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Mogul Survey question

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Mogul Survey question

So I just got my Mogul survey, but before I fill it out, I have questions.

First of all, it asks what kind of building I want, giving a first, second, and third choice.
The only thing I want is a Skyscraper. I'm a massive fan of the things, that's the only kind of building I want.
So do I have to fill in the second and third choices?

I would like to help design my own building- Can I do that? Don't worry, I'm not going to come up with some elaborate nightmare that will give the 3D modellers nightmares. I was thinking a nice modern tower with a nice crown, something that would be right at home in Manhattan, perhaps in the 60-70 story range.

Can I submit some design sketches or concept drawings? How soon would you need them? Would you just need the exterior, or sketches of interiors like the lobby?

Last seen: 7 years 1 month ago
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Might be just me, but I got

Might be just me, but I got the impression that this is more for lot allocation - If everyone wants a skyscraper, it means packing everyone into the sections of the city that can thematically handle it. If they get 5 requests for Active volcano bases, that might ease up the guys working on the city skyline, but causes a new issue of where those would be even possible. We're probably a ways off from actual design; I think they just need to know how much ground space is required to make the funders happy.

Leader of The Earthguard
Exiles from Paragon City, proud scions of Champion

Nina Guardian
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I also only gave one choice.

I also only gave one choice. If I can't have The Naughty Corner, I'm gonna pout :(

Phoenix Rising's Model Citizen

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Can't wait to get home and

Can't wait to get home and check my email ^_^

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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doctor tyche
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Just answer honestly. If all

Just answer honestly. If all you want is a skyscraper, put that. If you want to help design it, say so. The goal is to not promise something we cannot deliver (like an Arcology the size of several city blocks).

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

Nina Guardian
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I'm guessing that this was

I'm guessing that this was just to get an idea of how many of what types of buildings people want and that we will be asked for additional input later?

For example, it's no secret that my idea is for an upscale dance club/ night club on a well travelled corner. If 100 other people want the same kind of thing, there might be a problem, right?

Once you have a good idea of how many of each similar types of locations you have, you will then ask us individually for more info on the particulars?

Phoenix Rising's Model Citizen

doctor tyche
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Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

Nyghtshade's picture
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To whom is the Mogul Survey

To whom is the Mogul Survey being sent, just out of curiosity?

doctor tyche
doctor tyche's picture
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To those who purchased Mogul.

To those who purchased Mogul.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

Foradain's picture
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^_^ Bwaahahahahahaha! ^_^

^_^ Bwaahahahahahaha! ^_^

*goes to fill out survey*

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Last seen: 6 years 6 months ago
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Awesome, thanks! I'll get

Awesome, thanks! I'll get that filled in ASAP.
Don't worry, I just want one handsome tower, not a whole block:)
All I need now is to come up with a name!

Last seen: 7 years 10 months ago
Joined: 11/04/2013 - 08:17
Thanks to a very generous

Thanks to a very generous friend I'll be able to put up a building as well, Thinking a detailed Clocktower(suppose you could say its a clocktower atop of a building actuially), described it a long time back in the mogul thread..( .. Though I was wondering if I should pass the info to my benefactor to make the request, or something else.

vrghr's picture
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Hooray! The buildings are

Hooray! The buildings are coming! The buildings are coming! *grin*

A few questions, if I may?
1) I purchased a few Moguls to gift to friends. They don't have the Mogul perk linked to their emails, since those were gifts under my KS email. How should they provide their input? If I use my "alt" inputs, how will those be differentiated from optional buildings if my first choice isn't available, and what if one of their choices isn't available? How might they provide their "alts"?
2) I funded at "key to the city", which includes a building, and also bought extra mogul perks. Is this survey for the "Key to the city" building as well as the Mogul, or just the Mogul parts?
3) Between "Key to the City" and the additional Mogul perks I purchased, I've got more than the 3 buildings you have option for (and some of them aren't "my" buildings; they're gifted to friends). Should I just send you an Email instead of the survey? Or how should I handle sending you the extra inputs w/their alt options?

It's so great to see the production moving on to this stage! It's been really hard to wait *bounces eagerly*, but knowing all the goodness that's coming makes the wait worthwhile.

Vrghr (AKA ES: Chef of Phoenix Rising)

We grow not old so long as we continue to chase our dreams.
Chef of Phoenix Rising

charlieranger's picture
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Will all the mogul building

Will all the mogul building be in the initial release or do we have an option to put the building into a zone that will be added later?

Nina Guardian
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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:


LOL. This is why Doc Tyche is so great. Gets right to the point without wasting words.

That, and he says I'm right ;)

Phoenix Rising's Model Citizen

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charlieranger wrote:
charlieranger wrote:

Will all the mogul building be in the initial release or do we have an option to put the building into a zone that will be added later?

That's an interesting question that could be generalized more into asking if we'll be able to have any say about the final specific placement for our buildings in any zone.

I mean obviously we as players don't have any detailed idea about how the zones will be laid out right now, but let's say after launch we decide that wherever our Mogul building is placed is not where we might have wanted it. Will there be any option to have it moved or will the locations be forever hardwired into the landscape?

A lot of this might depend on whether or not they will be selling new Moguls after launch or not. It's entirely conceivable that as the game evolves they will allow us to buy new Mogul buildings every time they expand the game with new zones. If that's the case then they might not allow us to move old buildings into new zones in favor of allowing newer players the chance to get new Moguls in new places.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Radiac's picture
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I filled mine out within

I filled mine out within minutes of receiving the email that linked me to the survey. I only paid for one Mogul, but gave three different options in order of desire. I personally assumed that I would be contacted in the future regarding what will actually get implemented. None of my three choices are skyscrapers and they're all things that wouldn't necessarily be "unique" in the sense that the city could have more than one of them anyway. In fact, you could probably build at least two of my options into different parts of the same building, if not all three.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

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I <3 the devs and thank you

I <3 the devs and thank you for the survey!

I am looking forward to this game so much.... Arghhh... I know you guys are the underdogs and it is really hard with the funding you have, but I hope you can do it. I played CoX so much and really nothing since has been able to replace it for me.

Here's hoping and best of luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last seen: 6 years 6 months ago
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Something else I was

Something else I was wondering- Can I change the name at a later date, if I come up with something that I like a lot better after I send the survey in?
While I don't want to name the tower itself after me (my legal name isn't exactly awe inspiring), I would love it if my skyscraper could have a cornerstone similar to a few I photographed in NYC- they give a date, as well as the names of the architect and developer/owner. I could put my real name on the cornerstone in the developer/owner's place.

Here's one such cornerstone:

plasma's picture
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So, I just wandered back to

So, I just wandered back to the forums - I did get Mogul, but I haven't received the survey. Should everyone who got mogul have received it? If not, should I email that ksperks address or what?

Shard (not verified)
A little PSA for everyone

A little PSA for everyone here.

You should have recieved a Surveymmonkey based email sent to the address you used for Kickstarter ( and thus the Perks cart unless you were one of the few who changed their Point of Contact post KS )

NOTE!!!! THIS IS BASED ON THE PERKSCART "PURCHASES" - if you paiod the extra for Mogul but did nothing with the Perkscart, we have no idea HOW you want your extra monety allocated.

If you can't find the survey link email, send me your kickstarter registered email address and verify and I'll get the survey resent out to you.

Rezelius's picture
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Sorry to Necro the thread,

Sorry to Necro the thread, but my question pertains to the Mogul add-on as well.

I have filled out the survey on how I wanted the extra money I paid in the Kickstarter to be allocated but have yet to receive any email contact on design, etc.
I sent a couple emails to the address (one in November and one again in April of this year) but haven't received a reply.

I realize that it is going to take a while to get through all the contributors, so don't take this as a "hurry up and do MINE" type thing.
All I really wanted to know was that my name was on the list so I didn't get missed. If I'm on the list, I'll patiently wait my turn. :)

Thanks to whoever can help.

warcabbit's picture
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I'm very sorry, Rez. But I

I'm very sorry, Rez. But I thought we did email you. I see something in sent items. Tell you what, mail and we'll get your message where it needs to go.

[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]

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No worries warcabbit, I

No worries warcabbit, I appreciate the response. :)

I'll send an email shortly!

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This isn't about the Mogul

This isn't about the Mogul but about the survey I didn't get an email with one, for what name I want on the wall. I am not sure where to put this so figured since this is talking about it I put it here. Please let me know who to contact so that I can get the survey.

Tempest's picture
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Hi Warcabbit - My best friend

Hi Warcabbit - My best friend and I have both participated in Mogul, and to date neither of us have had verification our surveys have be received, just as with Red Warlock and Rez mentioned. I filled out the Mogul survey (admittedly, very late) on for building concepts but have yet to receive any email contact to confirm receipt or on additional design input.

As mentioned above, we are not looking to jump the line, but more just want to make certain we are in the line :-)

Let me know if there is anything more I should do, and thanks!

"Yes they do Otto, they just don't understand it!"

I am Tempest; Tempest Master in my previous life, and known as Temp to almost everyone that knows me.

Minotaur's picture
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You should be hearing

You should be hearing something fairly soon on this (in the next couple of months), but as ever timings may vary.

[color=#ff0000]Tech Team and Forum Moderator[/color]


Rezelius's picture
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Hi all, I just wanted to poke

Hi all, I just wanted to poke my head in here again to touch base and see if there was any new info available?

warcabbit's picture
Last seen: 10 months 2 weeks ago
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Getting closer. Need a tool

Getting closer. Need a tool to be finished so we can properly rough out the buildings. Some of the stuff in the update today relates directly to you.

[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]

Foradain's picture
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warcabbit wrote:
warcabbit wrote:

Getting closer. Need a tool to be finished so we can properly rough out the buildings. Some of the stuff in the update today relates directly to you.

Hopefully you already have the tool you need to make the tool you need in your toolbox.

And by "you", did you mean Rezelius, or us Moguls in general? I liked that the buildings are having interiors; none of my choices would be quite as good without interiors.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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