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the 2024 End of the year development summary is live below. Watch the video and let us know on the comment page.

To purchase your copy of the City of Titans Launcher, visit our store at A purchase of $50 or more will give you a link to download the Launcher for Windows or Mac based machines.

The Phoenix Project Update: Wednesday, July 24, 2013

By: Lauren
Posted for Lauren by: Zombie Man

Cameron (Segev) is up to his neck in the nitty-gritty this week, so I've stepped into do a do quick update in the interim. I'll be just like the good old days, where I rambled on a lot, except..well, different.

Part of the reason that Segev is so busy is that we've been working on a bit of a shuffle around behind the scenes - the sort of thing that isn't very interested to write about, but is important in making sure that the project is functioning as efficiently as we can do (particularly important with volunteer labour).

I'm sure you're probably sick to death about hearing about the Kickstarter - work is steaming ahead with that - and I'm in the process of lining up a series of interviews in the run up to September, which we hope will help to bring a few more people into the Missing Worlds Media community and hopefully help us achieve our Kickstarter target.

The guys have already carried out interviews with Polygon [ed note: [url=]now available at this link![/url] -zm] and Inc Gamer, and we've got more lined up with, as well as podcast interviews with Plus10Damage and Critical Hit being arranged, which we're hoping will start to filter out over the next few weeks.

A couple of our developers look set to be heading to Gen Con Indy 2013 - while we don't have an official presence there, we're hoping to be able to hand out a few flyers and help to make yet more people aware of our existence. Gen Con has a lot of people excited, as Mercedes Lackey, who was so instrumental in the SaveCOH campaign and helped to lead the Hail Mary charge has been named the guest of honour.

If you're going to Gen Con, let us know - if you can help hand out flyers, or just fancy meeting up with a couple of our devs, we'd love to hear from you.

Segev is hoping to write about the reshuffle of MWM once that's been completed, but..well, at the moment he's just a bit too busy doing it to actually write about doing it.

Other than that, the only thing I have to offer you is this little video. It's a sneak peak at the launcher that some of the development team have been working on.

[url=]YouTube Video of Launcher-Teaser[/url]

..I can't wait for it to have something to connect to. The first time I saw this, I was really rooting for it to connect to a server.

Soon - with your help, at least.
