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Oksana Vikhrov

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Last seen: 4 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 02/20/2014 - 12:44
Oksana Vikhrov

Character Name: Oksana Vikhrov
Code (super) Name:Collective
Classification: Heroic seeking redemption
CoT alignment: Chaotic Good (follows an atypical law code)
Law: 1/10? ( follows a strict set of laws and rules but does not recognize normal law and order as binding)
Violence: 8 (rapidly and brutally engages the enemy, however lethal force is only used when required by "law")
Honor: 3 (while Collective is not "dishonorable" indirect tactics and subterfuge are sometimes required)
Comic character offense this character is most like: X-23, spawn, or spike
Comic character defense this character is most like:Spawn or Venom
Comic character support set this character is most like: Spawn or Venom
Comic character movement set this character is most like:Angle (from X-men)
Experience: Inexperienced (0-1 years)
Overall power ranking: (Not sure of scale? would welcome advise on such things)

Height:5' 10" Weight: 420 lbs. Gender: female
Hair color: red dyed original color blonde
Eye color: blue (shifts to a yellow with black slit pupils smaller black dots around the pupils when stressed)
Skin: typically Slavic pale
Origin Type: Close Encounter

Personality (3-5 sentences): Curious, inquisitive, methodical and scientific as a person, Collective however is Direct, brutal, cunning and militant. In short, on most days? a blend between the two!

Sample speech (3-5 sentences): (example of her accent)

STR: 40
DEX: 40
CON: 40
BODY: 50
INT: 10
EGO: 5/20
PRE: 5/1
COM: 7/1

Defenses (1 being standard unprotected human, 20 being a real life tank, 50+ being Superman level stat)
Physical blunt: 60
Physical bladed: 40
Projectile: 35
Spiritual/Magical: 1
Elemental: 20
Energy: 20
Defense List:
- endo/exo skeletal combination
-chitinous carbon based reactive armor
-flesh composition that is immune to hydro-static shock and oddly non-conductive.
-enhanced visual/reflex's combination that greatly aids in avoidance.

Melee: 45
Ranged: 15 output 5 effective range
AoE: 10 output 20 coverage
Offense List:
- Super Strength
- Super Endurance
-Chitinous armor acts as a living weapon
-Super speed (limited to reflex) would allow for precision and rapidity in strikes.

List and rating of power(s):
- Regeneration (45)
-Pheromone production (5-10 has nearly no control over it, not really a positive)
-Flight (can grow wings so 5?)

Description of powers:
- Chitinous Armor: Collective can access a suit of organic combat armor that is both living weapon and a defensive system. combined with other physiological changes she is incredibly resilient to damage particularly blunt forces such a impact and explosive pressure waves. The armor does offer good protection versus things such as fire (prolonged exposure to heat seems to cause overheating though the burning effective of fire does not seem to bother her) cold and other elemental effects but not nearly as much. cutting, slashing or impact. The armor does not protect her mind from any mental or spiritual effects and her only defense to the former would be the duality of her mental state.
- Super Strength: Collective has no trouble dislodging a turret ring on your average MBT, or removing a bank vault door from its hinges. her feats of strength are rather impressive (at 10MN of force)
-Super Endurance: less "super endurance" and more a super body without limiting biologic triggers (the things that say you have to stop running or ill cramp, or you cant lift this you will injure yourself) her body is capable of ignoring the pain of such things until complete failure and breakdown.
-Regeneration: Her regeneration is a mostly non-combat adaptation. during combat extreme injuries are isolated or stabilized as needed and her body, once out of danger prioritizes healing over other activities, even up to setting her into a coma like state.
-Super Reflexes: Her nervous system is based on fiber-optic instead of electrical transmission. (this is one of the reasons "shocking" her has little effect, and a dazzling of fancy lights would be far more likely to be problematic lol)
the pros to this are reflexes far faster then average life forms, the cons are she is rather photo sensitive. (*sings* the eyeball connects to the optic nerve, the optic nerve connects to the brain the brain being bashed with tons of photonic data would be like the human brain being bombarded by OK that last part didn't sing well...but yeah you get the point)

Other Skills/perks/talents:
- Agility/Acrobatics: rather self explanatory...strength speed and reflexes equals acrobatics?
- Highly developed tactical/strategic sense : Collective seems to have a firm grasp of the military mind set and a whole military academy worth of training piled into her bet that's not from the human side.
- Genius Level IQ: before becoming Collective Oksana was a multiple degree holding scientist. studying nuclear and bio-chemical engineering.

-Photo sensitivity (as stated above)
-trouble Regulating body heat (she is inexperienced with her power and hasnt quite figured out thermal regulation, though this weakness she believes she will be able to overcome with practice)
-is in a binary mental state. so literally and often argues with herself.

Time in Titan City: just arrived
Public Knowledge of Character: Almost nothing. though government and city officials may know more (PM me if that applies ^>^)

“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”
― Oscar Wilde