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SHADOW and Shadfly ((Open RP))

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GoldPeter's picture
Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
Joined: 02/15/2014 - 18:29
SHADOW and Shadfly ((Open RP))

The Super Human And Deformed Outreach Workforce (SHADOW for short) is an organization dedicated to helping extra powered people. Pacifically is reaches out those who, through an accident, mutation, or anything else of that nature, have either been horribly disfigured or whose powers have made it difficult for them to pursue a normal life and their families. It's main work-center is adapted from a once private resort located on a small, ocean side, beach in downtown Titan City. Through this multi-building facility SHADOW is able to offer a large range of programs and help, such as housing at the once hotel, to power and self defense training at the sports center, counseling for those who need help adapting to their lives or their families, help with job searching which yes, even includes jobs in the hero market. In fact helping extra powered people find seems to be one of their most requested services, many groups, super groups, or even the super human task force of the police department are more then willing to work with SHADOW to recruit new members. In fact it's often one of the first question you get when walking in towards the main desk for the first time

SHADOW may soon even get their own such group based in their facility, started recently by a couple of the facility's own residents: Shadfly is a forming group of deformed heroes who are feeling they could do more good as their own small task force then as just another newbie on the ever-expanding roster of this group or that group, as Shadfly their all on the same level as each other. However at the moment Shadfly has yet to have a major villain encounter which doesn't help with the fact that the group of two are having trouble recruiting new members, not that others living and visiting the facility don't think their cause is just rather the group just has yet to prove the can accomplish much and many doubt they will ever prove so. They don't even have an 'official' leader as of yet though one member called Karman seems to be the one calling the shots.

Karman is a tall bald woman in her late twenties to early thirties with purple skin, she wears a black dress and has large loop earrings, her eyes are pure white with a dark outline around them and dark purple lips. As far as powers go she has the ability to detect and read peoples auras and emotions, she could tell by a living being's aura if they are good, evil, or somewhere else, although these powers don't seem too practical in combat she has some experience in self defense and is currently honing her hand-to-hand with the help of SHADOW in fact her powers help greatly in such combat as by reading the aura of her opponent she can make a good guess of her opponents next immediate move before they make it. As the would be leader she is very serious in her work and doesn't take other people's bs, however it doesn't take an aura reader to know that the stress of trying (and failing) to recruit members and keep trying not to have this group die before it even starts, is getting to her.

The only other definite member of the new group is Spectrum, a 19 year old young adult whose body was fused with a weird crystal making his entire body made of the clear crystal with sharp jagged edges, he wears a grey tank top with blue jean shorts, a brown belt, and sandals. This crystal he's made of acts a little like a light prism that he can control, basically as long as light is hitting his body he can refract it through himself and redirect it as heated light beams from virtually anywhere in his body; the more light that hits his body the more he can direct and the more powerful the beams are, he can even store a small amount of light inside himself but it may only be enough for one or two decent powered blasts. Also being made of solid crystal gives him some degree of invulnerability to punches and bullets and it's hard for him to feel pain, though crystal could still shattered, and this does cause quite a bit pain, he can grown new crystal to replace it, this process can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days depending on how bad it is and how much light he is exposed during that time. He's still getting used to his new situation and powers, he has little support from his family and is a little too impatient.

The two don't get along very well but they are at least willing to work with each other as they both believe strongly in their cause. If one thing is clear though they can't do this with just the two of them.

Profile Pic via (missing hat and visible eyes but eh, what can you do) [img][/img]