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the 2024 End of the year development summary is live below. Watch the video and let us know on the comment page.

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City of Titans to use Unreal Engine 4

Ever since our Kickstarter ended, you guys have been wanting to know why we aren’t showing you more. We had a [i]really[/i] good reason, and now it is time to share.

[i](Warcabbit Sez: It’s been SO HARD not saying anything.)[/i]

There have been requests for screenshots and videos, and until recently we were under NDA. Why? Well, that’s because shortly after our Kickstarter closed, we were granted a license to move from Unreal 3 to the brand-spanking new [color=red]Unreal Engine 4[/color] in December 2013.

[i](Warcabbit Sez: Seriously, Epic’s been great this whole time.)[/i]

The work that we’d already done in Unreal 3 is in the process of being moved into the Unreal 4, and UE4's physics, lighting, and shader engines will save us a significant amount of production time. It set us back a little bit, but in the long run, this move means a brighter future and an even better game!

[i](Warcabbit Sez:[/i] [color=red]UE4[/color][i] still has some rough areas but that just means we’re on the bleeding edge of technology. In the four months we’ve been using it, they’ve already made huge strides forward. We can’t wait to see the improvements in the days ahead.)[/i]

The new engine will give us advanced rendering features, physics and visual effects. Physically-based shading will give us more control over the look and feel of characters and objects in your new world. We’ll be able to create wide ranges of surfaces, layer materials, and fine-tune values to make Titan City look more incredible and realistic than we originally planned. An added bonus is our NPCs will be smarter and look better than ever!

[i](Warcabbit Sez: Animated hair. Capes and dresses. Animated costume parts. Animated body parts. Animated textures on the costume parts. Water splashes. Boats float. THINGS EXPLODE! I hate to make promises that I might not be able to keep, but I really think we can pull this off. Wait till you see what we want to do in the places where you just want to destroy everything.)[/i]

We’re sorry we couldn’t tell you, or show you, before now - but we hope you’re just as excited about this news as we are. Keep your eyes peeled for next week's update from our Tech department where we will have lot more to tell ([i]and possibly show![/i]) you about Unreal Engine 4!

[i](Warcabbit Sez: More costume parts, more customization, better animation, more things to do. Animated tails are just the beginning. How about gloves and boots that are more than meets the eye? You wanted to know how we kept hinting at more and more of everything? Thanks to Epic and[/i] [color=red]Unreal Engine 4[/color],[i] we can do it all. And we can do it faster and better. No rubbery costume look. No sickly plants. No identical buildings all over the place. The city will be alive!)[/i]

[i][color=red]Rae[/color], PR Manager
[color=red]Warcabbit[/color], Project Lead
(And the staff of City of Titans. Aim High!)[/i]

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[i]Official Facebook page[/i]:

[color=blue]Discuss the announcement here[/color]: