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December and the costume creator

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Zerohour's picture
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December and the costume creator

Forgive me if I'm wrong but, wasnt December of this year mentioned as the costume creator reveal?

Currently trapped inside the Speed Force...

Izzy's picture
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I think i remember reading

I think i remember reading that too by one of the MWM members. But most other MWM members would actually state End of Year, not really stating December... Which isnt much different granted. ;) I just notice those things... as if Dec 31 was also a valid reveal day. ;D

Foradain's picture
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IIRC, that was the date

IIRC, that was the date before that UE4 pusher offered MWM a free taste. Not sure if the Avatar Builder was one of the things pushed back or not, though.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Izzy's picture
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Foradain wrote:
Foradain wrote:

IIRC, that was the date before that UE4 pusher offered MWM a free taste. Not sure if the Avatar Builder was one of the things pushed back or not, though.

True. :P

Izzy's picture
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i'm more curious to see how

i'm more curious to see how creative the UI could be.

Will it have a CoH feel, or does it borrow some UI elements from other games?

ex: [url=]Video of Beta version of Character Creator for Black Desert online[/url]
[url=]This one is sped up and has a little more to show[/url]

Side Note:
Can I haz a Badge for this!? [url=]video[/url] ;D

Zerohour's picture
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In any case, hopefully a dev

In any case, hopefully a dev can comment on this

Currently trapped inside the Speed Force...

Cinnder's picture
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I think this post by Tannim

I think [url=]this post[/url] by Tannim might help give us some idea.

Spurn all ye kindle.

Izzy's picture
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Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

I think this post by Tannim might help give us some idea.

Right... BUT a Sneak Peak (Reveal) was for end of December, right?

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Nice videos, Izzy. +1

Nice videos, Izzy.


Greyhawk's picture
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Izzy wrote:
Izzy wrote:

i'm more curious to see how creative the UI could be.
Will it have a CoH feel, or does it borrow some UI elements from other games?
ex: Video of Beta version of Character Creator for Black Desert onlineThis one is sped up and has a little more to show
Side Note:
Can I haz a Badge for this!? video ;D

Wow... Now that's impressive!

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Greyhawk wrote:
Greyhawk wrote:

Wow... Now that's impressive!


And if you look at how the game is "specifically created to handle the fast rendering required for its seamless world (quote from Wiki)", there might be some things that we could learn and emulate from this game.

Absolutely no shame in learning from others and borrowing what works wherever possible.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Hyperbolt's picture
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I'm hoping I can check out

I'm hoping I can check out the Character Creator soon, I've been frustrated with current Superhero MMO's and have been hopping back and forth from DCUO and Champions Online and I really need an MMO to call my Virtual Home. Till City of Titans comes out, I will settle for Halo, Minecraft and Lord Of The Rings Online

I accidently ate a bowl of radioactive soup....ok I guess that makes me a Soup-er Hero

Phararri's picture
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So according to the original

So according to the original post and these comments, the creator was on slate for years end last year? I will continue to defend CoT from detractors, but I will tell you, outside of these forums, it is getting harder. Detractors keep blowing this game off referring to "Broken promises" Imo, nothing was promised perse, but implied perhaps? If even that....I keep bringing up ther negativity from the outside, because those are the folks you want, not us whiteknights whom will "Ok, looks great, woot" every singe thing. I don't trust in VO is gone, but my trust in CoT is still there.

Something inside of me is saying that the DCUO, Marvel, or CO brand will surprise everyone with a new hero MMO before VO or CoT give us something to chew on. I could be wrong, but DCUO is dated, and the devs know it. Would be much easier to create a sequel than add stuff to a dated MMO. DCUO and CO are also established, been there done that. Perhaps Gazillion Entertainment will shock folks with a create a hero version of Marvel 2015?

Still believing in this project, but getting harder, i do understand the process. It took DCUO around 5 years to release.

As a child, I thought my name was handsome, cause that is what everyone called me.

Shadow Elusive
Shadow Elusive's picture
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First to the OP: We're still

First to the OP: We're still hoping to have something to show off by the end of the year, we're working hard at it. But you're all going to have to live with 'something' until it's time to unwrap the presents. Part of walking the walk of the 'development is fickle' line is not making hype waves and unnecessary promises, and we do our best to live by that. That's why we talk so little sometimes, and alternate between being very open and very closemouthed. We're happy to talk about ourselves in general, explain what's what, share hopes and dreams. But we *know* how easily our expectations for more immediate delivery can go wrong. Heck even as is we've muffed a few times. And so there are times and subjects on which we will choose to stay very quiet.

Which is why, for the record, making threads like this really won't change anything. We know what we want revealed and will reveal it in our own time. Not that we don't understand the temptation of course. But it's exactly because that temptation is so easily abused that we're so loath to talk ahead of ourselves.

@Pharrari Eh, no need to defend us to outsiders - we're grateful for all you guys cheering us through these stages, but everyone else can be convinced when we have something to show. Until then, no need. Let 'em talk. Skepticism is understandable, and I see no reason to try and sell them on words alone, it just makes things harder. We'll reel them in later, when we got teaser vids and stuff. Until then, Pharrari, we're grateful to have you, but it's okay, we can wait for your friends :D.

Basically, of course you can't convince them *now*. I'd be surprised if very many were being convinced now. We'll get 'em soon enough.

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

Phararri's picture
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Shadow Elusive wrote:
Shadow Elusive wrote:

First to the OP: We're still hoping to have something to show off by the end of the year, we're working hard at it. But you're all going to have to live with 'something' until it's time to unwrap the presents. Part of walking the walk of the 'development is fickle' line is not making hype waves and unnecessary promises, and we do our best to live by that. That's why we talk so little sometimes, and alternate between being very open and very closemouthed. We're happy to talk about ourselves in general, explain what's what, share hopes and dreams. But we *know* how easily our expectations for more immediate delivery can go wrong. Heck even as is we've muffed a few times. And so there are times and subjects on which we will choose to stay very quiet.
Which is why, for the record, making threads like this really won't change anything. We know what we want revealed and will reveal it in our own time. Not that we don't understand the temptation of course. But it's exactly because that temptation is so easily abused that we're so loath to talk ahead of ourselves.
@Pharrari Eh, no need to defend us to outsiders - we're grateful for all you guys cheering us through these stages, but everyone else can be convinced when we have something to show. Until then, no need. Let 'em talk. Skepticism is understandable, and I see no reason to try and sell them on words alone, it just makes things harder. We'll reel them in later, when we got teaser vids and stuff. Until then, Pharrari, we're grateful to have you, but it's okay, we can wait for your friends :D.
Basically, of course you can't convince them *now*. I'd be surprised if very many were being convinced now. We'll get 'em soon enough.

True, true. Rooting for you all.

As a child, I thought my name was handsome, cause that is what everyone called me.

Kiyori Anoyui
Kiyori Anoyui's picture
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I am excited to see what this

@Shadow Elusive,

As I have learned by seeing KS in all it's glory *cough*, it is okay to not make promises, it is when there is no communication at all is when things start getting ugly. I have to say you guys are doing a great job at communicating on the basic level, you have my conga rats on that note.

Anyways, I am excited to see what this "something" is. :D

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
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Kiyori Anoyui wrote:
Kiyori Anoyui wrote:

@Shadow Elusive,
As I have learned by seeing KS in all it's glory *cough*, it is okay to not make promises, it is when there is no communication at all is when things start getting ugly. I have to say you guys are doing a great job at communicating on the basic level, you have my [b]conga rats[/b] on that note.
Anyways, I am excited to see what this "something" is. :D

You're sending that to them?

Kiyori Anoyui
Kiyori Anoyui's picture
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I was thinking more of a

I was thinking more of a Hawaiian vibe :D


The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

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Which is why, for the record, making threads like this really won't change anything. We know what we want revealed and will reveal it in our own time. Not that we don't understand the temptation of course. But it's exactly because that temptation is so easily abused that we're so loath to talk ahead of ourselves.

Threads like this are not intended to influence the timetable, its to garner information. As late as the Q+A an end of year AB release was still a tentative goal. With less than a month until the new year it is understandable that people would like to know if that was still the plan. You all but say here that we won't get the AB this year and instead something else will be presented.

I suspect many will accept a later than hoped for release of the AB with an official statement...I is the holiday season after all and much of the staff is still volunteer.

Greyhawk's picture
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One week to year end...

One week to year end...

Still waiting patiently. I hope everyone, developers, fans, advocates, and critics, all have a Merry Christmas and a prosperous 2016.

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Ysangard's picture
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I'm still waiting patiently

I'm still waiting patiently for the costume creator but i have a huge question... only people who participate to kickstarter will be on the release of the Costume creator?
And so, second question : when is going to start the second possibility to participate, giving money to the project?...

I have so many expectations and hopes about CoT and the lastest video confort me in this way.!!

RottenLuck's picture
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I can answer that. No the

I can answer that. No the Avatar (character) creator will be released to everyone. Reason is to aid in funds. One goal is to open a cash shop with costume parts that would bring in revanew for the larger game. Second reason is free bug testing. With a limited budget, limited time and limited work force having some things open for players will help find bugs before the whole thing is finished.

Same goes for the planned Base editor.

Of course I'm not a DEV I'm just very snoopy so things might have changed. That said that the goal as I know it.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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The AB (Avatar Builder) will

The AB (Avatar Builder) will be released when it is ready, and is for the use of anyone who downloads it (so far, that is the intent, not a Promise).

They have NEVER said it would be used to help raise funds. OTHERS have SPECULATED that it CAN be used that way.

Players and Bug Finds/Fixes are always problematic. Not everyone reports bugs, not everyone reports bugs accurately. Will it help them to find some bugs? Yes. It will not find all of them. It can't find all of them, as the potential for creating new bugs happens Every Single Time An Update Is Applied (Basic law of Programming).

Base Editor is a Wish Item. No Guarantee of it ever happening before Game Release, or even after the Game Release.

Shadow Elusive
Shadow Elusive's picture
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The character creator is

The character creator is absolutely a money maker and I'm pretty sure we have said as much before. Releasing it in advance will help fund the game development.

In fact, I may as well clarify: the character creator, at least once past beta, is not going to be a free release. While business wise this might make sense, and at one point (before our change to Unreal 4) we'd hoped to do so, our license with Unreal doesn't cover two separate products, so we have to charge once for the whole bundle. So you'll be buying the box to get the character creator, and then getting the rest of game automatically when it comes out, as you had in fact already bought it (this also means if you donated enough at the KS to own the box already, you own the character creator already).

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

deltaE93's picture
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It's nice to see some

It's nice to see some confirmation of some kind, even if it isn't what everyone wants to see. Thanks for keeping us all in the loop!

Halae's picture
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Well Shadow Elusive, given

Well Shadow Elusive, given how long my friends and I have been tinkering with the Icon creator, I don't think any of us are going to be upset over needing to buy the full game to get access. I missed the Kickstarted by about a month, and I want to contribute to development anyways, so I'll definitely be going for it.

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

DesViper's picture
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Sometimes I feel like I'm the

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one patient with the Devs :p

"A delayed game is good eventually. A bad game is bad forever" - nintendo guy, I think.

A-ranked studio of devs took CoH 4 years.
MWM is making good time ;)

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Izzy's picture
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desviper wrote: Sometimes I
desviper wrote:

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one patient with the Devs :p"A delayed game is good eventually. A bad game is bad forever" - nintendo guy, I think.A-ranked studio of devs took CoH 4 years.
MWM is making good time ;)

You are correct* Sir.
Well.... :P

Since MWM needs to raise funds each year, for those 4 years, from crowd funding... different rules for different situations.
They just need to Satisfy Crowd Funders with their progress, even if the Media Outlets Shred them to pieces.
After the 4 years, those SAME Media Outlets will eat their words, and praise it or they will look bad if the game turns out to be good.

There is a Caveat though. ;)
Crowd Funders might be realistically satisfied with the progress, but might hate what the Media Outlets, and YouTube'rs are spewing, in the meantime. 40% of All the Crowd Funders might feel under pressure to Show Off to some Media Outlets and YouTubers and will feel the need to pester MWM to make faster progress, which will most likely happen, and could get Sour at MWM. Gangrel at 80%. Me at 60%. ;)

If it wasn't for that Caveat alone, MWM could be ALLOT more forthcoming with more technical updates. :P
Maybe if was 20 years ago, this would be a Non-Issue.. well, so would CrowdFunding! A catch 22? ;)

What might MWM do to hit the High Notes, milestones, to DeSour some people?
* Costume Creator (80%+ Done)
* Show us a video of the Fully Finished Starting Zone with City Hall, like what Gold Side looked like at least.. back in CoH, but a little more Trees and Grass, like in some wallpapers that show those vibrant rolling green meadows. hehe.. Just a bit more Trees and Grass patches, and not too much Concrete, if this is where players will congregate at have leisure picnics at. Might want a few of those Blossomed Cherry Trees, and Willow Trees, or other that gives that feeling of calm. Just peppered in, placed manually by a Feng Shui artist. ;)
* .... what else? ....

Nyktos's picture
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desviper wrote: Sometimes I
desviper wrote:

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one patient with the Devs :p"A delayed game is good eventually. A bad game is bad forever" - nintendo guy, I think.A-ranked studio of devs took CoH 4 years.
MWM is making good time ;)

You're not the only one. I can be absurdly patient...

Formerly known as Bleddyn

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radientone's picture
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It's been 3 years since CoH's

It's been 3 years since CoH's sunset. What's another year or two to get rolling? It's downhill from here (at least from a non-programmers point of view :D )

They also serve, who only stand and wait.

Empyrean's picture
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+1 to all. Want a great game

+1 to all. Want a great game. Great game later is better than ok game now.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

JayBezz's picture
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Let me just say.. using UE4

Let me just say.. using UE4 has its own set of complications just because of how new the engine truly is. But I think MWM got in at the right time.

Crowd Control Enthusiast

WraithTDK's picture
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Ah the eternal struggle of

Ah the eternal struggle of waiting for a game: trying to find a balance between eagerness to play and desire for the kind of quality that can't be rushed.

COT is a unique experience that's going to be frustrating, because what we have to understand is that for the first time, we knew about this game before development really began. That means we have to wait through the ENTIRE development circle. This is significant; because with most MMO's, they're not even announced until the alpha build is ready. World of Warcraft was in development for half a decade; and that was from an dedicated full-time team, in an established studio with the resources of one of the largest publishers in existence behind it. This game si being developed by a team spread across the country, with a lot of volunteer work going into it. I can't even imagine the logistics challenged behind something like that.


Phararri's picture
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WraithTDK wrote: Ah the
WraithTDK wrote:

Ah the eternal struggle of waiting for a game: trying to find a balance between eagerness to play and desire for the kind of quality that can't be rushed.COT is a unique experience that's going to be frustrating, because what we have to understand is that for the first time, we knew about this game before development really began. That means we have to wait through the ENTIRE development circle. This is significant; because with most MMO's, they're not even announced until the alpha build is ready. World of Warcraft was in development for half a decade; and that was from an dedicated full-time team, in an established studio with the resources of one of the largest publishers in existence behind it. This game si being developed by a team spread across the country, with a lot of volunteer work going into it. I can't even imagine the logistics challenged behind something like that.

Right on, DCUO was a 5 years also, and they had a huuuuuge budget.

As a child, I thought my name was handsome, cause that is what everyone called me.

elegantmess's picture
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Having seen the video that

Having seen the video that just came out, I am excited and optimistic. I am willing to wait. Although I am not very computer savvy and I know jack-all about making a computer game, I do know that everything I've learned so far and seen looks amazing and worth the wait and the cost. I just hope that I have a computer that will hold up. I'm a Mac girl (don't judge) and I'm saving up for a box that will be able to keep up with this game.

I hope that the beta character builder will still be available for Apple and (as I thought I heard) iOS. Because I can't wait to take a crack at this.

...But I'll wait anyway.

Khione, Boreal Princess of Phantoms/The Riveter, Hammer of Liberty/Rosa Amarillo, Sweet Belle with a Six-Shooter

Magical Girl in a Marvel Comics World

Amerikatt's picture
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blacke4dawn wrote: I'm really
blacke4dawn wrote:

Kiyori Anoyui wrote: @Shadow Elusive,
As I have learned by seeing KS in all it's glory *cough*, it is okay to not make promises, it is when there is no communication at all is when things start getting ugly. I have to say you guys are doing a great job at communicating on the basic level, you have my conga rats on that note.
Anyways, I am excited to see what this "something" is. :D
You're sending that to them?

I'm really looking forward to *whenever* the Costume Creator comes out. Our Devs are doing a nomtastic and nomworthy job for us!

*watches the conga rats*

You over there! Ya! YOU! We need more maraca! :D

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

doctor tyche
doctor tyche's picture
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elegantmess wrote: Having
elegantmess wrote:

Having seen the video that just came out, I am excited and optimistic. I am willing to wait. Although I am not very computer savvy and I know jack-all about making a computer game, I do know that everything I've learned so far and seen looks amazing and worth the wait and the cost. I just hope that I have a computer that will hold up. I'm a Mac girl (don't judge) and I'm saving up for a box that will be able to keep up with this game.I hope that the beta character builder will still be available for Apple and (as I thought I heard) iOS. Because I can't wait to take a crack at this....But I'll wait anyway.

*opens up his Macbook Air, looks at the screen, smiles, and closes it gently*
*whistles innocently*

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

revolution's picture
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*types this on his Macbook

*types this on his Macbook Pro*

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Redlynne's picture
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*logs in and reads forums on

*logs in and reads forums on a 2011 iMac*

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elegantmess's picture
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*sends love and solidarity to

*sends love and solidarity to her fellow MacLovers*

Khione, Boreal Princess of Phantoms/The Riveter, Hammer of Liberty/Rosa Amarillo, Sweet Belle with a Six-Shooter

Magical Girl in a Marvel Comics World

Lothic's picture
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At least you Apple people

At least you Apple people know you won't have your Avatar Builder dressing rooms spied on by the FBI... ;)
P.S. Yes, yes I know that the recent encryption controversy between the FBI and Apple doesn't really apply to this situation but at least I tried my best to shoehorn it in. ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Amerikatt's picture
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*ears perk up**raises dainty

*ears perk up*

*raises dainty little cowled head*

Did someone say ... apples?!

*purrs throatily*

I kan haz? Fank-mew!

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

Foradain's picture
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Amerikatt wrote: *ears perk
Amerikatt wrote:

*ears perk up*
*raises dainty little cowled head*
Did someone say ... apples?!
*purrs throatily*
I kan haz? Fank-mew!

Silly 'Kat! these are silicate Apples, not apples for eating!
*Goes to local restaurant, gets two slices of apple pie.*
Here, have some π!^_^

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Amerikatt's picture
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Joined: 09/27/2013 - 08:54
Fanks, Foradain!*noms the

Fanks, Foradain!

*noms the tasty apple pie and is glad that it's not as gritty as silicate pie*

*purrs with contentment*

*takes a nap*

*dreams of Mr. Boots*

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]