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Can we be villains who act in the name of 'good'?

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The Hybrid
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Can we be villains who act in the name of 'good'?

I didn't know how else to describe it, but I was wondering if it's possible to be a villain who kills criminals. Someone who sees himself as heroic but does villainous deeds. Or rather, sees themselves as being pure in heart and wants to "exterminate" the trash of the world. Some would call this a "Knight Templar". I find this type of villain to be very interesting, and I wanted to know if it's possible to play a villain like this. One who fights crime, but isn't one of the good guys. A gray area of sorts to operate in.

Any word on this?

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 2 years 9 months ago
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An anti-hero. Anti-Hero is

An anti-hero. Anti-Hero is the word you're looking for.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

The Hybrid
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

An anti-hero. Anti-Hero is the word you're looking for.

No, that's not it. An anti-hero is a hero with a lack of heroic qualities but is still overall good. What I'm referring to is an anti-villain, as in a villainous person with heroic qualities. Is it possible to be one?

RottenLuck's picture
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The Hybrid wrote:
The Hybrid wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

An anti-hero. Anti-Hero is the word you're looking for.

No, that's not it. An anti-hero is a hero with a lack of heroic qualities but is still overall good. What I'm referring to is an anti-villain, as in a villainous person with heroic qualities. Is it possible to be one?

Do you mean someone like Magneto or Doctor Doom? Both are Villains but have what they see as Heroic reasons. Magneto drives to protect the Mutants against humans, even if he has to wipe the humans off the face of the planet. His goal is to protect and be a hero for the mutant population.

Doctor Doom took over Latveria in order to save his people. He believes that only he can truly save the world and if someone or something gets in his way oh well.

Not sure they got a full written path for that kind of story. We won't know how much can be affected by our choices on the four paths at launch. But I think the best bet is North-Villain for that kind of story arc. Or maybe South-Villain and you go the Red Hood Jason Todd version. Taking over gangs in order to control and limit the evils the criminals cause.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 2 years 9 months ago
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I should hope that the MWM

I should hope that the MWM allows us to play a villain with a code. Like code of conduct.

I have a Masked Criminal character who doesn't kill innocents or in cold blood. They don't crave power as such, just wealth. Hopefully I can have a character like that.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Lothic's picture
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CoH actually explored the
The Hybrid wrote:

Any word on this?

CoH actually explored the "grey" areas between Hero and Villain when it provided the concepts of "Vigilante" and "Rogue".

In the context of CoH a "Vigilante" was technically a person whose intentions were classically heroic but often accomplished their goals using very questionable or even downright illegal means. Batman is the quintessential example of a hero with very strong Vigilante tendencies. On the other hand a "Rogue" is a villain who commits crimes but tends to live by a personal code that keeps them from being outright irredeemably "evil". They may for example refrain from killing people or maybe only commit crimes against those who they consider to be "more evil" than they are. Catwoman is an example of a villain who tends to be more Roguish than outright villainous.

To be honest the strict definitions between Vigilante and Rogue can be very fuzzy and oftentimes characters straddle the fine line between these two archetypes. Hope that helps you sort things out. ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Fireheart's picture
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I've always seen 'villains'

I've always seen 'villains' defined by their selfishness. They may be running a 'Robin Hood Gambit', but most of the money they steal 'to save the little children' somehow ends up in their own pockets as 'administrative fees'.

Be Well!

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I'm imagining Storm Shadow

I'm imagining Storm Shadow from GI Joe. A villain who still has his own code of honor.

Brand X
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:
The Hybrid wrote:

Any word on this?

CoH actually explored the "grey" areas between Hero and Villain when it provided the concepts of "Vigilante" and "Rogue".

In the context of CoH a "Vigilante" was technically a person whose intentions were classically heroic but often accomplished their goals using very questionable or even downright illegal means. Batman is the quintessential example of a hero with very strong Vigilante tendencies. On the other hand a "Rogue" is a villain who commits crimes but tends to live by a personal code that keeps them from being outright irredeemably "evil". They may for example refrain from killing people or maybe only commit crimes against those who they consider to be "more evil" than they are. Catwoman is an example of a villain who tends to be more Roguish than outright villainous.

To be honest the strict definitions between Vigilante and Rogue can be very fuzzy and oftentimes characters straddle the fine line between these two archetypes. Hope that helps you sort things out. ;)

Let's just not use that word (vigilante) as vigilante is not generally about tactics, but rather doing it within or outside of the law.

Spider-Man and Punisher are both vigilantes for instance.

TitansCity's picture
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The Hybrid wrote:
The Hybrid wrote:

I didn't know how else to describe it, but I was wondering if it's possible to be a villain who kills criminals. Someone who sees himself as heroic but does villainous deeds. Or rather, sees themselves as being pure in heart and wants to "exterminate" the trash of the world. Some would call this a "Knight Templar". I find this type of villain to be very interesting, and I wanted to know if it's possible to play a villain like this. One who fights crime, but isn't one of the good guys. A gray area of sorts to operate in.

Any word on this?

you can do it :) did you read the news on alignments ?

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A villain who does villainous

A villain who does villainous things In justification to do what is good in their point of view in an anti-villain.

An example could be a mob boss who takes out orher criminal organizations in order to control their territories and eliminate all the gang-related wars and additional crimes which occur as a result of multiple illegal organizations and gangs.

This mov boss may still be involved in illegal activites to run his organizarion, but so long as it goes to cleaning up the streets inder his own order and rule, then it is necessary for “the greater good”.

A hero willing to commit crimes in order to inact justice is a vigilante. A hero doing wrong things, but has some heroic qualities, some code of ethics they adhere to.

Anti-heroes are not about doing good for others but for themselves. They typically lack heroic qualities and may not have an ethical code since all their actions are more sefl-serving.

The Watchmen is really good about portraying these grey-area tropes. Spoilers ahead:

Rorschach is a vigilante. He will commit crimes, kill, but adheres to an ethos of working with other heroes to take out scum. There are lines he will not cross and he would help save other people even if it means self-sacrifice.

The Comedian is your anti-hero. He sees the joke of what being a “hero”’is and will do anything to satisfy his own needs m, to take care of himself, but is known as a hero for serving his country and preventing and going after others who cimmit crimes.

Ozymandias is an anti-villain. Created a vast business empire, killed and decieved his friends (other heroes), took untiled numbers of innocent lives, all in an effort to in some way, bring about an uneasy world peace preventing nuclear war which would have annihilated the entire popluation.

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Empyrean's picture
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Huh. So what's Doc Manhattan?

Huh. So what's Doc Manhattan?

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Cobalt Azurean
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Empyrean wrote:
Empyrean wrote:

Huh. So what's Doc Manhattan?


Schinopiraph's picture
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By the sounds of it your

By the sounds of it your talking about a vilian like Handsome Jack from Borderlands. Someone who honestly believes themselves to be the good guy, or hero, but employs very heavy handed and mostly amoral methods to accomplish his goals and won't hesitate to kill anyone who gets in their way. And all for the most selfish of reasons as everyone, even close family and friends are but tools to use to meet their ideal of what the world/galaxy should be in their eyes.

Often these types are you smart mastermind type villians as can be seen by the previous examples of Dr Doom and Magneto. Dr Doom being a bit more of a tragic villian as he could do so much more good if he could just put aside his enormous ego. I'd say Dr Freeze from the batman series also fits with that as he does many questionable things in his persuit of trying to revive his wife, but will often stop himself when he realises just how far he's about to fall and how much his wife would dissaprove when he eventually revives and heals her.

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Cobalt Azurean wrote:
Cobalt Azurean wrote:


Nnnnnaaaa, that's how he was PERCEIVED, not his inner motivations.

For all his power and cosmic awareness he had human foibles and drives whether he thought he did or not--that's how Ozzy got him.

Well... that and a tachyon cascade.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Nos482's picture
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What you want sounds a whole lot like Villain South... your toon's motivations for going down that road are your choice.

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I kidnapped his lady, now his power's are zero.

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In D&D terms you would be

In D&D terms you would be Lawful Evil. Hou jave a personal Code of Conduct which can be anything you desire, but your aims and desires would be considered villianous.