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Ranged Sets

Force Blast

"Hurting your enemies is satisfying, seeing them blown clear off their feet...well that’s just fun.'

Force Blast is a ranged set that uses attacks to knock targets down or by using an alternate activation method, knocks them away.

T0 Close Strike: A basic melee attack dealing very light damage. Cast time: Very Fast. Recharge: Very Swift.

T0 Ranged Strike: A basic medium ranged attack dealing very light damage. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Very Swift.

T1 Force Bolt: You attack your enemy with light damage, knocking them down. Alternate activation switches to knock back. A critical hit will disorient your target. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Very Swift.

T2 Force Blast: You attack your enemy with medium damage, knocking them down. Alternate activation switches to knock back. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Swift.

T3a Force Wave: You attack all enemies in a medium cone with light damage, knocking them down. Alternate activation switches to knock back. Cast Time: Fast. Recharge: Very Fast.

T3b Force Torrent: You attack all enemies in a medium cone with light damage over time and push them backwards. A critical hit disorients your targets. Cast Time: Medium. Recharge: Very Fast.

T4 Magnify Force; You increase the accuracy, damage, and strength of all knock effects of all your powers which degrades over a medium duration. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Extremely Long.

T5 Fulmination: You attack all enemies in a medium area effect with light damage and knock them down. Alternate activation switches to knock back. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Medium.

T6 Focused Blast: You attack your target with strong damage and knock them down. Passively charging this power increases the damage and knock effect. Alternate activation causes it to knock back. Cast Time: Fast. Recharge: Fast.

T7a Disorienting Burst: You attack all enemies in a medium area effect with light damage, knocking them down and disorienting them. Alternate activation switches to knock back. Cast Time: Fast Recharge: Long.

T7b Focused Pulse: You attack your enemy with strong damage over time, pushing them back and debuffing their evasion. Cast Time: Medium. Recharge: Fast.

T8 Surge of Force: You attack your enemy with strong damage and knock them down. Your chance to cause a critical attack is increased with a very strong amount of Momentum. Alternate activation switches to knock back. Cast Time: Very Swift. Recharge: Super Fast.

T9 Massive Force Bomb: You attack all enemies within a medium area effect with strong damage, knocking them down and disorienting them. Passively charging this power increases the damage and knock effects but uses Momentum at full charge. Cast Time: Medium. Recharge: Extremely Long.


"It doesn’t matter if it is metal skin, high tech armor, or a flak jacket, when you hit it is going to hurt.'

Lethality is a ranged attack set that relies mostly on doing damage with very little utility. What it trades in higher debuffs and controls is the ability to pierce any damage mitigating protections for very light damage. Targets damaged by this set are left with a light resistance debuff for a short duration.

T0 Close Strike: A basic melee attack dealing very light damage. Cast time: Very Fast. Recharge: Very Swift.

T0 Ranged Strike: A basic medium ranged attack dealing very light damage. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Very Swift.

T1 Burst: You attack your enemy with light damage and debuff their resistance. Additional unresistable damage will be applied to any target with a resistance debuff applied to it. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Very Swift.

T2 Rapid Burst: You attack your enemy doing strong damage over time and debuffing their resistance. Additional unresistable damage will be applied to any target with a resistance debuff applied to it. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Very Swift.

T3a Piercing Shot: You attack all enemies in a very narrow cone with light damage and light armor piercing damage. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Very Swift.

T3b Scattershot: You attack all enemies in a wide cone with light damage and debuffing their resistance. Additional unresistable damage will be applied to any target with a resistance debuff applied to it. Cast Time: Very Fast.
Recharge: Super Fast.

T4 Sharp Shooter: You improve your accuracy and damage as well as trigger all armor piercing effects for a short duration. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Very Long.

T5 Armor Piercing Explosive: You attack all enemies in a medium area of effect with light damage and debuff their resistance. Additional unresistable damage will be applied to any target with a resistance debuff applied to it. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Fast.

T6 Sniper Shot: You attack your enemy with strong damage and debuff their resistance. Passively Charging this attack improves the accuracy, damage, and resistance debuff. Additional unresistable damage will be applied to any target with a resistance debuff applied to it or when the power reaches its full passive charge time. Cast Time: Fast. Recharge: Very Fast.

T7a Covering Fire: You attack all enemies in a medium area effect location with strong damage over time, debuffing their accuracy and awareness. Cast Time: Fast. Recharge: Long.

T7b Parting Shot: You attack your enemy with very light damage, debuffing their resistance, and causing them to ignore you for a short duration. Additional unresistable damage will be applied to any target with a resistance debuff applied to it. You will receive a medium buff to all movement and a light buff to melee and ranged evasion for a short duration. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Very Long.

T8 Quietus: You attack your enemy with strong damage and debuff their resistance. Additional unresistable damage which improves based on your Momentum will be applied to any target with a resistance debuff applied to it. Cast Time:Very Fast. Recharge: Swift.

T9 Unload: You attack all enemies in a medium area effect with strong damage over time, debuffing their resistance, and knocking them down. Additional unresistable damage will be applied to any target with a resistance debuff applied to it or if the full passive charge time is reached. Cast Time: Slow. Recharge: Extremely Long.

Vampiric Blast

"Existence is a life and death struggle - your death, my life."

Vampiric Blast weakens the senses of its targets causing them to potentially miss their attacks. Many abilities will purge the essence of a foe defeated by a Vampiric Blast attack, healing the caster.

T0 Eidolic Strike: A basic melee attack dealing very light damage. Cast time: Very Fast. Recharge: Very Swift.

T0 Eidolic Pulse: A basic medium ranged attack dealing very light damage. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Very Swift.

T1 Necrotic Reach: You attack your enemy with light damage and debuff their awareness. You receive a very light heal when targets affected by Vampiric Blast are defeated. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Very Swift.

T2 Lingering Death; You attack your enemy with light damage and very light damage over time and debuff their awareness. You receive a very light heal when targets affected by Vampiric Blast are defeated. Cast Time: Very Fast Recharge: Swift.

T3a Vampiric Blast: You attack your enemy with strong damage, debuffing their awareness, and healing yourself. You receive a very light heal when targets affected by Vampiric Blast are defeated. Cast Time: Fast. Recharge: Very Fast.

T3b Dreadful Pain: You attack your enemy with medium damage, debuffing their awareness, and causing them to run in fear. You deal additional very light damage to any enemy already under a fear effect. You receive a very light heal when targets affected by Vampiric Blast are defeated. Cast Time: Fast. Recharge: Very Fast.

T4 Necrosis: You increase the accuracy, damage, and healing of all your powers for a short duration. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Extremely Long.

T5 Necrotic Torrent: You attack all enemies in a medium cone with light damage and debuff their awareness. You deal additional very light damage to any feared enemies. You receive a very light heal when targets affected by Vampiric Blast are defeated. Cast Time: Fast. Recharge: Very Fast.

T6 Vampiric Lance: You attack your enemy with medium damage, debuffing their awareness, and dealing very light damage through resistance and subtraction. Hitting your enemy will heal you. Passively Charging this power improves all damage dealt and improves your healing received. You receive a very light heal when targets affected by Vampiric Blast are defeated. Cast Time: Fast. Recharge: Fast.

T7a Fueled by Fear: You attack all enemies in a narrow cone, causing them to be afraid of you and debuffing their awareness. Your fear is improved based on the amount of health your target loses. You receive a very light amount of Power which is improved by how feared your target is and applies per target hit. Cast Time: Fast. Recharge: Fast.

T7b Cthonic Drain: You attack all enemies in a narrow cone with very light damage over time, and debuff their movement. You receive very light healing over time for each target hit for a very short duration. Cast Time: Fast. Recharge: Fast.

T8 Mark of Death: You attack your enemy with strong damage, debuffing their resistance and awareness, leaving them taking medium damage over time. You and your nearby allies receive a light damage buff for a short duration upon hitting the target, this effect will not stack. You and your nearby allies receive a very light heal which is improved by your momentum when a target affected by Mark of Death is defeated. Cast Time: Fast. Recharge: Fast.

T9 Reaper's Edge: You attack all enemies in a wide cone with strong damage, an awareness debuff, and leave them taking medial damage over time. Your critical chance is increased on any enemies affected by fear and is increased based on how feared they are. You also gain a very light to medial heal upon hitting enemies. Your damage, crit rate, and heal are improved based on your passive charge rate. Cast TIme: Slow. Recharge: Extremely Long.

Atrophic Blast

"On a long enough timeline the survival rate of everyone is reduced to zero."

Atrophic Blast wears down the enemy over time. Many of its attacks affect an entire area around their target. This set has some utility yet relies on leaving enemies hurting from damage over time.

T0 Flashing Strike: A basic melee attack dealing very light damage. Cast time: Very Fast. Recharge: Very Swift.

T0 Pulse Strike: A basic medium ranged attack dealing very light damage. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Very Swift.

T1 Atrophying Burst: You attack your enemy with light damage, leaving them taking very light damage over time. Case Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Very Swift.

T2 Minor Wave of Atrophy: You attack all enemies in a narrow cone with very light damage over time, leaving them taking very light damage over time. Cast Time: Fast.

T3a Intense Decay: You attack your target with medium damage, leaving them taking very light damage over time. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Swift.

T3b Atrophying Blast: You attack your enemy with strong damage, leaving the target taking light damage over time. A critical hit causes surrounding enemies to take light damage over time for a brief duration. Cast Time: Fast. Recharge: Swift.

T4 Hasten Atrophy: You increase the accuracy and damage of all attacks for a short duration, and very light damage over time to all attacks for a short duration. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Extremely Long.

T5 Entropic Explosion: You attack all enemies in a medium area of effect with light damage, knocking them down, and leaving targets taking very light damage over time. Alternate activation switches knock down to knock back. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Medium.

T6 Severe Atrophy: You attack your target with strong damage over time and leave the target taking light damage over time. Passive Charging increases the accuracy and damage of this attack. Cast Time: Fast. Recharge: Fast.

T7a Crippling Surge: You attack all enemies in a wide cone with very light damage over time, slowing their movement and recharge of their powers. Cast Time: Medium.

T7b Atrophy Sight: You attack all enemies in a medium area of effect, causing them to avert their attention from you and debuffing their awareness. Cast Time: Fast. Recharge: Extremely Long.

T8 Atrophic Scythe: You attack all targets in a wide cone with strong damage over time, leaving them taking medium damage over time. Cast Time: Medium. Recharge: Long.

T9 Massive Atrophic Blast: You attack all targets in a medium location with strong damage, leaving them taking strong damage over time. Passive charging increases the damage dealt. Cast Time: Very Slow. Recharge: Extremely Long.

Psychic Blast

"Where the mind goes, the body follows. Break the mind, hurt the body."

Psychic Blast yields doing damage in favor of leveraging a lot of utility through controls and debuffs. Once a target is under a control effect they become more vulnerable to Psychic Blast’s damage taking additional damage from attacks.

T0 Eidolic Strike A basic melee attack dealing very light damage. Cast time: Very Fast. Recharge: Very Swift.

T0 Eidolic Pulse A basic medial ranged attack dealing very light damage. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Very Swift.

T1 Synaptic Disruption: You attack your enemy with light damage and knock them down. Psychic Feedback of very light damage is applied if your enemy is under a control effect. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Very Swift.

T2 Psychic Blast: You attack your enemy with medium damage and cause them to sleep. Psychic Feedback of very light damage is applied if your enemy is under a control effect. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Swift.

T3a Cerebral Shock: You attack your enemy with medium damage and a hold which improves with your momentum. Psychic Feedback of very light damage is applied if your enemy is under a control effect. Cast Time: Very Fast Recharge: Swift.

T3b Synaptic Feedback: You attack all enemies in a medium cone with light damage and cause them to sleep. Psychic Feedback of very light damage is applied if your enemy is under a control effect. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Swift.

T4 Mental Backlash: You improve the accuracy and damage of all your attacks as well as triggering all Psychic Feedback damage. Cast Time: Very Fast.

T5 Psywave: You attack all enemies in a medium cone with very light damage, charming them to fight for you. Psychic Feedback of very light damage is applied if your enemy is under a control effect. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Swift.

T6 Lobotomize: You attack your enemy with strong damage,and hold them. Psychic Feedback of very light damage is applied if your enemy is under a control effect. Passively charging improves the damage and hold of this attack. Cast Time: Fast. Recharge: Very Fast.

T7a Mind Wipe: You attack all enemies in a medium cone, averting their attention from you and reducing your threat to them. Cast Time: Fast. Recharge: Very Long.

T7b Hypnotic Constraint: You cause your enemy and nearby targets in a medium area of effect to sleep. If attacked, they will react and fall back asleep. Cast Time: Fast. Recharge: Long.

T8 Panic Attack: You attack your enemy with strong damage, causing it to run in fear from you. Psychic Feedback of very light damage is applied if your enemy is under a control effect. Cast Time: Very Fast. Recharge: Swift.

T9 Psycho-Burst: You attack all enemies in a medium area of effect with strong damage,and hold them. Psychic Feedback of very light damage is applied if your enemy is under a control effect. Passively charging improves the damage and hold of this attack. Cast Time: Medium. Recharge: Extremely Long.