This post is to give ideas of different types of costuming in the Fantasy genre. The idea of this post is to have about 5-10 different and complete costume sets for each type listed, or that's how I intended it. Keep in mind these are just idea's. If anyone comes up with any types that I had missed please comment below.
The list of different genres I have posted -
- Wizard/witch
- Knight (heavy plate mail style or armor types of costumes)
-Rogue (leather type of costumes)
-Cleric (chain mail type of costuming)
-Barbarian (fur style of costuming)
-Fairies / Fey
-Craftsman (blacksmith, leather worker, weaver types)
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Zekna, Black Mana Guardian. (sewer power leveler)
I would love to see some costumes designed for magic users of a more 'primitive' kind. Like a medicine man or shaman. With drums, rattles, bone and feather ornaments, voodoo and animal masks and the like.
Then something like a noblemans costume, a craftsman (like a blacksmith in heavy leather apron and toolbelt) and a jester could be interesting too.
Necromancer fantasy styled gear please. I was always fond of necromancers in MMOs and one of my favorite characters was a Necro/Dark Mastermind back in the day
Formerly known as Bleddyn
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Please do not get me wrong, I'm just curious. What do you envision a necromancer should look like?
I think it was along the lines of bone armor of some type but that is just what I am assuming. Wizard/Witch I saw was like the Circle of Thorns costumes in CoX.
Zekna, Black Mana Guardian. (sewer power leveler)
Bone armor and stylish robes mostly. The armor was there in CoH but I could never get it too look right.....
Formerly known as Bleddyn
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How's this for a real life "six degrees of separation" story: I once had a college roommate who managed to interview Cassandra Peterson (a.k.a. Elvira) for a high school newspaper story. This was about 25 years ago so it was definitely during Elvira's heyday. My roomie said she wasn't wearing the "outfit" at the time but apparently she did deliver the campy/risqué Elvira humor that went along with it.
For what it's worth it'd be great to be able to get an Elvira-styled outfit in CoT. It's not like it would show off any more "excessively revealing" cleavage than typical superheroine outfits do.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012