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CoT Super Group, How can it be made?

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Zekna's picture
Last seen: 2 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 12/03/2014 - 15:11
CoT Super Group, How can it be made?

Will we be able to make an SG like we did in CoX? (going up to the NPC and saying I want to make a super group and bam you have an SG) Or is it going to have a requirement like in most games where you need a full group and X amount of in game currency? If it will be like CoX I would like to know where the npc is so I can go straight there and make my SG.

Can anyone help with this or know any information about it?

Zekna, Black Mana Guardian. (sewer power leveler)

JayBezz's picture
Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
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nothing has been expressed as

nothing has been expressed as definitive from the developers.

On the broader subject of opinion:
I think it should cost some currency but not restrict the number of players needed. This encourages single players to wait until they are beyond the beginner level to create a supergroup but for people who have a group of characters ready they can pool up and start a group almost out the gate.

They did this in Wildstar (allowing only once you get to Illium/Thayd and requiring enough $) so you really got people who are natural leaders to create these social constructs that are like the white blood cells of MMO gaming.

I want to be clear that games WANT strong guilds. They want to encourage leaders to emerge. They want people socially invested in their game. The more guild support and incentive exists the better the game will be in population and monetization health.

Crowd Control Enthusiast

Godling's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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In CoH I kind of done both

In CoH I kind of done both there is my personal super group and the group I raided with.
Its easier to get the biggest baddest base with an actual group.
But sometimes we want to go the hard route say I did it the hard way and all by myself .
And its fun to own your own personal playground.

Even if I have to start with a simple chat channel. Just like CoH before bases are available I still want to nail my old
raid groups handle as quickly as possible. They are on different games now but they will still check out Cot if we can get the name.

[URL= [/IMG][/URL]

Greyhawk's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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I like the CoX style. It was

I like the CoX style. It was entirely up to the player whether they had a huge SG with massive collective resources, their own private lair, or something in between.

The more power you give the players to play the game the way they want to play, the wider the audience and greater the longevity.

Forcing players to play a certain way (such as requiring a pool of people and resources prior to creating an SG) is completely anachronistic and will limit the potential playerbase. It transforms a game from a mass market gem with unlimited earning potential into a niche market that cannot attract more than a handful of players. Being a superhero based game is already targeting a small niche. Becoming a superhero based game that only appeals to large guilds reduces that niche dramatically.

Large guilds have their place, naturally, but you cannot design a game only for large guilds and still expect to succeed. Not in the superhero genre, and probably not in the fantasy genre anymore either since most of the large guilds are already in WoW or Guild Wars and have no desire to move.

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Empyrean's picture
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Greyhawk wrote:
Greyhawk wrote:

I like the CoX style. It was entirely up to the player whether they had a huge SG with massive collective resources, their own private lair, or something in between.
The more power you give the players to play the game the way they want to play, the wider the audience and greater the longevity.
Forcing players to play a certain way (such as requiring a pool of people and resources prior to creating an SG) is completely anachronistic and will limit the potential playerbase. It transforms a game from a mass market gem with unlimited earning potential into a niche market that cannot attract more than a handful of players. Being a superhero based game is already targeting a small niche. Becoming a superhero based game that only appeals to large guilds reduces that niche dramatically.
Large guilds have their place, naturally, but you cannot design a game only for large guilds and still expect to succeed. Not in the superhero genre, and probably not in the fantasy genre anymore either since most of the large guilds are already in WoW or Guild Wars and have no desire to move.


Options, flexability, and versitility of playstyle are good. More inclusive and more fun. Not to mention that this is in the spirit of what was in CoH.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

TsKarma's picture
Last seen: 9 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 02/25/2015 - 15:35
Hopefully we can make SGs

Hopefully we can make SGs like we were able to in CoH.

(Used to be the SG Owner/Leader (TsSelene+TsKarma) of TerrorSquad, II, and TerrorSquad Recruits over on the Victory server. We used to do monthly costume contests, raids, had AWESOME members, and had a kick-butt base.) :'(

Man...I miss that game...looking forward to CoT's release!

Servant's picture
Last seen: 10 years 2 days ago
Joined: 03/12/2015 - 09:35
Greyhawk wrote:
Greyhawk wrote:

I like the CoX style. It was entirely up to the player whether they had a huge SG with massive collective resources, their own private lair, or something in between.
The more power you give the players to play the game the way they want to play, the wider the audience and greater the longevity.
Forcing players to play a certain way (such as requiring a pool of people and resources prior to creating an SG) is completely anachronistic and will limit the potential playerbase. It transforms a game from a mass market gem with unlimited earning potential into a niche market that cannot attract more than a handful of players. Being a superhero based game is already targeting a small niche. Becoming a superhero based game that only appeals to large guilds reduces that niche dramatically.
Large guilds have their place, naturally, but you cannot design a game only for large guilds and still expect to succeed. Not in the superhero genre, and probably not in the fantasy genre anymore either since most of the large guilds are already in WoW or Guild Wars and have no desire to move.

Spot on. Kudos Greyhawk.

whiteperegrine's picture
Last seen: 5 years 8 months ago
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Joined: 06/19/2014 - 14:49
if I start my own SG, which I

if I start my own SG, which I probably will if I don't find a home I like SG-wise, I would like to be able to start one without needing to have X number of folks sign some silly charter and then have them quit. I would also like the ability to send my alts invites or have some option in place that allows for inclusions of alts in said SG (GW2 has something like this in place). my natural habit is that once I join an SG, I tend to only be a member of that one SG versus joining multiple different SGs.
