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Wanderers "Casting" Call (Open RP)

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LeadWanderer's picture
Last seen: 2 months 4 days ago
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Wanderers "Casting" Call (Open RP)

A small piece of paper with a sun, made from clip art in bright gold, yellow and silver, was pinned to a bulletin board in Hero Registration office. It looked much like an ad for a study group in community college, little tags with a phone number hung from the bottom. The Ad read below the clip-art sun.

(( [URL=] Clip Art[/URL] ))

New Hero? Looking for a group?!
The Wanderers are looking for candidates and just contacts to grow their influence and help other young heroes find their path and build a network for their future career(Or Hobby)
Contact Gold-Fire for more information.
No current base of operations. (Yet?)

The Cell phone directed everyone to simply meet at a small coffee shop on the plaza.

Sure enough, like clockwork every day around 3:45 a man with blonde hair in a black and yellow striped wetsuit with the same clip-art sun on his chest landed with an energy pole in his hand. He could be seen elsewhere vaulting to his destination, he sits down and has a cup of coffee and reads the news paper.

His boots and gauntlets looked like re-purposed Soccer and Motocross pads. His mask was made of black plastic and went around his face in the shape of a roman helmet. A small commercial grade head-set computer covered his eyes, their shiny blue lenses reflected the landscape and newspaper.

The Coffee shop was on the plaza in front of City Hall, with so many politicians, heroes, and other important and busy people moving through the area, coffee was in high demand. Terry wondered whether he'd get a response to the ad, maybe he would have been better off posting something online. He frowned and looked up from the newspaper and stretched his legs. This Super group thing was not working so well, he thought 'I'll found a super group, get grants or however else super heroes make money, upgrade suit, be better hero!' so far he's has actually been beaten up by a villain! He couldn't believe the guy had gotten into city hall to get the number...

Now he was getting ready to go though, picking up his coffee. He checked a compartment on his belt for the key to the locker he used to keep his clothes in while he patrolled, Still there. He sat down again, hoping maybe ten more minutes would net him one contact. The arrest of the coffee shop arsonist was a nice mark on his record though. Terry wondered if normal employment might be a better idea...

Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
Joined: 09/30/2013 - 14:30
((Is this thread closed or

((Is this thread closed or would you like some company? I'll put in a response to your if you want to keep it going. I'm fairly new to RP, but I think I get it.))

The bell over the coffee shop door jingles as a young man walks in. Dustin, dressed in everyday clothes; a pair of tennis shoes, blue jeans and a white shirt under an opened button down shirt, never would be suspected of being super in any way, except for his eyes which were a silver swirl pattern.

It had been a couple days since he had first seen the notice about The Wanderers. He had taken the phone number, but had procrastinated to text the number. It had been a bad few months. He had quit his job at the convenient store before securing another and was having a hard time finding a new one. Those were the kind of air-headed mistakes he was prone to making. The only time he ever thought clearly and precisely was during a fight. It seemed saving the day was the only thing he would ever be good at. It was that morning sitting at his kitchen table in an almost empty apartment with an eviction notice that he realized this, and finally picked up his cell(which he was surprised still worked considering how behind he was on payments).

A few hours later dressed and ready to start a new life Dustin stood in the doorway of the coffee shop. The wind outside nudging him forward. Spotting the man in the wetsuit he knew it was either now or never.

LeadWanderer's picture
Last seen: 2 months 4 days ago
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((Yep! Thread's still open,

((Yep! Thread's still open, Kinda been watching it like a hawk, >.>))

Terry sighed, he didn't know why he kept this routine, The Wanderers recruitment line hadn't gotten very many hits, and none had shown up so far. He'd had a friend set up a text server to anonymously hand out the details for him. The text server linked to his HUD, that said, he was looking at the text again. Even without the notification, he showed up here pretty much every single day, it was expensive! He still didn't have a job, unless you count doing work for bail bondsmen. It wasn't much but some of them paid good money to track down a powered parole dodgers. Between armor underlayer, custom wetsuit, fire-retardant decals, file server and sleep medication, he couldn't catch a break... The Coffee Shop Arsonist AKA (Self titled) Arabica Arsonist, had ruined the last one.

He stood to get another free cup of coffee, nodding as he glanced at Dustin's face. He didn't pay much attention, that got him in trouble sometimes. He smiled and flirted awkwardly with the barista, she went to his school and never talked to him. "I must apologize, I do make a point not to get involved with damsels I rescue." That was a lie, he just liked the attention and turning the tables a bit. He tossed a couple quarters in the tip jar, since they were giving him free coffee this week for keeping the arsonist away from their shop(And protecting the barista from a molotov cocktail.)

The barista sighed, Terry was grinning broadly as he turned, the grin disappeared though as he stood still long enough for his HUD to catch Dustin's eyes. He almost stared, but only the grinned disappeared from his face, he nodded again and went back to staring at the ceiling and waiting for someone to show. He played with his hair a bit, a strand came out, which he promptly destroyed. The tiny line of gold and blue energy that formed along the strand of hair for a moment left no smoke or burnt hair smell, just a fine ash which Terry brushed off.

Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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Terry looking up was probably

Terry looking up was probably most fortunate... since it would allow him to move his coffee out of the way.
As they were prone to, a portal opened up inside Titan City. Not so common was it being inside a coffee shop. even less common was it being above a fledgling hero named Terry.

A figure dropped through the portal on to the table screaming epitaphs. "You big jerks! I can't use portals yet! I'm telling your mom if you don't get me!" from the other side of the portal a faint reply of "No don't tell her! Gimme a second.... This looked easier when dad did it.. OH NO."

The portal winked shut.

The girl sat up, far less upset than someone just stranded on the other end of a portal should be. "So where am I... and where is your hair?" The girl vaguely looked like a humanoid version of a rabbit. A look of pity on her face for the poor hairless male in front of her. "Your face is kind of messed up to."

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

Gladatoria's picture
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Another jingle would be heard

Another jingle would be heard as the coffee shop is entered, this time a beautiful young woman, dressed in a black blouse with a grey pencil skirt, complimented with medium length brown waves of hair, and a curious set of green, alluring eyes. Looking no older than 23, the girl would swiftly and quietly order an cappuccino as she takes a window seat, overlooking the bustling streets outside. Twiddling her thumbs rather absentmindedly, she would suddenly stand and approach Terry, offering her hand to shake as she introduces herself with a smile...

"Hello, I'm Sabrina Barrelli, or as I was known in Paragon and now Titan City, Cerebella..."

She would offer him a sly smirk as she teases...

"Always burn your hair to ashes when anxious...?"


Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
Joined: 09/30/2013 - 14:30
The nod from Terry gave him

The nod from Terry gave him the bit of confidence he needed. He began to approach him when a portal opened right over the other man's table. The portal didn't much surprise Dustin. He had seen them a couple times before; what did surprise him was a bunny woman falling through the portal and land on Terry's table. Hoping she was not hurt Dustin would 'rush' to her; causing a burst of wind to snap around him, and offering her a hand to help her up. "you ok?" he asked almost simultaneously as Sabrina introduced herself to Terry.

((do we want an OOC thread?))

LeadWanderer's picture
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Terry stood and blinked, he

Terry stood quickly and snatched his precious, albeit free, coffee from the brink of danger and blinked, he was far from bald. He'd only burnt the single strand, though atomize or de-energized it could better describe whatever he just did. Dustin zoomed around him at super speed to talk to the rabbit girl... He was taken aback, hjs mouth agape for a moment as not one but four people showed up out of nowhere. He blinked and pulled a broken make-up compact mirror from his pouch and looked at his face, not too weird aside from his craptastic costume... He sipped his coffee to collect his thoughts.

"Thanks? You look pretty normal for around here... Did you just pop through an Einstein-Rosen bridge?" He looked at Sabrina, who addressed him next. "No, I burn it whenever I'm in costume, can't leave a loose strand. Gold-Fire, lead and currently the only, Wanderer." He shrugged, and offered her his hand to shake.

"Okay... maybe a coffee shop wasn't a good place to meet?" He sipped his coffee wondering if all three of these people had taken his number from City Hall, certainly the rabbit must have come from wonderland... No that's probably not right either.... "First thing, none of you are here to harm me, the shop or the coffee are you? Had a guy in here last week throwing mototovs made of high-alcohol coffee and vanilla extract..."

((Sure? Never thought to have one just yet.)

Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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The rabbit like girl looked

The rabbit like girl looked around. "Oh.. you are all nearly hairless... and your teeth are so small." Her voice oozed pity for the unfortunately ugly creatures. She looked back at Terry. "Oh my people are here already? Can you bring me to them. I can't open rab-holes yet. Dust just hit puberty and can but he is such a JERK!"

She listened to Terry explain what he was to the hideous woman. (The poor girl would never find a mate with that tiny nose and small teeth.) Just then she noticed the compact mirror. "OHHHH you have a looking glass! May I?" She grabbed the pocket mirror. "Mirror mirror in my hand, where did that jerks portal make me land?"

Looking up confused she frowned. "Your mirror is broken."

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

Gladatoria's picture
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The woman would offer a

The woman would offer a quizzical look towards the rabbit-girl and her ramblings, simply shaking her head and chuckling as she further addresses Gold-Fire...

"Well your looking at Wanderer #2 then, and my abilities don't burn hair, but..." Her eyes would glow a bright magenta, and those that can sense and view auras would notice a similarly colored circlet of psychic energy forming across her head, as her thoughts would be heard among yours, with conscious invitation of course...

*I am a mutant, telepath and telekinetic to be exact...My powers activated some years ago...when I arrived in Titan City, I began to look for a group similar to those I had worked with in the past...your empathetic impressions prove you have the drive and passion, so hear I am...*

The circlet would fade away as her presence leaves their minds, turning to them, as she absentmindedly wills her ordered coffee to her, musing towards Terry with a sly smile...

"The barista your eyeing isn't interested by the way, and do you have any questions...eyes are up here by the way?"


LeadWanderer's picture
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"I know it's broken, but I'm

"I know it's broken, but I'm pretty sure it's never been capable of what you wanted it to do..." Terry took the cracked mirror back and put it in his belt, utility belt for the frugal hero!

Terry laughed and sighed, she's notice a distinct aura of static when trying to passively pick up on Terry. He could sense her telepathic aura and sort of dropped his guard, though with the bit of thought and emotion that made it through the static was actually quite respectful.

"I kinda figured, she's just being nice cause I saved her. I'm actually looking for several new Wanderers." He looked her directly in the eyes, his cheeks flushing slightly when she told him to remain above shoulder level. "I have you know I attempt to be a gentleman. As for my abilities, it's more accurate to say they're Energy manipulation, De-compilation, absorption and manifestation, I... Would rather not mention my origin?" He smiled sheepishly but was practically shouting it mentally. 'Please don't guess I got shot with a shaving cream ray...' he thought, the quantum psionic wave was weak from his own odd aura.

((I posted a profile of his abilities on the profile thread.))

Gladatoria's picture
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Blinking both physically and

Blinking both physically and mentally at Terry's words and psychic shout, she would chuckle and telepathically reply...

*I won't use my powers to pry, rest assured, and as for the barista...maybe it's the spandex that scared her away...?*

She would take a sip of coffee, before replying verbally...

"My origin isn't all that impressive, to be honest...I wasn't scouted out by Professor X if that's what you wanted to powers activated suddenly at 15, when I left my would be kidnapper in a coma...permanently...afterwards I was persecuted by the locals...mutants had been blamed for a series of 'attacks on innocent civilians', and they had contracted worse mercenaries to deal with own parents supported them..."

She would pause for a moment, before continuing...

"I managed to use my abilities to fight off the villains they contracted, and smuggle other mutants like myself out of town, to Paragon City, Rhode Island, where people powered or not gathered to make a positive difference as heroes. I operated there for a time, before we were met with an opposing force we could not fight, which would eventually consume us all. We ensured as many could escape as possible, before fleeing ourselves...dimensional displacement...we each were scattered, myself ending up in Titan City, one year ago..."

She smile briefly at the last sentence, looking out the window to the civilians and secret paragons they protect everyday...

"I'm a Journalist at the Promethium Herald, a small indie newspaper and media company, we provide information for those who need to see a brighter tomorrow...I retained my abilities but have yet to find a suitable costume for outgoing heroics...those like Anthem...Rottweiler even, I need a proper group to work with..."

She would rest her hands to her chin, telekinetically stirring sweetener into her cappuccino...

"I hope I fit the bill...?"


Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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"Oh so you have all just hit

"Oh so you have all just hit puberty to? Will your hair finally grow as well now that you have awakened?" The girl.. hopped.. down. She was very short, about 4 foot in height. "What is de-com...position?... and absorbtion.. are you a fire dragon lily disguised as a hairless? They absorb the sun rays, it makes them very ... hot. Manifestaaaa... that just sounds gross don't do it. Whats a mutant? What dimension are you planning to wander to? telek..telecontortionist? OH YOU ARE A tumbler. I saw a troupe of tumblers last week. They were very good."

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

LeadWanderer's picture
Last seen: 2 months 4 days ago
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Terry sighed, having just

Terry sighed, having just realized how loudly he was probably speaking. There was some static again in his telepathic wavelengths as he passively shields himself ...

Terry was a silent for a moment, between the bunny girl chattering at him and the telepath recounting her story in public he had trouble keeping track of it all. "Er, I? No? I do absorb sunlight, and you shouldn't go around asking people if they've hit puberty. It's very awkward." He smiled at the rabbit. He smiled and turned back to Sabrina.

"I've got not such complications in my history, I was over seas when i got my powers, some mad engineer shot me with his CFC accelerator. I try to keep my identity secret, so beyond that, I'd prefer not to say in public." He glanced around the shop at the others. "Yeah, it's not really spandex? It's the best I could afford on my budget. I've been an active hero for a few months, practicing with them for a few years." His face scrunched as he actively tried to project a thought at her. 'I was 15, visiting grandparents in germany, they were 'retired' nazi's and decided I was the perfect test subject for a super soldier experiment. I've had my powers for 2 years.' He shrugged and glanced at Dustin.

"Forgive my rudeness, but do you happen to be here for the same reason she is?" He nods towards Sabrina with a smile, he sniffed the air and then exhaled, he could sort of feel a change in the air from residual energy from the portal... "Those portals don't leave behind any radiation or something, do they? I thought dimensional travel was dangerous..." Terry was only a hero for a few months, so he was not in the loop about alternate dimensions, even though in paragon city there was a parallel version of him.

Gladatoria's picture
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She would tilt her head at

She would tilt her head at the Rabbit-girl's words, taking a moment to think before responding....

"I am a teleKINETIC, can move things with my mind if I chose to, and a telePATH, can communicate with and manipulate the minds of others...I crossed dimensions here into this one...I don't plan on wandering...and I am a barely passable gymnast, I rely on self defense...hand to hand combat...and I am a mutant, mutants are members of their species who have evolved, namely their genetic code...we naturally gain abilities...unusual...different, and often dangerous...they often activate in puberty, and mentors are often needed to teach them..."

She'd smirk...

"And I've already hit puberty thank you, humans are naturally mostly hairless, there is nothing wrong with us...despite your thoughts to the contrary..."


Gladatoria's picture
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Turning to Terry, receiving

Turning to Terry, receiving his thoughts, Sabrina would suddenly supportively clasp his hand, transmitting positive emotions through their contact, hopefully boosting his spirits as she telepathically responds...

'I didn't peruse your thoughts for that, and what you say with me will of course remain confidential...I am glad you trust me enough to share...'

She would then verbally state:..

"And I thought some of MY previous coworkers were terrible...regardless your abilities are I need a proper costume...any ideas?"


Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
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After the rabbit girl refused

After the rabbit girl refused his help up, he put his hand down by his side. He waited for a spot to interject; to introduce himself, then got sidetracked when he noticed some spilled salt on the table next to him. He sat down and twirling his finger over the salt created a mini tornado. He only looked up when he realized Terry was talking to him. Clearing his throat; the salt pile scattering when he is no longer concentrating, "hi, yes I am. My name is Dustin. A few friends call me Turbulence. Both because I'm clumsy, and because of my extraordinary wind abilities." he finishes with a smile, then glances up at the dissipating portal noticing a strange static noise. Looking to the rabbit with a bit of concern, "should it be making that noise?"

LeadWanderer's picture
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Nodded quietly at Dustin...

Nodded quietly at Dustin... "That's a remarkable ability." Terry grinned watching him turn the salt into a tornado. "Well, that makes three of us then."

"Costumes are hard. I haven't been able to go to one of the fancy super style designers. I would suggest a wetsuit, but that might leave less to the imagination than you're likely to prefer." He teased and shrugged, trust was something he gave almost immediately to most, heroism required it as far as he was concerned. "I hear trench coats are in style too. To be entirely honest. It's not very glamorous, but bail bondsmen are always looking for heroes to track down their marks... " Terry tried to think but he really had no idea.

"Yeah, I may have another source for some suits, but I can't discuss my contacts here..." He stroked his chin and sipped his coffee. "If you guys would follow me to the roof we could hash out more there. I've been tracking some leads the bail bondsmen have been giving me. Lots of guys have been paying off their bonds, suspects the Black Rose or some other organization might be picking up their tabs, he's got a good cut for us, could even net us some connections to get better gear..." Terry stroked his chin some more.

"Hey uhh... Usamimi!" He points to the rabbit girl who fell through the portal... "Do you plan on staying here to wait for your portal home, or are you gonna tag along?" He frowned for a moment thinking. "Would we get in trouble for harboring an unregistered IDT minor?" He stroked his chin and turned, taking just a couple steps before opening the door.

Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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The rabbit-girl started

The rabbit-girl started poking Terry in the face as he spoke. 'how do you form words with such small teeth without slurring them?" She pinched and pulled his cheeks. "So little hair! You are so ugly it's kind of adorable!"

She stopped mid prod to watch Dustins little Tornado. "So hairless rabs don't normally all do that?" She stuck one finger up Dustins sleeve wiggling it around. "Rab-holes.. no they are totally harmles, they let us visit places. Isn't that how you visit places? I really could use a rab-hole home." She turned to the poor unfortunate female who would be hairless even though she was into adulthood. "Well maybe in another ten thousand cycles you will finally get your hair." She patted the poor unfortunate womans leg."OH I KNOW! What if I make your time move faster? Then you can be thirty thousand cycles old and can send me home!"

The girl started rubbing her paws together...........................

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
Joined: 09/30/2013 - 14:30
Satisfied by the rabbit girls

Satisfied by the rabbit girls answer, that the portal was not gonna blow up, Dustin stood up to follow Terry. "oh I forgot, I do have a costume. My second cousin is a designer and witch, she taught me a spell of sorts to change in and out if my costume without needing a phonebooth. Plus it is auto cleaned and repaired whenever I change. If u want I can contact her, she lives oversees but i don't think it'll be a problem. It only cost me a few childhood memories.". And on that he steps into the stairwell to the roof.

LeadWanderer's picture
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Terry nodded, happy that the

Terry nodded, happy that the residual energy wouldn't be harmful. He raised his eyebrows at the cost he mentioned for the costume.

"Huh... Child hood memories? Do you forget them?" Terry asked, waiting at the door so that the others could exit before him. He was thinking he could get his father to give him some old costumes or other gear, but perhaps his idea is better. "What's your name anyway, or should we just call you rabbit girl?" Terry asked, he watched quietly as she rubbed her hands together trying to speed up time.

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He stopped at Terry's

He stopped at Terry's question. "I don't know I can't remember." He'd turn slightly so Terry could see a small grin. Then realising it wasn't really a good joke sighed and turned around. "yes, that is the cost, but it's not too bad. I don't think I had a lot of memories of my childhood to begin with so who really knows. But the offer is there if you want. You too Cerebella? He said poking his head back inside to look at her. Then strolled up the stairs.

Gladatoria's picture
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Cerebella would take a moment

Cerebella would take a moment to absorb the information before responding...

"I wouldn't mind heading to the roof...and I can shake down some of my contacts for some supertailors....."

Quickly retorts..

"Saved a few as Cerebella, never cashed in on favors...didn't see a need to...but now that I am a Wanderer, it's as good a time as any..."


Steamtank's picture
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**since no one stopped the

**since no one stopped the rabbit from changing time**

A pulse emitted from the girl. Followed by a second. People in the area hit with the first pulsar suddenly slowed down. People hit with the second were suddenly moving faster. (About twice as fast/slow)

"Tadda!... Oh that wasn't right. I sped up and slowed down time." The girl was moving even faster than the time manipulated people. "Names Sandy" Sandy walked over to Dustin ((Sandy was moving very very fast)) "Oh a childhood, have this one!" Dustin would see images of creatures much like Sandy fooling around in a giant field. A very tall rab would walk over and pick up Dustin holding him like a baby. "It's such a good childhood memory, now you can remember it to!"

Almost as fast as the time skipping started it ended... The pulses both boomeranging back into Sandy. "Let me try again, this time I am SURE I can get you to all age twenty thousand sun cycles."

Sandy started rubbing her hands together again..........

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
Joined: 09/30/2013 - 14:30
Dustin turned around and

Dustin turned around and popped his head back through the door, he only had barely heard sandy as he was walking up the stairs. "Sandy, was it? Listen, I don't want to age that much so fast. I'd rather get there the slow and... boring way." looks at Terry then Celebella. "right guys?" Walk in the shop again and holds out his hand to Sandy. "If you have to wait a while to get home how about helping us protect the city for a while?"

LeadWanderer's picture
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Terry did actually laugh as

Terry did actually laugh as he caught Dustin's joke. "I dunno, part of me thinks that might have an effect on my personality... " He chewed his lip. "I think we should try a mundane means of costume procurement. We can shake down some bond dodgers and it won't take nearly as long with a team." He shook his head, last time it took him a week to track the guy.

Terry smiled and headed out the door after the others. He glanced back at the little rabbit girl and waved his hand, still holding the door in case she wanted to follow them. He looked up at the building, the coffee shop was on the lowest building on the block, to the left of it however there was a much larger building.

"Dunno how you guys travel, but I... well, right now I pole vault, haven't figured out how to rocket propel myself through the skies yet..." He grinned and formed a vaulting pole out of energy, it started out just a few inches in length, but moment later it was touching the ground, extending downward. "Feel free to grab on, it's not hot." He said. The pole looked solid much like a Green Lantern construct it was obviously not solid but gave every possible impression to the senses that it was.

Gladatoria's picture
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Sabrina would be taken aback

Sabrina would be taken aback by Sandy's antics, before suddenly sending a blunt and slightly painful psychic pulse, shouting within her mind...

*ENOUGH! You will do no such thing, you WILL not mess with the timespan of others without their consent! Am I clear?!*

Sighing, she would continue verbally...

"I'm sorry...I got a little worked up...didn't mean to telepathically snap at you...I'm sorry..."

With that, she would excuse herself past Dustin before briskly walking upstairs, onto the roof....she was upset....


Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
Joined: 09/30/2013 - 14:30
Dustin would blink a few

Dustin would blink a few times, knowing he missed something between the two ladies. looks to terry "Sounds good," he smiles.

Once upstairs looking at the next building. "i teleport swoosh... haven't really figured out what to call it." he scratches his head in thought. "i become the air, and swoosh, but i can get to my destination so fast it's almost like teleporting(while talking makes lots of hand gestures)." He quickly demonstrates, 'swooshing' from one side of the roof to the other.

LeadWanderer's picture
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(Whoa I tootally missed a

(Whoa I tootally missed a post, woops...)

Terry must have been looking away, for some reason he didn't really notice the time shift.

Terry blinked and looked at Sabrina then Sandy and nodded. "She's right. You don't mess with time, in this dimension there aren't many If any, people who know about time travel or it's affects, you'll destroy people or things, confuse them, or kill them. Humans don't live Twenty thousand cycles under normal circumstances, essentially, you'd kill everything and everyone on earth." Terry frowned, he'd never noticed that stair case before... He reabsorbed his vaulting pole and walked up the stair case.

"Are you alright?" He asked, raising his eyebrows. "Sounds like time travel's a touchy subject with you..." He looked around the short roof for a few moments and wondered where the super tailors even were, other than the one overseas that traded memories for clothes...

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Sandy was very confused. She

Sandy was very confused. She followed the trio, mostly because they were the ones talking to her. "I'm just making you gain cycles at a different rate, why does that matter? My Uncle Snapjack once slowed himself down for eight thousand cycles just to see if grass would grow on him while he was running. My dad thought it would be funnier to see Uncle Snapjack slowly get covered by tar tree sap., so he moved Uncle under one. That was funny! Every cycle Uncle Snaps would get more and more covered but he refused to release his time cycle. " Sandy was very confused... Once a rab got very old they simply gained the ability to turn back time and would suddenly de-age back to an age of their choosing. They lost all of their adult memories when they de-aged, but their personality didn't change. That only happened after three million cycles. Sandy was on her second childhood. Some days she wondered what she had done as an adult 700 thousand years ago... well it was best not to dwell on such things.

Sandy came to the conclusion the hairless ones were simply lying to her about their age, if they were adults they would not care how old they were. Most of her friends made up fibs, that must be the same in this dimension as well.

Sandy caught up to the poor hairless ones who were obviously trying very much to act older than they were. "Quick question... what is a city? aaannnd what is protect"

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Sabrina would stare back at

Sabrina would stare back at Terry a bit, waiting before communicating with him telepathically...

*I've lost some good teammates to mishaps with time..namely a villain named the Overseer...he could send you to any hostile point in time he wished, or age you a century with a touch...we stopped him, but not before he aged my best friend to a husk of skin and bones before my eyes...*

She would simply shake her head, before replying verbally...

"That was my defining moment, my realization that being a hero has can hurt the people you love most the second you put on that costume...I think that's what was holding me back from actively patrolling again..."

She would turn to him with a smirk...

"I hope I'm not boring you with my tragic backstory...?"


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Terry frowned and nodded...

Terry frowned and nodded...

"I had a friend try to become a hero, he was an empath, but literally, just an empath. He thought he could be a hero it was a year ago, the first time I put on a costume, he and some other kids at school thought they could help me fight crime. One of them did, the other got shot in the head when his attempt to redirect the shooters target in his mind." Terry shook his head. "So, I understand losing friends pretty well. The other friend still runs tech support for me, but he's put off going into hero work till he perfects his suit." Terry shrugged and smiled at her.

"We've all got tragedy in our lives, so, no, it's not boring. You can call me Terry, by the way, when we're not in mixed company." He glances around.

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Dustin, still bouncing around

Dustin, still bouncing around on the rooftop stops and looks at sabrina and terry. "you 2 lovebirds done chit chatin? I thought we had some badguys to catch or ..." Dustin trails off and stares off, distracted again, by a bird swooping above him.

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Sandy was kind of at a loss

Sandy was kind of at a loss for words. These stories were not fun. They were also very impractical not to mention completely illogical.
"So in this dimension you can't change time? You hurt each other and have no means of undoing it? That just seems... irresponsible, even to me." Sandy had an idea.
"Well if you bring me your hairless ones I can turn their time back! Just set their bodies to a time BEFORE they were hurt, and since they will be in this current time stream they will avoid what initially hurt them."

Sandy was very pleased with herself. She had seen her 'mom' (all rabs were adopted that were not natural born 1st lifers) turn back the time on her finger once when she cut it while slicing onions for stew. It seemed simple enough. These hairless ones were so dark, probably because of the lack of fluffy hair. Sandy figured if she was hairless she would also be a bit sour.

"I still need to know what a city is though. I think that is an important new concept for me to grasp. Does it have to do with why hairless ones hurt each other?"

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Terry sighed and glanced at

Terry sighed and glanced at Dustin with a little red on his cheeks.
"Hey, she's probably too old for me anyway..." He laughed and shook his head. "And yeah, I just came up here so I could discuss the costuming and job." He sighed a bit and rubbed his chin again, thinking how to word the explanation of a city.

"A city a place where people have chosen to build homes, businesses. Most humans like to congregate together. Protecting someone means keeping them from getting hurt or killed. What's more, No. You can not revive that dead, you're not allowed.. I mean, I'm sure it's plausible for some, but most people think it's evil. Paired with the fact that it require desecrating graves, it can't happen, not only that, do you think time matters to the soul Sandy?" He raised his eyebrows quietly. "You could send the body back in it's time stream, but you might just be reversing the time stream on a corpse." He shook his head.

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Terry's comment about the

Terry's comment about the dead corpse sent a chill down his spine. "well on that lovely note... Let's go find a bad guy so u can get some new duds."

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Turning to Terry with a smile

Turning to Terry with a smile, she would lightly punch his arm...

"Sheesh Terry, I'm only's a wonder I got my job in the first place, I don't actually utilize my abilities while on the it Journalist etiquette...and while you guys obtain a location for a supertailor, I'll see about scoring us a location to possibly use as a base of"

With that, she would promptly give Terry a quick kiss, before walking down the stairs...she had a contact to meet...


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"The soul?" This was a

"The soul?" This was a totally foreign concept to Sandy. "Well if you don't want them back I guess I won't try. This must be a fledgling dimension. We were taught they were very... dangerous? I think that is the word. Your language has many needless words. If you would stop doing them you wouldn't need words for them." Sandy was starting to realize she may have ended up in a 'red' dimension. She had heard of these red controlled dimensions, usually the younger ones. She knew some of the rab adults aided the white queen, but children were forbidden from knowing how and they never asked. Why would they when such fun games were to be had? She did understand dress up though. The Diamonds ball was always much fun.

"Well if you are getting ready for a party you must let me help dress you. My whole family lets me pick out their outfits. You would look very dashing in this..." Sandy waved her hands and a mirage of costume appeared over both Dustin and Terry. They both looked like knights head to toe, white glistening armor with a diamond insignia on the breastplate. The armor could have been from any expert armorer of the Gothic Era... yet somehow seemed .. high tech. The illusion wasn't perfect, the armor was somewhat transparent, but it shifted with Terry and Dustins movements. Sandy clapped her hands in glee.
"That is a Rab travelers outfit. If you are going to wander one of the red queens dimensions, even only one planet of a red dimension, you should be dressed like a proper traveler. This is what we should find you two."

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Terry rubbed his arm lightly,

Terry rubbed his arm lightly, acting like it hurt more than it did. His powers dampened most physical shocks, but not all.

"Well, you seemed a lot more mature...." His cheeks turned bright red when she kissed him and then wandered off. He thought for a second hoping he could figure out how to contact her again. "Alright." He turned to Dustin and grinned. "Ready?"

"Yes, the soul, some people believe it's a thing meant to be saved or damned by gods and demons. It isn't a matter of want, it's a matter of ethicality. by most accounts a soul is an energy that incites consciousness. Frankly, maybe your dimension is younger. What's more immature than a race that never grows up, never loses anything." Terry rubbed the bridge of his nose, he was getting annoyed. He knew he shouldn't, this was culture shock to some degree. "But that's beside the point, some people don't believe consciousness just disappears when our bodies are gone, some think that, others believe they're reincarnated in another form and a new body for a new life, others believe that you're given eternal life in heaven or hell."

"I'm going to stop by a library and pick her up a dictionary and thesaurus." He jerked his thumb at Sandy and sighed.

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Terry would suddenly feel

Terry would suddenly feel Sabrina's presence within his mind, as she telepathically speaks to him....

*You know I'm just right downstairs....and if you'd like, we can share a telepathic link....I'm meeting with a contact of mine...says there is an Abandoned Clocktower near could serve as a base once retrofitted...your tech friend could help...interested?*


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Sandy pondered the age of her

Sandy pondered the age of her dimension versus the age of where she thought she might currently be. "I am quite certain this dimension is younger. You all seem very... angry. I think that is the concept, with very... short? lifespans. Something can be said for a flower that blooms brightly than wilts only to be reborn as a new flower the next season."

Sandy didn't like philosophy, it was boring. These fledgling creatures clearly needed the white queens guidance. Then they could get rid of many of these silly concepts like ownership and fighting and loss. Rabs sometimes went traveling and never came back. Dimensional travel wasn't always safe. Sandy remembered hearing something about that a thousand years ago.

"Well I decided. You all need to be much less .. angry. I am going to show you how. By the time I can make dimensional rab-holes this... city? will be a bastion for the White Queen."
Sandy smiled widely at the two humans. Like it or not a 9000 year old rabbit just became their spiritual guardian... at least according to her.

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Dustin nodded to Terry, and

Dustin nodded to Terry, and upon hearing Sandy's revelation gave a big smile. "all right! Now can we go find some bad guys?" And with the he jumped off the roof and 'swooshed' to ground. He did this in such a way that no norms seemed to notice.

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Terry frowned, he didn't like

Terry frowned, he didn't like the idea of the white or the red queen. He sighed and shook his head.

*Oh, no, I did not know that, assumed you went much farther away. How powerful of a telepath are you anyhow? Most people can't broadcast telepathy to me, atleast that's what AM-PED said.* She got the impression from the voice and images shared while he spoke through the mind like that it was the friend he lost. *I'll have Technosis rig some things together, a location would be really good, he's been worried about keeping the recruitment server at his house.*

"Well, first thing first, we'll have to register you both as working in the city, with this many members we should qualify for a small grant." Terry grinned.

Terry looked at Dustin and nodded, grinning. He formed a rod of energy out and extended it to about twice his body length before running at the ledge and vaulting up onto the fire escape. He could jump pretty far and as he used his powers, it was hard not to notice, since every manifestation of energy created a gold and blue aura to appear around him. Each time he started falling he extended the vaulting pole to the ground and used his momentum to propel himself forward, or upward.

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Wherever the male duo went

Wherever the male duo went they would see Sandy a building ahead.... apparently 'not being able to make a rab-hole' did not mean she was incapable of what they knew of as teleportation. usually she was busy playing with something she had conjured, be it balloons, a tea set, flying flowers that breathed fire, or ghost like rabs.

Sandy 'thought' about as quietly as a diesel monster truck barreling over top cars. These hairless children were amusing in how completely inefficent they were at simple tasks like moving to the place they wanted to be. She debated on simply moving them to their final destination but figured this was some sort of game. Good they are finally learning how to be an enlightened race. Maybe this wouldn't be as hard as she first thought. The adult Rabs would be very impressed when she had taught these hairless ones how to behave like civilized Rabs.

Sandy giggled as she put a field of balloons in front of the two males.

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Dustin didn't much care for

Dustin didn't much care for the idea of registering, the thought of that information falling into the wrong hands bothered him. But as followed Terry he began to feel better. He was so impressed with himself he had gotten so good at his movement ability that he could swooshed around almost unnoticed. He didn't even need to were his costume when went around the city in this manner. A sudden appearance of balloons caught Dustin by surprise, but it didn't stop him, he smiled as he realised it was Sandy and how far ahead she kept appearing. With a chuckle Dustin picked up his speed as they headed for... (where are we headed)? He mused.

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Already on the move to the

Already on the move to the Registration Office via teleportation in magenta bursts of energy, she would communicate first to Terry, then to the group as a whole, with invitation of course...

*I truly have no idea, I am what's called a 3T mutant, my abilities are Telepathy, Telekinesis, and Teleportation, in order of strength...and possibly because I mentally 'knock' before allows you to decide if you want to open the link, me you'd know if I browsed through your memories and such...not my business...*

*And I am headed to the Registration Office, need to update my file and obtain my grant, then we can head to our new base...*The location of the clocktower would be sent* If you girls can keep up?*


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**You would see 9000 years

**You would see 9000 years worth of memories in no particular order... basically hitting you in the face like an entire collection of Encyclopedia Britannica** ((also that would make Sandy a TIT >_< Time Control/illusions/Teleportation))

Sandy having absolutely no concept of keeping an idea to herself would not only allow total communication but would in fact force feed her memories through the telepathic connection. Her natural ability to control time, moving it forward, backwards, parts of it forward, parts backwards, objects aging, deaging, bringing things to their strongest, or weakest moments in existence meant her brain functioned on a meta scale that would scare Einstein. Luckily for Sabrinia, Sandy was still a child, it was more like 12 Einsteins arguing over the physics of a balloon inside Sandys skull at the moment.

"Oh that is where we are going. The White Queens first tower!" Sandy would be sitting on top of the tower when the others arrived. Solid Illusions of banners and streamers all showing diamonds in white on EVERYTHING.

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After the mental notes from

After the mental notes from sabrina, Dustin decided to head to the registration office first. Motioning to Terry so he'd know, and not seeing Sandy anywhere about he altered direction. It was nice... The idea of a team. *on my way to the registration office, sabrina* he would think, hoping that she would hear him. He didnt have much experience with telepathy.

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Terry nods quietly at her

Terry nods quietly at her explanation, as they approached the registration office.

"Put on your suit Turbulance." Terry smiled. "You don't have to reveal your identity, some choose to. Wearabouts and conduct lessons are required, but since you're in the Wanderers, I and my contacts can handle that." Terry sent Technosis a message to meet them at the Clocktower's location.

*True, Quinn didn't have very good control...* He shrugged and winced as his mental static 'shield' reacted to the massive upload of information feedback, the sheer overwhelming download of it, and Sandy's forceful telepathic conduct would create a powerful and painful static buzzing noise across the telepathic group, even Terry, to force a shut down.

Terry winced, then grabbed his head from it. A lost all concentration, his energy vaulting pole disappearing as they reached the Phoenix Statue... He dropped like a rock and the gold aura was gone. He wasn't out cold, but the energy drain from the instinctive power overreaction and the telepathic ringing. It also stopped though, a few hundred feet from the ground, and he was suddenly dropping faster. ((o.O Woops...))

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Similarly overwhelmed by

Similarly overwhelmed by Sandy's mental barrage of memories, Sabrina would tumble mid-teleport into a parked car, smacking right into the hood, saved from some of the impact force by a quickly erected telekinetic barrier, but hurt nonetheless. Taking a moment to recover, slowly standing, she would voice her pained opinion to Sandy, understandably with extreme prejudice...

*I don't know if you are simply unaware or painfully impetuous, but thanks to your 'sharing' Terry is now injured, as am I...I want to trust you and your story, but I provide you with an ultimatum...leave the rabbit traditions of time meddling out of this team, and so help me if this 'White Queen' is malevolent, I will lobotomize you on the spot...are we clear?!*

Taking moments to calm down, she would quickly yet shakily teleport to Terry, and attempt to psionically rouse him, providing him with some mental energy, before sending a quick message to the group...

*Head to the Clocktower ahead of me, I will catch up with Terry...Dustin, could you possibly gather some medical supplies from the Hospital, with permission of course, and have them there when we arrive? Sandy, we need to have a discussion as soon as possible..*


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**Practically mentally

Sandy really did not have any idea how to control a mental link. Her mind was at all times several hundred years of information at once. It was why she often forgot small details, why all Rabs forgot small details, 1 day for a rab was inconsequential. 'I'LL FIX IT DON'T WORRY

Sandy would appear at the scene of Terry's accident. ":Well this is no good."
Sandy looked back in time and disappeared.

Suddenly the two were standing on the ground next to an unexplainable impact zone on the ground. 'I turned back your time a few seconds and moved you before you hit. I hope you arn't angry but you were very hurt. I would have fixed all of this." Sandy pointed towards the ground which had a rather large fresh blood pool on it. "Nut I am still a bit young to change more than small things at a time with very good control." Terry would realize the blood he was looking at was his own... but wasn't... his timeline had been shifted to avoid the impact with the ground, but the grounds timeline had not been shifted to match... leaving a paradox best not thought about.

A second unintentional barrage of images showing a strange entity with a white glow. Very fixed, but its actions always changing, always calm, always peaceful. Things it touched grew, colors near it were more vibrant. Rabs in glistening rows of armor saluted it while children ran in and out of the adults with diamond marked streamers. It was a memory of happiness.... the same memory repeated hundreds upon hundreds of times. Like playing the same movie with only slight differences at 5% transparency overtop each other. It was a feeling of complete and total content bliss.

The games rab children played were very complex... since if you can control time and rewrite small sections of the history and future... how do you actually determine who is 'it' in tag?

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Dustin was in mid 'swoosh

Dustin was in mid 'swoosh when the bombardment of memories would happen so the effect would miss him slightly. Landing by the registration building he was stunned but only briefly by the bombardment. He started to move when Sabrina told him to go get medical supplies, but before he could react stopped again when Sandy began yelling in his head. This telepathic link was frustrating. After a moment of silence Dustin spoke up. *Do I still need to get medical supplies? If not should I go into the registration office?* He did not care for not knowing what was going on.

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Sabrina would let out a growl

Sabrina would let out a growl of frustration, before turning to Sandy and mentally shouting...

*Enough with the time meddling crap!! You need to understand that this is not ok...and this Queen...I don't care who she is, I'd rather not have to deal with the possible implications, for now, do you mind using your abilities in moderation, at least for now?....I apologize*

She would then message Dustin, and then Terry...

*No need to now Turbulence, just register and head to the Clocktower, we'll meet you there...*

*I don't know what to make of her Terry...we can deal with it later I to follow me to the Clocktower...?*


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It really wasn't necessary

It really wasn't necessary for her to displace Terry in time, in fact the psychic energy that Sabrina granted him, with his barriers down and his powers essentially off, his body absorbed the energy and started glowing gold and purple, a mark on his forehead appeared and he shook his head, his wounded head and concusion suddenly going away after the rapid events around him unfolded, the mental barrage sapped him again, and static ensued.

With the little mental energy left, for the four seconds that it took for rewind the static echoed in their mind, as iff the energy residual of Terry echoed backwards through quantum waves. Terry panted once he was back in, a small gold aura remained where Terry fumed for a moment and exhaled several times.... It flickered then drew in a quick swishing moment back to Terry...

"What the hell..." Terry grumbled..."Sandy. We are not Rabs. We are not multi-temporal beings." Terry remembered quite a bit of the details of her memories, some part of which helping him understand her a bit better. "WE are not servants of the White Queen, Red Queen, Purple or Fuscia Queen! We are American Citizens, we live in a democracy where we elect our rulers by choice, and you, your race lives in a vapid, never ending loop of childish worry-less bliss! IF you want to learn, then LEARN! And Respect our lives as they are, we live more difficult lives than you." Terry exhaled.

Terry touched his head and grumbled quietly... He glanced at his fingers and wobbled... "That... whatever it was... drained all my energy reserves...." Terry growled and sighed... He handed Dustin a card. "That's the Group registration number, to validate with them that I allowed it." He sighed and looked at Sabrina. "Sabrina, you'll have to help her learn mental barriers. She's immature, too much for her age to know better, I... I dunno..."

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Lightly rubbing his temples,

Lightly rubbing his temples, "got it, see you guys later."

Walking around to the side of the building Dustin concentrates on remembering what his cousin had said about the spell she taught him. "OK" he says to no one in particular. "what did she tell me again? I call upon the winds of change?" HE would feel a bit itchy all over. He knew those were the right words. He rolled his eyes at how dumb it sounded, but he hadn't made the spell. He felt a surge of adrenaline and the wind quickly picked up around him. The change happened pretty fast, it was only the second time he had really used it. He had tried it once when she first gave him the costume, and boy was it a costume. Quite a bit more elaborate that he planned, but she had insisted. It wasn't your typical hero costume of spandex, it was... what had she called it?... an ensemble. But in the end, to Dustin, it was merely a trench coat with some buckles and some pointy things on the shoulders, a vest and undershirt, pants, belt, and boots. The only thing that he really liked were the goggles, excellent for keeping debris from getting in his eyes, and the high collar, which he thought was just plain cool.

A few moments later inside the building Dustin stood in the doorway, taking a deep breath he walked up to the receptionist and... well you know, got registered. A while later Dustin, or officially called Turbulence, He strolled out of the building a huge grin on his face. It was official, he was a hero of Titan City and he even had a the starting of a Supergroup, or at least now it was a team that he couldn't wait to get back to, to finally hit the streets and see how much good they could do. Provided he had a chance, with as powerful as Sandy was, the other three might not have much to do. With a sigh he took off, but this time he made sure people noticed, everytime he 'rematerialized' he was accompanied by a burst of wind, startling some with mixed results. It was a good day.

After getting lost and turned around a couple times, Turbulence would finally make it to the clocktower.

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Sandy frowned... maybe her

Sandy frowned... maybe her time shifting meant his memories aligned to what had happened in the now... not what had happened that she changed. He had cracked his head on the hard dirt that felt like leafbrick. He was bleeding out. But now none of that had happened and he was just angry that his sparkles were not working sparkly enough.

Sandy was also very confused about 'democracy' but she understood a ruler, and choice... and that all Rabs chose the white queen. It was why she lived in a white dimension. Clearly this would take many many days to explain, but Sandy had all the time in all the worlds... well at least a few million years before she would have to de-age. Sandy wondered if the children here did not play. Most Rab rules were in place so that the young could be as pure as possible for when they awoke. She vaguely remembered the hairless female saying 'mutant' though that didn't seem to fit since all Rabs eventually awoke, it was natural.

Sandy spoke very quietly, much like a hurt child. "Life is everything, it is a white rule. If it was not for the love of life I would have left your time as it was. Your people seem to be very ... independent, of each other and only share the minimal amount of information. Is it really my fault if you talk inside my head and cannot grasp the entire reply? I pay attention to what you say, but it contradicts itself. You say to respect life, but to let things die that I can prevent from dying. You say not to change time, but you are actively seeking to change the future of other ..humans.. by engaging them in combat. Are these red soldiers going to have improved lives after you hurt them? Would your life have been happier on the ground bleeding instead of standing here yelling at me? If you wish for me to set you in your original time I can, but it will not make me happy, but if it makes you happy I will. Being mad at me because someone else spoke into my head and something bad happened.. that i FIXED... seems very .. mean." sandy was starting to tear up. "Now I am going to finish making your decorations look nice because no queen should enter his home without a proper welcoming!"

Sandy blinked out of the area... presumably back to the tower.

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Technosis: Wanderers "Secret"

Technosis: Wanderers "Secret" Base

A man in a green rubberized suit, with gold leads underneath a layer of rubber, with brass boots and gloves, there were multiple clunky looking panels on the large gauntlets. Round brass goggles and dark black engine grease covered his face, and messy red hair

"I thought this was suposed to be a Secret Base... God damn, Goldy's never done something like this!" Technosis looked at Dustin and tilted his head, nodding quietly. "We... might get some attention after this, wanna mop up some trash around the block, keep em off out backs proactively? I'm a local, I know all the best spots to get muggers." He smirked and deployed a set of taser prongs from his gauntlet... "Who's the white queen?" Technosis points up at the signs

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Sabrina would nod and help

Sabrina would nod and help him stand, also passing a bit of psychic energy to him to boost his reserves slightly, appearing tired as she does so however. Leading them to the Clocktower, she would verbally speak...

"I will try my best, but there could be complications...I don't exactly know how a 'rabbit-person's mind works...but it is certainly doable...the problem is if her abilities can circumvent the barriers, or if she'll be receptive to them in the first place....."

She would then open the doors of the Clocktower, leading them inside...


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Blinking at both Technosis's

Blinking at both Technosis's arrival, and Sandy's words, she would then leave Terry with Dustin, as she teleports to Sandy before embracing the rabbit-girl, replying...

"I'm sorry to be so stern with you.....I've just had a bad history with time manipulation...I shouldn't have snapped at you...would you be willing to place some mental barriers to make sure your abilities don't harm anyone, until you mature?"

She would then smile a bit, before adding...

"And I'll help you decorate, this tower does need more than one females do you feel about sterling silver along with the white...?"


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Terry nodded quietly at

Terry nodded quietly at Sabrina as they talked.

"Yeah, this is going to be a rough start..." He shook his head and smiled. "I've never had that weird reaction before, then again, I've never been around several powerful psychics or wills..." He shook his head and smiled. "Thank you." As she granted him more Energy. He could handle himself now, so it wasn't too problematic.

As they arrived and Sabrina teleported to Sandy, Terry stretched and looked up... The decorations were a bit much, especially on the outside... He sighed and rubbed his temple, the gesture was cute, but it defeated the purpose of a secret base... "I wonder if the clock still works..." Terry muttered as he stepped inside. He made a mental note to go and talk to Sandy as well, snapping like he did wasn't fair but time-shifting had really unsettled him, for about three seconds it felt like he was in two places at once...

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How had mother explained how

How had mother explained how the sapdew bees thought versus a Rab...... This brain talking seemed much like what sapdew bees did with the sapdew pridemother.

"You see a single moment." Sandy held up one finger "In this one moment you pass a tiny bit of information to each other inside your heads." Sandy banged her two index fingers together a bit like symbols. "You think about just that act in that exact moment in a very tiny field of time." Sandy conjured the shape of a very small box with a narrow beam entering it. "It's like a sapdew bee getting information from the pridemother. It only gets what it needs to carry out a single task." ....... Sandy was not meaning to insult regardless of how what she said was taken....

"A Rab sees now as hundreds of cycles of information." Sandy conjured a gigantic box around the tiny box. 'When a Rab looks close at something... pays attention to its now... it's entire natural timeline is seen." A gigantic beam extended out the front and back of the 2 boxes, completely destroying the smaller box " Thats how I changed Terrys accident. I simply put him back into his natural timeline uninterrupted by the fall. When I first fell here I assumed all sentient life lived as long as a Rab. I did not realize that you will live and die and your children will be old before my now... what you would call a 'moment' is over." Sandy seemed very sad about this realization she was having. How did these hairless creatures stand such short lives. How could they develop a true connection to every other hairless on the planet given such a short amount of time. Sandy had spent a hundred years just talking to a single hexbush blossom to see if it would grow faster than the other hexbushes she wasn't talking to. "When you talk in my head... you talk to me in MY now. Adults explain this so much better. I never paid attention during biology gathers. I think you will have to find a way to talk to me using your now... that doesn't enter my now."

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Dustin sat in the clocktower,

Dustin sat in the clocktower, he had already been introduced to Technosis, and he believed; if he understood where the conversation had gone some minutes before, that as soon as the girls got back from making up they would finally hit the streets following Technosis' lead. Now distracted by one of Technosis' doodads, he waited.

He looked up at Terry, "so, since you're the leader of our rag tag team. Have any thought about how we should go about fighting these foes? Should we go over strategy, maybe try and explain what we can do? I don't know, I've never been in a real fight. I've had loads of practice, but on target dummies." He smiled sheepishly, and scratched his head.

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"Oh right, Uhhh I'm mostly Tech support, hense the name, I just know stuff..." Technosis shrugged, even though he was in the process of using a cutting torch to get through a bolted door to the basement. Shruggged and looked around the building...

"I think this was used for storage at some point..." Technosis said, making no qualms about searching around the building, loudly. "Holy crap! A telegraph machine! Ham Radio? I wonder if it'll pick up Black Knight Signal..." Sound of radio static... "This place probably has loads of cool stuff! This was just in one room!" Technosis comes in carrying several pieces of ancient equipment to play with... "Oh... Right, Patrol... " He sighs and places everything on a table in the main area, which was basically a large area with a vaulted ceiling. A walkway went around the rooms just above the height of the four doors that exitted the room. One at the back leading to the basement, two on the side for storage, and one going outside. The large square room and the balcony above was littered with trash and boxes, some extremely dusty, none of them matched.

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Nodding, somehow managing to

Nodding, somehow managing to process the amount of information, Sabrina would afterwards begin to form a magenta telekinetic construct of the Human Brain, with multiple and impossibly fast streams of information would be seen entering and leaving it...

"The human brain is complex, but the extent you talked about how your species operates...your information capacity is incredible, and I assume your time manipulation abilities help..."

The construct would then begin to shape to several miniature representations of the various stages of human life, from birth to natural death..

"As for our shortened lives, our ancestors often questioned the reasons behind our inevitable demise, and why we exist how we do...but in a sense it teaches us to attempt to make the most out of the time we teaches us humility and respect for life..."

Suddenly, the sound of the thwap of a throwing knife striking concrete would be heard behind them, as multiple pairs of feet would clatter behind them. Turning around, the pair would see a man cloaked head to toe in bulky, full body armor, a metallic sheen colored dark grey, it's adornments including knives and serrated chains galore, with a a pair of fully mechanical, no doubt deadly wings, spanning ten feet in either direction.

It's imposing figure would be aided by a full face plate, it's visage appearing to be their faces etched in darker lines, however they would be in a cycle, first Sandy, Goldfire, Turbulence, and finally Cerebella. The most chilling feature however: their appearances would be those of pure and undeniable terror. When it speaks, it's eerie and haunting dreadtone would resonate throughout the entire tower...

"It looks like our guests have arrived...welcome to my nest darlings, I am the Crow...and I fear you have intruded at a very pivotal time...fear no though, your heads will make excellent decorations on my walls..."

Not wasting time, he would let out a cascading and ear splitting sonic screech, windows shattering, columns shaking, as it flies forward with incredible speed, clawed hands extended, with Cerebella tackling Sandy out of the way, before shouting a frantic telepathic message, with the Crow beginning to circle back around...

*Gold-fire, Turbulence, we are under attack on the roof, we need back-up!*


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Terry was making his way up into the clock tower when he 'heard' the telepathic shout, he grumbled, his energy was low, he was running on reserves and the energy he still retained from the Psychic Transference earlier. Paired with the urgancy of her telepathic shout, he acted on impulse, stopping only to give direction to Technosis, who was still distracted with stuff.

"Look's like it's a crash course in Combat guys!" Terry shouted down, he could sense Sabrina, not only that he had mental energy of hers and a psychic link, his powers fueled by the different type of energy, acted like that type of energy.

He thought how to get out and up quickly, a moment later a purple and gold flash warped him from there to the roof. The residual energy Sabrina gave him wearing off now. "Dammit..." He muttered... He leaned on the wall, and growled, grabbing the knife and chucking it with surprising accuracy at the attacker!

He grumbled and glanced at Sandy. *I need an energy source, can you make a powerful radiating light?* Terry thought at her, the last of Sabrina's energy fading visibly from his aura leaving only a gold glow as he focused on defending himself, ready to erect a solid barrier.

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The earsplitting scream was

The earsplitting scream was enough to wake anyone from reverie.

*Gold-fire, Turbulence, we are under attack on the roof, we need back-up!* Cerebella called in his head.

"no kidding!" and with a slightest movement he was outside 'swooshing' up to the roof.

Scanning the scene he sees cerebella and Sandy to one side of the roof, as the creature that had made the horrifying sound came around to strike out at Cerebella and Sandy for; quite possibly, a second time.

Turbulence created a field of pressurized air around the girls hopefully causing the crown glance off of it keeping the girls; albeit temporarily, safe for the moment. HE then moved his hands in front of himself and quickly lowered them causing the air pressure around the Crow to increase, making it hard for him to move and breathe. He waited a second but it seemed to have no effect.

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Sandy had large ears... and

Sandy had large ears... and exceptional hearing due to it. The screech didn't only hurt.. it hurt beyond controllable levels.
Sandy rolled on the ground. She couldn't hear anything from anyone. She did not like this feeling. A second Sandy, somewhat taller, blinked into the room just as the crumpled Sandy blinked out.

The second Sandy .. now technically the first. ((timey wimey stuff)) Touched the shoulder of Terry and blinked out of the building.

The two were standing in a desert under a hot sun. "I brought you to a place you had a lot of energy during your life span. Me but not me will be here to get you in about twenty minutes. Younger me will put you back within a second of when I took you. ... I know, time distortion you don't like it. You told me that for more than 300 years, each time I de-aged your body while we figured out how to fix today. I must say Your face is far more ugly without your beard, I wish you had kept it. Being old makes you look old, not the beard. Younger me wont be able to hear you speak very well. Don't count on her to fight Terry, you can't make her fight!"

This Sandy looked almost the same as his Sandy, but felt older.. her height was a little bigger, but her aura... like to many bad events all crammed into one day.

"The White Queen will come some day, she needs a tower. I am only altering your time, no one will believe this happened except younger me.. because she thinks like a Rab." What Sandy was saying seemed to equate to whatever she was doing to her own timeline was correcting something that had gone drastically wrong the first time The Crow had ever encountered the group. Something had happened terrible enough to make a being that thought of centuries the way a human thinks of seconds come back and correct a human second worth of history. This Sandy would cease to be... but Rabs didn't really see it that way. This was no different than de-aging. She would continue, just differently. "She is very naive. Your second request for "As much light as you can give" would have made you go super nova in the room, vaporizing half your friends. This Sandy. "She referred to herself" Would have to wait till your sun was nearing death before she could fix it. Now I have." With that the taller Sandy was gone.

Twenty minutes later Sandy appeared. She held her ears at the side of her head with one paw like hand nursing the stinging. "I am sorry Terry, I ended up in a very foggy area and many tall hairless with bad teeth and big hats chased me until my head stopped hurting enough to find you in time again. I will take you back to the soldiers of the red queen. They are not good." Sandy didn't seem to have any idea of what to do with the soldiers of the red queen, just the concept that they shouldn't do the red queens bidding.

Sandy grabbed Terrys leg "You seem wrong... but not by much. You are out of time by............ twenty minutes. Ah so the red queens soldiers are twenty minutes ago not now." Sandy blinked with Terry.

Terry would be back exactly where he had been, but still warm from twenty minutes of desert summer sun. sandy giving a very agitated scowl at the loud noise making hairless.

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The Crow would be buffeted by

The Crow would be buffeted by Turbulence's winds, but would spiral around the tower once, beginning to create gale force winds around the group, hoping to suffocate them, as he shouts...

"Let's see how rats fare against the bird of PREY!"

Creating a protective, telekinetic barrier around the team, Cerebella would begin sending visable psychic lances towards their opponent, hoping to distract him long enough for Gold-fire and Turbulence to regain their bearings, but it is clear she cannot keep the shield much longer...


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Turbulence was kind of pissed

Turbulence was kind of pissed off, at the arrogance of this bird guy. How dare this guy play with wind... that was Turbulence's thing. With the protective barrier created by Cerebella he would be able to put a wrench in the Crow's attempt to suffocate them. He began creating ripples of air pressure causing extreme turbulence for the Crow, enough to maybe cause some minor damage to his wings. Unfortunately practicing with a target dummy was not the same, as the resistance he got from the Crow's movement caused a bit more energy drain than he had anticipated.

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The strange echo appeared of Terry, rather a radient glow stayed behind, as though his energy, or something? Was lagging behind the body, or falling out of sync, back and forth, three hundred years of energy echoing as the single Terry is shifted backwards and forwards in time with only the knowledge that he was there, in the moment after he asked for Sandy to do it...

"Oh sh..." Terry flashed bright gold and blue flash of energy, every line on Terry's face and every seam of his costume glowed, every inch of exposed flesh the energy from looping and absorbing, and experiencing back and forth over and over made him involuntarily release of concussive force at the enemy, it was the only thing he could think to do, and also, the first time he'd ever made a wave of energy, instead of a ball. His aura remained, but the massive blinding glow was gone, just a very bright normal aura... Some how the wave didn't push any of them, just pleasantly energize them.

"That was a trip... Lots of them..." He panted, he wasn't sure if he liked time travel or not... "I need to talk to you later, Sorry about snapping, no time for long explanations!" Terry put his hands up and formed a barrier, though his time looping experience ebbed away into memory, muscle and energy memory remained and precise hexagonal discs formed from it.

Technosis (Gonna condense these two into one so I don't have to type as many posts >.<)

Technosis was inside rummaging when he heard Gold-Fire's command to get outside. He speed out of the room on his motor-skates, the wheels were actually spinning magnetized metal balls, locked into place when he didn't need to move. He sighed, hating when Terry insisted on fighting on a building, but this was a good time to try his new grappling launcher! He stuck his hand out and shot the clawed device into the air. He hoped it would grab onto the billain as he zoomed around in the air. However, there were other things he could grab onto with it. Either way he'd start zooming up into the air by the auto-retract and fly up the wall faster, his motor-skates static-clinging to the wall!

"Oh... Shiiit!" Technosis laughed, deployed his taser prongs and tried to stab into one of Crow's wings while he was flying upward. He hoped he didn't miss, controlling himself mid-air, or worse, tethered to the bad guy, was not his idea of fun!

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"Protect the queens rook."

"Protect the queens rook." Sandy was clearly referring to Terry as the queen. It had nothing to do with gender, but more status within the group.
Two mostly transparent adult looking Rabs in resplendant shining armor seemed to cover Cerebella as best they could as only semi solid illusions. They raised their shields buffering some of the winds and debris from hitting the female mutant.

Sandy was not standing bravely... her illusions were going on their own out of her sudden fear in the situation, not a new concept for Sandy, but not one often felt. Her memories of fear were very limited.
She laid on the ground with her hands over her eyes as her illusions did their best to obey her bidding.

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The Crow would suddenly stop

The Crow would suddenly stop his circulation of the winds, as he is hit by Turbulence's winds, and cries out in anger as he is briefly electrocuted, and in his rage would suddenly fly upward, and abruptly stopping, hoping to slingshot Technosis into his iron, clawed grasp...however leaving his flank exposed...

Dropping the barrier, Cerebella would yell at Gold-fire and Sandy....

"Gold, send thermal waves to his suit, burn and ruin his wings, Sandy, try to distract him with illusions, keep him from hurting Technosis, no displacement though!"


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"Queens pawns to bishops

"Queens pawns to bishops location." sandy whimpered. This was just a mean game like some of the older adolescents played on the children.. like the rab hole that sent her here. The two Rab Knights burst into illusions of butterfly like creatures circling around The Crows head. They were slightly more solid than the knights had been. Sandy spent a lot of time watching these creatures. The Knights were only ever out when the Queen was in court.

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Gold-fire nodded and pulled his hands back, the hexagon barrier remained but the hexagons he was touching and a few surrounding them pulled away, reabsorbed by Terry, voluntarily. As the plates disolved and swirled to his palms, his palms glowed bright blue, becoming brighter and intense until the energy formed a glowing bubble of energy on his palms. He forced both forward, the two hemispheres in his palms touched and created and cone. Ripples of heat preceded the huge, dense wave of kineticly heated waves. Terry glanced over at his oldest friend in mid air, tethered to the mechanical beast.

Terry's brain was working like mad to learn how to disable the villain. If the wave of heat would strike the man, the wings they were targeting would begin to disintegrate into metallic and siclicate dust, while the blue and gold flames crept up the metallic feathers. He glanced over at Technosis as he was arcing through the air. His barrier was beginning to dissolve as his concentration stopped holding the energy together.


Technosis looked down as the solid dome of hexagonal energy faded, he'd detached his grappling claw when the Crow tried to claw at him. The illusionary distraction gave him time to aim and attach the grappling hook to Terry's barrier, the dispersing barrier took the claws and helped him re-direct, the barrier was gone by the time he skated into place sideways.

"I'm gonna start analyzing this guy for a structural Weakness." Technosis stood behind Terry and crouched, flipping open a screen on his right gauntlet and tipping like mad while his goggles little up with targeting reticles and tried to analyze the structure the armored suit. Presuming that the villain was still a threat to them. Technosis knew a lot about this stuff, and he assumed this guy's tech was strong enough to survive the fall, even to the ground...

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Turning with unearthly speed,

Turning with unearthly speed, the Crow would attempt to soar towards Technosis, but upon being hit by Goldfire's heat wave, the sickening sound of melting flesh would be heard, as well as the Crow's bloodcurdling screams, something was wrong!. The entire backside of his suit would appear to be attached intravenously, and as Terry projected his energy, the wings would have melted further into the body underneath, as well as his mask, smoke pouring out from the openings in the countenance...

Dropping to the roof of the tower like a stone, the broken bird would tear off his mask, revealing a face now burned beyond recognition, as the man shouts, intimidation still dripping from his tone...


Equally horrified by the Crow's current condition, but not about to let him fulfill his promise, Sabrina would take the opportunity to launch a visible cascading cone of mental energy, just as the man begins to blindly charge them, bringing him to his knees as he rushes forward, before finally rendering unconscious, just as a clawed hand reaches her boot. Looking shellshocked and rather distraught, she would allow herself to slump against the wall as grief and realization washes her face...

"T-Terry, it was my bad judgement...this is my fault..."


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Turbulence was confused by

Turbulence was confused by Cerebella's words. He walked up and put a hand on her shoulder. "Bad guys don't care who they hurt or kill. If we didn't do what was necessary the Crow would have made good on his promise to turn our heads into decorations.". Turbulence sighed.

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Terry winced and shaking his head as his powers acted, but drew the fire back, the fire-like energy dispersed quickly as he decided against their course of action.

"Sandy, listen very carefully, try to do as close to what I say as possible." He thought for one more moment and looked back. "De-synchronize The Crow from this moment, loop him back in time a few seconds to before his wings melted into his back, the enegy-fire won't follow since it's fixed to that time by my focus, then bring him forward to now, we can't leave even a villain like this. " Terry was already on logistics mode, they needed to take this guy to prison. "Da-" he exhaled quietly as he called his father. "Detective Wallace? Yes. This is Gold-Fire... We need transport for a cybernetic villain. Severe injury is likely. Suspect alias The Crow, ring any bells?" He glanced down at the smoldering bird-man. The man on the other line shouted, most likely in surprised.

Terry got off the phone and put his hand up to stop her comment, not demandingly, more soothingly.

"Calm down, Turbulence is right, we did what we had to, however, we're heroes, so we've got to be better than him, we'll use our powers to keep his life out of danger too. " Terry put his hand on Cerebella's shoulder, not wanting the Crow to come out of the time loop he requested, kicking their butts. "Technosis, do you still have those EMP Cuffs?"


Laurn's mouth was agape as he watched Terry's energy cascaded over the man's wings. He was in shock for a while, just watching, but then he was needed. He nodded and advanced on the incapacitated super-villain...

"Huh? Oh! Yeah..." He got up and rushed forward, pulling a set of shackles from his belt and clamping them to the Crow's arms, a surge of energy coursed through the man as any non-life supporting technology was shut down by the electro-magnetic charge the cuffs applied. "You sure about the whole time loopy thing?" He asked, watching quietly... He glanced at Turbulence and nodded. "I mean... he could still try to kill us and Dexterize us..."

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Nodding, Sabrina would stand,

Nodding, Sabrina would stand, before briefly hugging Turbulence, and giving Gold a quick kiss. Turning to Sandy, she would give her an encouraging smile, and after psionically providing mental barriers, would shout...

"We know you can do it Sandy, just mind your limits!"


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"I think i've had enough sap

"I think i've had enough sap for one day(/sarcasm)" he said as Cerebella hugged him. But he smiled and hugged her back. as she went to Terry, Turbulence approached Technosis and Sandy, "How's the Crow? Does he need oxygen or something? Anything I could do?" He didn't like the idea of helping a villain who wanted to kill them, but new Gold-Fire was right. They couldn't act like the villains they fought.

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Limits... oh that direction.

Limits... oh that direction. having to think very tiny was not the easiest thing to do when cosmic timelines were your plaything.
Sandy sat up still clutching her ears to the side of her head. A child like scowl evident even on her very non sapien face. Just to be sure sandy checked his natural timeline.... Still within a single moment, enough to be a bother to the hairless here in this tiny now, but most likely not their descendants.

Sandy was oddly quiet. Past experiences would dictate reading her might not be the best idea right now. Quantum physics were quite literally being created inside a 12 year olds head at near lightspeed.

"Okay, i figured out the times." The pluralality of her statement would not be missed. She walked over to the crow. Her face was sad. "Well red soldier, only through life can you see the grace of the true queen."

Sandy touched the burned man. Like a movie played backwards in slow motion The Crows wings grew back, she had de-aged them a day. She had only de-aged the tissue around them to a few moments ago. Just after the initial blast to the nerves. He wouldn't be flying for a week once he woke up... but he would fly again. Here is where Sandy made a few calls of her own. She would forgive, but not forget, and she would not let The Crow forget either. She de-aged the Crows organs to the previous day, but his skin... She de aged it to within a micro second of being burned. It would look like second degree burns pock marked him.. Sure they would heal, and the right powers found in Titan City could erase the scars before they formed... but The Crow would have to work for them, feel the same pain he caused and learn from it. Sandy wasn't doing this out of malice. Many Rabs were left to bear scars of their mistakes until they were old enough to change it. It taught them that even NOW mattered. (Well the 100 year version Rabs measured by) Sandy was treating the crow like a petulant baby throwing a fit.

Her time bound eyes fixed on the crow. "I will not de-age your mind. It seems your species reacts in very different ways from Rabs, and even each other when time is involved. I wish for you to remember your now. So that in my now we may become friends."

With that Sandy blinked. Her tractor trailer sized thoughts could be heard from somewhere near the roof. She was having a tea party, the entire days events barely registering on her... she had moved back into her now just slightly, letting the human now of pain and fear become a spec of sand on her memory.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
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SWAT Officers would storm the

SWAT Officers would storm the roof, lowered from helicopters above, as the TCPD, medics among them, as they surround and begin to treat him as they take him away. The police captain, would waste no time in approaching the group of ragtag heroes...

"You guys did some great work today, injuries aside...we'll have our medics look you guys over, then we can get the Crow to Hardlock..."

Looking over the team, he would raise an eyebrow at Sandy, and Sabrina dressed in her civilian clothes, he would begin to ask, but Sabrina would quickly cut him off...

"Yeah yeah, I know about how dangerous it is to get into these situations Captain, gutsy journalist here and all...I do need the story though..."

She would shout telepathically to the group...

*Do need to keep me cover here guys...sorry...just coin me as the resourceful reporter?*


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Sandy would raise her

Sandy would raise her conjured cup. "tea?" Suddenly a tea cup and saucer would be floating in front of all the swat officers. It smelled like honey and morning dew. It wasn't real of course... but that didn't mean it wouldn't make a real memory. Since Sandy had never seen a gun, she simply assumed these were friends, since they didn't seem to like the loud one with wings very much. "Whats a journalist?" Sandys question seemed almost as out of place as her impromptu tea party.

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His hud was reading out all of the Crow's vitals. "Yeah, I think that would be good. We should keep him stable, his quantum field if fluctuating... I sort of... think? That might be a function of his spirit's attachment to his body, cyborg or not... I developed it to read Gold's power." Technosis blinked then looked back at his read out...

"He's fine now, thanks to the timey thing..." Technosis patted Sandy on the shoulder. "Good Job Sandy, Hey, lets call her white rabbit. She needs a moniker too." Technosis grinned broadly.


Terry Smiled and patted Sandy's shoulder after she finished de-aging the man so well and precisely. "Thank you, you helped a lot." He glanced at the SWAT that took him, and then proceeded to make his report. The detective on case was his father, even with the chief there because of the major arrest.

"Sorry he's so banged up, but he took us by surprise while we were setting up our new base... " He thumbed at the clock tower. "So, think we've got a good application for that grant?" Terry smirked, since he was reporting to his father, he would have to type the whole thing up at some point... "So much for secret though... And uhh, how do I handle non-dimensional locals?" He shook his head.

Detective Wallace chuckled and sighed. "They look a bit odd, but I think you'll get it. But you... " Detective Wallace shook his head... He pulled out an official looking tablet with TCPD on the back and wrote on it for awhile, then handed Terry a card. "Take that to the tailors, get yourself properly suited, son, you are aware you look like a scuba bumblebee?"

Terry just glared at his father and took the card, which had the address to the tailor and his fathers number on it, small favors. He shook his head and rolled his eyes.

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Sabrina would gesture to

Sabrina would gesture to herself, smiling to Sandy, watching the TCPD depart before replying...

"A journalist investigates and provides reports on local and international events...we are like adventurous couriers, finding and sharing information with the public, that is what I do as a job, an occupation.."

Smirking at Terry's father's comment, she would smile before studying the costume, teasingly retorting...

"You do make for a cute bumblebee, if that's any conciliation...and I think you just gave me inspiration for me costume.."

Giving him a quick kiss in thanks, she would then teleport out in a flash of magenta, on the way to the Supertailor....

Several minutes later, they would be greeted by the sight of Sabrina in full costume, her long locks of light brown hair resting against her shoulders, as her mask of psionic energy becomes slightly transparent, allowing them to see her face as she asks with a newfound confidence...

"Cerebella, reporting for active heroic service, how do I look..."


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Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 16:02
"White is a color only for

"White is a color only for the queens court." Clearly Sandy decorating everything in the tower in white meant she had distant future plans for this tower. "One does not call themselves white anything unless the queen has decreed it so." Sandy was very serious... not that she was ever not serious, but her version of serious tended to be very light hearted at best. Sandy pointed at her dull tan fur. "I cannot wear white unless allowed to. It is a great honor. Once she turns your fur white you are ... Your language doesn't have a word for it, but you are the pride of your family and warren. Most rabs will never de-age younger than their white-ing. To lose ones white would be a terrible sadness. Those of us who do not have our white de-age and start again." Sandy did not sound bitter, she was very matter of fact. It was the only thing she had spoken of yet that seemed to differentiate any Rab from another. It was something highly sought, but often failed at obtaining even in millions of years.

"I am Sandy. I will not be found if I am something else when my family comes from me. It will be a few... weeks." Sandy had said weeks but knew the word was wrong. "It will be a few weeks by what we Rabs judge time. Rabs often do not return home for many days at a time at very young ages. I will introduce your great great great great grandchildren to them. It will be a fun meeting." Sandy seemed delighted at the idea. She looked at Cerebellas outfit.
"It is very pretty, maybe someday your offsprings offspring will get the honor of wearing a white version and will be gifted with a pretty face of white fur to match."

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

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Joined: 10/13/2013 - 22:41


He grinned when he saw her costume. He could definitely see the inspiration she'd taken from it.

"Looks great!" He looked down at his and Technosis' costumes. "I guess we need an upgrade..." He shrugged... He turned to Sandy again, his tone trying to be delicate...

"Well, not to be rude, but you are in fact, the only one here who serves the white queen, that I know of, the rest of us, and you too, are Wanderers, A hero group, that's not our symbol, and white's not our color... I think we explained this earlier. You are a Wanderer, because interdimensional guests are tracked on this planet, when they can be, to keep everyone safe, and from what I understand, you're a kid, even more reason to watch you. You're welcome to learn whatever you like in your stay. We'll have to get you some ear protectors though. And this is our SECRET base, which means, I don't want people to know we're here. " Terry sighed, looking at the flashy white decorations...


"Well, the white rabbit thing was just an idea... " Technosis shrugged about the name thing then snorted at the idea of someone else making his costume for him.
"Please, dude, just buy the parts, I can make it cheaper and better, atleast the way I like it." Technosis smirked. "C'mon I'm gonna go pick out some gear to take apart while you pick out something."

He gave Cerebella a thumbs up about her costume, while holding the door for the others to go down stairs. "Hey, maybe she could make like, a time dialation zone in the Wandering Tower! Ooooh That's good... HEheh! Other people can't get in cause it'll be out of sync, and it'll run slower, so in here, 20 minutes go by, outside, Meh, 2 minutes." Technosis was grinning. Hoping Gold-Fire or Cerebella wouldn't shoot down his idea.

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Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 16:02
"So on your planet your

"So on your planet your children and their children do the same thing their parents did? I know you cannot wear white. Sadly your moments will be gone before mine are far enough to show the travelers how to get here. Then they will see that their is much good here, and the red queen is fought by those with no queen. Many dimensions love the white queen. It is okay that you do not know her here, your dimension is still young, and she is not a god. She is just good."

Sandy clearly thought that Terry implied his kids would be wanderers as well.

"A wanderer and a traveler are very much similar. Only ours implies a known destination. I guess while on this planet until i am old enough to be a traveler I should be designated a wanderer." Sandy thought about the last part that puzzled her in what the human was talking about. "If I am known to your warren mothers of the now why does it matter? I am here in this now because I like it, not because I must be here. I can be anywhere in my now I wish, but you cannot be anywhere in my now, and while you are very confusing, and often contradictory, you do try to answer my questions. I do not wish to be safe Terry. If I did I would change my now to a less ... stressful... one."

The idea that registering meant keeping people safe from HER didn't even cross her mind. Not a malicious bone existed in Sandy. 'Fighting' to her meant showing those who erred the correct way, but Sandy was a child after all, one that took thousands of years to change in the slightest.

Sandy smiled widely. "Player of the queen piece, you only see the decorations because I am sharing it with you. They don't exist for anyone but us." Sandy started laughing as the ceiling filled with balloons. Within an eyeblink she was running up the stairs to catch the very balloons her mind were placing just out of her reach.

At least terry could be happy that if he saw a giant polka dotted elephant for a tower... the villains would just see the same crummy tower that had always been their.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 6 days ago
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Joined: 09/08/2013 - 14:20
Smiling, and walking swiftly

Smiling, and walking swiftly downtairs, she would instantly, upon reaching the area around the clock itself, a wide and open space, perfect for a hub, she would begin to telekinetically reset disturbed stones. Her aura flaring as she does so, her voice would carry a soothing echo throughout the tower...

"We might require your help, Sandy, in reversing some of the damage the Crow did to the base...and as for a name, a about Masque...your powers rely inevitably on distraction....misdirection...a bluff....hold merit?"


LeadWanderer's picture
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Joined: 10/13/2013 - 22:41


Sighed as he sat on a box and looked around at the chunks of stuff, holes burned in the ceiling...
"Well... Like I said, we need to secure this place..." He sighs and taps a few things out on the wrist computer he cobbled into his gauntlet. "My scans show we need to reinforce a lot, which means we need to fix some beams and things, Parts..." He sighed and looked at Terry. "You can brace it, while I weld it, but still, need to go get parts. Terry, go get the damned grant pushed through, I think we fit the community support example section, which was all we needed." Technosis grinned and patted Terry on the arm, then picked up a box and started moving it...

"This place is going to take for ever to clean out... and I want to get this clock moving, it hasn't worked in for ever..." Technosis poked a gear with a prong, his gauntlet showing a structural readout... "Yep... this thing's borked..."


Terry sighed at Technosis' joke and laughed quietly...

"Well, I need to work off more energy, or I'll never sleep, so I guess I can go run to get our funding enstated." He sighed and sat down however, he wasn't in a rush to run off, since everyone was here. He did stand up finally and shake his head. "I'll be back... I'll have good vaulting distance up here." Terry sighed and walked out the door to the roof and started vaulting on the buildings to City Hall.

He hadn't noticed in combat, but now, as he vaulted along the roof tops, he felt how his control and projection ability had grown, somehow the experience of all that time looping had been retained, in muscle, or his energy? He could feel those moments now, and understood Sandy a bit better, living in many hundreds of years and times at once. He wondered how much his reserves had grown... He could also manipulate the shape of objects so much easier, he never missed, the pole, which never bent, would bend, like he thought it should... It made him wonder how his powers really worked...

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 6 days ago
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Joined: 09/08/2013 - 14:20
Nodding at Technosis's

Nodding at Technosis's diagnostics, and Gold's statement, she would turn to the remaining team members, and ask...

"What kind of armaments can you provide for the tower...and is there anything suited to our abilities or otherwise we can assist you with?"


Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 16:02
Sandy looked at techno crazed

Sandy looked at techno crazed human. "If you fix that won't red soldiers know you are here?" .... She thought a bit more.. "If you fix anything on the outside they will know you are here. If you tell me how you want the inside i will find that time for each area of the building and set it."

Sandy saw a particularly dastardly balloon and ran after it.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

LeadWanderer's picture
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Joined: 10/13/2013 - 22:41


"Well, yeah, I guess, but we could always show up as local kids, you could create a kid illusion, and claim it's a community outreach program, fixing up the clock tower with donations..." He nodded, dumping a box of betamax tapes on the ground. "This place hasn't been cleaned in ages... I don't want to lug all this around..." He shook his head and sighed... "Mostly, I guess it's just the principle of it, keeping the clock we're living in nice... I can't wait to set up a proper lab, clean room, testing facility... Ooooh Someday we could ever have a lift right here." He ran over to the column that rose to the clock spinning mechanisms above their head. "And I dunno if it would be good to change areas to their previous stages... but if you could take the entire structure and rewind it to the state it was built, we wouldn't have to worry about differentiated areas of decay..." He kicked the column with a metal TONG, then climbed up it and started working on the clock.
