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The Multiverse

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Radiac's picture
Last seen: 6 months 2 weeks ago
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The Multiverse

In GW2 they have World vs. World events. I don't do them but basically the way I understand it to work is, when you make an account, you choose a world to belong to. I'm a member of the world named Anvil Rock, for example. This means literally nothing outside of WvW content, as I understand it. So when you go to do WvW content, you are on that world's team, and I assume that means that your attacks treat other people on your world as "friendly fire" and as such don't hurt your allies.

Since "The Multiverse" is such a common comic book superhero idea, is this the sort of thing we'd do in CoT? Will we have to choose, at time of account creation, which "Earth" we're going to be "from" or "represent" or whatever? If so, what should we name them? Earth X, Earth 1, Earth Prime, Earth Z, etc?

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Lothic's picture
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I wouldn't be against the

I wouldn't be against the general idea of a "multiverse" in terms of some kind of PvP event for CoT.

But I'm pretty sure the CoT Devs are still sticking to the "single mega-server" concept so if there was to be any kind of "world vs. world" in this game it would have to split the entire playerbase on the single mega-server along some kind of arbitrary lines. Not impossible, but not exactly clear-cut either.

Ironically doing something like this might be easier if we were going to have physically unique servers (like we used to have in CoH). I'm just not sure off-hand how CoT would easily allow for this.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

blacke4dawn's picture
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I've never tried it in GW2

I've never tried it in GW2 but my understanding is that WvW is only enabled in certain places and/or by choice so it's just an extension of the normal PvP system where these worlds you can represent are essentially their versions of "PvP factions".

Personally I don't think that using the multiverse as a basis for PvP would be a good idea. It would be better to use it to extend content as a whole like it was done in CoH.

Redlynne's picture
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You're just adding an

You're just adding an unnecessary layer to what should be a fairly straightforward Red vs Gold vs Blue setup for PvPvP. We don't need a decision you make [i]at character creation[/i] to determine which "team" you play for in PvP. It's an unnecessary complication.

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Deathwatch101's picture
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What about setting the PvP

What about setting the PvP element of the world in a Online Multiverse, a sort of simulation of sorts a digital variant of the world or something and you can connect at a number of different points to serve different sides etc.

Radiac's picture
Last seen: 6 months 2 weeks ago
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As I understand the GW2

As I understand the GW2 version, it really is just for massive PvPvP type stuff. That said, there ARE other PvP options that don't actually use the Worlds, I believe. It might be better NOT to make people join a "world" like GW2 does, after all. I don't do a lot of PvP so I don't know. One the one hand, it's arbitrary and maybe not necessary, on the other there's a sense of belonging to a team I guess. Sort of "are you Gryffindor or Ravenclaw?" type stuff.

GW2, which is "one big megaserver", also has multiple instances of the world map zones running all the time. THAT feels very "The Multiverse" too. I've always thought of it as a suspension of disbelief thing for the sake of making the game areas full-ish but not overcrowded or spread too thin over too many instances.

I don't really have a preference, since this is ultimately all PvP related, which I doubt I'll do very much.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Lothic's picture
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CoH toyed around with a

CoH toyed around with a "doppelganger" concept in a few missions where you ended up fighting NPC clones of your own character. The clones were solid black in color but otherwise were your exact duplicate size/shape wise. I realize that's not exactly the same as your "world vs. world" multiverse idea, but maybe the CoT folks could adapt that into some kind of zone event where a bunch of "alternate dimension" versions of our characters invade our world and we have to collectively fight them back. *shrugs*

It could be like the Futurama episode "The Farnsworth Parabox" where all the main characters met up with alternate dimension versions of themselves... except with superhero fighting:


CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Radiac's picture
Last seen: 6 months 2 weeks ago
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Joined: 10/19/2013 - 15:12
Yeah, CoX also had Portal

Yeah, CoX also had Portal Corp and all the fun of traveling to other dimensions with that too, like the alternate dimension where the Nazis won thew war, and the one where you get godlike power and then destroy everything, etc.

Edit: I don't know this for sure, but I suspect that GW2 was originally multiple servers, then when they went to one big one they kept the server names as "Worlds" since they already had world v world combat.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

blacke4dawn's picture
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Radiac wrote:
Radiac wrote:

Edit: I don't know this for sure, but I suspect that GW2 was originally multiple servers, then when they went to one big one they kept the server names as "Worlds" since they already had world v world combat.

Pretty sure they didn't go from multi-server to mega-server design, but rather always had mega-servers. I was there at launch and I do not remember any server selection, however I do remember those "please change instance and get a buff" pop-ups even at that time.

Radiac's picture
Last seen: 6 months 2 weeks ago
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Joined: 10/19/2013 - 15:12
Thank you, blacke4dawn, for

Thank you, blacke4dawn, for that info. This begs the question, why have "worlds" at all?

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Halae's picture
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blacke4dawn wrote:
blacke4dawn wrote:

Radiac wrote:
Edit: I don't know this for sure, but I suspect that GW2 was originally multiple servers, then when they went to one big one they kept the server names as "Worlds" since they already had world v world combat.
Pretty sure they didn't go from multi-server to mega-server design, but rather always had mega-servers. I was there at launch and I do not remember any server selection, however I do remember those "please change instance and get a buff" pop-ups even at that time.

No, they actually did have multiple servers. I remember the hot mess that was trying to find a team in front of a dungeon entrance and then finding out they were on EU rather than just another north american server and thus they couldn't join us in that dungeon run. Eventually, they changed it to a "shards" system where different cities and high population areas would have multiple instances going at the same time to accommodate high populations. It wasn't until a little before Heart of Thorns launched (three years into the game's development) that they swapped over to the megaserver setup.

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

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Grimfox's picture
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I concur with Halae on the

I concur with Halae on the multi to mega server transition for GW2. It was quite a mess during the transition.

I don't disagree with using the multiverse as a story backbone or perhaps it would work well for something like a player content system. All the stories are "real", they just aren't part of your universe. However, given the popularity of the PVP in COH I don't know how many more layers and depth we need to add to it via WvW or VvV in this case.

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