Hello City of Titans citizens! My name is Kyle Dekker and I'm a writer/producer for Super Academy a new superhero webseries (100% independent production). I was directed to your fantastic site by DJ Dee of [url=http://www.namesakeradio.com/]namesakeradio.com[/url] .
At 8PM CDT, Ben Lifson the director/creator of Super Academy will be on DJ Dee's show. While Ben is on the radio I will happily answer all your questions about the show here.
We are currently funding the show on [url=http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/benlifson/super-academy-a-superhero-comedy-webseries]Kickstarter[/url]. We have till December 21st to reach our goal and we are making a push. I know many of you helped revive City of Heroes through Kickstarter and we would love you to check out our project. Donate if you enjoy it and want to see more.
If you are on the fence and skeptical about about backing us, that is why I am here. I will answer questions late tonight, and will continue until the end of the Kickstarter.
You can watch and enjoy the [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHFfn83vVfY]21 minute short film[/url] that Ben made that kicks off the webseries. You can see out production values and potential of the show in the film. We plan to make 8 episodes with the same characters in the same universe.
Thank you and have a great day!