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the 2024 End of the year development summary is live below. Watch the video and let us know on the comment page.

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Pre-Alpha Chargen: Make Anyone

Pre-Alpha Chargen: You Can Make Anyone in City of Titans

UI is test quality

More chargen coming next month! (first week of April)
Don't miss Wednesday's Twitch! (6 PST) We'll be going even more in-depth into the current chargen state and showing off our costume sliders in extra detail!

After years of hard work on our part and patience on yours, we’ve finally reached this point. The chargen’s backend is now stable, with most of the fundamental costume and body related features we had in mind hooked up and working. We’ve constantly talked about the need to establish the backend before anything starts to look good. Well, the chargen has finally passed that line. The UI is still test quality but the design and even much of the graphical components of the next stage are standing by. Most of the costume parts you see were loaded in about a week - and there are more where they came from, and more will come from where they came from. We have plenty of spandex designs just waiting to be hooked in, and if you think the sliders you see here are impressive, wait until we get all of them hooked up. The palette range is going to improve dramatically. And we don’t have time to go into what the Material Editor will be like, but someday soon, we’ll be able to show you.

It’s taken us years to get here, but it will take a lot less than that to finish. The ‘thousand program breaking bugs’ period is past for the chargen, and now visible progress will be more rapid. The biggest missing piece, currently, is Female. Don’t think we’ve forgotten about the heroic women. Overcoming the final hurdles to bringing her in is the next big push. Perhaps she’ll be ready in time for next month.

Of course, not all bugs are just unsightly frustrations. Some are hilarious.

A few words about the capabilities we’ve built in you can’t yet see. This character can swap any body part - tails, wings, peg legs, robot arms, we’ve allowed for it all. And we’ll be showing more and more of it over the next few months. Big updates are four weeks apart, so stay tuned. And watch the spaces in-between for extra goodies.

This chargen is going all the way. Because you can make anyone in City of Titans

Especial thanks to Jamie 'Geeksgonebad' Cunningham and Nathaniel 'Doctor Tyche' Downes in producing this video. The myriads who contributed to everything shown here today are too many to list, so thanks goes to the 2D and 3D costume designers and our character modelers who worked so hard on those sliders.

More 3D and coding volunteers extremely welcome! Use the site's contact form to reach out to us if you are interested.

Discuss the update here

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