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Meet Your Heroes Day!

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Xselcier's picture
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Meet Your Heroes Day!

The camera zoomed in on the pretty brunette and she smiled. The producer behind the camera spoke to her. "Mic's live and we're rolling in 5..4..3.." he held up two fingers, then one, then pointed at her.

"Good morning Titan City, this is Nina Snow for Channel Nine News, reporting live from the Victory Beach Amusement Park and Fairgrounds, where the 12th Annual Meet Your Heroes Day is just getting under way. It's a beautiful spring morning and if you'll follow me..."

All around the reporter and her crew, the festivities were starting. Admission to the amusement park and fairgrounds would be free for the day, with catering being provided by Titan Taco, Phoenix Burger, Famous Ray's, and several other local chains, along with a small fleet of food trucks.

For those who didn't want to spend all day on rides and carnival games, there would be entertainment in the three amphitheaters. Performances by local bands and performers along with speeches, demonstrations, and Q&A sessions by a number of heroes. Amphitheater Central was going to have three performances of the Superhero Action Hour, a stunt show featuring real heroes!

"... so come on out today and Meet Your Heroes, Titan City. This is Nina Snow, Channel Nine News."

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

doctor tyche
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From the shadows, a figure

From the shadows, a figure observes the news broadcast, his skin faintly glowing from underneath the shredded rags adorning the body. As he shuffled away he muttered to himself "the boss isn't going to like this..."

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

RottenLuck's picture
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Food party and a joyful

Food party and a joyful atmosphere of course Rotten Luck was there. Ron the living dead zombie walked along the path this time sporting no shirt, blue jeans, and his sleeveless trench coat. In one hand he had a plate full of the goodies of the venders in the other was a soda. Even he would go without beer for a time to give a good example. "I wonder if Athem going to make an appearance?"

Elsewhere near the Fairgrounds entrance walked the drug dealer the Sandman. "Ah such a beautiful day and festive event. Just the kind of thing to spread happiness and good cheer, with my narcotics." He said before leaving his car and heading to the

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Foradain's picture
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The car that wasn't a Tucker

The car that wasn't a Tucker Torpedo pulled quietly into the parking lot. Five ladies got out, their apparent ages ranging from five (the smallest two) to perhaps twenty-five (the blondest and the darkest). The fifth looked to be in her late teens, and shared the coloration of her smaller sisters, and was midway in height between the two adults.

All were dressed casually, the twins were excited. A good time was about to be had...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Blue pulled the car into the

Blue pulled the car into the closest spot he could find. His passenger , Roxicon smiled and said " I can't remember the last time you and I had a day like this Hun. "
" yeah the boys are going to love it here " he replied. She rolled her eyes and looked at the three shih tzus all playfully hopping around the back seat. " they're getting dog hair on the fabric " Roxicon stated. " So , its a company car" was his reply. With that he opened the door and went around and opened Roxis. " Wow , me first " she joked as he then let the dogs out. Blue just laughed and took her hand. "C'mon Hun lets go mingle". They walked towards the festivities , three little dogs scampering behind excitedly.

Gladatoria's picture
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Met with a arrival of

Met with a arrival of flashing smartphones and news cameras alike, Lady Nova descended slowly from the skies above in her radiant beauty with a dazzling smile as she arrived on the scene, wreathed in golden energy until she lands near Rotten Luck. Taking a few minutes to sign a few autographs and pose tirelessly for a selfie or group photo, the cosmic heroine appears to be genuinely happy as she strolls about the grounds, this being her fourth annual attendance since the advent of her powers.

Taking pause for a moment, she turns back to Ron to greet with a grin as she speaks, warmly.

"Glad to see you here again Ron, I bet the kids love you and Whipcrack more than me now!" Jokes, before sighing as she spies a few young teenageboys staring rather obviously at her chest window, stating humorously.

"I think I still win in THAT demographic." She can't help but smirk as the said gentlemen's girlfriend's arrive to cart them off to a fate worse than death: the reprimand.


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"YEEHAAA!!!" was heard from

"YEEHAAA!!!" was heard from overhead as a rapidly approaching dot flew through the sky, then shot out an energy strand that hit the Ferris Wheel, allowing Whipcrack to swing over the heads of the crowd gathered near the base of the Wheel. He waved to the cheering crowds, then he spotted Lady Nova and pulled up short on his strand, flipping and twisting through the air to land right beside her.

Whipcrack was immediately surrounded by a small mob of his strongest fanbase, boys aged 5 - 12, who all wanted to be able to swing around the way he did when they were older. He dissipated his armor, knelt down and play-fought with some of them, then signed a bunch of autographs, and finally took pictures with the boys hanging from his outstretched arms, giggling and yelling. After the last of them had run back to their parents, trotted back over to where Lady Nova and Ron were standing.

He smirked as he watched the leering young men were dragged off, giving them all an insolent wave, then threw a friendly arm around the shoulders of Lady Nova. By now it was well-known that the two heroes were partners, but they'd decided to reserve the romantic behavior for when they were Sam and Sarah. "How's it goin' Deadhead?" he asked, greeting Ron.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

RottenLuck's picture
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Swallowing his bite from his

Swallowing his bite from his Hot dog "Naw The kids just like to poke me with sticks or their fingers. I'm an Oddity, ya the one that signs autographs." Washing down the next bite he turns to Whipcrack "Enjoying the snacks as always. Hmm I wonder if you can make balloon animals with ya energy strands."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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Blue walked up to the group

Blue walked up to the group holding Roxis hand. The three little dogs following close only to stop and be petted by a group of kids. They wagged thier tails, licked faces , and playfully reacted to the giggles they created.
" Ron , how are you " blue held out his hand ," this is roxicon, my wife. Roxicon had pulled out her hero suit she hadn't worn in ages. It was tight leather, dark purple , with orange accents. She didn't wear her mask though. Her long natural red hair was blowing in the wind. " nice to meet you Ron . " she said."

Foradain's picture
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Lexi noticed Roxi and Blue

Lexi noticed Roxi and Blue (and their little dogs, too!) and led her family towards them. Seeing them talking with the Titan's Legacy heroes and not wanting to interrupt, she stopped and waited a polite distance away. Jackie and Diana, noticing the three dogs, said in unison,"Oooh, how cute!", and joined the group of kids petting them. Their mothers checked out whoever else was watching the group of kids, hoping to [I]not[/I] see any predators, just parents and dog lovers...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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RottenLuck's picture
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Thought not a predator in

Thought not a predator in that sense The Sandman was scoping out those about looking for the types who would be an easy sell. The group of kids with the dogs and all those Heroes was a tad much so he headed in another direction. Typical bad boy style look today with spiky red hair, and sucking on a lollipop.

Ron shook Blue's hand "Hey there, and pleasure meeting ya Roxicon." He gave the dogs a few bites off his paper plate of goodies.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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" Lexi dear" Roxicon chimed

" Lexi dear" Roxicon chimed and turned her way. " How are you !?" She walked over to offer a hug.

The little dogs accepted the foods from Ron and eagerly awaited more tails wagging away frantically.
"They're your best friends now " Blue joked to Ron. " Actually I'm hungry as well". He headed to the closest Phoenix burger truck.

Izzy's picture
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It was my time to shine, i

It was my time to shine, i thought to myself, as I landed at the fairgrounds. I was proclaimed the most eligible bachelor of the year by the Titan Hunks magazine, so I just couldn't turn down the invitation to the 3rd Annual Hunk-a-thon Races at this event. If I win, I'll probably donate a huge portion to the Titan City's Restitution fund, and use the rest to restore my armor and my hair products.

Darn, I didn't check to see if my hair looked ok after I landed, and there were all those reporters too. Ohh, I better check to see if any spinach got stuck between my teeth too. But there are too many reporters here. Cant take the risk of them seeing me ogling myself in my mirror, as my critics would have a field day with it.

"Sorry, Ladies.. I'll be right back. I'm being summoned. Nature Calls!" Hehe, they still giggle when i say that line. Ohh, shes a cute one. Red hair, perky smile, and I bet she does yoga, and she seems to like me. Maybe i'll ask her out after I've won here.

"DelightMan, we start Soon!", one of the women promoters shouted to me. I nodded back to her. I better make this quick! Ok, I should walk away now.. and show a gentle smile, nothing over the top. And for heavens sake, please God don't let there be any of my spandex riding up my rear-end this time.

Gideon Cross
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Near by fire works could be

Near by, fire works could be seen as Shepherd would create birds of the of the mystical spiritual energy around him and have them explode as they reached the skies, making the children cheer and laugh in delight. Shepherd was a favorite among the kids since he was the one hero that kept the monsters away due to always hunting the creatures of the night. Many of these kids were children he saved. on his lap was the little boy he saved from the burning building the first day he met Ron and Lady Nova

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Gladatoria's picture
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Lady Nova smiles to Whipcrack

Lady Nova smiles to Whipcrack wide as he arrives, moreso at seeing him interact with the young boys in his fanbase, before speaking to the both of them...

"I can't exactly complain, apparently I'm also a role model to girls ages four to 15, so that's always nice to hear! And is that a contest I sense, Whipcrack?" Eyes him wryly as she senses the beginnings of a energy baloon animals competition before inquring.

"And we're still set for the heroic Q&A, right?" With that asked she turns to Blue, smiling wide as she sees he brought Roxicon, offering a hand to both as she introduces herself.

"Lady Nova, it's a pleasure!"


Gideon Cross
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By the time he was done with

By the time he was done with the fireworks Shepherd treated the kids to some ice cream. For himself, he got a chocolate cone with 3 scoops of postachio ice cream which he enjoyed since it was his favorite. shepherd licked the ice cream as he enjoyed the festivities with the kids that were around him.. He was mostly popular among the youngens. those ages 1 to 10. The ones the creatures tormented and hunted the most due to being easy prey.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Xselcier's picture
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Whipcrack also extended a

Whipcrack also extended a hand to Ron's friends, even though he already knew Blue in a civilian capacity. "Whipcrack, Lady Nova's partner. Nice to meet you."

At Ron's pondering, Whipcrack thought about it. "I could, but I can only maintain my constructs within a certain range and for a certain duration. I wouldn't want to start making these things, then walk off and they start dissipating, which would upset the kids."

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Foradain's picture
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Lexi nodded and smiled. "I'm

Lexi nodded and smiled. "I'm doing well. You've already met Momma Marianne, and this is my other mother, Millicent., the other half of Morrison & O'Brian."
"Call me Millie," said the slightly shorter gadgeteer. She gestured towards Marianne with a hand that bore a ring apparently identical to the one Marianne wore. "Lexi has been telling Scottie and me about how much she's learned from you and you team."
Lexi then pointed towards the twins coming back from the dogs, who had started playing with Rotten Luck. "And these two are my older sisters, Jackie and Diana, the terror of Ms Carmicheal's kindergarten class."
"It's not our fault..."
"She really shouldn't assume..."
"That just because we're only five..."
"That we can't read anything more..."
"Advanced than [i]kids[/I] books."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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RottenLuck's picture
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Ron had started scratching

Ron had started scratching one of the dogs behind it's ear causing the back leg to twitch. "Seems I found the fellows spot."

Elsewhere Sandman was sucking on one of his special lollipops. When "Mommy look there a man in that mirror." He turned and spotted the funhouse mirror and his brother within. "How the hell did you get out of the tower?"

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Nyghtshade was still new to

Nyghtshade was still new to Titan City, and only just learning her way around, but she couldn't resist a chance to visit this festive event, and perhaps get to know or at least see some of the city's Heroes. Attending an event in broad daylight was something of a setback, as she worked best at night, but she tugged her voluminous hood far forward to shade her face from the sun and hugged her long violet and blue cape around the specially woven violet costume which covered her from chin to gloves and boots, shielding every inch of her skin as well. Sprinting with unusual swiftness from one patch of shade to the next, she drew closer to the crowds, seeking the deepest shadow in which to pause and watch.

She had no expectation of being known to the others, either by her newly registered "Hero" name, nor by her own, but anonymity didn't bother her. It was enlivening just to be around such happy crowds, and lifted her spirits even as she avoided the heaviest press and finally paused on the shadiest side of the nearest amphitheater, to take her bearings and look around.

Gladatoria's picture
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Lady Nova nods as she speaks

Lady Nova nods as she speaks to Whipcrack.

"I see, maybe that could be something to work on in the future? Anyway, are we slated for the Q&A?"


Xselcier's picture
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Whipcrack pulled a smartphone

Whipcrack pulled a smartphone out of a small utility pouch and checked something on it. "Yeah, we're part of the Small Teams and Partnerships panel. It's from 2:00 to 4:00 in the South Amphtheater. We'll be sharing the session with Vim and Vigor, a set of twins, and Triple A. That's a team consisting of Aquatica, Ashblade, and Angelheart."

He slipped the phone away again, then a particular scent caught his nose. "Ohhhh, I' m gonna get a funnel cake. Anyone else want one?"

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

RottenLuck's picture
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"Ya don't have to ask me

"Ya don't have to ask me twice. Love funnel cake, lots of powder sugar for me." He stood up and passes over a few bucks to Whipcrack "And another coke. Oh am I going to be on that panel or just the charming couple?"

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
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Lady Nova takes her eyes

Lady Nova takes her eyes briefly from Whipcrack to gaze at Nyghtshade striding through the area, smiling at her once she is deemed not a threat before replying to Sam and Ron.

"A water will be fine for me, and of course Ron, you could also bring Shepard up too."


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Nyght dipped her head in

Nyght dipped her head in acknowledgement of Lady Nova's smile, and gave a shy smile in return, before veering off toward the shaded entrance of the South Amptheater. Her preternaturally acute hearing had picked up a snatch of the conversation referring to the "Small Teams and Partnerships" Q&A, which sparked her interest. She looked forward to hearing what the Heroes would have to share about that.

RottenLuck's picture
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Glancing over at Shepherd

Glancing over at Shepherd "Not sure if the big softy would want to take a break from the kids of not." He notices Nightshade as well and provides a wave.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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Blue returned from the

Blue returned from the phoenix burger van with 4 burgers and some fries. "Here's yours hun" he said as he handed one to Roxicon. Two for me and one for the boys"..the little dogs had already gathered at blues feet smelling the food. He then broke the last burger up into peices, add a few fries and gave each dog a pile of mixed treats to enjoy.
"you spoil them waaaay too much." Roxicon spoke up. Blue just smiled and returned whipcrack's handshake. He ate while he listened to the group talk of a Q&A later. Maybe he'd listen in. Then he heard them bring up something very important!!...The mention of funnel cake made him finish off his last burger fast and turn to Roxicon and say.."Be right back dear."
As he noticed the other heroes waving and nodding to Nyghtshade, he did the same. The 'boys had finished off thier food and went scampering after him tails wagging furiously. They saw Nyght standing in the shade and the three little shih tzus went over to greet a new friend. They bounded over to Nyght and started sniffing , tails wagging.
"C'mon boys, If she wanted to say hello , she would have come to you, " Blue said with a sorry if they're pestering you tone.

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Nyght waved in return to

Nyght waved in return to Shepherd, and dropped smoothly to one knee as the ambling pack of pups approached. She cautiously held out a gloved hand toward them, having learned quickly that since her Change, animals were often wary around her. "It's all right," she replied to Blue, her voice rich with the honeyed lilt of the deep South. "Ah love animals, but these days they tend to be a bit shy of me..."

Bending lower, so as not to seem to loom over the small dogs, she held her gloved hand quite still to see if they’d sniff it and decide to allow her to pet them.

Gideon Cross
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At the mention of his name

At the mention of his name Shepherd approached his friend with the kids in tow as they followed him.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Xselcier's picture
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Whipcrack collected money and

Whipcrack collected money and headed off to get the funnel cakes. As he passed Ron, he stopped quickly and leaned in to whisper. "Sarah and I are still trying to keep our identities hidden, especially in her case. It could cause a huge backlash in the DA's office if it was revealed that she is Lady Nova. We are partners, not a couple, when we have the masks on. So please try to refrain from referring to us in that way again. Thanks."

He then patted Ron on the shoulder and double-timed it towards the truck.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

RottenLuck's picture
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He nodded and took his Fennel

He nodded and took his Fennel cake "This should be interesting. Hey Shepherd ya be joining us on the Q and A?"

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
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Shepherd looked at Ron then

Shepherd looked at Ron then nodded.

"Yes I think i will join you guys.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Gladatoria's picture
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Lady Nova beams as Shepard

Lady Nova beams as Shepard agrees, quite literally glowing with happiness as she states.

"Great! And afterwards we could do a Titan's Legacy panel?"


Gideon Cross
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Shepherd smiled at his friend

Shepherd smiled at his friend Lady Nova.

"A Titan's Legacy panel sound like a great idea."

Shepherd noticed the dark magical aura that had been eminating Nyghtshade's spirit as he looked in her direction. He then looked at Lady Nova.

"wait here"

The Ghostwalker approached he woman with the dark aura.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Shiantar Frost
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She was still living more as

She was still living more as her 'identity' and less as her real self however this one day of the year she had read about before moving to Titan City. A day where being 'different' was celebrated and not feared, where the community gathered to take in the spectacle of those born with abilities far beyond that of a non-super so today she would be her true self and just hope no one got hurt.

Donning her almost always choice of attire- a fitted mini skirt showing off her well toned legs, shiny black stilettos and a figure hugging short sleeved button up she makes her way past a crowd of teenagers talking excitedly about getting to see their favourite hero in action whilst loosely braiding her long blond locks over one shoulder.

"And then he flew! right up into the sky! it was AWESOME!…."

Shiantar smiles to herself at their excitement remembering her own exuberance at that age, passing by what could be described as 'power display both' she stops to observe and wonders.

Should I give it a go?

Shiantar Frost
'The Ice Queen'- Keeper of Winter

RottenLuck's picture
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"Think I'm going to that

"Think I'm going to that Power display area. Let someone shoot me or maybe even use arrows. Heck wonder if I can find someone with a spike and just run me through. That would get a buzz out of the teens at least." Ron started to move again and notice the area where some others were showing off powers. Of course checking out the nice looking form of some of the viewers as well. "Hey ya think ya want to put on a light show Whipcrack?"

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Foradain's picture
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Millie walked over to

Millie walked over to Nyghtshade. She let eleven years of living in Yankee Territory slip away; her accent was pure Savannah. "Do Ah hear the sound of the southland in yor voice, Miss?"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Whipcrack arrived just in

Whipcrack arrived just in time to hear Ron's question. He passed out the Funnel Cakes and change, then trotted over to Ron and followed his line of sight. Grinning, he finished chewing on the piece of Funnel Cake in his mouth and glanced back at Ron. "What'd you have in mind, deadhead?"

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Nyght straightened from

Nyght straightened from trying to make friends with the Shih tzus, and rose to her feet, turning to the young girl. "You do," she admitted with a smile. "N'Awlins born and bred. Which puts me a long way from home up heah. And you?"

As she spoke, she glanced past Millie, toward the approaching Shepherd, and reached up to twitch the hood of her cape a little further forward.

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"Millie O'Brian, Savannah.

"Millie O'Brian, Savannah. Came up to go to Ephesus, about eleven years ago, got a small engineering firm going. Mah kids' grandparents all still live down there, so we go down to visit every so often." She followed Nyghtshade's gaze behind her and smiled at Shepherd.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Shiantar Frost
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It was as if the universe was

It was as if the universe was taking a hand in the events at the festival this day because when she finally worked up the nerve to enter the power display she was up directly after a young man who had gifts abundant in fire and flight and her's being deeply seated in water, ice and air.

Taking her position on the stage she smiles out to the young expectant children lined up along the perimeter of the display booth and stage with their eyes huge and mouths slightly ajar. All it took was a slight relaxing of her will for her powers take the cue and begin to manifest, frost rose like steam from her body as the stage beneath her feet whitened into a huge snow flake pattern and the sky darkened overhead with cloud's circling above her. Raising her right arm every open cup in a circular radius around the stage empties its liquid straight up into the air before its bearer a few feet above the cup. Asserting her control over the water within the liquid Shiantar first freezes every persons now floating drink in a perfect ball of ice before dissolving it and returning the liquid to each cup.

'Goodness that was fun!' She thinks as the skies above clear once more allowing the sun to shine through.

There were squeals from the younger girls in the front row as they clapped and jumped up and down and murmurs of appreciation from the older generations. Stepping off the stage she gives her long hair a toss with a grin finally feeling somewhat at ease with her abilities.

Shiantar Frost
'The Ice Queen'- Keeper of Winter

Gideon Cross
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Shepherd saw the 2 woman

Shepherd saw the 2 woman talking and decided to join Ron and Whipcrack. He looked at Ron.

"This should be fun."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

RottenLuck's picture
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"Think I could show off my

"Think I could show off my undyingness, is that a word?.. anyway Not sure if I should be kind of gross out if I cut off a hand or something. Face it I don't have much powers a bit stronger than a normal human but not much. The only big thing I have is I'm already dead." He looks at whipcrack "Think a light show for the kids be good you and Nova doing some impromptu fireworks. What you two say?"

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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The little dogs sniffed Nyght

The little dogs sniffed Nyght and playfully bounced around her. They were used to super powered beings and sensed no threat here. While Millie was talking to Nyght, Blue came back with his funnel cake. Roxicon had also wanderd over to join them. "hello , Im roxicon" she said to nyght , extendeing her hand. At the smell of funnelcake , all the dogs stopped romping and came over to sit and stare up at Blue with thier big puppy eyes.

Nyghtshade's picture
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"A pleasure to meet you,

"A pleasure to meet you, Millie. Ah go by Nyghtshade heah, although yoah welcome to call me Monique. Ah've only been heah a couple of months, so Ah'm still findin' mah way around."

Gideon Cross
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Shepherd looked at Ron and

Shepherd looked at Ron and Whipcrack. as he formed a ball of energy in his hands.

"Why don't we play some baseball?"

They didn't know what he had in mind yet but he wanted to entertain the kids.

"We can have te kids hit the energy balls and watch them explode as they reach the skies.

Shepherd smiled.

"The kids would love it."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Foradain's picture
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"Well, if ya'll need any help

"Well, if ya'll need any help, findin' yor way around or more technical things, give me a call." Millie brought out a Morrison & O'Brian Architecture, Engineering, & Gadgeteering business card, and wrote her cell number on the back. "And if it's more, hmmm, [i]intense[/i] help ya'll need, these two have a crew that's quite good." She indicated Roxi and Blue.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

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"Well lets play ball. Mind

"Well lets play ball. Mind pitching Whipcrack? Lets put on a show." He headed over to the area and even clapped seeing Shiantar Frost performance "Nice."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 04/29/2014 - 12:43
Blue was admiring Shiatar's

Blue was admiring Shiatar's perferomance as well. As he was an ice weaver, he could appreciate its delicate control , or overpowering force as well.
" Mind if i join the game?" Roxi asked. She caught up to ron as he was headed over to Shepherd.
Blue sat down near the field whered they be playing , the three little dogs laying in the grass as he broke off peices of the left over funnel cake and shared it with them.

Gideon Cross
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Shepherd admired Shiantar's

Shepherd admired Shiantar's performance. He then turned to Roxi.

"The more the merrier."

Shepherd produced a bat made of spiritual energy.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Nyghtshade's picture
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Joined: 08/22/2013 - 04:49
"Thank you, Shugah, that's

"Thank you, Shugah, that's very kind," Nyght said, accepting the card and tucking it away in a small pouch hanging from her belt. "Heah, just a second... let me give you mah numbeh, too. Not shoah what you'd need it foah, but, well... one neveh knows." She fished out a scrap of paper and a small pen from the same pouch, jotted down her cell #, and offered it to Millie.

"As foah moah 'intense' help, Ah'm pretty much just doin' street patrols foah muggehs, that sort of thing right now. But Ah'll keep them in mind," she added, tipping her head toward where the other Heroes were enjoying their funnel-cakes and entertaining the kids.

Xselcier's picture
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"Hang on, I've got a way to

"Hang on, I've got a way to make things even more interesting. What if Lady Nova created and pitched the energy balls, I hit them, then either Ron's portals redirect them or Shep teleports up to catch them. After a few of those, one of the energy balls 'accidentally' explodes just as Shepherd is catching it and Ron has to save him with a portal. Unless you could 'save' him in some way, Roxi? What can you do?" Whipcrack explained his plan, then looked over at Roxi.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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When shepherd produced the

When shepherd produced the bat, Roxi strolled up and stood in the ondeck circle, She had created a multicolored bat out of sand being held together by her kinetics. .. " knock em out there shep......" she cheared as she waited for lady nova's pitch.

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She then looked back at

She then looked back at whipcrack, "I'm in kinetics" the voice in whips mind said......sorry to be in here without permission, but im just sending a oneway message" Roxi's voice trained off. It was only directed towards whipcrack." I also have a few other tricks " she smiled.

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"Never mind then!" Whipcrack

"Never mind then!" Whipcrack said as he ran out to "first base" and hunkered down, ready to catch the ball if it came his way.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Foradain's picture
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Marianne and the girls

Marianne and the girls brought over corn dogs with mustard for Millie and Monique. Millie said, "This is Nyghtshade," and then, pointing to each in turn, "This is my wife Marianne, and our daughters Jackie, Diana, and Lexi." She spoke matter-of-factly, as if there was nothing at all unusual about two women claiming as a daughter a girl who might, conceivably, be as much as a dozen years their junior. "Marianne is from California, and the girls were born here."

"Or made, in my case," added Lexi. "This game looks like it will be interesting." She located a slight rise from which to watch and sat down, taking an experimental bite out of her corn dog.

"Ooh," said Diana. "Can you call it, Momma Marianne?"
"Yes, please?" added Jackie.

Millie rolled her eyes. Lexi looked intrigued. Marianne just smiled as she sat down. And with each pitch, she called the result - strike, ball, or where the hit would go to - as it left the pitcher's hand. Her accuracy went down slightly as they brought their super powers into play, but rose again as she became aware of them.

Lexi asked her older sisters, "So, is this why, when you're trying to evade chores, if she offers Rock-Paper-Scissors you just say, 'never mind'?"

"Yeap," came the chorus.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

RottenLuck's picture
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"Guess I take second place.

"Guess I take second place. IT's game time." He ran out taking a second place stance. "Here batter batter!"

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
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Lady Nova beamed at the idea

Lady Nova beamed at the idea of a superpowered baseball game, nodding to Whipcrack in confirmation before heading to where the pitcher's position would be locatacted, and immediately prepares a throw, arching her leg up as she calls out, shimmering in gold.



Gideon Cross
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Shepherd waited as he held

Shepherd waited as he held his energy bat at hand ready to swing at the ball.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Gladatoria's picture
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With Shepard ready, Lady Nova

With Shepard ready, Lady Nova launches the rapidly form energy ball at him in a trained windup pitch.


Demrius's picture
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Jorortis stood atop a roof

Jorortis stood atop a roof ,watching all of the festivities like a hawk ,his metallic limb glistening as he left up his hood. His rube eyes analysed as jumped down ,all of his weight falling onto a blue van parked near the building in which he rested ,he jumped out of the heap of metal and made his way towards the others ,he was encountered by many children but he simply brushed them aside and continued to walk until he got to this game ,his arm crossed he looked on.

--Formerly Jorortis--

Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...

Nyghtshade's picture
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Nyght cheerfully greeted

Nyght cheerfully greeted Millie's family as they crowded around, offering a hand to Marianne, and taking care to avoid the mustard'y corndogs. "Marianne, Jackie, Diana, and Lexi, it's a real pleashoah to meet you all." She wondered fleetingly about the "or made" comment from Lexi, but didn't think it polite to ask, when they'd only just met. "Ah'm from N'Awlins, originally, although Ah moved up heah just a few months ago."

As the group moved off to the slight rise, to take seats and watch the impromptu game, Nyght hesitated a moment, then stepped out of the shade and followed, cape pulled around her, and hood twitched as far forward as possible. "Mind if Ah join you all?"

RottenLuck's picture
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Ron looked over "Sure, come

Ron looked over "Sure, come on in. Names Ron Bolton thought the press call me Rotten Luck." He then notes Lady Nova throwing the first powerball. "Game time!"

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Nyghtshade's picture
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Nyght threw up her hands, a

Nyght threw up her hands, a bit flustered. "Oh, no no, Ah didn't mean to join yoah game," she protested, embarrassed. "Ah'm absolutely terrible at sports, and Ah haven't any excitin', um, abilities. Ah was just askin' Millie and Marianne heah if they'd mind me sittin' with them."

She swiftly added, not to shirk her manners, "But Ah thank you foah suggestin' it. And it's a pleashoah to meet you. Ah'm Nyghtshade, and... Ah'll just, um, sit right oveh heah, if that's OK."

RottenLuck's picture
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"No problem" he smiled and

"No problem" he smiled and that was kind of disturbing coming from his mummified skull like face. He turned his full attention onto Shepherd.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
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Shepherd saw the ball coming

Shepherd saw the ball coming and swung the bat, hitting the ball as he watched it fly then ran for first base. keeping his eyes on the ball as he ran.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

RottenLuck's picture
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Ron saw the ball arch

Ron saw the ball arch overhead. "Now to cheat" A portal opened up in the flight path... and the ball kept on Ron misjudging the angle and missed the portal by a few inches. "Da" seeing the kids "Darnations."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Xselcier's picture
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"I got it!" yelled Whipcrack

"I got it!" yelled Whipcrack as he took off and got under the ball's flight path. "Rott, get to first base!"

In Whipcrack's path was a railing and then an outhouse. As he reached the railing, he leapt on top of it, then vaulted from there to the roof of the outhouse. He ran up the roof of the outhouse and leapt mightily off the apex of the roof, easily clearing twenty feet, to snag the ball out of the air. As he was falling back towards the roof, he shot out two strands that hit the ground and he used those to yank himself back towards the playing field. Once he was closer, he pitched the ball towards first base while still in mid-air.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Demrius's picture
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Jorortis dropped his weight

Jorortis dropped his weight onto the bleachers ,so that he was right behind and above nyght ,his eyes scanning the game as he continued to be a mute ,his gloved hand tapping his knee , with the clack of indirect metal on metal contact as he fixed his mask properly onto his face e , pulling his hood down.He let his eyes wander from the game ,and looked toward the news van.

--Formerly Jorortis--

Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...

Nyghtshade's picture
Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago
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Joined: 08/22/2013 - 04:49
Nyght had positioned herself

Nyght had positioned herself so that the sun was more or less at her back as she watched the game, but as Jorotis settled heavily behind her, she shifted and turned to look back at him. She noted his metal arm, his mask, and hood, and found herself wondering if he was here to celebrate, like the others. As her new position exposed her face to the sun,her cheek began to redden; she ducked her head reflexively and shifted the edge of her own hood.

Foradain's picture
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Marianne Saw Jorortis sitting

Marianne Saw Jorortis sitting down only a few tenths of a second before he actually did. It was only when he looked towards the news vans that old instincts were reawakened. She wasn't sure yet - perhaps because he didn't intend harm to her family, or perhaps because he didn't intend harm at all - but she was uneasy enough to alert Millie. As Whipcrack caught what she had called as a home run, she muttered, just loud enough for Millie to hear, "Brannigan," as if she were stifling a curse.

It was also loud enough for Lexi to hear, and to wonder. Was it a reference to an Irish brawl, or to a John Wayne movie?

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

Shiantar Frost
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A super powered baseball game

A super powered baseball game had started up much to the excitement of the quickly growing amount of spectators after her display. Spying a spot on the bleachers she makes her way over with her stilettos clicking on the pavement before sinking slightly into the grass whilst she crosses over from the pavement to sit a few seats down from a young family and what could be described as a large metallic man.

Or part there of.

With the sun warming her back Shiantar loosens the braid in her long blond hair allowing it tumble down in slight waves to her waist so the porcelain like skin on her neck would burn. '

What an amazing day!' She thinks to herself with a radiant smile as she looks around taking in the spectacle and tucking hair behind her right ear her white diamond earring catching the sunlight.

Shiantar Frost
'The Ice Queen'- Keeper of Winter

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 04/29/2014 - 12:43
Roxicon stepped up the plate.

Roxicon stepped up the plate. The bat she held was shimmering in many different colors. She tapped her shoes with it, did a few half swings , and stepped in the batters box.
Blue smiled as he sat under the tree still watching the whole ordeal, the three little dogs laying next to him.

RottenLuck's picture
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Ron dropped out of second

Ron dropped out of second plate and landed on first via his portals and caught the ball. "Got it!"

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
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Shepherd reached first base

Shepherd reached first base as Rotten Caught the ball. the Ghostwalker sighed as the kids began to cheer when he reached it.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Demrius's picture
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He took his attention away

He took his attention away from the news fan and faced the game, making sure not to make any direct eye contact as he started stepping down from the benches ,and walking behind the game before walking towards the van he was watching so closely, his hood still up ,and his face and mask covered as he approached a crewman.

--Formerly Jorortis--

Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 04/29/2014 - 12:43
Roxi stood there waiting for

Roxi stood there waiting for a pitch.

Nyghtshade's picture
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Nyght's attention was torn

Nyght's attention was torn between the game, where she clapped enthusiastically for the caught ball, and the activity behind her as Jorortis stood and began walking toward the news-van and its crew.

Perhaps it was nothing, but something about the big guy made her uneasy, and she turned slightly to keep an eye on what he was doing.

RottenLuck's picture
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Ron laughed and tossed the

Ron laughed and tossed the ball to Lady Nova. "Seems I wasn't fast enough."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Xselcier's picture
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Once he'd gotten back a

Once he'd gotten back a little closer to the field and could see the confusion over the catch, Whipcrack turned to the crowd. He generated several strands and created a megaphone out of them. "SEEMS WE NEED AN UMPIRE, FOLKS! WHAT DO YA SAY? OUT? OR SAFE?"

As he asked for each choice, he created an arrow on his other palm to measure the crowd response. On out he got a smattering of yells and the arrow only went up a little way. When he asked for safe, the crowd burst into noise with yelling, clapping, stomping, and cries of Safe!

"You heard the crowd... SAFE!" he yelled, doing his best ump impression. He then trotted back to first and gave Sarah the thumbs up that he was good to go.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Gladatoria's picture
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Lady Nova laughed as she

Lady Nova laughed as she caught the ball with a trained hand, before pitching it a bit faster this time.

"Oh don't worry about it Ron!"

She then laughs harder as she catches sight of Sam's antics, grinning as she launches the ball now in a overhead strike, calling out to the crowd.

"So, who's ready for more ball?!"


Foradain's picture
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As Jorortis moved towards the

As Jorortis moved towards the news van, Millie pulled out her smartphone and activated an app. The camera was used to select a nearby vacant space. GPS signals located the smartphone and from that derived the position of the empty spot. A confirmation window opened, and Millie entered a password.

Lexi noticed the burst of data and looked at her mothers. Marianne pointed to the twins, and then to herself. Millie pointed towards the other presumed non-combatant children, then to Lexi. The twins, shouting out "Safe!", did not notice.

Meanwhile, in a suburban underground laboratory, a simpler computer obey its orders. A maintenance log was checked, and not found wanting. An armoured briefcase was placed on a platform. Space was warped, and the briefcase was on the bench next to Millie...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

Demrius's picture
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Jorortis ,placed his palm

Jorortis ,placed his palm onto the shoulder of the man who was in the open portion of the van ,his head leaned in closer towards the males ear as he was communicated with him under his hood ,soon the now shaken crewman gave a slow nod and left Jorortis to his van ,leaving his equipment behind as he rushed away.

--Formerly Jorortis--

Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 04/29/2014 - 12:43
As the ball sped into roxi,

As the ball sped into roxi, she smirked and made it slow......slower....slower.....till it almost stood still. she then lowered it to about golf tee height, and then her bat shifted its form. The kids around were cracking up at her antics. She swung the now golf club at the ball and made it dance in spiriling circles straight up giving off colored hues of sparks . Acting like she was surprised she hit it , for the kids sake.. she started to run as fast as she could...... she wasnt actually going anywhere though. she was a few inches off the ground but making her legs go fast like a cartoon..........The kids were roaring with laughter. with over indulgent silly facial expression directed at the kids....she started to head towards first base..finally.

Gideon Cross
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As the ball Flew Shepherd

As the ball Flew Shepherd made a run for second base.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

RottenLuck's picture
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Ron laughed as well "Now that

Ron laughed as well "Now that what it's all about. The joy of hearing children laugh." He looked around scanning the faces and noticed that some was looking a bit worried and glancing at a news van. He took a quick look trying to figure out what was going on seeing someone with a news jacket running away from the van. Then he noted Roxi heading to him finally.

Now where was that ball?

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Nyghtshade's picture
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Nyght had seen the exchange

Nyght had seen the exchange at the van as well, as was on her feet. "Ah don't like the look of that," she murmured. "If you all'll excuse me, Ah think Ah'd betteh have a talk with that fellow." She strode off toward the news van, her cape catching a breeze and billowing behind her.

"Ah'm guessing that news-fellow didn't just dash off to find you a coffee," she addressed Jorotis as she stepped closer to him.

Demrius's picture
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Jorortis stepped into the

Jorortis turned and looked down on the girl talking to him ,pausing what he was doing for a moment ,as he talked in a deep techno laced voice."His child has fell ill ,that's why he left so urgently I am his replacement." He talked in a way that was monotone as if no emotion has ever been displayed though anything other than body language.

--Formerly Jorortis--

Note: Jorortis is still a character of mine and is still going to be in the super group, not Demirus, at least not yet...

Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 04/29/2014 - 12:43
As blue was watching the game

As blue was watching the game he looked over at all the kids cheering and having fun. Each hero seemed to have thier own fan club. That's when he got an idea. He dialed his phone . He hung up a few minutes later.

RottenLuck's picture
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Ron waited for when Roxi got

Ron waited for when Roxi got near "be alert something's up not sure what. Spread the word but keep it on the down low don't want to cause a panic with the civilians."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Nyghtshade's picture
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Joined: 08/22/2013 - 04:49
"Ah see...." Nyght said

"Ah see...." Nyght said slowly, trying not to broadcast her skepticism. "How very thoughtful of you." She folded her arms, shifting without thinking to put the sun to her back. "Perhaps Ah'll just watch the rest of the game from heah."
