Travel power suggestion:
Perhaps there could be a sort of flying that used the swim animations, but behaved differently from a standard fly in terms of the physics. For example, there could be a higher fly speed cap, but no up/down controls, slow turning, significant drift (within reason) and the arrows/mouse would control directional acceleration rather than direction.
It would be a harder sort of flying to get used to but rewarding and fun once you got the hang of it.
Ahhh.. you want this?
That is very cool. :)
I was thinking Air Swim could be minimal extra animation with a fun acceleration dynamic that would be minimal programming—just a few math rules.
It would be awesome to have an underwater zone. This should be old school MMO programming by now. Once the swim mechanics are in place, having a swim flight option should be easy peezy :) Bonus: If we have any alien world/dimension missions/zone it could use the swim mechanics :D