
All of our websites, including the Forums and Game Store are back online. Thanks go out to our tech crew for their work bringing everything back. Thank you also for your patience.

Join the ongoing conversation on Discord:

Mac users, the City is now open for you! Check out the latest update for information about changes to the MacOS Launcher!

To purchase your copy of the City of Titans Launcher, visit our store at A purchase of $50 or more will give you a link to download the Launcher for Windows or Mac based machines.

Discord Photo Contest: RESULTS!!

Happy New Year, Everyone! We hope you enjoyed your holidays.

To start off 2024, we’re going to announce the results of our first City of Titans Photo contest.

Back in November before the holidays got rolling, we released our Launch Day maps for Titan City and gave everyone a chance to explore. A few weeks later, we gave everyone a challenge; to take their best photos of the City.

Contestants could choose whatever location in the city they wished, and they could use the weather controls, camera, and lighting in whatever way they could think of. Contestants could submit two pictures, and those were posted on our Discord where they were open for the entire community to vote on.

Here are a few of the great pictures we received:

Thanks go out to Dawnstar, Sully and Cooltastic for those great shots.

When voting ended, 3 pictures were very closely tied for fan favorite. They were only one vote apart in the results. The top three pictures as determined by the community were:

#3: “Looking from the Past to the Future” from Slonicat.

#2: “It’s a Lonely Job” from Dawnstar.

And the entry with the most votes from the community goes to:

#1 “Living Dead” from Cooltastic.

Congratulations go out to Cooltastic, who will be receiving a special title on Discord and an In-Game title as a reward.

Thanks go out again to all folks that submitted entries for the contest. We are so excited to see and hear about the great places that you find in the city.

Special Thanks to Hakurai for our Banner Picture.