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Please read the current update for instructions on downloading the latest update. Players with Mac versions of the game will not be affected, but you will have a slightly longer wait for your version of the new maps. Please make a copy of your character folder before running the new update, just to make sure you don't lose any of your custom work.

It looks like we can give everyone a list of minimum specs for running City of Titans. Please keep in mind that this is 'for now' until we are able to add more graphics and other system refinements. Currently you will need :
Windows 10 or later required; no Intel integrated graphics like UHD, must have AMD or NVIDIA card or discrete chipset with 4Gb or more of VRAM
At least 16GB of main DRAM.
These stats may change as we continue to test.

To purchase your copy of the City of Titans Launcher, visit our store at A purchase of $50 or more will give you a link to download the Launcher for Windows or Mac based machines.

Hyperbolt: Symbiosis of Speed

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Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
Joined: 09/20/2015 - 13:33
Hyperbolt: Symbiosis of Speed

Caleb Hart was 18 years old when he created the Hyper-Arc, a technologically advanced power generator made out of metals and bio material. The Hyper-Arc, only the size of an average human hand held in it more power then our Sun. One night after running tests on the Hyper-Arc, Caleb thought he heard a voice coming from the Hyper-Arc. "Join" said the voice. as Caleb tried to figure out why it was talking thieves broke into the lab.(the lab belonged to his father) The thieves spotted Caleb and started shooting. Caleb, hunkered down under the table was wondering if this was the end, but once again he heard the Hyper-Arc say "Join". Caleb believed that whether putting on this device of amazing power or getting shot by thieves he would die. So Caleb quickly grabbed the Hyper-Arc and placed it on his chest. The Hyper-Arc dug into his chest and began to emit electricity so bright the thieves had to cover their eyes. When the light faded the thieves walked over where lied Caleb on the floor. When the thieves were about to shoot him Caleb swiftly punched all of the thieves knocking them out.
6 Months After Caleb joined with the Hyper-Arc he felt ready to take on the criminals of Titan City. In those six months he learned that he could emit lightning, run 2x the speed of sound, (though he calculated he could go faster) and could heal from falling off a building in seconds. Caleb donned his newly made streamlined speed suit for the first time and ran out into the city to begin his crusade as Hyperbolt.
But there is more about the Hyper-Arc then Caleb realizes, he has yet to discover that his invention is more then is alive.

(This is the backstory of my first hero I created specifically for COT)

P.S I had my account name changed from Captain Sabalan to Hyperbolt, cause he will be my main character for City of Titans.

I accidently ate a bowl of radioactive soup....ok I guess that makes me a Soup-er Hero