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Pet Ideas

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Last seen: 7 years 12 months ago
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Pet Ideas

most mmo games have this just for something to collect and some games have even started a battle system

i find this to be a fun idea as maybe a collectible if this game will have collectibles or achievements
my personal favorite was my siamese cat i had in world of warcraft this probably was because i had one long ago.
and WoW also added in having pets you can battle with, now i'm aware this is a superhero mmo in the works but i also see pets to help in battle. (well aware this will not be a pokemon game idea in the works lol)

take for example the ranger class from various games that you could summon a pet to your side and help you fight and the mastermind power set from CoH was kinda like that but on a bigger scale with a lot more then one pet.
also adding rename your pets for vanity or combat pets
however i don't really see much reason for riding mounts in this game but i'd imagine someone may disagree since super heroes or villians do tend to have different methods of traveling around.

Fireheart's picture
Last seen: 7 months 4 weeks ago
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'Most'? Please list your

'Most'? Please list your 'most mmo games', because I'm prepared to list ones that don't have collectible fluff.

Be Well!

Last seen: 7 years 12 months ago
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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

'Most'? Please list your 'most mmo games', because I'm prepared to list ones that don't have collectible fluff.
Be Well!

WoW & Rift, Guild Wars 1 & 2 are the ones i played that had collectible pets and i'm sure there are other mmo games that included this at some point.

Fireheart's picture
Last seen: 7 months 4 weeks ago
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LotRO, DCUO, AoC...

LotRO, DCUO, AoC...

Hmm, but add to Your list, SWTOR, Aion, Neverwinter, and probably others that I've not played, when you consider 'Vanity Pets'.

I guess, since _I_ dislike the idea of vanity fluff, even, especially, since I've been dragged into it in WoW, I jumped on your sweeping 'most'.

I just can't imagine my Fire Tanker going up against 'Doom Doctor' with a pet Mouse on his shoulder. And if the critter is not on my shoulder, but faithfully scampering behind me through the Sewers... No, it just doesn't make sense, even if I get him a rocket-pack.

Be Well!

Last seen: 7 years 12 months ago
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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

LotRO, DCUO, AoC...
Hmm, but add to Your list, SWTOR, Aion, Neverwinter, and probably others that I've not played, when you consider 'Vanity Pets'.
I guess, since _I_ dislike the idea of vanity fluff, even, especially, since I've been dragged into it in WoW, I jumped on your sweeping 'most'.
I just can't imagine my Fire Tanker going up against 'Doom Doctor' with a pet Mouse on his shoulder. And if the critter is not on my shoulder, but faithfully scampering behind me through the Sewers... No, it just doesn't make sense, even if I get him a rocket-pack.
Be Well!

well to each their own, i could just as well write this off as a bad idea when you put it that way oh well. :-/

TTheDDoctor's picture
Last seen: 1 year 4 months ago
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Vanity pets are more

Vanity pets are more befitting for some characters versus others. Fireheart's are just not too compatible with fluffy little animals. However, I can guess several thousand toons who [i]would[/i] find more appeal in this idea...


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Darth Fez
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Aww, he's dressed up his pet

Aww, he's dressed up his pet human in a hat.

That's adorable!

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I could see myself making a

I could see myself making a group of themed characters any of whom could carry a little worm with a talk-box.

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Well, it's true that the

Well, it's true that the Silver Age in DC comics saw several heroes and teams of heroes acquire useless pet mascots, like the Wonder Twins pet monkey and that scooby doo knock off dog from two different versions of Super Friends. There were also less useless pets like Ace the Bat Hound and the League of Super Pets (and specifically Super Dog), also in the Silver Age DC universe. Super Dog has even appeared in modern age stories and they brought Ace back for Batman Beyond.

I'm not so sure about the Marvel side of things, beyond that robot that replaced Human Torch in one of the Fantastic Four cartoons.

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Well, there's Rick Jones.

Well, there's Rick Jones.


Okay, not Rick Jones.

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Oh, yeah, I just remembered that at one point they gave Daredevil a dog sidekick who doubled as Matt Murdok's seeing eye dog for a while, though that didn't last long.

Either way, there is precedent, so a pet system wouldn't be too out of place in a Super hero mmo. Even the vanity pets.

Last seen: 7 years 12 months ago
Joined: 08/10/2014 - 20:40
i've played SOME mmo games

i've played SOME mmo games that pets are just something to collect and follow you around nothing more nothing less.
then i heard WoW turning those little pets into almost pokemon like with fighting each other but that doesn't mean that i'd like to see that in a super hero game.
however being able to have a pet sidekick would be kind of fun and useful say if your a ranged hero/villian you send the pet in to distract the target and you shoot them with your bows/guns/throwing weapons ect...

Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
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Vanity pets have a place for

Vanity pets have a place for RP purposes, as addons. If you don't want them, don't deal with them. Everybody's happy. Just please don't make then part of a 'gambling' system like ToR's packs or Champs' lockboxes, where you spend sub points or real money to get s cool item, and wind up with...yet another mouse on your shoulder instead.

I am [b] not[/b] an altoholic! I can stop whenever I want. No, really...

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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

LotRO, DCUO, AoC...
Hmm, but add to Your list, SWTOR, Aion, Neverwinter, and probably others that I've not played, when you consider 'Vanity Pets'.
I guess, since _I_ dislike the idea of vanity fluff, even, especially, since I've been dragged into it in WoW, I jumped on your sweeping 'most'.
I just can't imagine my Fire Tanker going up against 'Doom Doctor' with a pet Mouse on his shoulder. And if the critter is not on my shoulder, but faithfully scampering behind me through the Sewers... No, it just doesn't make sense, even if I get him a rocket-pack.
Be Well!

GO FOR THE EYES BOO! *Sorry, could not resist,*


Last seen: 3 years 1 month ago
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I think vanity pets could be

I think vanity pets could be done really really well, and even enhance some character concepts. Like the vain hero with his pet camera bot to make sure that he always has the best footage for telling the local news how cool he is. Or maybe the super villain who is still followed by the ghost of the pet frog he lost in a visit to a soup factory as a boy (that one should totally be narrated by Morgan Freeman again.)


Sweet_Miss_Skaldi's picture
Last seen: 10 years 2 days ago
Joined: 08/25/2014 - 06:01
Heyo all, MUD gamer here! :)

Heyo all, MUD gamer here! :) Pets can be interesting or distracting. I played a BARD in a MUD for a particularly long time, and it was quite fun when Voice Throw came out as an ability because I was able to make my dolls talk to people :) A little more on that in a minute. I also believe that the MUDs are the most advanced games right now because those that survive have had 20 years to develop and refine their product. So I will now detail everything I've seen in various MUD's on the topic of pets and how they work and I shall allow the Dev's to decide what is appropriate or not for this game.

Warmie Pets
Carve a talisman, find some exotic oils, apply liberally to talisman, summon your pet for the first time. How it looks, color, species, etc. Is forever decided for the life of your talisman. Your pet may go speak to others in other locations with your focus and concentration, it may pick up an object, it may go on a quest under your guidance, and it may travel under your guidance.

Ranga Pets
Focus your energies on the forest and call forth your pet. It steps out of the forest hesitantly as a baby version which you must then feed and coddle. In some cases of carnivores such as bears and wolves you have to hunt meat scraps for them to eat. Leave them alone to long and they disappear back into the forest.

Mechanica Pets
An assortment of mechanical flying birds, these were always hard to find, harder to buy, and occasionally appeared on rare pay-to-play quests. Their abilities included being cute, highly visible, and an assortment of tricks you could order them to do much like little flying helicopters in game.

Defenders of an almost defenseless class the Alafar were white spirits that stepped out to protect Healers from harm.

Bardic Naga
These snake like creatures never made it into development, they were promised to be shimmering magical golden creaures that could assist a very good bard with magic but after 6 years of waiting, I called it quits before I ever saw these. Maybe I'm still waiting...

Dolls were any stuffed animal, or so named 'doll' or so not named 'doll' They were basically any in-animate object, that had some verbs built into it. Sometimes it was only 'just' a black and white dalmation with bright blue eyes, sometimes it was a cuddly little gnome doll, and sometimes it was a food object, a stuffed lemon pie, ooh and my favorrite was a bejeweled dragon. (but it was really a pin, but it wasn't designated as a pin it was designated as a dragon)

Dolls became the forte of the bards because we could hold and wear them, make them talk and use some of our own special abilities to make them appear to be very much alive or animated as per casting an illusion spell in DnD, but as customized animations, bringing more flavor and fun to the game. Of course when I used these abilities I usually had the GM's breathing down my neck within seconds for possible ability abuse, but it was always worth the performance, and impressing game newcomers, who would always ask in whispers demanding how the F*** I had done that. I never tried to use them to sell something that wasn't.

The creation of illusions was entirely in the hands of the player-character as a class ability, it took patience, good English grammar, and skill to get it perfectly right, of course being in a 3D game instead of 1D, I might guess a lot more coding would be involved to bring such an ability forward, and a lot more trial and error on the part of the player to get the full performance just perfect. I kind of imagine being able to program an illusion track in game for your doll to appear to follow, maybe a bit like programing a lego mindstorm bot to go forward 2 tire rotations and right turn for 5 tire rotations, with a speed of 1 or 10, then to pause for a few seconds, or wait for whistle command before next movement.

sample performance:
/illusion start
You start your performance.

/illusion bejeweled dragon launches into the air flying around 5 squares in a spiral, flashing it's ruby and sapphire wings at those below, it floats above awaiting commands.
Sweet_Miss_Skaldi's bejeweled dragon launches into the air flying around 5 squares in a spiral, flashing it's ruby and sapphire wings at those below, it floats above awaiting commands.

/whistle bardic sparrow
Sweet_Miss_Skaldi whistles a short series of bird-like notes into the air.

/illusion bejeweled dragon dives into a full barrel roll plummetting swiftly to cross the fountain, parting the water with it's wings and sending out brilliant rainbow sprays in all directions, then flies in for a landing on her tankard for a drink.

Sweet_Miss_Skaldi's bejeweled dragon dives into a full barrel roll plummetting swiftly to cross the fountain, parting the water with it's wings and sending out brilliant rainbow sprays in all directions, then flies in for a landing on her tankard for a drink.

/illusion stop
You end your performance.

"Thank you one and all for attending my performance of illusions, tips are always appreciated.

Often after creating an artful illusion, people would be demanding to know where I got that pet, how they could get one 'just like it', and sometimes they would offer me a lot of money to sell it to them. Crazy. Unfortunately I could never do that since it was just an illusion, but flattery is always wonderful. :)
Occasionally an older player might tell me, Great, you did that and now my nephew who is just learning to play is demanding I buy him one!

Animated Jewelry
Animated jewelry pretty much was for everyone else who didn't have the illusion ability it was a bard-only specialty. Animated jewelry took the form of glowing gems, color changing cloaks, wind-up dolls which were limited to just winding them up and then they had automated commands they would follow. There were also little gold dragon snakes you could wear that would move from time to time on their own. Those were kind of what inspired me to use a dragon pin for my illusions.

Animated House Pets
These stagnant creatures, bleh. They were programmed to occasionally move a tiny bit, many times they didn't because of excessive game lag.

Imaginitive young lady looking for clients, talents are imagining the realistic possibilities of practically anything, and applying new technologies to practical applications in all types of business.

Riptide's picture
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TroublesomeKnight wrote:
TroublesomeKnight wrote:

Well, it's true that the Silver Age in DC comics saw several heroes and teams of heroes acquire useless pet mascots, like the Wonder Twins pet monkey and that scooby doo knock off dog from two different versions of Super Friends. There were also less useless pets like Ace the Bat Hound and the League of Super Pets (and specifically Super Dog), also in the Silver Age DC universe. Super Dog has even appeared in modern age stories and they brought Ace back for Batman Beyond.
I'm not so sure about the Marvel side of things, beyond that robot that replaced Human Torch in one of the Fantastic Four cartoons.

Kitty Pryde and Ilyana Rasputin had a dragon called Lockheed if I remember right. And there was a big bulldog with a wishbone on his head that appeared here and there (literally). Don't remember his name, though. "Lockjaw", maybe?

"I don't think you understand the gravity of your situation."

Foradain's picture
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Lockheed and Lockjaw are both

Lockheed and Lockjaw are both correct. You win two No-Prizes. ^_^

Lockjaw was with the Inhumans.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Riptide's picture
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Foradain wrote:
Foradain wrote:

Lockheed and Lockjaw are both correct. You win two No-Prizes. ^_^
Lockjaw was with the Inhumans.

Thanks for the confirmation!
There's three things you lose when you get my age.
The first is your memory.

I don't remember the other two...

"I don't think you understand the gravity of your situation."

Last seen: 5 years 11 months ago
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CoH had vanity pets and pets

CoH had vanity pets and pets that provided a small amount of buff.

As other pointed out there are many examples of this in comics. To me the most obvious example is the super pets of Superman but you also have characters like Booster Gold where his pet was integral to his concept.

I have no issue with the collect them all pokemon aspect....but the dogfighting aspect not a fan of.

Sweet_Miss_Skaldi's picture
Last seen: 10 years 2 days ago
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yup, I saw that a lot in

yup, I saw that a lot in Rappelz, I think it got abused a bit much... Oooh I have a level 150 flower pet that throws darts , let me kill all the noobs that come over the north bridge in noobtown for kicks. :P Wasn't me, though I only played a cleric in that game. Buffing people in that game was so much fun with all 6 of them. Especially the Stamina one, new players would get so confused when I dropped Super-Stamina on them and multiplied their hitpoints by a factor of 500. They'd say, "Who attacked me" and turn pvp on. LOL

Imaginitive young lady looking for clients, talents are imagining the realistic possibilities of practically anything, and applying new technologies to practical applications in all types of business.

Darth Fez
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The real reason we shouldn't

The real reason we shouldn't have pets.


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[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

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TTheDDoctor's picture
Last seen: 1 year 4 months ago
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I'm surprised nobody has

I'm surprised nobody has really mentioned robots for pets, yet. Granted, most robotic companions are no mere vanity pets and serve a practical purpose, like the Target Drone and Gun Drone from the Devices powerset, the Seeker Drones from the Traps powerset, or the minions in the Robots powerset. However, it would be nice if we had something like that for a pet that constantly follows us around- if not because it looks cool, then because I want to shoot lasers out of flying gun drones like in that one issue that showcased an attack bird.

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Last seen: 5 years 11 months ago
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I think the original question

I think the original question was more along the lines of collectable pets and not pets that act as allies....vanity the little mech man, the rikti monkey ect in coh. It would be like badges except there is a visual representation. He also suggested a kind of pokemon battle system where you can force your vanity pets to fight.