The World Wide Web is vast, powerful, and ubiquitous. City of Titans has a website, but will there be any official web services that interact with the game's data? I sure hope so, and to show my enthusiasm, I want to share the features that I'd most like to see.
[b]Generate pages for supergroups, characters, and other identifiable entities[/b]
I'd love to be able to have my characters on display for the world to see. Such pages would also act as a nice interface for a character's owner to log in and make changes (more on that below). It also gives players a way to identify their characters across the web. Of course, this could also apply to supergroups and other individual things in the game---including enemies and NPC's!
Third parties and other official game services could make great use of this data to enhance Wikis, data feeds, and other creative applications.
[b]Make game interactions possible through the site[/b]
In addition to [i]retrieving[/i] data from the site, let players [i]modify[/i] their data through the site. Good candidates would be actions such as updating a character's biography, selecting a character's costume, sending a tell or in-game email, or managing inventory and auction house transactions. This would be great with an actual API that would allow automated access to these functions. Addons, mobile apps, and web apps would naturally follow.
[b]Enable the sharing of costumes[/b]
Let users to submit and share costume files through the City of Titans website that they can load into the game and tweak to their liking. Allow users to download costumes from existing characters and share arbitrary costumes that aren't linked to any character.
If you're alarmed that this could allow other players to conveniently steal your original costumes, consider that forbidding this feature wouldn't prevent that.
[b]Enable downloads of character models[/b]
I think it would be great to be able to download 3D models of the game's characters from the City of Titans website. Perhaps offer standard formats such as Maya, Blender, COLLADA, etc. This would enable artists to work with characters in their favorite modelling and animation programs.
For bonus points, allow users to view character models in their browser with something like [url=]PlayCanvas[/url] or [url=]Three.js[/url]!
[b]Provide RDF and content negotiation for game data[/b]
This is a very idealistic wish. [url=]RDF[/url] is a data model that underlies a higher order of structure for information on the web. It's actually been around for a long time. It can turn a website into a true database, and with the right metadata, it can enable deep classification and complex relationships via [url=]OWL[/url]. A [url=]SPARQL[/url] endpoint can enable users to query the data with nothing more than a URL.
A consistent ontology might be unnecessary, but RDF alone would allow programs to parse the data, allow the data to integrate with other RDF datasets, and enable greater analysis of aggregate data. It's good for developers and it's good for the web.
Full disclosure: In case you can't tell, I kinda worship this stuff. o_O
These are just a few ideas. What else would you like the City of Titans website to do? The possibilities are endless[color=red]*[/color]!
[size=10][color=red]*[/color] Constrained by time, hardware, software, budget, priority, ponies, necessity, and The Law™.[/size]
EDIT: Wishlist ain't a word.