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She nods "Alright. If I was the type of person that seeks to use my... gifts I be running around in spandex." There was a slight bitter tone when she said gifts. "I just wait here till you give me the signal to high tail it out of here. Anything I need to know about the drop of site? Hate to get jumpy if we take the cargo to some place with armed personal asking questions I can't answer."
Taking a moment "A place like a police station, or mob hangout. I'm not payed to have morals."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Northbrook pulled out a small box and dumped a handful of garnets and a roll of double-sided tape into his hand. "You should be fine. While I do expect armed people there, I doubt they'll be asking questions. Other than 'How did you want your payment?'" He began affixing one garnet to the back of each seat except the driver's. "And speaking of the signal, if you see a green and purple flare in any of those views, buckle up any passengers who can't do it themselves and go. Or if the pictures disappear altogether."
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"Alright just on a personal level human trafficking is just something I don't approve of. Gray moral code or not there are some things that are wrong. I'm trusting my employer and you that this isn't just a case of grabbing someone else's cargo for someone else." She looked him up and down "You don't look or act like the type who looking for profit by slavery."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
"If your trust in our employer is misplaced, he will regret it. But I don't think it is." Northbrook finished placing the garnets. "These are teleport beacons; they'll make it much easier for me to teleport into the van, even if you have to start moving, and even if they have a teleport block up. The bad news is, if the bad guys know how to trace a teleport, they'll make that easier, as well. So if you have to go before I get back, and any of your passengers are conscious, ask them to toss them. Or get rid of them yourself if you have time. The beacons, that is." If Flux's hearing is very good, she might hear some muttering about lack of pronoun choices. "Good luck, and I hope to see you soon." Northbrook disappeared, and within seconds, on the tablet he'd left with Flux, the view of the rooftop across the street from the warehouse showed him appear and glance up towards the hidden drone, before reversing his coat and fading from view. Careful observation, though, might note a slight shimmer moving towards the edge of the roof.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"My employment pays for me doing a job. Trust is earned, not gained with pay. I don't know enough about our employer to give it out so soon." She nodded taking the beacon and nods to the fellow as she goes back in the van to make sure it's in a location where there little chances of someone being in that spot if he needs it. Her eyes did spot the shimmer, but shrugged it might have been an effect of his teleporting.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
“Data dump and/or verbal summary is good. This channel is secure and throwaway on my end, and I’ve got something moving that will be finished before my regular clean-up cycle this evening. I’ve managed to get some useful info on the sponsor of our inquiry, too. My whiskers are quivering, so whatever you’ve found, I’m interested!”
A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (
Roxanne initiated the data dump, her phone translating everything from Atlantean to English and then sending it his way in an encrypted burst. The data consisted of everything she'd gotten while Slider was unconscious, as well as the frequencies for her bugs and Slider's DNA scan.
"I made contact this morning at 1100 hours, my cover that of an independent go-between hired by Salman Porqat. The first frequency you find will be for a bug placed inside the office of Big Joe. I then took Slider to lunch and let him make his pitch, which I recorded, but I doubt you'll get anything from it. Everything he said falls just short of conspiracy to commit. I then seduced him and took him back to my hotel room, where I sedated him. The burst has his fingerprints, a clone of his phone with iOS and personal encryptions already cracked, his credit card RFID's, the frequency for a bug on his shirt, and a DNA scan." she summarized quickly.
"That DNA scan will show you where things unfortunately got interesting. Slider isn't quite human, but I wouldn't exactly categorize him as superhuman either. Judging by particulates in his DNA, there's a very good chance he's had some minor cyber-augmetic work done. What I sedated him with should have kept him down for at least an hour, but he was awake again after only 15 minutes. So, I'd say a toxin filter at the very least. He was immediately suspicious and hit his panic button, but I played the part of a confused and spurned lover, letting him leave. I'm not sure I'll be able to use this cover with Slider again, which is irksome. If there isn't anything else, I need to clean the room and wait for contact from a potential asset at the shipyard." she finished, waiting to see if he had anything to say.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Kartanian chuckle-purred. “Thorough and professional, thank you. I was wondering about cybertech with these guys. They seem government-connected. The data will come in handy. I wouldn’t worry about Slider. I have a sneaking suspicion that he won’t go far. Do you know if the panic button got relayed anywhere important?”
A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (
As the two trucks pulled out just after Northbrok had settled into position, he checked a cylinder, normally used with paintball markers to simulate a magazine fed firearm. The substance in the balls was not paint, but a fast setting adhesive, with a tracking chip in the middle. He pulled off the sticky note with the list of frequencies and codes, then pulled out his marker and inserted the magazine as he took another look at the trucks before they got too far away. For a few seconds he concentrated, then he 'ported.
Thirty-three seconds later he reappeared on the rooftop, having made three 'ports and three shots at the top of the containers on the two trucks, leaving a mark on each of them that looked much like pigeon droppings. As he checked the recording of the take from the drone while he was away, he sent three texts.
The first went to Mr.Tanner, letting him know that two departing containers had been marked and how they could be tracked once the tracker chips started transmitting in about fifteen minutes.
The second, identical in content, went to a cell phone at a construction site. The young African-American woman read it and paused in her explanation of her testing procedures to the city building inspector only long enough to ask her partner, "Scottie, can you make sure we're ready to handle this?" The other woman looked at the text, smiled and nodded. "Got it."
The third text went to a veterinarian of Val's acquaintance, who did not recognize Mr. Northbrook's number. It told of a pigeon with a glob of glue on its wing...
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"The panic signal was sent after I'd cloned his phone, so the transmission might be logged. I'll check once I have access to signal tracing equipment. Let me know when you have my next assignment." she said, ending the call.
With the TV and remote, she went through the checkout process, then gathered her things together.
From the same bag she'd gotten her clothes, Roxanne retrieved a foot-long dark metal cylinder. She brought the cylinder near her phone and the two devices began to interface, with her phone asking for an authorization code. Once the interface was approved, she placed her thumb on the phone's screen and it scanned her bio-electric signature. Firstly, she input the dimensions of the hotel room and its attached bathroom. Next was the choice of destruction or retrieval. She chose destruction, then entered a time delay of 3 minutes. Since it was her DNA, she did not want to be in here when the cylinder's payload went active.
Once everything was said and done, Roxanne placed her thumb at the top of the cylinder, where there was another scan pad used for final confirmation. Once her ID was confirmed, the top of the cylinder flipped open and a silvery cloud poured out, hovering in the air a few feet from her. The cloud was millions of nanobots, programmed to find and destroy her DNA, then to destroy themselves. She dropped the cylinder back into her bag, then grabbed everything up and exited the room.
Instead of going down, she headed to the roof, having already planned her departure. Next to the InterContinental was an office building with a roof that was only a few stories shorter. Roxanne put the bag on her back, then sprinted across the rooftop and leaped towards the office building. She rolled on impact and regained her feet, then used the stairwell access. A few minutes later, she was exiting into the office building's connected parking structure, where her [url=]motorcycle[/url] waited. Within a few more minutes, she was long gone.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
A truck pulled up to the distribution center gate as expected, with another not far behind. Checked through without incident, the driver pulled into the warehouse with the target shipping container on the trailer.
So far, everything Northbrook and the drones had detected suggested that operations were running smoothly this afternoon. It was go time.
A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (
As the first truck was moving into the building, and the second was stopped, however briefly, at the gate, Northbrook teleported from a nearly prone position directly onto the container on the first truck. Still prone, he quickly activated a spell to look through the metal top and see what was inside...
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Beneath the metal of the shipping container was the fiberglass sheath of an interior compartment. It appeared to be some sort of insert like a truck bed liner. It did not block his spell, so he looked deeper. Inside the container was a miniature living space—a cabin for six young women. On the side farthest from the loading end of the container was an interior wall with a narrow door. It looked like a lavatory lay on the other side. Three rows of bunks were built into the walls, with storage space beneath the lowest ones. A tiny galley and a very modest sitting space finished out the space near the compartment exit. The interior was lit with cabin lights and four thin-film panels—two in the sitting area and two on the lavatory wall—that cleverly served as windows to the outside.
The girls were alert. All seemed of Eastern European origin. They were dressed in ordinary city clothing; modest, not very expensive, but not indicating poverty or distress, either. Three were clustered around one of the “windows” watching what was going on outside and talking with each other with apprehensive looks on their faces. One was lying in a bunk, head and shoulders propped up on a pillow and absorbed in a tablet computer. Another was pacing the length of the bunk space with agitation, while the sixth was sitting in one of the seats, eyes closed, hands gripping her elbows, and gently rocking back and forth as she murmured something to herself over and over. She matched the description Tanner had given him of his target, Martika.
Northbrook noted that the compartment was the right length to fit into the shipping container in front of an ordinary pallet of goods. Checking on this, he found the compartment door pressed up against a tall, shrink-wrapped stack of auto parts. There would be no way into or out of the compartment until that pallet was removed.
A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (
Well, no way in or out without either going through the walls of both the container and the interior compartment, or ignoring the distance between inside and outside entirely... Northbrook found a clear enough space inside the compartment and teleported to the top of that space, having just enough time to get his feet under him so that he landed in a crouch rather than flat on his stomach. He muttered the translation spell as he stood to his full height, or as much as the compartment allowed. Then he spoke in Martika's native tongue. "«Good afternoon, ladies, and welcome to» Titan City. «I am Mr. »Northbrook, «and I am here to offer any of you who are having second thoughts about the motives of your hosts an alternative to whatever they have planned.»
This was the point he'd been most concerned with. If any of the passengers still believed their "hosts", and they had been given a way to contact them, or if they were being monitored, then he would have to start acting fast...
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Memories were annoying things. Her own past gnawed on her. She wasn't some modern slave, she might have able to get past that. No, she had to have been born to a controlling anti-powered pro-human extremist bigot family. Her past was strict upbringing, then it got worst when her powers manifested. It couldn't be helped she felt echoes of her past thinking of what fate had in store for those in that crate.
It took almost all her willpower not to go blasting her way into that compound herself. "Come on Julie you have a job to do. Leave the Hero stuff to the capes." A part of her however did hope something would happen so she could start blasting.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
"Aaiiieeee!" shrieked several of the girls, falling over themselves in a rush to back away from the huge man suddenly appearing in their midst. The "windows" went dark and the level of light inside the compartment dropped dramatically.
Now that he had gotten their attention, their reactions varied. The blonde on the bunk looked torn, as if she was evaluating what to do or say. Two of the three who had been at the window panel appeared uncertain, as did the pacing girl. Martika clutched her elbows more tightly, pressing herself as far away from Northbrook as she could. She had fallen silent and merely quivered, watching him with a terrified expression. The dark-haired one from the window edged forward and replied, «They hired me for a job! Far better than I could have in Luhansk! I am staying in America!»
A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (
Northbrook muttered a word that someone who didn't know Hungarian might possibly think was, and a globe of light appeared behind his head. He then produced a card in his left hand, as if by magic, and held it out to the dark-haired girl.
«Then you can stay here. But if you change your mind, do not hesitate to call.» He set a stack of four more of the cards, each with both the number of an anonymous cell phone and a subtle enchantment on it, on the bunk next to the laptop, then turned towards the girl huddling in the corner.
«And you, Martika? Your parents want you safe and free, to return to them when you decide you are ready. Oh, and the problem of your entry into the United States can be resolved, if any of you would rather not have that over your heads. But if any of you are to go with me now, you must decide before your hosts figure out how to lock me down.»
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"okay, I think I know why no one wants to be the get away driver in movies." She starts playing angry birds on her phone glancing to the tablet from time to time.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
The slim blonde made a decision. She swung her legs out from the bunk and set her feet on the floor. «I'm going,» she said. She slid out and opened the door of the storage bin below the bunk, grabbing a rucksack.
«You come from my family?» Martika asked Northbrook in a shaky voice. Her eyes looked a plaintive request at him. «My sister? Do you know if her baby lives?»
«We are not with her,» the brunette explained with a shake of her head. «The other 'recruiters' tricked her and made her come after she said she would not go. But, they made her come anyway. But us...,» she gestured at some of them, «...we got jobs from a real company. We are going to IBM!»
Northbrook had reason to doubt the reality behind that statement, but the girl seemed convinced.
Pacing Girl asked hesitantly, «This is a lot of trouble to go through. I know the Syndicate is getting their money from sneaking us into America, but is something wrong?»
A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (
«I was not told of your sister or her child. I will make inquiries, while my colleagues make arrangements to get you where you want to go. Meanwhile, if you have any luggage, grab it and crouch as if you were about to sit down.» Northbrook crouched himself to show what he meant.
To the pacing girl, he replied, «Yes, I think something is wrong. This... Syndicate?... made Martika come, when she said she would not go. And why would IBM pay to have workers smuggled into America? They can arrange green cards, they arrange tickets on an airline and have housing waiting for you ready to move in.»
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Martika made her decision and moved to grab her things, too.
The brunette said, «Americans are afraid of outsiders. There aren't enough visas for all the employees big companies want to hire. That is why they need to smuggle people in across the border. They have the money, so they can do it.»
«What will we do if you take us away?» Pacing Girl asked. «I still want to stay here. I don't want to go back to Ukraine. Not now.»
A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (
«Really? I would think it would be cheaper to get the law changed, make more visas available. But if you wish to stay, please take a card in case you change you mind. If you want to come, get ready to take a seat, I will teleport you to a van. I think the driver only speaks English, but she is a good driver. She'll take you, and me if the Syndicate doesn't stop me, to a safe spot. Those who want to go home will, those who don't will be assisted in making a new home.» While telling them this, and hoping he wouldn't have to twist Mr. Trainer's arm too much to make it true, Northbrook knelt down, pulled out his marker, and planted another tracker in the back of one of the cubby holes.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Once she'd reached her apartment several hours later, Roxanne changed and made herself a snack. Per standard protocols, her phone immediately established a connection with her computer and transferred all new data without prompting. She brought up the haptigraphic interface and began examining everything she'd gotten off Slider's phone. With a few deft lines of code, she set up a dummy phone interface on the computer, then triggered the panic button to see exactly what would have taken place when Slider triggered it.
She jumped a bit when her own phone rang. Reckoning that it was Amber, she cleared her throat and answered the phone in the Serena persona. "Si, this is Condesa del Olmo."
There was a quick drawn-in breath on the other side, then an answer, spoken hesitantly. "This is Amber, from this morning? You asked me to call you?"
"Si Amber. It is a pleasure to speak with you again. As I said this morning, I'd like to take you to dinner tonight. Are you familiar with Quatermain's, the steakhouse near Phoenix Park?" she asked, her voice projecting a cool confidence.
"Yeah, but I've never been. It's really fancy and expensive." Amber answered reflexively, then cursed quietly, hand over the mouthpiece.
Roxanne smiled, having still heard the curse "I know. Can you be ready for pickup by seven?"
"Sure. I'll text you my address."
"Excellent. I'll see you then." Roxanne confirmed before hanging up. She then dialed Quatermain's and asked for Jackson, the maitre d', an old friend. With a few quick sentences, she'd set up a table at eight-thirty for Amber and the Condesa. Almost immediately afterwards, Roxanne received the other woman's text, which she memorized quickly. She then turned back to the computer to see what kind of results had been yielded by the dummy panic button.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Northbrook had the girls' attention, and three so far had agreed to leave with him. The slim blonde, Martika, and the pacing girl grabbed their gear and took their places as he directed. One of the "IBM trio" gave Martika a hug. «Good luck, Martika. I hope you find everything is okay when you get home.»
The brunette shrugged and took a card to slip into her own bag. This discussion had been brief. There were no signs of trouble apparent, yet, as the group was ready for transport.
A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (
Roxanne wasn't surprised by most of the panic button app's actions. Switching the monitoring status to the emergency mode initiated a full-time connection with a remote server, streamed location data and the camera and microphone, and backed up the phone data. It also locked the device and turned over security control to a remote program. About what one would expect for a sophisticated criminal organization using ordinary hardware.
The linked app was a bit more unusual. It triggered a near field communication burst to something nearby. Roxanne was easily able to determine that this was a one-time, one-direction package of data, and that it was used to turn something on. The specifics resided outside of the phone, but code in the app commented the function as "Personality Backup."
A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (
Northbrook visualized the beacon he had taped to the back of the passenger seat behind Flux, shaped the spell that made two points one in his mind, and said just before he touched Martika's shoulder, «Buckle up!». She disappeared from the compartment...
And went thump! into the seat in the van.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Even expecting the teleport she still jumped when Martika appeared. "Ah.. oh you must be Martika. Welcome to the getaway van I will be your driver for the evening. I'm Flux." She shifted in her seat and checked the mirrors and then the tablet looking for any sign that they been noticed. Then she started the van and let it idle.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
The slim blonde went next, to the middle of the bench seat next to Martika. Then the girl who had been pacing went to the last place on that bench, next to the sliding door. Northbrook then picked up the extra cards, leaving two behind in case the rest of the "IBM Trio" wanted them. «If you're sure you wish to stay here, then I wish you the best of luck. Goodbye!» He crouched a bit more than the girls had, he needed more headroom as he appeared in the front passenger seat. "Only three this time. Let's roll." «Please fasten your safety belts, ladies, and once again, welcome to» "Titan City." Then he pulled his tablet out and watched the activity at the warehouse...
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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She started up the van "We be taking a scenic route. Just in case we get a tail." Driving at a normal pace she didn't want to draw attention to the van. "Keep an eye out for any followers. That includes the sky, people can fly you know."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Northbrook translated, for the benefit of any of their passengers who did not understand English, and divided his own attention between his tablet - the drone was still looking at the warehouse - and the view out the windows of the van.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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The drone's camera caught an image of a red sports car pulling up fast to the warehouse door and slamming to a stop. Two figures burst from the Dodge and rushed into the warehouse. The video feed showed one male and one female, both in casual slacks and blazers, dark sunglasses and conservative haircuts.
In the distribution center yard around the warehouse, workers looked on with curiosity.
The van drove on, not yet the center of anyone else's attention. Pacing Girl asked nervously, «Do you think they will follow us?»
A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (
«I think they'll try,» replied Northbrook. He sent a command back to the drone, which took almost half a minute to reach it.
One camera zoomed in and took a single high resolution photo of the sports car, which appeared a bit later on each of the screens showing the website, then returned to its previous setting.
Northbrook forwarded the image to his phone for later use.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Some sort of alarm alerted the warehouse workers and curious looks changed to action. People scrambled to get out of the open. Several went into the warehouse, but most seemed to cluster at a small administrative shack on the corner of the yard, farthest from the main entrance and the warehouse itself. The security guards clustered in trios and secured the exits, and idling trucks were moved to parking areas.
The pair from the sports car emerged into the midst of the action. The driver was arguing with two rough-looking men who looked like they might be the warehouse supervisor and his assistant--or bodyguard. With a shake of his head in disagreement with whatever the supervisor had said, the sports car driver went back to his car and opened the door. He pulled out his mobile device and looked at it for a few seconds, and then back into his car. The woman was already inside.
As the red Dodge turned around and headed back toward the gate, Northbrook received a call from Tanner. "Good work, so far! They've opened up the transport container. I'm taking a look, and doing what I can to make sure that the others inside aren't harmed, if they're innocents. It sounds like you got some of the cargo, and some stayed behind. Somebody is very unhappy that 'one of their people' went with you. My guess is CIA. Expect that one of your passengers is dangerous at best, and working for the opposition, at worst. From the situation, I don't think it's Martika, but you can't be too sure. There is plenty of time for me to meet you at the rendezvous point. We have backup there."
A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (
Northbrook replied to Tanner's call. "Yes, three of six.... Noted... We'll see you there."
He considered finding a subtle way to warn Flux that one of their passengers might be a ringer... He opened a notepad app on the tablet, wrote "1 of our passengers MAY be hostile. Or maybe not. :)" on it and prepared to show it to her the next time she stopped.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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«Why are you doing this?» Pacing Girl asked Northbrook. «It is bad to go against the Syndicate. They are too powerful!»
The blonde sniffed derisively. «Not *that* powerful. This way we were moved from Ukraine to America is not by the Syndicate. They just paid to have us shipped, like FedEx packages.» She shrugged. «Eh, they paid for you, anyway. I am special case.»
«Yes, two weeks in a box with you, you made that quite clear!» Pacing Girl snarled. The blonde merely shrugged again.
The red sports car was already moving beyond the range of the sensors Northbrook had set. It was headed for a highway interchange. Looking at the map, it seemed possible that they might be trying to get ahead of the van and intercept it. By normal driving and city streets, their van was still ten minutes from its destination.
A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (
Northbrook considered trying to pilot the drone remotely, to have it follow the red sports car, but between the lag of the way the signals were routed and his own lack of experience at such things, he decided against it, and left it observing the warehouse. But if the direction the car had left was not a coincidence... «Ladies, if any of you notice a red sports car, following us or moving to block us or ram us, please let us know. Also, if you have any cell phones, please turn them off or toss them out the window. And there are some cheap gems stuck to the back of your seats, please toss them as well.» To Flux he said as he twisted to get at the gem he'd placed on his seat, "A red sports car, the body looked like Bumble Bee in the Transformers movies, it may be trying to intercept us." The gem went out the window, bounced under a parked car and came to rest in the gutter.
«I am being paid for this, at least in Martika's case. And as for this Syndicate being to powerful, hah! That is like telling a racer, 'you cannot race against this one, his car is too fast,' or telling a mountaineer, 'you cannot climb Everest, it is too high.' Always there will be someone who thinks he is smart enough, clever enough, powerful enough, or lucky enough to do it. And eventually one of those people will be right, and the Syndicate's reputation will begin its slide, as more and more people say, 'see, if he can do it, so can I.' And this does not even begin to consider those who are hurt by the Syndicate, and want revenge, or who think they are heroes, with a duty to try to break it...But enough on philosophy. Tell me, Sister Golden Hair, what makes you 'special case'?»
Behind the girls, a ghostly hand removed the three unused beacon-gems from the empty seats and flicked each of them past Northbrook's head out the window.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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"Right red car. Hopefully, I had driven off the path enough I confuse them. If not we will be coming in from a different direction than expected. Now heading directly to the drop off point." She still drove as normal no point in rushing things too much of a chance to be noticed speeding. The last thing they need was the local police on their tail.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
«I have friends waiting for me,» the blonde replied with a shrug. «It isn't [i]that[/i] special. I have been here before, and I know where I am going. I just can't stay in the country if I come the normal way, so they found a way to get me past the border.»
Martika plucked the remaining gems from their places and handed them to Northbrook. Both the blonde and the pacing girl were checking their phones, just to be sure they were powered off.
A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (
«Ah, friends. It could be argued that friendship is a super power. It certainly is useful, from time to time. Ah, thank you, Martika.» Northbrook tossed the gems out. It was still possible that someone had already traced the teleports, or that they had some other way of tracking the girls, so he set his tablet down while it continued recording the scene from the warehouse and he devoted his attention to the road ahead and to the right, and what he could see in the mirror looking back...
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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The red Dodge merged from the highway off ramp onto the city street Northbrook and Flux were using about a block ahead of them. This part of the road had a mix of industrial and commercial buildings, some shops, and a gas station and restaurant here and there. The Dodge pulled into the slower, right-hand lane and cruised at the posted speed limit.
«But… this makes you a metahuman!» Pacing Girl said breathlessly, as if she were just now putting it all together. The blonde snorted. Pacing Girl continued with a question, «But, are you a superhero, like we see from so many of American TV shows?»
«He’s a mercenary, Laika,» the blonde explained. «Martika’s family somehow paid to have her rescued. How they came up with the money, I don’t know.» She looked at Northbrook with a sly smile. «Maybe his fees are very low for a good cause! »
A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (
He smiled in reply. «I prefer not to discuss my clients or my fee schedule, except with my clients.»
Northbrook couldn't be sure it was the same car, but better safe than sorry, as the saying went. He pulled out his launch pistols, ejected the tranq rounds from one, and replaced the magazine with one holding a mix of taser rounds and shaped charge rounds. The other pistol already carried the same mix, good for use against vehicles with light armor and tough supers.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Spotting Northbrook pulling out the gun. "We got company?" She looked around and spotted the car. "Okay, girls make sure you are buckled up. Seems we might be having some rough roads." She really wished she understood what they been talking about. "The Van bulletproof against small arms. So unless these guys are sporting armor piercing weapons you should be alright."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
"If they don't make a move before then, make a right at the next light." Then he translated Flux's advice, adding, «If you see bullet holes, stay as low as you can.»
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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The red Dodge pulled over into the lot of a corner gas station on the corner of the next block. It did not go to one of the pumps, but just stayed on the street edge of the lot by the sidewalk. The brake lights were on, so it didn't look like the driver planned to stay long. Still, this would give Flux a chance to turn at the light on that corner and drive away from them.
Back at the Freedom Avenue warehouse, Kartanian watched as the pallet was removed from the back of the transport container with a forklift. The warehouse manager cleared out most of the onlookers. "Hey, guys, nothing to see here. Customer privacy rule. Go get the next load ready. We still have a schedule to keep."
Her turned to the thick, ponytailed man standing with him and said in a low, confidential voice, "Mike, get ready. I'm gonna open it up. We'll get 'em out. The Stallion is on his way to back up those spooks and intercept the ones we lost. They got a tracker in one of 'em. Whoever that intruder is, he's gonna get a big surprise when the Stallion catches up with 'im."
The manager's bodyguard nodded. He made sure that the big doors were closed and went over to pull a shiny black submachine gun from the duffel in the front seat of a minivan he had driven into the warehouse. Having equipped himself, he stood ready, a good distance back from the container. The manager went up and keyed in his passcode to the pad mounted beside the capsule exit door. He checked the cameras and then toggled the audio. In English, he said, "Hey, girls, we're taking you the last part of the way in another car. Grab your stuff and stand back from the door."
Kartanian waited undetected a step or two behind the bodyguard, watching for any sign that he was going to fire. He filed away the manager's passcode for reference, in case he needed it later. If those agents were getting backup, it might be time to activate his own backup plan, too.
A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (
The brake lights tipped the scales in Northbrook's mind, and he pulled out his smartphone. "Blackie text The Cat." He smiled at the thought of applying the nickname of his old boss, a chief of the senior law enforcement organization back in his home universe, to someone who apparently cared very little for the law. "We have a red tail. Send text." The message went to the number Tanner had given him.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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A text message appeared on Kartanian's retinal display. "They [i]are[/i] following somebody, and they have to be tracking!" he mused silently.
He composed and sent a reply through his headware connection. "They also have backup coming. Somebody named 'The Stallion' from the FA org. I am sending backup to assist you, as well. The van can ID friend or foe, but I will send details if I can. Objective: Protect passengers from harm. Neutralize threats non-lethally, if possible. Protect yourself and Flux as necessary, if not possible."
The remaining three young Ukrainians emerged from the transport capsule none the worse for the trip. The warehouse manager pulled them to the side as they came out, away from the line of fire, should it have been needed. "Okay, you speak English?" he asked. They nodded. "Great. Hop into this van over here, and we'll get you to the safe drop-off." He checked the details on the capsule read-out again and nodded to his bodyguard. "Clear."
Mike stood where he was, watching the capsule door until it was sealed. The manager breathed a sigh of relief and hurried over to the driver's seat of the minivan. After he was in, the burly bodyguard squeezed into the back of the minvan, pulling the door shut. The manager honked the horn--two short, a pause, and then one more--and the big warehouse door at the other end began to open.
"Hrr... No worries, here," Kartanian purred to himself as the warehouse staff quickly returned to load up the shipping container again to leave the scene. He had gotten enough images captured to serve his purpose, so he eased back further into the shadows and placed a couple of calls. First, a call to Kisya, to change the pick-up arrangements. Then, a call through the usual routing to Nightstrike's number. "Hi, Nightstrike. We're extracting three individuals from this Freedom Avenue operation, and it appears that someone is tracking at least one of those girls. It looks like the opposition is getting meta backup. Are you available to provide backup for the good guys?"
A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (
She pulled a stick of bubblegum out of her pocket and chewed it some then as she came to the light she took it out and shaped it into a cone. Rolled down the window she flicked the now harden bubblegum projectile at the car's tire giving it a blast of hurricane-force wind behind it. Hopefully, the now bullet like gum will puncture the tire. Then she made the turn and checked the GPS "They must be tracking us somehow. Got anything to block a signal in your bag of tricks?"
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Roxanne was mulling over the possible meaning of the "Personality Backup" app when her phone, sitting on the desk, rang.
"This is Nightstrike." she answered.
She listened to Kartanian's request, then checked the time on her monitor. "I'm on it. Specifics?"
Switching the phone to speaker, she stood up and drew several runes in the air. The ancient Atlantean symbol glowed faintly until she fed mana into it, at which point it flashed and triggered a transposition spell, swapping her current outfit for the Nightstrike armor and weapons. She checked her weapons as Kartanian spelled out the details.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
"I don't think... wait, this might work..." Northbrook pulled out a small plastic case. It was a short range radio jammer, only ten watts, but if the tracker used standard GPS frequencies, it should be effective. It would also jam their cell phones, though... "Blackie read text." Blackie read out Tanner's message, and Northbrook sent an acknowledgement, with a warning about the jammer probably blocking their phones. Once it was sent, he pushed the switch on the jammer.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Kartanian explained the details to Roxanne and added, "I've slipped my own trackers onto the girls' bags and the two guys here. If I need to find them, I'll be able to. For now...." He pulled up a map with his headware and looked at locations. He circled an area just east of his originally planned meet-up point and sent it. "Let's try and intercept somewhere in this area. Priority is to get the 'passengers' away safely. Second is to gather information about the players in this little scene. Third to neutralize the opposition, non-lethally if at all possible. Ultimately, we're trying to determine what's going on so that I can expose this operation if it's worthy of it, or to go back to my erstwhile employer and change the terms of our agreement, if not."
He snuck out of the warehouse and kicked in his bounce circuits. With a mighty bound, he headed off toward Flux and Northbrook.
A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (
The hollow, resonant "poong!" of a hard object tweaking a firm rubber tire sounded out through the air at the corner gas station. Flux made the turn and headed away from the corner down the side street. Two blocks ahead, the surroundings switched from light commercial buildings into an urban residential area. Closely-set duplex houses built in the early 1960's lined the street. The street they were on was a wide city two-way thoroughfare, with a comfortably wide singe lane in each direction running past occasional cars parked next to the sidewalks.
The red Dodge pulled out of the gas station behind them and started following the van. They had gained a two block lead, but there wasn't much cover between them and their pursuers, now.
A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (
He looked up after activating the jammer and saw the houses ahead, and muttered "Blood of the horse!" Visualizing his mental map of Titan City, Northbrook made certain of his lefts and rights before spouting the list of turns: "Next left, second left, next right, third left, right at the light. Most of the other drivers will not notice us until then, be careful!" He gripped the frame of the window with his right hand, his long fingers connecting with the frame of the van, his left grabbed a powerstone from a pocket, and he cast the same spell on the van that he had previously cast on the drone, to make people not notice it.
But the van was much larger than the drone, and there were people looking for it. The spell on the drone he easily fed enough power to keep it unnoticed for hours, he'd be lucky to keep it going on the van until they got out of the residential area...
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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The spell flowed through the frame of the van and it drove down the street; just another vehicle on the street, nothing unusual to notice. But in the very light traffic on the avenue, the driver of the Dodge accelerated and started closing the distance, following Flux's turns down the side streets.
The GPS on the dash pinged for attention. A message appeared with Kisya D'Amico's avatar in the corner: "New destination. One story blue and white boat store. Pull around back to the main garage door. Backup waiting. Avoid shooting. Keep passengers safe." The GPS display switched its route to the changed location.
«Are they really chasing us? Why would they be trying to stop us... unless they are with the Syndicate!» said Laika.
A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (
Once past the light, Northbrook dropped the spell and reached for another powerstone. Looking back he saw the red Dodge, still on their tail. He turned off the jammer, it clearly wasn't working.
«Could be they are Sister Golden Hair's patrons, in which case they may be worried about her safety. They aren't relying on your phones to track us, though, you can turn them on again. Check for messages.» "And speaking of messages..." He read the message on the dashboard GPS.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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"Damn, I hate change of plans." She still followed the GPS "Perhaps I missed with my shot. For now, we play nice."
She checked the mirrors looking for anything else besides the Dodge. "Don't see anything else. They are waiting for someone or something."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Laika and the blonde girl took out their phones and turned them on. Martika just sat, gripping the seat tightly with her fingers. "Mine has not for international service, it says," Laika said in English.
«Ugh. International roaming. This will be expensive,» muttered the blonde as more than two weeks of messages started filling her screen. After letting the headers load, she replied, also in English, "No, nothing from my friends in messages. But that does not mean that the people following us are [i]not[/i] with my friends. I do not have a way to contact them until I can get to a...," she tried to think of the word. "...a 'land line,' or the place we thought I would be delivered."
The alternate destination provided was just a few more blocks away.
A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (
Northbrook pulled out his smartphone again. "The shop might have one you can use, but if not... Blackie find pay phone near..." He read off the address from the GPS, then waited while the search engine compared locations.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
A block ahead of the van, a motorcycle bearing a woman in riding leathers and helmet waited down a side street. Roxanne had disguised her armor in order to not cause a scene and she now lounged on the bike, looking as if she was waiting beside one of the old houses, presumably for someone inside. She gave Kartanian a ring. "In position to join you at the marina or to tail the bogey. Your choice. If you have comms set up with the van or other forces, I would appreciate being linked in."
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Flux eyed the girls that are now using English. Did the one slip and the other just going along? She then looked to Northbrook "A payphone in the most advanced city in the world? What do you think this is a comic book?" Looking out the window again scanning for possible threats.
"Girl those are not friends. They are tracking us, at the same time staying in visional range. Could have stayed out of sight followed us to the original location. No, they chose to let themselves be known, wanted us scared."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Kartanian signaled Kisya to patch Nightstrike's ID and communications into a team channel as he made the last couple of bounces to the marina. "Nightstrike, you are good to go. Follow the van in, behind the bogey. Kisya will give you the update on Flux, Mister Northbrook, and the passengers. Kisya is at the marina and Chelsea is covering the office. I will be with Kisya in another ten secs."
He landed near the boat shop, still under the cover of his extraordinary stealth abilities. Glancing about for immediate trouble and finding none, he pulled a binoculars-like device from a pocket and scanned the near horizon. "Ah, there we go!" Kartanian toggled the team channel on and reported, "One jetpack user inbound. Looks like he'll intercept the van here in the marina parking lot. Good choice. Prepare for action."
A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (
As they approached the marina, Northbrook set his phone to relay the team communications to his earpiece, then replaced the magazines in his launch pistols with two that held all taser rounds. He told the girls, "As soon as we stop, head straight for the door. If anyone starts shooting, run for the door." He prepared to 'port outside the van so that he could immediately open the cargo door once Flux stopped.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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"I've got the jetpack flyer," Kartanian said. "Be ready to back me up, but I want a good look at him or her, first, before anything happens to complicate the play."
The gate to the Baytec Boats yard was already open when Flux pulled up in the van. She pulled up past the card reader into the lot beyond as the automated mechanism began rolling the fence shut behind them. The Baytec Boats marina had a large boat showroom--more like a hanger--and a one-story retail shop for boating accessories and supplies on the street side. There was a larger maintenance and repair garage in the back. The wide, paved lot between the boat store and the marina parking area was open and unoccupied, except for an expensive pickup truck attached to the trailer of a 30 foot powerboat. At the far end of the main lot was another open gate to the boat ramp into the water, with a pedestrian gate and ramp down to the docks. Parking for retail guests was outside the gated part of the yard, and there were five upscale vehicles in the lot. The larger marina parking area on the opposite side of the open lot had space for four rows of cars, with about ten spaces per row. It was a warm afternoon in good boating weather and there were about a dozen cars in the marina lot. The whole place was conspicuously deserted, except for a lean woman with Mediterranean features in dark glasses and what appeared to be a natural cotton skirt-suit standing by the garage-side corner of the building--the Constructive Enterprises business director, Kisya D'Amico.
The red Dodge rolled up to the gate and stopped for a moment, before the driver decided to back out and pull into the store parking lot in front. This gave Nightstrike several options to consider. The whine of a jetpack announced the arrival of another visitor headed for the main yard of the establishment.
A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (
Roxanne pulled into the parking lot only a few seconds after the red Dodge. As she did so, she spoke into her headset. "I've got an eye on these two. Worry about the incoming flyer."
She doffed her helmet to reveal a freckled and fair-skinned strawberry blonde with green eyes. Getting off the bike slowly, she stretched for a few moments, waiting to see what the Avenue agents had in mind.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Northbrook looked back towards the open parking lot as he pulled the cargo door of the van open and stepped aside for the girls to move. He nodded at the blonde, then pulled out one of his launch pistols as he tried to identify exactly where the flyer would come over the roofline.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Flux got out soon after Northbrook. "Jet flight. Perhaps power armor, or some tech user. After, all if it was just a normal muscle they use a bike. No who ever this flyer is likes playing with toys."
"I'm going to fog up the parking lot. Give cover for the girls to get to the building." She raised her arms drawing in the moisture in the air and condensing it into a fog. It wasn't as heavy as she could make it she didn't want the girls to lose sight of the building after all. "Unless the bastard likes explosives this should help."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
"Ladies, over here," Kisya instructed. She gestured to the former cargo and they hurried through the door into the boat garage.
Kartanian was nowhere to be seen, but his location showed on tactical displays of team members equipped to see it. The van's GPS screen did not count as a tactical display, but merely showed the route they had taken to get to the marina.
The flying man landed in the middle of the fog with a whir of jets, stirring up billowing clouds of mist. All that could be seen was a male silhouette in some sort of commando armor. A rich baritone voice boomed out from the figure, "Stop what you're doing! Those women are under the protection of Freedom Avenue!"
"And what protection is that worth, when they are treated as human cargo and sold into slavery?" a smooth, silky male voice challenged. Kartanian's words seemed to come from all around, barely louder than a whisper, but easily heard nonetheless.
"None of our passengers end up in servitude," the man replied. He seemed to be in a wary crouch, now, in the swirling fog. "Regardless of how they were originally 'shipped' here. This is America. When they cross its shores, they are free people."
"That's not what my sources say," whispered the rogue.
"Who are you working for?" demanded the man in the mist.
The pair in the red Dodge had emerged from the car, guns drawn. The male cut into the conversation. "Halt! Federal Agents! Drop your weapons and put your hands in the air where I can see them! Release Svetlana Magadyar!"
A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (
"Svetlana Magadyar, eh?" murmured Northbrook. He set his launch pistol on top of the van, and raised both his hands and his voice, to carry into the boathouse. «Sister Golden Hair! I think the people from the red car are claiming to be your friends, after all. But I am not sure about them, or the flier.»
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Since she was being ignored by pretty much everyone at the party, Nightstrike dropped the glamour that had been concealing her combat armor and drew her two pistols without a sound. She stole up behind the two so-called federal agents and the first indication they got that she was there was the pop-vwweee sound of her Atlantean pulse pistols warming up directly behind their ears. "If you turn, I fire."
Once she was sure that they'd comply, she continued. "Show me your badges and warrant, please."
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
"Yeah, I heard plenty of folks say they are doing good but aren't. Heck even if your up and up you still breaking the law bring undocumented people into the states. Forget all the political bs, there are heath reasons. Vacation, sicknesses that they could be carrying. Oh, let's not forget the possible escaping justice in another nation. Even if we believe you aren't human trafficking, you are still breaking a whole lot of laws."
The fog swirled around her as she gathered air pressure. "Thought I really don't care about that stuff I'm just a driver. So what going to be need done so we won't start blasting each other? And returning the girls that clearly don't want to go with you isn't an option. They chose to come with us. So should we include Kidnapping to the possible crimes you aren't doing?"
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
The pair claiming to be feds froze. The man shifted his eyes to glance over his shoulder but kept his body still. "Christ! Who [i]are[/i] you people, anyway?"
"Mercenaries or clueless independent heroes, I'm guessing," his partner responded. She lowered her weapon. "Special Agent Christina Simmons, FBI. This is not a warrant situation, so that's irrelevant. You are either involved in and abetting a kidnapping, or you are seriously misinformed about what is going on. Either way, those people must be released."
The armored man in the fading mist was impressively built, but of ordinary size. The gear he wore did not seem to be a powersuit, just tactical armor. His head was covered with a form-fitting hood and goggles combination, leaving his features hidden. The outfit was a mottled gray and almost-black urban camouflage. On his right shoulder was a patch of the US flag. On the left, a different patch showed a stylized, winding path to the Statue of Liberty in dark gray with golden sun rays behind it. A rearing stallion in dark gray was printed on his chest. He carried large-caliber pistols similar to Northbrook's in design, but he lowered these to a more relaxed stance. "If you are threatening me over fine points of the law, I take it you people are out doing good deeds?"
"Maybe we are, Mister Stallion," Kartanian's voice purred. "The Freedom Avenue [i]is[/i] involved in human trafficking; we've established that much already. I think the involvement of Miss Magadyar may be just a curious coincidence."
"Oh, you do not need to worry about me," Svetlana said from the doorway of the garage in accented English. She was almost hovering, half-transparent and with a confident look on her face. Kisya stood protectively in front of the other two, further back in the garage. "But, I think we need to beware of those helicopters!" She pointed out down the river. Three black-painted helicopters were headed toward the marina, flying low--and nearly soundlessly--over the water.
"Those aren't ours," confirmed the male agent.
"Heh," grunted Stallion. He asked of the invisible voice speaking to him, "The Russians? Or your employers? Or are those the same thing?"
A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (
"Seriously misinformed, eh? Bit of the pot and kettle there. At least one of the three ladies here was brought to this country against her will." He swapped out the magazines again, and lined up the launch pistol's sights against lead chopper. "Cat? If these are your reinforcements, it'd be good to know before I commit a [I]faux pas[/I]."
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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"So she's not under arrest. Good to know. Thank you Special Agent Simmons. Now, safe your weapons and drop them behind you, then show me your badges as I requested earlier." Nightstrike ordered, her digitally altered voice still calm and controlled. While giving the agents a chance to comply, she shut off her mic and contacted Ciph3r via the helmet's Bluetooth. As the phone rang, she remembered she'd told him to take some time off. But before she could hang up, it connected.
"What's up, boss?" he drawled.
"Why am I not surprised that you aren't on vacation?" she asked, smiling.
"Well, boss, I am on a tropical island if that helps. But you know me." he answered, chuckling.
"That I do. I need you to do some checking for me. Special Agent Christina Simmons of the FBI and unknown male partner. I'd send you pictures, but they're facing away from me. In addition, one Svetlana Magadyar, possibly of Russia. Be fast, but more importantly, be careful. I'm in a rapidly changing situation and the more intelligence, the better. Signing off."
Just as she hung up, the combination of her own enhanced senses and helmet amplification picked up on the sound of the approaching helicopters. She studied the skyline as much as she could, spotting the three birds just before Svetlana did. She waited for Northbrook to finish, then spoke up. "Indeed, advisement on that would be much appreciated."
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
"I really hate jobs like this. Northbrook are those choppers ours?" She didn't know herself. "Damn it I'm just a driver for Pete's sake."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Kartanian glanced at the inbound aircraft. His eyes widened, but he wasn't really surprised. "Not ours, and they are robot vehicles. Those belong to Juno-8, a mercenary group that specializes in precision acts of destruction. I'll explain later, but they are [i]not[/i] friendly. Kisya! Flux! Get non-combatants through the garage to safety!"
"I'll help!" Svetlana replied eagerly. "Wraith, reporting for duty! What do you want me to do?"
Kartanian chuckle-purred. "Break advanced, dangerous robots and don't get hurt. Unless Mister Stallion, here, or one of your friends has healing abilities, this could hurt."
The male agent protested, "Svetlana! You haven't been trained! This is too dangerous!"
She made a disparaging noise. "I've been trained in Ukraine since I was 14! I know what I can and can't do."
Agent Simmons added, "I know Juno-8. Beam weapons, micro-explosives, force field capture nets for supers... all robotic. Aim for power packs and joints." She glanced back at Nightstrike. "Assuming you agree, of course?"
A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (
"okay robotic choppers, check. Stallion would you mind if I cause some property damage. I can manipulate air give or take a few yards around me. So if I fly up there and suddenly decrease or increase the air density those choppers will fall like rocks. The downside is I won't know what they fall on." Flux said as she braced herself.
"Northbrook can you teleport those people to safety? I'm sure those choppers have at least high caliber guns. The kind that can shoot through walls."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Nightstrike grit her teeth, but then lowered her guns. "Unless you've got a Stinger in the trunk of your car, I'd recommend you help with the non-combatants."
She holstered her guns and tapped several buttons on her gauntlet. In response, her motorcycle came to life, balanced itself while retracting the kickstand, then wheeled over to her. She saddled up and flipped a switch on the console. With a jet of energy, the cycle popped into the air about ten feet, then the wheels split down their centers and opened up into sponson-mounted hover pads. She revved the engine, and the hover pads tilted forward, vectoring their thrust to drive her forward. She reached behind her and drew a bullpup pulse carbine off her back, then charged the approaching helicopters.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
"Alexandria Transit Center." Northbrook went inside and announced, "We are evacuating all non-combatants. Please gather in the corner here..." He concentrated and visualized one corner of the transit center which was almost always empty. "As you arrive, please step forward at least ten feet."
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Kartanian's voice replied, "A portal, Northbrook? That would be even better than what I had planned. Do it! And remember the boat shop customers and employees, too."
"All right, folks, plenty to see here, and it will only cost you your life!" Kisya called out, ushering Martika and Laika further in and away from the outside. "If the price is a bit too high, move to where this nice man is making an emergency exit! And follow his instructions." She gestured to Northbrook.
Kartanian added to the Freedom Avenue leader, "Stallion, Juno-8 is out here to get you. I'm not sure how, but I think they located you when you came out from... wherever you came from. You have a cranky enemy. I can fill you in later."
"I think I might know who that could be." The masked man nodded. Responding to Flux, he said, "If we can drop them over the river, or in any of these parking lots around her, then do it. Keep collateral damage to a minimum. We're all [i]supposed[/i] to be undercover!"
Svetlana, or Wraith, floated over to the corner of the lot nearest the agents. "I'm no good for these except up close, but they can't hurt me unless they were expecting me to begin with."
"That's okay, Svetlana," Agent Simmons replied. "I think they'll be close, if we don't down their flyers, first." She glanced at her partner. "Robot rounds?"
"Makes sense. Even if they're shielded, we can muck up the processors." Both of the agents changed magazines and moved behind the corner of the boat shop for whatever cover it could provide.
While people moved into action, Ciph3r discreetly responded to Roxanne's request. "Hey, boss, that FBI agent is in the official database, but the record is fresh. Created about fifteen minutes ago from real data and scraps, and then backdated appropriately. After tonight's server backup, the traces of the record creation will be smoothed over... if they let it go that long. And Svetlana Magadyar is Ukrainian. Daughter of a suspected mutant and medical researcher in Kiev. No criminal record, or anything."
A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (
"Crap I hate doing cape shit." She ran forward and blasted air down from her hands as she created a bubble of high-density air around her to both serve as fuel for the airlift flight. As well as act as an air cushion for any incoming projectiles. Secretly she was chanting 'I hope this works' over and over.
She never tried to fly before but the logic fits. Enough air blast down and she goes up simple physics. Of course, anyone who ever flown could note she was not very good. Making to many corrections, a bit wobbly in flight, and other minor errors. Still by pure force of the blasting wind tunnel propelling her she was more or less on a direct line to the choppers.
"Okay, Flux nothing to move but air and water. You can do this." She focused on the protective bubble around her drawing in as much air pressure as she could. Reducing air pressure couldn't work, more air will just fill in the void hence how she can create wind blasts. Heck her flying was just her creating a vacuum cone behind her and the air rushing in and pushing her up. To do the same to the choppers wasn't possible. However increasing the air pressure to the point it could mess up whatever guidance system those robot choppers use could work. They will adjust for the pressure adding stress to the enigins. Even better if the engines take in air at all the sudden ...
IDEA! She quickly played with the air molecules instead of just random particles she focused on creating a pocket of high Oxygen content. The higher the oxygen is the more explosive the air is. So high oxygen air goes into the engine block and ... a bit more bang than the engine was designed for. Oh, this should be good. IF it works.
All she has to do is survive whatever weapons those choppers use, get close enough that they enter the bubble of manipulated air, and survive the fiery death that might result. Easy.. right?
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
By the time the first people reached him, Northbrook had the portal open and steady. One side faced the wall in the direction the drones were coming from; the other showed the Transit Center on the far side. "One at a time, but quickly. Phone booths are to the left if you need them."
On the one hand, maintaining a portal was a lot harder than moving it past someone and letting it close behind them in a fraction of a second. On the other hand, that corner of the Alexandria Transit Center was the public place he knew best; he could reach it from almost anywhere in the City. But the gripping hand, as his local friends said, was the time it would take to make a new portal for each passenger, as opposed to each walking briskly through.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
"Oh, shit," Kartanian muttered as he saw what Flux was doing. His stealth faded as he shifted form and flew toward the untried hero as she made her headlong rush toward the Juno-8 choppers. He needed speed and power, now, not invisibility. His new form looked like a gravity-defying mix of some kind of weird tentacled squid and sea anemone with a sinuous, articulated body and tail. His telepathic laugh echoed ruefully in the heads of those around him as his alien form rippled and wiggled forward with blue-white stellar energy. ~'I'm just the driver,' she says!~
"What the hell?" Stallion asked as the alien streaked off toward his employee. He looked over at the evacuation portal where people were going through as Northbrook held it open. "You got it covered there over there?"
Kisya nodded and gave him a thumbs-up. A shimmering sonic barrier surrounded the portal and a good chunk of the garage nearby. "Holding here for as long as we need it. Feel free to break some heads, or figure out how to cut robot strings, or something."
Flux got close enough for the three helicopters to decide she was a threat, albeit not on their initial target list. They opened fire with a flickering laser-light show--a lethal cone of directed light beams stabbing through the air where she was and was headed. Whoever had designed the weapon must have decided that any one beam could be dodged, but a hail of them was more likely to score a hit. Any one of the beams would be enough to burn a hole through a normal person. The Juno-8 choppers were still over the river, only 600 meters from the marina.
A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (
With a few voice commands, Nightstrike had Ciph3r send the data on Simmons and Svetlana to her phone, then packaged it and squirted it to Kartanian and Kisya via encrypted burst. As this mostly automated process was happening, she dropped in behind the right flanking Juno-8 bird.
After clicking her pulse carbine into an offset U-shaped cupola above the bike controls, Nightstrike steadied the controls with one hand, then opened fire on the chopper's tail assembly. The carbine spat out a burst of slender cerulean bolts which chewed into the back end of the chopper. Whether they punched through the armor remained to be seen.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Flux was prepared for gunfire, she was prepared for missiles. The high-density bubble around her would have an effect on such weapons. Lasers, not so much. The shock of being hit caused her to lose concentration and fall out of the sky. Perhaps the only thing that protected her was she enhanced her outfit like she did the van.
Didn't help much as she fell before her brain kicked in and she stopped her fall before splashing into water.
Water! Okay if those bastard going to use lasers she going to use water. Water can change the angle of light so if she can create a bubble of water around herself it would cause the laser blasts to distort missing her.
She reformed the high oxygen bubble around herself, then closer in she formed the bubble of water molecules. "Lets see your stupid supercharged protons get to me now." She said as she flew back up surrounded by what looked like a soap bubble that distorted her image.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
If he had lungs in this form, Kartanian would have breathed a sigh of relief. He had gotten close enough to telekinetically grab Flux from the air if he had needed to. Instead, as she recovered on her own, he charged her with regenerative energy and then added his own quantum shield to her water bubble. The choppers had closed the distance to their target zone. They hovered over the docks of the marina and fired at Stallion while a squad of six vaguely human-shaped robots detached themselves from each vehicle and jetted down to the ground.
One battery on the closest helicopter swiveled to follow Flux. The rest of the body of the aircraft pivoted to get Nightstrike into its sights, protecting its companion that she was trailing.
Kartanian called out with a telepathic laugh, ~Well done! We have them surrounded!~
A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (
In response to the aircraft turning towards her, Nightstrike disengaged her carbine and holstered it, then cut thrust to the jets. The bike promptly dropped from the sky like a brick.
As it fell, Nightstrike raised her arm and fired her grapnel at the underside of the chopper. The electromagnetic head thunked against the armor and stuck, yanking Nightstrike from the seat of the bike as she locked the cable. The bike, sensing that its rider was no longer present, engaged its limited VI and returned to the parking spot where Nightstrike had last left it.
As Nightstrike flew upwards from a combination of momentum and the grapnel reeling her in, she drew the mono-molecular sword off her back and pointed it at the underside of the chopper. To make sure it penetrated, she locked the micro-servos of her gauntlet, wrist, elbow, and shoulder. "This is either going to work or shatter every bone in my arm... or both." she muttered darkly to herself just before impact.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
The sword punched through the belly of the helicopter with a jolt. The armor was tough, and thick enough to protect well against ground fire, but nothing is invincible. From the smell and "bleeding" feeling against the blade, Nightstrike guessed that she was rupturing a fuel cell system.
Meanwhile, Stallion wasn't just standing in the fire zone. He leaped forward to engage the robots, shooting with both pistols as he vaulted the fence. One robot spun and dropped as its "head" broke open. Another was knocked over by the concussion of whatever kind of ammunition the Freedom Avenue leader was using, but its armor held. Kartanian added blasts of blue-white stellar energy to Stallion's gunfire, hammering robots and then wiggling and dodging as erratically as he could to avoid return fire. His energy blasts had little overall effect, but they kept the robots off balance, and knocked several into the water.
At this point, the robots were still on the docks of the marina, just coming forward to the shore. The marina fence and a lot of other material was in the way. The agents could see the bots, but they still had a lot of cover. "Wait until they're closer," Agent Simmons advised Svetlana. The young Ukrainian woman nodded and floated tensely.
The Baytec marina owner was complaining to Kisya in a worried voice as the last of his customers went through the portal. "What am I going to do? They're gonna tear this place up! I'm gonna be ruined!"
"You are going to go through this portal, save your life, and make a call to your insurance company. Simple," Kisya replied acidly. She shoved him through the portal, then nodded to Martika and Laika. "Your turn. I'll be right behind you."
A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (
Flux was now playing catch up. The choppers having flown past as she free fell. "Okay, my turn bitches." She separated some water and spun the baseball size drops to form cones then she slowed the molecules till they froze to complete zero. Now with about ten steel hard ice she sent them flying like darts shot out of a blowgun for the closest chopper.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
The last of the civilians through, Northbrook stepped through the portal himself before it collapsed, and gave another card to Martika and "Laika". «This lawyer helped a man named Val, who was stuck much farther from home than you are, with his immigration issues. If you cannot wait here for us to deal with the situation on the docks, he can help you, to stay or return.» Then vanished once again, to reappear at the door of the hanger, drawing his launch pistol again. "So, what do we have here?"
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
The ice-struck chopper lurched to the side and twisted suddenly from the impact. A loud banshee's wail of metal scraping on metal sounded from the tail rotor assembly, fading off as the AI regained control of its airframe. Flux could see where the ice shot had dented and partially punctured the armor, but the bird was not going down easily. She became a high priority target again and the lasers stabbed out mercilessly at her.
Kartanian responded to Northbrook's question telepathically. ~Three robot choppers still up. Three handfuls of robot troopers on the docks. Flux is making herself a target, but I'm aiding her. Stallion is going for the 'bots. I'm assisting there, as well. Wraith and the agents are waiting for clear shots, and Nightstrike is hitching a ride on bird number two, farthest on your left. Whoa... Stallion is getting shot up bad, but he's just shrugging it off. I'm thinking "tank." What say you?~
A Wing and a Prayer, A Strong, Strong Wind, All Forests are One, Power Struggles - Venture City metahuman novels in the spirit of City of Heroes and other comic book superhero fiction. (
Between the water bubble, shield provided by Kartanian, and then the protectiveness of her boosted outfit she was prepared for the lasers. Well, mostly it still wasn't enjoyable she could even see the water boil as the laser affect it. "I hurt you huh?" She dropped down so she was closer to the source of water. Now she had more ammo.
Drawing up more water to reinforce the bubble and to form more spikes and she started sending the hardened Ice spikes at the chopper she already wounded.
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP