short version. I've been seeking out a team of my own, and to build this team I'll have find a connection. Well, and of course, I'd like to save lives while I'm at it."

She giggled a bit before speaking again. "Hey... I know you."


"Sparrow, the sidekick of Blackbird. Former sidekick anyways, heard you lost the job. Does he know you're here?"

"Not now, and I hope he doesn't find out any time soon."

"Alright, anyways I'll tell you what I know. Immanuel was last seen taking an Uber after some dancing and socializing. I don't know anything else, sorry."

"Thanks.... oh, and who was the other cape?"

"A Latino guy, had a jaguar theme to him. I think he was Nagual?"

"Definite thanks."

Sparrow exited the club before anyone had the chance to flirt with him and things would get awkward. Sparrow knew he must be in a close vicinity of Nagual if he was there just a little bit ago. The chance to build this alliance, and find Immanuel, was approaching. Now was the time to begin the search, and see if he could be found.

Sometimes, capes aren't the easiest people to contact. Not even by other capes.

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Victory Beach to many was a

Diamond Beach to many was a place of peace. The rolling waves were something to enjoy. For Crystal Rose and her mother, it was a place of death. Water interfered the signals between the cells of their bodies. Small doses cause numbing sensations. Stronger doses of water would cause the crystalline cells to die. Add salt to the water and the reaction is even stronger. Five feet above the waves was floating the golden form of Starlight.

Her mother was scouting she keeps trying to get her to join in her view of harsh justice. It was not in Crystals nature to hurt someone not to mention kill. This night Crystal refused to go on the hunt as she came to think of her mother's missions.

It wasn't that she was against her mother views. She has picked up some of the thoughts of those who were the targets of her Mother's activities. A shiver took her as she remembered a rapist thoughts. But some were just people who saw no other ways to get ahead. So she actively fought against her mother and tonight was one of the fights.

Looking up at the stars she wonders about the baseball size jellyfish-like creatures she was descendant from. Mass of crystalline beings absorbing sunlight, and radiation undetected by earth due to them absorbing the energy sent out to detect them. "How much of Dark Matter are beings like mother? What does that make me?" She looked at her bright hand in her natural form she glowed, produced light and energy instead of absorbing it. Leaning down she poked the water with her finger and then yelled in pain and rose up in the air.

Her fingertip had turned brittle and copper looking before the dead cells started to flake off. "

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Deciding that watching from

Deciding that watching from afar may be a bit insufficient if the phenomenon he heard may have relation to Immanuel’s disappearance-Nagual opted to get closer to the alley where it occurred, leaping from a window ledge to the middle point of the fire escape, and landing without a sound on a nearby dumpster.

Again he stuck stealthily to the shadows, the only thing visible is the gleam of Golden Jaguar like eyes, illuminated by the stray neon flashes that enter the alley from the Main Street.

A super?


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Broach was examining the

Broach was examining the alley, noting that this concrete wall would bounce many bullets (note: ricochet hazard!) while the opposite wall was thick oak; old but still strong, and could be expected to absorb low energy pistol rounds. Neither was a good choice, but until she found a good sized plot of soft soil nearby, or a nice wood covered bank vault, they were better than nothing as bullet sinks. She turned to the far end of the alley and saw the yellow eyes watching her from atop the dumpster. Way too high up to be a regular cat.... "Uh, hi!" She really hoped that this wasn't going to be some hero v. hero misunderstanding fight...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Leaping forward in a

Leaping forward in a summersault with undeniable feline grace, she would be able to match his appearance to the rumors of a jaguar themed vigilante and near urban legend, Nagual. Offering a look of curiosity, the man, no, boy evident by his voice and frame, offered a curt wave.

“Hola-any reason you’re poking around outside a club tonight? You don’t seem like a local.” His tone implies teasing but his pose is serious, poised to move if anything occurs.


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"No, I'm new in town. And

"No, I'm new in town. And for what I'm doing here, well some places are frequented by people that other people don't like. Sometimes those other people start throwing lead around. And if I happen to be in the area, I'd like to know where to.... divert that lead. Someplace where people won't be hurt." She looked him over, and made a decision. "I'm called Broach." She held out her right hand.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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He shook her hand, making

He shook her hand, making sure to retract his claws before doing so, and offering her a genuine, as he allows his eyes to return to their light, milky brown, highlighting a handsome face, skin the tone of honey, and a few straw strands of hair not caught in his helmet.

He can’t be over 17, and perhaps his reputation is scarier than the person behind it.

“I typically jump out of the way of bullets, or take out the people firing them, redirection isn’t my thing.” He looks her over, before pulling out Immanuel’s missing person flyer, complete with his profile and TCPD stamping.

“I’m looking for a friend, Immanuel-he was here the night before he disappeared, and I had a hunch whoever may have took him, either scouted him or encountered him here.”

He looks down, and sighs.

“I hope it isn’t connected to the missing person’s cases they’ve been having recently, but i have a bad feeling in my gut about this.”

He looks up, and smirks. “So, I’m guessing your thing is teleporting? You kinda smell like too many places but no soil...and your name?”


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Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago
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Scarlet Striker would be

Scarlet Striker would be performing his own mix of parkour and swingline-based mobility through the urban jungle that was Titan City and finally arrived at his designated location. Diamond Beach. While he would occasionally stop by this location whenever he found the time too, Striker never had really seen the place at night. It was almost too incredible to see how many people even fancied Diamond Beach during the night hours, but then again, when this local district also doubles as place for young people to catch a movie and hang out at the arcade at one of the many outlets here. It would be understandable for why most would prefer to visit during the night time.

Unsure where to look exactly and having to wander the rooftops of buildings located right outside Diamond Beach, Scarlet Striker remained on the prowl looking for any sort of clue or something of interest that would hopefully catch his eye. It would be then where he spotted two other costumed peers hanging out in an alley. Keeping his guard up in case anything got too out-of-hand, Striker made his attempt to approach them.

"I wouldn't suppose you two had any intel you could spare about a friend I'm looking for would you?"

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

Gladatoria's picture
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Instantly, almost as soon as

Instantly, almost as soon as Scarlet would land and speak, Nagual rounds on him, eyes now like a jaguar, and claws extended, as he looks him over.

Two is fine company, but three is a crowd. It seems like these cases are getting attention, potentially too much in the case of Immanuel, with his safety being dependent on time of rescue.

He literally growls, the sound being animalistic and filling the alley, but he slowly returns to a more passive stance.

“We might, but first, who are you?”


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"Whoa whoa whoa, easy kitty!

"Whoa whoa whoa, easy kitty! I'm a good guy, name's Scarlet Striker. I'll gladly get out of your hair...or claws...I'm just looking for a friend that went missing around these parts."

Scarlet's appearance consisted of a full bodysuit that leaves little to the imagination. A full mask also covered his entire face. His color scheme composing of red-white-and-black with the white areas of his suit covering from his head to his chest and shoulders, a scarlet-red covering the midsection/abdomen and gloves, the gloves in particular possessed to silver-gray colored wrist-worn devices. These were Striker's Grapnel Bracers. Finally the lower portion of his suit, the pants in particular had a black color palate with red boots that covered up to Striker's knee.

"I don't wish to start any trouble. Alright?" - Striker said with his hands held up, signalling he's not here to fight or stir anything.

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

RottenLuck's picture
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Over the water, Starlight

Over the water, Starlight turned having felt a flash of fear? Anger? It was too far away for her to really pinpoint the emotion but it was something a club normally doesn't produce. Well, at least not that type of club. So she started hovering over, taking on a more human looking form she grew an outfit a white leotard with gold trim. Shaking her head golden hair grew out to about shoulder length.

The reason for her new human looking form was mostly research on the internet. Her more Alien look had an uncanny valley creepiness to it. Basically, she posted staged pictures of herself on Cape Chasers and asked people what they thought. Clothing and hair were annoying to mimic but she didn't want to scare others. So she tended to have the appearance of tight-fitting clothing that is a tad on the revealing side just so she didn't have to bother with all the hard work.

Stealth was not her skill even if she was silent hovering. The fact she was a human glowing nightlight makes sneaking not an option. Anyone with a remote perception could see her coming in the direction of the club.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
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Noting that Scarlet Striker

Noting that Scarlet Striker was, while most likely not evil, with a color scheme like that, he was certainly far too talkative, but harmless for now.

Allowing himself to declaw, he decided to take a bite and see where it led. “Does this person happen to maybe be a teenager, or high school age? I was looking for someone from my-from where I patrol in Highpoint, near Diamond Beach. You don’t seem like a local, ese.”

They would note he has a, while not thick, ever present Spanish accent, more indicative of perhaps Mexico than the Americas however.

He then perks up at the viable light coming towards them, eyes reverting to their jaguar like state. It looks to him almost like a star or comet almost but far too slow and with a different kind of brightness.

“This was supposed to be a simple patrol.” He whines almost, shifting in his boots, looking at a nearby fire escape as if he wants to simply climb up it and leave all this behind, head back to his home and forget about all this weirdness.

He stayed, and tentatively unsheathed his claws, again.


The Hybrid
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Sparrow had been moving

Sparrow had been moving through the Diamond Beach area when he heard a growl, and that was when he happened upon the sight of something peculiar. It was the sight of several capes. Not too unusual in this town, but it seemed like something was going on. One of them was definitely Nagual, the other two he wasn't quite sure of at a glance. Nagual had his claws unsheathed, as if he was threatened. These hero vs. hero fights were practically a tradition - no, not even that - a cliché at this point. Sparrow wasn't very fond of those if they could be avoided.

Alongside Nagual, there was a man clad in red, white and black in a full body suit. The other was a female, a Eurasian woman with a skintight black and blue suit, possessing a domino mask not unlike the one Sparrow had. He could already tell one thing, these people had powers. Even if they weren't actively using them, he could tell them apart from the gear/skill-based capes like himself by the lack of gear in their possession. Sparrow walked forward, doing his best to remain calm and collected to these young capes.

"Are you people looking for the same person I'm looking for?" Sparrow said calmly. "Immanuel Gomez."

He decided to wait until later to bring up his plan to start an alliance with other young heroes. That was something he would have to ease the others into first. Sparrow didn't have his hands on his weapons or any of this gadgets, not wanting to seem like a threat unless given a reason to. While he maintained that skill beats powers, he also knew better than to underestimate those who did have them and had the willingness to use them.

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Nagual immediately turned to

Nagual immediately turned to face the new cape walking towards them, keeping his claws ready, as piercing jaguar like eyes scanned Sparrow up and down. He doesn’t smell like a meta, well, or rather gives off any indication he has abilities.

Deciding to be cautious but not stubborn and bull headed, he offers curtly. “I am, the one in red and white is looking for a girl, Broach just got here. Why? What’s your stake in all of this.” Diego’s body language was showing clear unease and bit of discomfort, not at the amount of people nessecarily, but the questioning and sudden appearances had him on edge.

What had Immanuel, and now him, gotten himself into?


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Starlight got closer and

Starlight got closer and noticed the group forming. "Oh, hello there. Sorry to intrude I was just waiting for mother and noticed you all over here. There seems to be a little tension in the air is everything alright? No one discovered any dead bodies with deep slashing wounds?"

Golden eyes seem to look at each of them "I'm sorry I'm being rude. My name is Starlight." The scent of Starlight would defiantly not be meta she not even a trace of human Nagual might even tell she's not even natural to the planet. What scent would be from her would be more aline to crystals or silicone.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Nagual notes this, and almost

Nagual notes this, and almost unconsciously keeps his claws out, the Jaguar spirit housed within both his totem and him on edge, it’s magical energy flaring a bit with a golden image of a jaguar briefly projected, and they would note, Diego is now sporting fang like canines.

“At this point, weird is normal. Sorry, just a little on edge is all-new people, all supers, can be that way.” He stops to will his fangs away, as he looks her over.

“No bodies with deep slash marks, not that I’ve seen anyway. I was trying to track down a missing friend, and apparently others are too-however, you guys all suck at being stealthy and or quiet.” He looks to Sparrow.

“You could probably pull it off though.” He remarks.


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As though it was as

As though it was as substantial as fog a girl walks through the wall on one side of the alley. Dark red hoodie with a skull design on it, black jeans, pale face from what you can see under her hood, and strangest of all, she's partially transparent.

She moves through the middle of the gathering, seemingly not noticing anyone there, towards the wall at the opposite side of the alley which she just moves through it, as if it wasn't even there.

The only evidence of her passing being how cold the alley now seems...

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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"Oh good. Was afraid there

"Oh good. Was afraid there for a moment. Stealth? Yeah, I'm kind of noticeable." She glances down and then blinks. "Wait are you all trying to hide? I'm messing it up, am I? I'm so sorry!"

She lands and her glowing turns down completely. "My... guess you would call him uncle always complains about me being too noticeable. I'm empathic with some minor telepathy. Maybe I can help pick up his emotions?"

The white of her leotard turns to black resulting in only highlighting how gold her skin looks. "There I'm in dark shades. Dark colors are so hard though. Given how you all are looking for the same fellow maybe compare notes? Someone might have intel the others don't."

Starlight looks in the direction of the ghostly figure went. "Creepy."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

The Hybrid
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Sparrow replied to Nagual's

Sparrow replied to Nagual's question confidently.

"I'm just another hero trying to help."

Then he specified further, deciding to indicate his past to clear things up.

"The name's Sparrow. I'm the former sidekick of Blackbird -- emphasis on former. Things didn't quite work out, and now I'm here. Here because everything I'm doing is of my own volition, not because it's what he wants me to."

That's when he noticed another one. What were the odds that a bunch of young capes got together like this? Maybe not too crazy, this being Titan City after all. She introduced herself as Starlight, and something about her indicated she wasn't human. It seemed like everyone was gathering over the same ordeal. Sparrow could also tell Nagual was on edge, with his fangs and claws out just in case something went down. He hoped nothing [i]did[/i] go down, for he didn't want to be caught in the crossfire.

Then he saw Starlight glow gold and describe her abilities.

"Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only cape in this city without superpowers." Sparrow said. "Well, that's not true. I mean, look at Codebreaker. But it does give you the pressure to do your best."

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Scarlet Striker would only

Scarlet Striker would only glance around at the gathering of heroes and would slightly shutter at the sudden coolness that hit him as the ghostly figure went by. This was perhaps most strange for him since his costume is in fact insulated for frosty temperatures. After getting over the slight breeze, he would do what he's semi-known for. Yapping.

"Sooo...I don't suppose we all just happened to gather here all for the matter of convenience? It's evident we must be on some sort of 'case' if you would like to call it that. I mean this is in fact far too crazy for me, in my year of doing this hero thing and I'm only just now finally meeting some other 'peers', is actually really exciting. So what do we do now, we gonna take the time to introduce ourselves? Try some icebreakers? Guess each other's favorite colors? I'm going tell you right now that mine is not red surprisingly, it's actually green. But thanks to my powers having a red coloration, I got stuck with being dubbed, 'Scarlet Striker', which does sound cooler then...I don't know...The Green Battler or something?

Striker would just shrug his shoulders as he was basically just having a conversation with himself, probably not even giving anyone time to appropriately respond to even some of the questions he initially asked.

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

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Nagual would note the change

Nagual would note the change in temperature and the now almost supernatural coldness of the alley, and cat like eyes would glance in the direction of Hauntress’s general line of movement, but otherwise he doesn’t do anything, simply noting it for now

Dropping his hands and sheathing his claws, Nagual adopts a more relaxed posture, as he pulls out the flyer, and Immanuel’s cross necklace, something he used to track his scent, and until now he hadn’t had much luck with finding.

“I was contacted by his family directly, and they gave me more or less what they told the police, which you can find on this flyer. Height, weight, appearance-Hispanic male, mowhawk, one ear piercing, no tats, slim and atheltic frame, was last seen wearing his soccer jersey and sweats.”

He quickly reads it off and blinks as he realizes he spoke completely in Spanish, then realizes his audience and ahems.

“Sorry-uhm, so yeah here’s his flyer, with general info.” He would pass it around. “I’ve been trying to track him both by leads and lightly by scent with the necklace, both led me here, but he wasn’t taken until the day after, supposedly after practice, before his abuela could pick him up. Someone knew his habits, or maybe established a connection with him and took him, I believe.” He shares, now in English.

He looks at Scarlet, and now relaxed, his expression is a mix of ‘Really?’ but light amusement, noting it’s most likely how he expresses and tries to control his uncomfortableness and fear.


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"Flyers like that, and news

"Flyers like that, and news stories, are all I have so far. I've been visiting the areas, but CSI I'm not. My powers? 'To broach' is to make a hole in something; I can make a hole in reality between [I]here[/i] and [I]there[/i]." She demonstrated with a quick short range broach, reaching through to rap on the far side of the trash bin.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

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When the flyer would get to

When the flyer would get to Scarlet, he would place a hand on his chin and just ponder over Immanuel's appearance to see if he looked at all familiar to him. "Hm, if I can say one thing it's that he certainly looks as though he might go to same school as me. I would like to think I may have seen him before, but...argh! What a piss-poor time to be bad a connecting faces with names!"

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

The Hybrid
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Sparrow took a look at the

Sparrow took a look at the flyer. He looked innocent enough, as a young Latino who played soccer for his school. He couldn't say he was personally familiar with him, not having been from Titan City originally.

"I just wonder what anyone could possibly want with him."

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Kate, or Blind Edge, was

Kate, or Blind Edge, was crouched on an opposing rooftop from the gathering. When Bradley had first come up with the alias, she'd punched him on the arm a little bit harder than was necessary. But as time went on she'd started to take a liking to it. While listening to the conversation, she'd also focused on each one of the players, identifying and memorizing a distinct sound or smell about them that would allow her to track them within range of her senses.

For some of them, like Starlight, it was pathetically easy since she didn't smell human. Others, like Sparrow, who had ridiculous levels of training in not being detected, it had been harder. But she'd managed to pick up on a minute crick one of his joints made when he moved, probably from an old injury.

She'd also been working on expanding and shaping the area her blindsight covered. Generally, it was spherical, but she'd managed to halve it into a hemisphere and expand it's area. What she really wanted was to see if she could shape it into a cone or cylinder and stretch it's coverage in one direction. She'd managed to do so in fits and spurts, but it was spotty at best.

As the group passed around the flyer, Kate wished for about the thousandth time that she could read things at a distance. She'd learned that if she concentrated her blindsight solely on a printed or written piece of paper that was within a few feet, she could feel where the ink or graphite was different from the pulp and "read" it.

Kate tapped a button at her wrist, opening a comm line to her support, Bradley and Stephanie. She spoke in the barest of whispers, letting the subvocal mic at her throat do the work. "So, what do you think? Should I introduce myself?"

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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"I wasn't doing anything

"I wasn't doing anything really. I had a fight with my uncle and was enjoying the water to cool down. He's one of those anti-heroes take out the bad guys permanently types. That why I asked if you found a body, I was seeing if you all were going after him."

She glances at the flyer. "So... anyone find out if the ride he took home dropped him off? Or if Uber records show he was not picked up. If he expected a ride and the kidnapper took the place of an Uber driver they would record him not being here at pickup."

"Did anyone ask the staff similar questions? Or are you all being so sneaky none thought of those ideas yet?"

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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The lights illuminating the

The lights illuminating the alley flicker and the spooky girl is back, standing near the center of the gathering. She looks quizzically to everyone present (at least those who have made themselves known), then she speaks, with a voice that is practically monotone

"So... There were people here... What is this, some junior justice club?"

She looks no older than anyone else here, though she is still partially see through. She stands in a relaxed manner.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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"Whoa! Okay. Translucent,

"Whoa! Okay. Translucent, ghost-like-girl-who-makes-lights-flicker-and-send-chills-down-your-spine-whenever-she's-present...somewhere there's a Halloween joke to made about that, but I'd be one to talk considering my get-up. Lastly, would it really be considered 'being sneaky' if a bunch of possibly like-minded individuals in flashy costumes are semi-openly hanging out in a back-alley on a late night like this?"

Again, the yapping and rambling began to take over once again for ol' Scarlet Striker.

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

The Hybrid
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Now everyone had been

Now everyone had been gathered together. It was almost magical, but he knew that wasn't how magic worked. All of them looked to be teenagers, just like Sparrow himself. Everyone was here, and he wanted to see how this would go. The next thing he knew, he heard a ghost girl approach them about a junior justice club. That was a funny way of saying how he wanted to form a team, but he didn't want to rush into it just yet. Everyone still had to get to know each other first. Sparrow heard Scarlet Striker retort with a line of his own.

"And who might you be?" Sparrow said with his arms crossed, in a confident manner.

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"Oh, a ghost girl. There

"Oh, a ghost girl. There someone like you over in James Duncan High she's named Misty Sinclair. No club meeting just seems a few clues lead to the same spot."

Starlight looked around wondering if Unknown was following similar clues. She then shook her head Unknown wouldn't care about a kidnapping.

"Come to think about it there were a lot of teen missing news stories lately... Think they are all connected?"

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"Has to be. Unless there's a

"Has to be. Unless there's a hip new hangout all the cool kids decided to meet up at and didn't decide to invite us."

Scarlet Striker, like Sparrow, crossed his own arms. Deciding to (try) and stop rambling and think for a minute.

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

Gladatoria's picture
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Nagual takes note of the

Nagual takes note of the ghost girl’s appearance, the hairs on his arms standing up, and eyes flashing, but he otherwise remains passive. Turning to Starlight, he nods.

“Given the frequency, the relative age ranges, and the fact that they seemed to be picked up from public places-I think they are all connected. And while the back alley of a club is...certainly thematic, perhaps meeting somewhere, if we’re apparently going to work together, may be best to pool resources and talents?”

He suddenly moves to launch himself on a flip backwards, perching himself on the bottom floor of a opposing fire escape, the flyer in his hands.

“It sounds like we all have our own skills and methods at play here-we can use them to...maybe try and solve this, before people like the Paragons or PIT get involved.”

He smirks to the ghost girl, almost, anyway in response. “Junior justice club? I don’t think we’re a team, we just met. Doesn’t mean we can’t work together though.”


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"Another like me..? Nevermind

"Another like me..? Nevermind, not important now. You're all looking for missing people too..?"

She becomes more solid and leans against a wall.

"I go by Hauntress, by the way. Not that anyone asked, or cares."

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Gladatoria's picture
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Nagual looks at her curiously

Nagual looks at her curiously, deciding to hang off the fire escape, perched quite literally like a jungle cat.

“Yeah, myself I’m looking for a local, Sparrow was apparently looking for the same person, or at least was tracking a lead. You?”

He then adds after a few seconds of thought. “I’m Nagual, if we’re making introductions.”


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"Well I'm no believer in

"Well I'm no believer in divine fate, so I'm going to spare the 'something-brought-us-together-here-at-this-very-moment-for-a-reason', but clearly we all, if not, most have our reasons for why we're looking for these missing teens. Like Cat-Guy said, we all seem to bring something to the table. Might as well take advantage of this common goal and bring these kids back home. Also, this temporary alliance is going to need a cooler name than Junior Justice Club. Sounds too PG."

After Hauntress and Nagual made their introductions, Striker decided to follow suit.

"Oh we're doing introductions now? In that case I'm Scarlet Striker, pleased to meet you bunch."

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

RottenLuck's picture
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“Well we need a place to meet

“Well we need a place to meet up better then alleys. My mother would kill me if I invited you to my place. So any ideas where a group of costumed teen heroes can meet? I don’t think we can hang out at the Maul food court. Even if they do have a section that focused on super stores.”

She smiles to Hauntress “Good name, the girl I know calls herself Misty Spirit. Lame given her real name is Misty.”

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

The Hybrid
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That’s when Sparrow chimes in

That’s when Sparrow chimes in with his own suggestion.

“I have my own base we can go to. Courtesy of my mom... just don’t tell my dad.”

This was coming together very well. It was just what he came to Titan City for, to avoid the status of “sidekick”.

“Oh yeah, I’m not sure if you’ve heard but my dad who you may know as the Blackbird isn’t exactly an easy man. Not sure how he’d feel about me continuing without him after my ‘firing’.”

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Nagual peers to Sparrow at

Nagual peers to Sparrow at this, raising an eyebrow, or at least his tone implies that he did.

“So you just happen to have an empty base of operations for us to use-and you just found us here?” He inquires, leaping down from the fire escape in the middle of his questioning, not skipping a beat.

“You didn’t plan this, right?”

He looks around the alley, gazing over the assorted heroes, taking in the mood that’s been set and their body language. He also makes notice of...something on a nearby rooftop, peering at it momentarily, but then shaking his head.

“Esta nada, just a raccoon, poking about. But I guess what I’m trying to say is-if we’re going to work together, what do we want to accomplish? And where is this base?”


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Taking a few steps back after

Taking a few steps back after he saw Nagual make his leap from the fire escape to the ground with the rest of the heroes, Scarlet Striker raised a finger in the air, adding on to Nagual's question.

"And will there be any snacks there? Swinging around and jumping from rooftops can make a guy mighty hungry. Speaking of which, how far away would this base be exactly?"

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

Project_Hero's picture
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Hauntress shrugs

Hauntress shrugs

"I just happened to cross paths with the rest of you... So, I wasn't planned for. Having a base is a little weird though. Is it called the Bird cage, or the nest or something dumb?"

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

The Hybrid
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Sparrow was kind of nervous.

Sparrow was kind of nervous. He hadn’t prepared for this moment, but still he kept his cool. His father taught him to hide such emotions during his intensive training. In the span of a few seconds, he got the words together to speak what he had to.

“I sorta wanted something like this.” Sparrow said. “You see, I don’t know if you guys know what it’s like to be a sidekick, but I do and I always hated playing the loyal subservient to another cape. Blackbird always put me up to that and expected me to do so unquestioningly. When I started asking questions, it set off a chain of events that lead to me getting fired. Not sure how well known it is here, but it was kind of a big deal in New York. I wanted to start a team where there are no sidekicks.”

Sparrow looked in the air for a second before speaking again.

“My base isn’t the fanciest ever, and no it doesn’t have a gimmicky name. I’m sure over time we’ll get an incredible base, assuming this sticks of course. The young heroes are often though of as the naive newcomers, but I disagree. I think the best start young.”

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Nagual resists the urge to

Nagual resists the urge to smirk at Hauntress’s comment, but keeps his eyes locked on Sparrow the entire time, eyes still like a Jaguar’s, looking almost as if they’re seeing beyond him, for a moment.

He nods once, and looks to the rest of the assembled heroes.

“Well, if nothing else we can try to pool out talents and save these kids together-after that, we’ll just have to see.” He turns to the others.

“So, should we break up this alley meeting and go our separate ways? Or head to the Bird Nest you talked about?”

Alright, he had to tease him once.


Javacado's picture
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Scarlet Striker would snicker

Scarlet Striker would snicker at the Bird Nest comment and would fold his arms and lean against one of the walls in the alley.

"Well, I doubt we're all BFFs to the point where we can just openly exchange phone numbers. So, I recommend we at least visit this Bird Nest and also watch where we walk. Wouldn't want to step in some bird doo-doo. Unless we all agree to meet up in this alley and make it our hangout at a certain hour of the day and/or night."

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

Foradain's picture
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"I'd love to see your base,

"I'd love to see your base, but I think I should warn you: unless you figure out a way to block me, I'll be able to get in whenever. On the other hand, if someone of an overly-paternal nature changes your locks on you, I'd still be able to get you in, as well."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

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Nagual looks to Broach and

Nagual looks to Broach and nods to Striker. “So it’s sounds like we’re visiting, then? I imagine you have security measures or something? If you’re anything like this Blackbird guy in the news, I mean? He seems like the brooding home security type.”


Project_Hero's picture
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"Hard to exchange numbers

"Hard to exchange numbers when I don't have a phone, but I am willing to at least find these people. After that who knows?"

Hauntress pushes herself off the wall.

"Are we walking, or can everyone fly? And do we need to be sneaky? Cause..."

Hauntress fades from sight, then her voice seems to come from just behind everyone at the gathering in almost a whisper,

"... I can do sneaky."

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Javacado's picture
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"Flying is definitely out of

"Flying is definitely out of the option for me. I'm more of a swinger."

Striker points to the bracer devices strapped around his wrist.

"If it weren't for these babies, I really would be walking everywhere I-...."

After Hauntress disappeared from sight and her voice became a whisper, Striker would hold himself and rub his arms, trying to warm himself up. Whether or not he was over-exaggerating is definitely up to debate.

"Sweet Jebidiah! That's eerie, but also cool. It's cool-rie!"

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

The Hybrid
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Ugh, "bird nest'. Of course

[i]Ugh, "bird nest'. Of course someone would make that joke just because of my codename.[/i]

"Flying isn't an option for me. I don't have that power... or any power if you want to get technical. I just have a lot of training, dedication, and gadgets to round everything out."

Then Sparrow turned his attention to Nagual.

"Don't worry about the security. I can approve of everyone with the press of a button. My mom hooked me up on this behind his back, it was the least she could do. I just hope it doesn't compromise their marriage, but if it can withstand everything dad went through it can withstand this."

He turned around and signaled the others to follow.

"It's not far from here, so why don't we find a more secluded place to go about this kind of business?"

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Nagual nods, and smirks

Nagual nods, and smirks towards Hauntress’s...well, direction, as he too seems to literally fade from view as he steps into shadows, the only thing visible being his eyes.

“Right then, I’ll follow I guess. You won’t even know I’m there.” Aside from the brief sound of claws momentarily sinking into brick to scale to the roof, he would be silent as he leaps and flips his way after Sparrow, once he gets going of course.


The Hybrid
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"Follow my lead."

"Follow my lead."

Sparrow took out his grappling hook and went straight to the top of the building in front of him. He began his normal routine of parkouring from building to building, and swinging between buildings that were too far apart. It wouldn't be long until they reached the base at this rate.

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Following suit with the

Following suit with the others, Scarlet Striker set his sights on one of nearby buildings and once he had his target, he lept onto the walls of the surrounding buildings within the alley, using them as a 'launchpad'.

In due time, Striker was airborne and used his Grapnel Bracers to fire a tether at the much taller building he had his sights set on initially and he was off! Swinging through the air, firing continuous tethers at each building he was to pass.

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

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Broach attempted to predict

Broach attempted to predict where Sparrow was heading at each stage and used her portals to get there first. Sometimes she guessed right.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Hauntress seems to be able to

Hauntress seems to be able to keep up, though the only signs of her passage being the unnatural chill in the air and sometimes possibly seeing her at the edges of vision or in reflections, then her voice speaks from near the other heroes

"Anyone else find it a bit ironic that the bird guy doesn't fly?"

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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"But he does fall with style,

"But he does fall with style," Broach replied, watching Sparrow arcing through the night air towards... that building. The broach was created, and she stepped through, checking to see if anyone else was taking the shortcut before closing it.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Though her mom advised

Though her mom advised against it and Bradley stayed neutral, Kate decided to follow the group of young heroes to their Bird Nest and see what this gathering was all about. She'd thought she was busted earlier when Nagual looked directly at her. But he'd either had second thoughts or deliberately decided not to say anything about her. Her curiosity was currently fighting with her pride over whether to ask or not.

Kate was keeping up with the group through a combination of free-running and the pair of jump-boots B had kludged together at his Dad's workshop. She hadn't understood everything that he had said when describing them, but they apparently worked through absorbing a small portion of the excess energy imparted by her footsteps and storing it in a capacitor, then releasing it when triggered.

As she was coming in for a landing after one of her leaps, she reached out with her blindsight to feel where she was landing. But everything was wrong about what she was sensing. She could feel the roof, but then there seemed to be a... hole in the air. Through it she felt an area that was completely different. She panicked about what to do, but there was really only one choice. Get skinny!

Kate tucked herself into as small a ball as possible and flew through the hole, hitting the roof hard and tumbling across it rather ungracefully. She skidded to a halt and took a second to get oriented, then flipped her legs back and over, rolling on her shoulder, and pushing off with her planted hands to hop to her feet. She immediately smelled the ozone on Broach and waved sheepishly. "Ummm, hi..."

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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There was a *pop* as Broach

There was a *pop* as Broach closed the portal. She assumed a defensive stance (an expert might recognise White Dragon Kempo, about a green belt) and called out, "Sparrow, Nagual, was there someone at our gathering that was really sneaky?"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Starlight had felt something.

Starlight had felt something. What she couldn't tell the weak energy she felt in the air had shifted. She doesn't know it but it was the effect of Blindsight senses passing over her.

It didn't matter what the effect was there were more important things going on. She smiled like the trademarked blond air head she pretends to be as she caught the waves of emotions about her. The one calling himself Sparrow felt nervous and hides it with brashness bravery. Others were cautious.

The ghost girl Hauntress was hard to feel. A different wavelength or something Starlight wonders if she was a dead spirit like Misty or was it some kind of Meta power?

Nagual seemed almost animal in the emotion department. Suspicious and cautious of others. She noted he was always glancing about scanning for threats.

Her Telepathic powers weren't good at getting any clues. What thoughts she picks up are like whispers in a crowd and often in another language. After all human thoughts are in a different language then the thoughts of a mutated crystal based alien life form.

So she has to do things the normal way and she very glad about that. With her signature glow, she starts flying following Sparrow she moved just enough to be in talking range.

"I know the feeling, having a powerful figure being a parent. They insisting on you doing things their way, no matter how hard you try to tell them otherwise. We aren't copies of our parents, no matter how much they want us to follow in their shoes."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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'Seeing' the young woman move

'Seeing' the young woman move into a defensive fighting stance, Kate reflexively did the same. She did, however, stop herself from fully drawing the ninjato at her waist, instead only performing the tsuba thumb push to disengage it from its scabbard. "Easy now..."

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Project_Hero's picture
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The air around the newcomer

The air around the newcomer becomes cold then from just behind her comes the voice of Hauntress

"And here I thought I was the sneakiest. Who are you?"

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Foradain's picture
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The arrival of the

The arrival of the reinforcement (singular) tipped the odds against the unknown, but Broach thought that might just make her more nervous. So she stepped back, placed both hands palm together in front of her, and bowed. "I am called Broach. And you are?..."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Kate shuddered as the

Kate shuddered as the temperature of the air around her dipped precipitously. While her body was now more sensitive to extremes of heat and cold, she'd found she could mostly ignore the effects... unless they took her by surprise.

"Geez, can you knock that off?" she said over her shoulder, failing to mask her irritation.

She then looked back towards Broach and nodded at her obvious attempt at a peaceful greeting. She pushed her sword back into its scabbard, then spread her hands wide. "You can call me Blind Edge. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

As she spoke, Kate stepped forward slowly to reveal herself more. She stood about 5'7" with a taut and well-built physique that was clad in a dark grey bodyglove with black ceramic armor plates. Her auburn hair was pulled back and plaited into a french braid. Belted at her waist by a deep green silk sash was a slender and undecorated black ninjato scabbard. Most intriguing, however, was the deep green band of silk wrapped around her eyes, obviously obscuring her vision.

"So you're Broach and if I heard correctly earlier, your quiet friend is Hauntress?" she asked, tilting her head slightly. While Hauntress wasn't giving off any kind of smell and little to no sound, she still left Kate's blindsight tingling. It was as if she was there and not there at the same time. An altogether odd feeling.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Having arrived just after

Having arrived just after Broach had closed her last portal and Kate had tumbled through, Nagual landed like a cat would falling from heights, offering what almost appears to be a smirk at Kate.

“Finally decide to join us? I’m Nagual, by the way. And yes, I sensed her, but she didn’t give off any threatening vibes or make a move, figured she’d follow out of curiosity.”

He then adds.

“Impressive agility-I don’t smell anything beyond a normal human on you...not that I’m smelling you, I mean I am, uhm..” he rubs the back of his neck, looking to Broach for help.

Ahems. “It’s just uhm, cool.” He nods.


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"Wow. And here I thought I

"Wow. And here I thought I was the creepy one."

Hauntress fades into sight a little ways away from the newcomer, but stays partially transparent

"I'm losing all my schticks... Are you here to join the Junior Justice Club?"

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

The Hybrid
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The new arrival made Sparrow

The new arrival made Sparrow curious. It was funny how all these teens came together like this, it had to be more than just luck. He watched Blind Edge introduce herself, and wondered about her. She seemed to be a baseline human, just like him. However, the name combined with the silk band over her eyes made him question how well she operates. He had heard of blind superheroes before, but it didn't sound easy.

"Blind Edge? I must say I'm impressed that you're operating as a superhero while blind." Sparrow said. "The name's Sparrow."

With everyone coming together like this, he hoped that if they stayed around that he would be able to get a new, fancier base in the future. A real place for all these people. Well, that was something to think about later.

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"Blind or not, she sensed my

"Blind or not, she sensed my portal well enough to come through it without losing any of her gear - or more important things - crossing the edge. And until she went though it she could navigate well enough only Nagual knew she was here."

"Clue to the Nature of Blind Edge's Blindsight, number one: It doesn't work through my portals, like normal vision does, but it can sense the portal itself. "

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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RottenLuck's picture
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Starlight flys over to the

Starlight flys over to the group with a smile “Hello Blind Edge I’m Starlight. Oh! You are the source of that strange sensation I felt earlier in the alley.”

Then she face palms and looks at Hauntress “Really you still going with Junior Justice Club?”

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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Hauntress shrugs

Hauntress shrugs

"Until a better name comes along. Plus I think it's funny."

Her face however shows no trace of her finding anything humorous, perhaps ever.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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Kate looked around at the new

Kate looked around at the new arrivals and, now that they were closer, took a moment to refamiliarize herself with the sense marker she'd mentally assigned to each one of them. "In order to speed up the Q&A session, here's the basic facts. While I may look and or otherwise seem like a baseline human, I am a mutant. When I manifested, my senses and other physical abilities skyrocketed. But I'd been blind all my life, so my four primary senses were already highly attuned."

She sent a dazzling smile in Nagual's direction. "Thank you. I consider that high praise from someone who is part cat "

Kate turned in the direction she thought would put her facing Hauntress. "I guess I'll take that as a compliment. And I don't know if I'm ready to join anything, but I am curious and would like to help how I can."

She blushed at Sparrow's praise and nodded. "Wow... uhhm, thanks. It's an honor to be working with a well-known and regarded hero like yourself."

She looked back to Broach. "How I managed to traverse your portal was that I sensed its presence, but I couldn't stop myseld and decided the best thing to do was practice an overabundance of caution and avoid as much of it as possible."

She looked around again, grinned, and spoke in a sarcastically officious tone. "Are there any other questions or concerns?"

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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"None here, at least not yet

"None here, at least not yet anyway. However, if I did have any questions and concerns, which number should I try reaching? Also I'm Scarlet Striker. Pleased to meet you, Blind Edge.

Alas, more crappy jokes made by our fellow Junior Justice Club's 'class clown'

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: 10/09/2014 - 11:21
"Are you asking for her

"Are you asking for her number?"

Hauntress puts her hands in her hoodie's pockets.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Javacado's picture
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"Wait, what?! Noooo...oh my

"Wait, what?! Noooo...oh my god that totally backfired. Forget I said anything, in fact I'm not even here right now. Really should've chose my words wisely on that one."

Thank goodness for Scarlet Striker's mask which covers his entire face. Makes embarrassing moments like this...less embarrassing since no one can see how flustered he is beneath it.

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

The Hybrid
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"That reminds me... we need a

"That reminds me... we need a better name than the 'Junior Justice Club'. It makes us sound like some kind of teenage school club made to promote political agendas rather than a team that fights criminals and supervillains."

RottenLuck's picture
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“I think thou protests too

“I think thou protests too much” She chuckles.

“Junior Justice Club is still better then Superfriends”

She looked around “Well Sparrow we were heading to your base it up to you to let Blind Edge join in this endeavor.”

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Javacado's picture
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"Blegh, Junior Justice Club

"Blegh, Junior Justice Club sounds as though it's a team meant for 6 to 8 years olds. How about Scarlet Striker and the League of Extraordinary Teens?"

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: 10/09/2014 - 11:21
"Only the bird boy decides

"Only the bird boy decides who gets gets to see The Bird Nest, copyright, registered trademark, yadda yadda. Hanging out with you lot is much more entertaining than I thought it'd be."

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

RottenLuck's picture
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“Technically speaking I’m

“Technically speaking I’m about three years old. Alien biology for the win! I’m not even normal for my kind I’m a mutant off spring of another mutant that crashed landed on this planet “

“I think the only one of us that has the most exposure to Hero culture and resources is Sparrow. So I’m going to follow his lead. If this group going to be more then a temporary alliance people will see him as the leader or at least the figurehead. He does have credibility due to his connection to Black bird.”

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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"A three year old mutant

"A three year old mutant alien? Seems I'm not the weirdest either. People are taking all my schticks."

Hauntress shrugs melodramaticly.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
