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April 1st Technical Update

Well, we promised you a tech demo, and it’s time!

We’ve been really lucky, we found someone who was intimately involved with the old game. He even wrote his own task force. So, we gave him our money, and title credit, and he’s about to show us what he’s done.

Today’s demo is going to be about twitch play, gravity physics, and time of day enhancement. We’ve got high hopes here, and I can’t wait to see what he’s done with our design notes.

We’re doing it live, folks! Let’s warm it up!

“Okay. Technically, that matched all of our specifications. I think. Uhm. I’m just going to call the guy, and see what he has to say for himself.”

“Man, I love my phone. It gets signal everywhere.”

“Hello, Saul?”

“Yeah, it’s Warcabbit from Titans.”

“Saul, okay. Look. I’m not going to lie, I have some pretty big issues here. I’m really… I can’t process this. Let’s go for the simplest part.”


“Okay, I’ve got the contract here. Page three, paragraph eleven B. Missing Worlds Media agrees to clear up trailing issues involving a breakfast cereal promotion. Yes, right, you needed to clean out a storage closet to work in.”

“Biohazard and EPA decontamination costs? It’s breakfast cereal, right? Why… oh. That’s dangerous stuff, Saul. What was it doing in cereal? You didn’t get it from china… no, it’s only made in the USA. It’s patriotically toxic. And radioactive.”

“Okay. So. Fine. Okay. Our bad, we signed the contract. Fine. And you got your nephew to code it. I didn’t know he could code. Oh, your other nephew. And that cost the remaining twenty dollars and fifty six cents. Well, we got our money’s worth, I guess.”

“No, I’m not upset you renamed the game. I’m actually very glad you did.”

“I’m not even mad that you made up your own hero. I’m very pleased it’s not Particle or American Star or Celerity or any of our guys there.”

“But why does the hero poop out an egg when he dies?”

“It’s not an egg.”

“It looks like an egg, Saul.”

“It’s a Hammy egg. The guy you licensed has a million of them. He keeps them in his base. Right. Okay.”

“So why is he pooping them out, Saul?”

“Because of the Leprechaun. You know, the only reason I’m repeating you is that I’m having some real problems conceptualizing the words coming out of your mouth. I have to say them again in order to translate them into english.”

“Explain this Leprechaun issue.”

“Wait. Okay. He shrunk the base. And so the hero carries it about.”

“So… you’re going to say it. Don’t say it. Don’t say that the eggs are popping out of the A-...”

“I feel like less of a person now, Saul. My faith in humanity has somehow, inexplicably been lowered by this phone call. I don’t know why.”

“... At least it’s kind of fun to play.”

“Look. I’mma gonna go have a conversation with some people I know. Serious people. And if you wake up with a horse’s head in your bed… oh, you do on a regular basis. Well, when it comes from me, it’s going to be STILL ALIVE, do you hear me, Saul?”


“You’re fired, Saul. I’m going to find a cannon and FIRE YOU OUT OF IT.

“Fine, another twenty bucks till next Tuesday, but this is the LAST TIME.”

Okay, folks, serious time. First, of course, the basis for tonight’s update comes from our friends at Epic. But the inspiration for it comes from a friend of mine, who I miss.
(Yes, we have permission from the family to use the character.)
For those of us who didn’t happen to know who Saul Rubenstein was, a brief overview.

For those of you who wonder why we chose to bring him up now?

As for the game itself, everything we do serves a dual purpose - making a product [b]and[/b] making the main game better. In this case, ‘Clicky Cape’ is our compiler test dummy product. It’s based on Tappy Chicken, a demo an Epic artist made in about two hours. We’re using it to make sure UE4 compiles smoothly on multiple systems and OSes.

Sure fits a Saul Rubenstein product, though!

Happy April.

Warcabbit, Doctor Tyche, Kelp Plankton, and the rest of the City of Titans family.

(Feel free to discuss today's update here: )