So, I just watched this video
and i was suddenly overwhelmed with nostalgia. To be honest, i hadn't remembered playing/enjoying CoH before. My memory, being as bad as it is, I assumed i tried it for a bit and gave up and went back to WoW. But the longer i watched the above video the more i DID remember something. How much i did enjoy the game. I can't believe i had forgotten how much i enjoyed the game and went on to forget that fact.
I feel awful for forgetting those fun times. I know i didn't play long, but after that video sparked some memories I began to grow very sad. MY passion for that game was never quite seen fulfilled and I think when i looked for a superhero game I THOUGHT that game was CO. While I DO enjoy that game, to a point, but now that i recall my times in CoX, I realize it was indeed this game.
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I try to avoid COH videos on youtube for that very reason. I get all teary and it's just hard. I didn't particularly agree with that guys take on how things went down, but it's his video.
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Within my circle of friends that I met through CoH/V that still keep in touch, we binged on some nostalgia a short while ago. It's not as painful to stroll down memory lane with friends, especially if they're the ones you enjoyed the game so much with.
As many have said, it was the community that really made CoH what it was. the fact that you're still part of that community to some degree helps a lot, I imagine.
An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".
Well, I hope I get to experience that sense of community when this game launches, because i haven't felt that in YEARS in wow (not that i have played in half a year) or at all in Wildstar.
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I have to agree with so many of you on this thread. City of Heroes had a wonderful community and a sense of friendship just emanated from every populated zone in Paragon City. I play a few other games on and off, DCUO, SWTOR, Champions, etc. but none have any real player communities. I rarely even talk to anyone in those games much less team up and become friends.
Yeah I posted this video a while back. He gets a few facts wrong, but it really brought back a few memories. And that nostalgia is, weirdly, the main reason why I haven't downloaded Paragon Chat. I feel it would be a big tease. Maybe one day, I'll allow myself to get hyped up.
I thought the same thing, but it was bittersweet and yet still glorious to be in the character creator again, and then log in for some event and see other people in Paragon City again (anniversaries and the like). Honestly, it's not that bad. You can even search for badges and such.
uh what?!
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They're talking about [url=]Paragon Chat[/url]. It's probably the closest anyone's going to get to experiencing the "original" CoH at this point.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
It's deja vu all over again!
(insert pithy comment here)
Speaking of forum deja vu I'm just happy the upcoming 1/6 Scale TV Supergirl Statue by DC Collectibles is going to look like the pic on the left instead of the right:
If you can see the key difference then you get a cookie. Here's a hint - [url=]Redlynne[/url] might remember why I'd like the one over the other. ;)
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
The pose? The way the cape billows? Nah. My guess is that the one on the left doesn't appear to be wearing those dark leggings.
Mmmm, peanut butter.....
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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I'm just waiting for the rest of Season 2 to finally air ...
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