Will the forum be cleaned up? It can be lesser priority. Sometimes making so many sections leads to clutter. Whoever made these has OCD. Would like to see a clarified forum
To be part of your future.
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the 2024 End of the year development summary is live below. Watch the video and let us know on the comment page.
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There is a rather large update to the forums coming in the very near future. I have a feeling that they will be dealing with the more minor details once the update comes through and they know what they have to work with.
[size=15][b][i]A cold front is heading toward Titan City[/i][/b][/size]
Ice Man of [url=http://cityoftitans.com/forum/phoenix-rising-initiative-0]The Phoenix Rising Initiative[/url]
We have less forums than CoH did.
And except for the few that aren't used yet because the game isn't up and running... they're being used quite a bit.
Former Online Community Manager & Forum Moderator
i'm still feeling overwhelmed by these sections. i'm not a fan of reading the forums because of it. where can i find the latest news? i feel like since kickstarter ended, i've been missing updates because i dont even know where to look.
To be part of your future.
This might help: http://cityoftitans.com/tracker
(Robin) Christina Lea
I do think there is room for improvement using Sub-Forums, stickies and generally organizing focus of conversation.
Most of this would come from devs creating stickied topics:
For Instance, If I want to talk about "The gear system" I see a forum called "Markets and Crafting" but talking about an Auction House and talking about what we like/don't like in gear systems could be two seperate (stickied) forum conversations.
Character Creator could easily have a stickied "request" thread where all themes (insect, beast, wings, tails etc) could be succinctly organized.
A Seperate conversation for the character sheet
A seperate conversation for "Character Mechics (or stats if you ever confirm they will be added)
A conversation for how we want our character alignment and/or factions..
Alot of information that has been released is worth detailed conversation about how the players interpret them and how best to implement them in CoT .. not as direct design orders (which is always how they will seem) but suggestions to give developers accurate data of what this forum population is concerned about.
Crowd Control Enthusiast
Still too overwhelming. Right, it's development forum. Let's not puke all over them. Have you ever created a binder, then made dividers, only to divide those dividers by smaller dividers, then store the binders in large cardboard boxes, then store those in trunks, then store them in warehouses then store those in different countries....That's my extreme analogy.
I go cross eyed when I come to these forums. I just stick to General Discussion, but I want to adventure into others. Are there same topics in every subdivision?
Also how come my photo often doesn't appear?
Another analogy. You shop at Sears and Macy*s, there's children's department, toddler's department, men's department, teenager department, big&tall department. YIKES! And where can I find jeans? On every floor.
You shop at Barney's. Mens on one floor. Womens on another. And where can I find jeans? 9th Floor, only one floor. simple.
To be part of your future.
I meant I'd like to follow the news of the developers. Not of players posting stuff about where their character is from. We have two years to go, by then I'm going to forget their character's origin or steal it for myself...Or if I even care where their character is from, then I truly have no real life friends.
To be part of your future.
Best forum organization i've seen is Marvel Heroes. Truly great forums.
The Poster rating system is amazing.
Crowd Control Enthusiast