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Player Bases: More Than Just a Thing to Look At

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Lord Nightmare
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Player Bases: More Than Just a Thing to Look At

I'm not one to usually say DCUO did something right but with the announcement of Garrisons in WoW you have to admit that the player bases introduced a few years ago into DCUO can be considered a precursor to them. To explain for those that don't know, Player Bases in DCUO are instances that only YOU and someone you invite can enter and they house a variety of both scenic items and items with use. These include vendors, crafting stations, a respec machine, sparring targets to test builds, and a machine that gives out boosts based on the base supplies you have.

WoW has expanded this even further with the Garrison. On top of its version of these, you also have buildings that mine/gather crafting components and the holy grails of the system: A small legion to summon every few minutes for a NICE burst skill (number of soldiers summons increases as you level the garrison) and a Sortie minigame that basically sends out "champions" of your garrison to go do missions to get new upgrades or some other stuff..

Now Player Bases/Homes have been a very highly requested feature, if only because its a staple of the Superhero Genre. I'd like to, when implemented, have them serve as more than just personal instances and would love for you to draw from these examples, if only because it would be a nice In-Sink.

Possible ideas:

[b]Plots/Patrols[/b] - Just as Batman has the Batcomputer, you'd have a super machine (or orb of scrying or whatever..) which basically allows you to start small arcs leading into a large finish. Villainous characters will begin plotting to kidnap world leaders, super weapons, conquest, etc and start off in missions to gather necessary components or case the area. Heroes would be alerted of a mission that leads into uncovering similar plans to the villain missions.
[b]The Armory/Suit-up[/b] - What's Tony Stark without his gallery of suits? Here you would see your saved costumes for that specific character and gain access to the tailor to change anything or make a new one.
[b]Followers/Henchies/Allies[/b] - What is a villain without his [url=]Loyal Followers[/url]? Or a hero without those ungodly amount of Longbow to back them up? (GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! *rage*) Here you would customize and create your own small personal force of no-names and expendables to call out for in the open world. Want to bring them into your missions as friendly NPCs? Go ahead! Just be warned that the mission will scale dramatically to that. Don't want to? Just check the box saying so.
[b]R&D Area[/b] - Here you can create temp powers, boosts, enhancements, costume pieces, ETC using items found in the open world.
[b]Memorabilia[/b] - "Hey, that's a cool giant penny you got there, Batman. How'd you get it?" Completing badges and mission arcs will unlock more things to pile into this gallery. Really enjoyed a certain arc? How about you interact with the memorabilia from that arc and be given the opportunity to do it again!

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

SavageFist's picture
Last seen: 1 year 3 weeks ago
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Joined: 08/21/2013 - 22:04
I always wanted to defend my

I always wanted to defend my base against PvE attacks. To me this would be a logical extension of something like the Nemesis system in CO. It would be another reason for those that don't like PvP to still buy the same defenses. Items get destroyed and you still need 'money' to rebuild so it can also provide a sink to balance the economy.

And I love each of your ideas, LN!!!

The more variety or different types of gameplay, the longer I would play this game to accomplish it all.

[b][color=red]Reward tactics as well as damage dealing.[/color][/b]

Izzy's picture
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Why not have a Single Player

Why not have a Single Player that sits at a Def Con Hub that does everything he/she can to defend the base. by manually springing traps.. (some with a countdown timers though.. just to keep up with multiple invaders)

An example: A bit like what playing a Villain is like in Fable Legends. [url=]video link[/url]

Teams can seek out any live Base Challenge's from a Listing..
..and the Base Player can accept or decline.

Lord Nightmare
Lord Nightmare's picture
Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
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Joined: 10/02/2013 - 15:44
Not to derail... >_> But did

Not to derail... >_> But did they seriously just slap a Fable Skin on Dungeon Keeper?

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
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Joined: 12/05/2012 - 20:32
Not sure you can design the

Not sure you can design the Dungeon in that Fable Legends. Still not as cool as Dungeon Keeper!

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

TTheDDoctor's picture
Last seen: 1 year 4 months ago
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Joined: 03/29/2014 - 15:26
I'm loving just about every

I'm loving just about every word of this. The bases in CoX allowed for raids, but granted you couldn't just schedule a raid with NPC's and there wasn't as many utilities as I'd like to have seen. The main thing that CoX lacked was the whole henchmen/minions thing, often choosing just to give you the option of being a mastermind instead. It's nice, though the level scaling really helps make having extra henchmen for everyone a highly favorable alternative. Now you can run around as a tank with an army of minions and NOT break the game in the process! :D

[url=]My original character profiles![/url]