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Hurricane Atlas - Per Ignim's Story

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Per Ignim
Per Ignim's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 07:13
Hurricane Atlas - Per Ignim's Story

Chapter 1 - There is no Category 6

Meteorological sources report that Hurricane Atlas has officially become a category 5 hurricane. With wind speeds topping a hundred and eighty miles an hour Atlas will achieve landfall within the next six hours…

“Hey, Taylor, so, what happens if it becomes a category six, hurricane.” Ryan said, interrupting the news broadcast.

I looked over at him, like usual, as if he was a little slow.

“Category 5 is as big as it gets. At that point there isn’t a reason to actually measure any more. The scale isn’t an absolute measurement, it’s a judgement of property damage and danger.”

“Well, I think there should be a Cat 6,” Ryan said as he tied his mask into place.

I never wore a mask when I went out into the city as Per Ignim. I was there to save the city, not protect an identity that most people wouldn’t even care to pursue. Well, that and the fact that I was usually covered in flames and most people didn’t look too closely at your face when they were thinking, “Oh, cool. Flames,” every time they saw you.

My costume had evolved a lot over the years. Nine years. Has it really been that long since this all started? I can remember my first days in the city, running around in that cheap plastic armor and the motorcycle helmet. I thought I was the coolest thing since sliced bread. How little I knew about being a hero, or fashion sense for that matter.

I leave it to the younger heroes to sport their spandex. Me, I’m all about looking good, and being comfortable, while fighting crime. A pair of tailored pants and a comfortable, but tailored, top are who I am any more. My ebony skin sets off the canary yellow color quite nicely.

That and the flames.

I took to the air burning my way toward the ocean front. Ryan and I had tapped ourselves for the evacuation effort. It’s our job as heroes to lend a hand where we can...and to prevent the villains from taking advantage of the situation and looting the businesses that the owners were leaving in such a rush.

After all, who’s going to miss something that they’ll assume was lost or destroyed in the coming disaster.

“Hey, Taylor, I think we’ve got our first customer,” Ryan said over my headset. I watched as the streak that was him ran toward a family packing their car. The oldest girl was good looking and I smiled as I flew down. Trust Ryan to find a girlfriend at a time like this.

“It’s Per Ignim,” the girl said as I came in for a landing. I laughed as Ryan glared. People recognize me, at least they recognize Per Ignim. Ryan, who goes as Anyone’s Guess isn’t near as famous. It could have something to do with the fact that his costume is a simple pair of Guess jeans and a cape. I mean, who imbues a pair of jeans with superpowers and then leaves them in a thrift store...but I digress.

I stood there calming the family while Ryan used his speed to collect their things and get them in place. The girl was looking a bit scared as she surveyed the horizon. The storm was and angry slash of grey and lightning that covered almost 180° of my field of view by that point. I smiled at her and said something about there being nothing to worry about.

She accepted my words in the spirit they were meant and flashed me a beautiful smile.

Ryan finished up his work and we watched the family leave.

“Dude, you could have helped me,” Ryan said a little put out.

“He helps who watches as much as he who is watched,” I replied with a grin.

He punched me in the arm and we got back to our patrol. After the first family, I lost track of how many people we helped pack to get out of there. Some of them I even got my hands dirty for, accepting packages that they father or mother handed me from the window of their apartment. Flight can be useful in and of itself, especially in times like this.

We had been working for close to two hours and the sky was beginning to get dark, and if I hadn’t known that it was still the middle of the day I would have assumed that the sun was going down. Possibly, I should have realized at the time that in one regard the sun was going down.

An era was ending with the approaching storm. The threats that we had faced in the old city were being brought to a close. Our youthful optimism wasn’t going to deflect a hurricane, and even colossal heroes, as we were, have to bend before the will of nature.

I’m not saying that we should have just given up. I’m saying that we should have realized sooner, begun preparing sooner…

No, that’s not accurate.

Change, good or bad, happens, and those that refuse to change will be destroyed. There are some villains I’ve run into in the past who talk about all creation as destruction. The Blacksmith in his forge burns the wood to generate heat. It is a fire that leaves nothing but ash in its wake. Even as the wood is being destroyed, however, the steel is being tempered, formed, shaped. The steel even loses something in the process: its impurities.

Hurricane Atlas wasn’t a fire, something I could have handled, and had handled so many times in the old city. I didn’t fear fire. The cold, however, was something we all should have feared more.

Reading these words, you might get the impression that it was a calm day and the clouds were just rolling in slowly and surely.

There, with three to four hours to go before the storm landed on the city, the wind was already gusting up to eighty miles an hour. There were periods of calm, sure, but they were getting fewer and further between. I’d never understood my flight before this, and didn’t understand it now, but the wind, as long as I was airborne, didn’t bother me in the least.

Most of the civilians were on their way out of the city, and we turned our attention more fully to the looting already going on.

Have I ever mentioned how much I love common criminals? You throw a fireball or two and they run for the hills. At a time like this, it is enough to scare and not maim, so I did just that. I threw a fireball, said something like, “Per Ignim is here, scum. Desist in your criminal activity,” and they would run away.

I guess the grapevine, or the rapidly deepening gloom, was enough to stop more looting in the area we were patrolling because we only spent about twenty minutes working at that task.

That’s when the explosion in the old 1st National Bank occurred. The building was a tall old thing, beautiful in it’s own way, and the damage done by that explosion was enough that the building was completely destroyed, but you know all about the destruction that the hurricane caused.

Per Ignim
Per Ignim's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 07:13
Chapter 2 - It’s still

Chapter 2 - It’s still looting if it’s a natural disaster

I landed on the ground in front of the building just as Ryan arrived.

“Can you do anything about those flames?” Ryan yelled above the sound of the wind.

“I create fire. I don’t control it.”

“Too bad, that could come in useful about now.”

“Really? ‘Come in useful?’”

“Hey, I already know you’re not handy…”

I shook my head as he rushed into the building. He was impetuous, but at least his speed would likely keep him from most of the heat. It was a matter of moments before he was standing next to me again.

“There are a number of people inside in fire-proof suits. They’re pulling things out of the safety deposit boxes.”

By this point the stress was getting to me, and I’ll admit to saying a very un-hero-like word or two. I get we’re all human, but in my opinion the Heroes are supposed to epitomise the best of what it means to be human...whether or not we are, technically, human.

I flew into the building, staying away from the worst of the flames, and entered the vault. “Hi,” I said with a smile as I played with a fireball in my hand, “you might have heard of me.”

For some reason they weren’t afraid of my fire. Weird, right? It’s not like they were wearing fireproof suits or anything. On the other hand, I’m not invulnerable and their guns really did worry me.

“Hey, morons, behind you!”

I smiled at Ryan as he let loose a couple of mental blasts. While the robbers were distracted, I attacked something that wasn’t as protected: their guns. Sure, they wouldn’t drop them as they got hotter, but there’s something to be said about explosive misfire. You make a bullet hot enough and the round will ‘cook off.’ It doesn’t matter if it’s in the chamber or in the magazine. I ducked outside the vault the moment they started to explode.

Without the support of the gun, and the massive body behind it, the bullets lose a lot of their force when they cook off. Equal and opposite force and all that. Sometimes physics is your friend. So, when the bullets cooked off they were firing through the magazine and unsupported. There were some cries of pain, but I think the suits saved them from more than bruises...that being said they were now weaponless.

Ryan ran through and pulled the hoods from each of the suits, giving me perfect targets.

“I think you should come with us,” I said.

“The hurricane is going to level this city. This is pre-emptive salvage.”

I just looked at them and snorted.

We made our way out of the building and into the weather again. The rain was beginning to come down. Well, that was a bit of a misnomer. The rain was coming in from the side and was almost completely horizontal. It still fell, gravity does that, but it plastered one side and left the other dry.

We escorted the quickly sodden criminals to the police station, but the station was empty. I had to smile about that. They were the everyday heroes and deserved as much, if not more, respect as the super heroes. We had our powers to fall back on. They had nothing.

“Hey, Guess. Let ‘em go. Looks like we’re on our own out here. Most of the city is either out helping their neighbors or already in the shelters.”

He grumbled about it, but did what I instructed. The criminals smirked at us until they went back out into the storm. I don’t think that there was much left for them to laugh about at that point. The lightning was creating a strobe effect by this time, and I knew that the weather wasn’t normal.

The problem was that I didn’t have a direction. In the time I’d spent in the bank, I missed the call to arms. The 33 were already gathering, trying to put an end to the super-storm that was even then hitting the city. I was trying to save the lives of individual people.

Per Ignim
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Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 07:13
Chapter 3 - The End

Chapter 3 - The End

The moments leading up to the end are the most vivid for me, and yet they collapse into a short series of events that even now I have a lot of trouble expressing. I think that death is like that. That last moment, that very last breath, sticks with us and guides us into the darkness. I think it’s that light that people talk about seeing.

Now, I don’t know whether or not that light actually exists.

We’d worked our way through the gloom of the town. The streets were empty save for the occasional hero moving from place to place. There was nothing but darkness in between the flashes of lightning. The strobe effect was disorienting after a moment or two. After nearly an hour it was eye searing.

“We need to find ourselves a shelter,” Ryan yelled over the ever increasing noise.

“Not yet! There might still be someone out here!”

“Look around you, Tay! There’s no-one but us!”

Whatever I was about to say was drowned out in the rumble as a facade crumbled to the ground taking the front of the building with it. A young mother and her child were revealed in the collapsing ruin that had been their home only a moment before.

“Help us!” the woman cried out.

I flew into the opening of the building and picked up the girl, “I’m taking him to the Shaw Street Mission. She’ll be safe. My partner will be in here in a moment.”

Whatever protection I’d had earlier seemed to flee me as I carried the child through the air. I was battered from side to side, and even crashed into an occasional building or two. Always I put myself between the object and my precious cargo. I staggered in for a landing at the door and one of the people there took the child from my arms.

I must have looked a sight. My cape of feathers had been torn from my back at some point. I was covered in cuts and there were numerous tears in my suit. I was bleeding freely from a cut over my eye.

“Come in, we need to see to your wounds.”

“There are still people out here who need me,” I said and flew off before he could answer. I flew at my best speed to the building. The mother was cowering in the lee of the building when I arrived.

“Where’s Anyone’s Guess?” I shouted in order to be heard.

“He pushed me from the doorway as it collapsed. He’s back there somewhere.”

I melted the locks on a basement entry to the building next door. “Get inside. I’m going to try and rescue my partner!”

It was a chore to move forward by this point. The wind whipped in at every angle and I was creeping forward, unable to fly. The doorway that was my goal was a jumble of rubble and barely passable. I crawled in through the opening and was able, again, to fly in the relative calm inside this former shell of a building.


“Over here! I can’t move!” There was panic in his voice as he called out to me. It was worse than that, but I didn’t want to tell him. Some images stick with you even beyond death, and the sight of those pants, filled with legs but unattached to a body haunts me. A beam of wood had completely crushed his abdomen.

“It’s going to be okay,” I said shakily.

“You were always a horrible liar, Taylor. Don’t start now.”


“I can see it in your eyes. Take care of my sister Penny for me, please?”

“We’ll fix this.”

Ryan glared at me. My best friend in the world was dying and I was trying to comfort him.

“I promise,” I said. He smiled at me, seeing me for a moment or two and then his gaze unfocused and the smile faded from his face. There is no peace in death.

The building collapsed on me in that moment, it’s remaining structure nothing in the face of those winds.

Per Ignim
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Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 07:13
Chapter Four - Phoenix

Chapter Four - Phoenix

One moment I was watching as the building rushed down on me, the next I was standing in a circle of flame watching as I lit up another, different building.

A few feet away I saw a statue. The form looked familiar, but for some reason I couldn’t place it. The plaque beneath the statue’s feet began with: In Memoriam of Per Ignim. In shock I looked up into my own face immortalized in bronze.

It couldn’t be. I couldn’t have been dead...could I have? I looked down at myself and saw...the uniform that people have become so used to. The new me.

I flew to a nearby newsstand and looked at the date. November 4th, 2013.

Being dead is easy. There is nothing there that I can remember. Did time pass slowly for me? I don’t know, but all I can tell you is in that moment I felt the weight of fifteen years I would not experience.

I could tell stories about the people I met when I walked into that building I was reborn in front of, about the Phoenix Rising and the people there who help rebuild a city I don’t even know anymore.

In the two years since I re-awoke in my city, I have been keeping time, building a presence again for myself. Trying to embody the phoenix that has become my symbol. I am still Per Ignim, but now I have come through the flames to the other side.

What new adventures does this city hold for me? For us?

Time will tell, but this I can tell you. This is a new dawn for the hero, and we should make something of it while we can.

BruceP's picture
Last seen: 4 years 11 months ago
Joined: 10/10/2013 - 15:57
Good story, Per. :)

Good story, Per. :) Chapter 4 gave me chills...

Founder of the [url=]Phoenix Rising Initiative[/url] Keep the flame burning!

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*tags so he can read later*

*tags so he can read later*

EDIT: Beautiful Story Per. Inspired me to post something about Ebon.

Join [url=]The Phoenix Rising Initiative[/url] Today![/center]

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Fantastic story! I enjoyed

Fantastic story! I enjoyed that very much.

[size=14]"The illusion which exalts us is dearer to us than ten thousand truths." - Pushkin[/size]
[size=14] "One piece of flair is all I need." - Sister Silicon[/size]

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Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Xander Cross
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Great read. Well done sir.

Great read. Well done sir.

D. A. Cross
CEO of Phoenix Rising

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Kiyori Anoyui
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Very good story Per! Now I'm

Very good story Per! Now I'm pondering posting mine as well. hmmm..

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

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Mendicant's picture
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Well written, Per.

Well written, Per.

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Hits "Liked" button.

Hits "Liked" button.

[color=#00FFBF][i][b]You wear a mask to hide who you are, I wear a mask to show who I am.[/b][/i][/color]

[color=#ff0000]Staff Writer, Composition Team[/color]
