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2022 Twitch Review

We enjoy taking the opportunity to share as much of the MAKING of City of Titans with you as we can. Unfortunately, a lot of the development process just isn’t very visual. Coding is vital, but frankly, it’s not the most interesting thing to watch.

Fortunately, we have a member of our Art team who is not only busy making things for City of Titans but is quite happy letting you watch while he does it.

For those of you who might not have heard the name before, MrArtStrong is our primary costume creator. He streams on Twitch several days a week and while he works, you can often get a sneak peek at new costume pieces. He’s also happy to answer questions and explain how the design process works during his streams.

You can find his Twitch livestreams at: If your schedule doesn’t allow for Livestreams, he also posts the replays on his Youtube channel at: so you can watch when you have the opportunity.

He has been streaming for a while now, and that means he’s built up a bit of a back catalog. We invite you to check out all of his past streams but, for now, we’re going to take a few minutes and highlight some of the more notable streams from the last few months. To help you find what you’re most interested in, we’ll be giving you a short summary and time codes for each video.

We’ll start off by going back to just after the beginning of the year and a stream featuring a first look at two of our signature NPC’s, outfits for street level villains Anarchy Red, and a few other costuming pieces that you’ll be seeing in the Avatar Builder in the near future.

Anthem @1:57 - 2:45
Anarchy Red @2:47 - 2:53
Dr Tyche @ 2:54 - 4:56
Fantasy Dress @ 4:57- 5:29
Finished HEART armor @ 5:30- 6:22
Memory @ 6:23- 6:50
Skirts and Artz @ 6:51 - 8:04

The next stream features a discussion of Texturing 3D model pieces and a demonstration while making a suit of light combat armor.

Light Power Armor @ 3:00 - 48:57
Short Pants @ 50:51 - 1:26:14

Sometimes things get a little silly.

Bunny Ears @17:51 - 1:12:50

Even simple items are more complicated than they look in this stream about making face masks from start to finish.

Face Mask @ 12:03 - 1:03:05

And some costume pieces just don’t cooperate at all in this stream about hair.

Hair texturing @ 9:06- 1:27:35

And finally, not everything goes wrong. In fact, some things go very right. To close things out we have a live flythrough of the Alexandria map showing off the work of our entire city design team.

Starting @ 2:30 and continuing for an hour, you can see the Alexandria map as it appears in the live game engine, and a demonstration of the environmental system that will help bring the city to life.

These are just a few of the over two dozen Live streams Artstrong has done for City of Titans. We’ll be bringing you more as work continues, and we’re looking forward to your streams once the game goes Live.

If you have 3D character modeling or rigging experience, or are familiar with the ZBrush and Substance Painter tool sets, and are interested in joining our volunteer team, you can contact us at:

As always, we encourage you to check out Artstrong’s Youtube channel at:

And watch him stream live at : on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays starting at 9PM Eastern US time.

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